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This paper attempts to study two items: the software for ship frame anti-lines calculating, and the CNC machine for anti-lines drawing.
    1. Study for the software that is used to calculating and drawing the anti-lines. This paper studies the anti-lines theory and it's mathematic model detailed. This software takes 586 computer as it's hardware plate, Windows as system plate, and VC++ as software plate. This software can calculate anti-lines and draw the sketch map according to the data provided by the design section. And this software can get the data from the database in the computer of the design section by using the network.
    2. Study for the machine that is used to draw lines and pinch holes in ship building and large-sized metal structure bending. This machine takes the structure like box, and this structure makes machine have better rigidity and be fixed expediently. Transmission equipments without clearance are taken in landscape orientation and upright of machine. The equipments for drawing lines include: conduit, oxygen, acetylene, decompressed valve, and electromagnetism valve.
    In this study, from the anti-lines calculating to the anti-lines drawing, the information flows without blueprint. The data needed by the calculation system is provided by the design section.
    The study can improve the efficiency of frame bending for shipyards. The machine used to draw lines must adapt to a batch production, can be used in automatic produce line, and can serve for the machine for frame bending.
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