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Currently, Entrepreneurship has been a key constituent and entrepreneur activities have played an important role in developing economy, creating job opportunities and wealth. But the entrepreneurs faced the similar situation when they started their business, that is, tremendous pressure for existence, highly uncertain goal, little resources and low capabilities with limited organizational reason.
     In fact, when their businesses grow up, their opportunities and fates are greatly different. Some can promptly acquire the market and gradually made a stable living and moved ahead. Some negotiated times changes with twists and turns and managed to survive, even with higher destination. Comparably, more business experienced so much hardship but finally failed.
     According to the entrepreneurship thories, different results come from different opportunities and different approaches to exploit the opportunity. In accordance with the strategic theories, the reason why these business's fates are so different lies in the different strategy they have chosen. Then the further question is how these businesses select their start-up strategy? Which factors pose the impact on their choices for business arena and operating pattern? How do they influence?
     The scholars has pointed out that the essence of strategy is to design an optimistic resource configuration schema under the circumstances where resources are extremely shorted. Here the opportunities that the business can encounter is closely related their relationship network. Obviously, if the entrepreneurship business turns a blind eye to the role of business social capital when considering its resource configuration, it can hardly get a satisfactory answer.
     Form the business social capital perspective, the extant literatures focus on three lenses. The first one is embedded perspective with a basic assumption that the success of the entrepreneurship lies in the right strategy which suits its embedded social relationship network. The second perspective centers on the function of social capital. The researchers hold the idea that social capital will influence the entrepreneur strategy and the performance, while different aspects and different amount of the social capital can impose different effects.
     The third perspective is called entrepreneurship lens with an essential assumption that with the so called "creative destruction"activities, innovative strategy can add impetus to the innovation of social capital. In summary, the three lenses above all fall in the category of unilateral and decomposed mentality and are not enough for the purpose of explaining and guiding the choice and re-choice of entrepreneur strategy. Then how can we manage to understand and analyze the selection of the entrepreneur strategy?
     Concentrating on the core theme of the entrepreneur strategic decision-making, this paper conducts its research in three regards. First, based on what logic the entrepreneur businesses select and adjust their strategy? Second, which contents the entrepreneur strategy involves? Third, how do the businesses choice their entrepreneur strategies? In other words, how the entrepreneur strategies come into being?
     Combining multiple methods including the theory analysis, case study, content analysis, and inquiry questionnaires, the paper conclude with the following results. First, the entrepreneurship performance and the alteration of social capital drive the adjustment of entrepreneur strategy, while the strategic decision-making is the reaction to the emergence of survival or growth aspiration. This is the basic logic of strategy evolution.
     First, the entrepreneurship performance and the alteration of social capital drive the adjustment of entrepreneur strategy, while the strategic decision-making is the reaction to the emergence of survival or growth aspiration. This is the basic logic of strategy evolution.
     Second, the entrepreneur strategy can be divided into three sub-strategies, namely, the positioning strategy, governance strategy and social capital expanding strategy.
     The entrepreneur strategy decision-making is a co-evolution process where the social capital and strategic choice interact and act as the cause and results mutually.
     The research witnesses that the businesses in their entrepreneurship state are faced with such conditions, that is, uncertainty of existing environment, shortage of resources and the urgency of survival or the keen growth aspiration.
     Just under so implicated and urgent situation, the evolution of entrepreneur strategy is a such process that with the goal of seeking main business, choice its primitive strategy in line with the original situation, while change its strategy according to the alteration of performance and social capital of the business.
     It's a process with continuous selections and judgments. Such an evolving process consists of four parts, namely, initial condition, initial strategy, changed conditions and evolving strategy.
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