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     水相酶法处理冷榨花生饼同步提取花生蛋白和花生油,即在水介质中碾磨花生冷榨饼,调整分散体系的pH值,用中性蛋白酶酶解,经离心分离后得到乳油和蛋白质水解产物,乳油经过破乳得到花生油。以pH、酶解温度、酶解时间、加酶量为单因素进行了单因素酶解研究,再以水解度为响应值对酶解条件进行响应面分析,得到最佳工艺条件为:pH6.7、反应温度50℃、酶解时间2.5 h、加酶量为6500u/g底物。冷榨花生饼出饼温度≤60℃,残油6.83%,冷榨花生饼中蛋白质含量≥55%,通过水相酶法最终产品花生蛋白质水解物纯度为89.94%,花生蛋白质得率为48.85%。
     通过比较分析水酶法提取的花生油和水代法提取的花生油的理化性质和脂肪酸组成,水相酶法提取的花生油与现代的水代法和机榨法生产的花生油相比,它们之间没有多大区别,均符合国家花生油标准GB 1534-2003;其中按水相酶法提取的花生油,产品质量好,出油率高,按其加工工艺和方法生产的花生油避免了与有机溶剂的接触,不存在花生油中残留溶剂的问题,确保花生油的食用安全性。
Peanut is one of the main oilseed-crops in China. For by-product after extract peanutoil, peanut cake was used as feeds, but its value for resources hasn't been fully utilized inthe past. The protein and oil in cold press peanut cake is main components. A treatingtechnique, enzymatic hydrolysis method, is developed and used to isolate peanut proteinand oil from cold press peanut cake at the same time. All the basic characteristics in thecourse of peanut cold-pressing, physical and chemical properties of product, preparationand purification of polypeptides, the processing technology and properties of peanutsuperfine powder were studied, results are as follows:
     1. Study on synchronous extracting peanut protein and peanut oilfrom cold pressed peanut cake by aqueous enzymatic hydrolysis
     1.1 Study on the basic characteristics of cold-pressing process of peanut
     During the processes of cold pressing on the whole peanut kernels and the brokenones, many relative factors, such as oil yielding pressure, oil yielding strain, and oilyielding efficiency, stress-strain relations and actual compress ratio, etc., were studied.Two empirical formulas were set up to express the relations between oil yieldingefficiency and pressure, stress and strain etc. And the theoretical model for calculatingactual compress ratio has also been brought forward.
     1.2 Synchronous extraction of protein and peanut oil from cold-pressedpeanut cakes by aqueous enzymatic hydrolysis
     In this study, the aqueous enzymatic technique was applied to obtain both the peanut protein and the peanut oil from cold pressed cake at the same time. The cold-pressedpeanut cake was ground with water to get a peanut mash. Adjusted the pH value of thedispersed phase, it was hydrolyzed enzymatically by neutral protease and isolated bycentrifugation, emulsified oil and protein were obtained. Then emulsified oil was furtherseparated through demulsification and got peanut oil. The enzymatic hydrolysis test assingle factor, i.e, pH, temperature, duration time and applied amount of protease, wasconducted. To obtain the optimum conditions of the hydrolysis with neutral protease, amethod as response value by hydrolysis degree was adopted to conduct response surfaceanalysis. The results showed that optimum conditions were as follows: applied weight ofenzyme, 6500u/g, hydrolysis time,2.5 h, temperature, 50℃and pH, 6.7. Theproduction temperature of cold-pressed peanut cake is≤60℃, with the product of≥55% protein content and 0.27% residual oil content.And the purityof protein hydrolysateis 89.94%, and the result rate of protein, 48.85%.
     1.3 Study on the physical and chemical properties of peanut proteinhydrolysates
     Functional properties of peanut protein hydrolysates and alkaline extracted proteinhave been studied in this paper. The functional properties of peanut protein hydrolysatehas improved dramatically compare with the alkaline extracted protein, its emulsifyingability increased by 11.1%; emulsive stability,by 37.3 %; water-holding capacity, by34.0%; oil sorption , by 0.039(g/g) and foaming ability , by1.324(g/g), therefore, peanutprotein hydrolysate is very suited to the needs of meat products and dairy processing.
     But foaming stability of peanut protein hydrolysates is slightly weaker than one ofalkaline extracted protein and dropped by 4.6%. This is probably that the low viscosity ofpeanut protein hydrolysates reduced the intensity of liquid membrane, so that the foamingstability of peanut protein hydrolysate was down.
     1.4 Analysis of properties of peanut oil extracted by aqueous enzymaticmethod
     By comparing and the components of fatty acid and it's the physical and chemicalproperties, it is found that the peanut oil made by aqueous enzymatic is almost the samewith ones by aqueous extraction peanut oil and/or cold-pressed peanut oil. The qualitiesof these products measure up to the national standards GB 1534-2003. The quality ofpeanut oil is better, and the oil yielding efficiency. This method could avoid theassociation with other organic solvents, to guarantee the edible security of peanut oil.
     2. Preparation and purification of peanut polypeptides
     In this study, neutral protease AS1.398 was used to enzymatically hydrolyze peanutprotein to produce polypeptides. The choice of factors, such as enzyme preparations andthe process parameters were studied as a systimaematic works. The optimum extractingcondition was attained by orthogonal experiments,i.e., pH, 7.0; temperature, 42℃;dosage of enzyme action (enzyme/substrate), 6500u/g;treatment time, 8h and ratio ofraw material to solvent, 1:8 (w/v).
     Polypeptide was extracted from peanut peptides and then isolated by ultrafiltration with5kd of hollow fiber to collect fractions (≤5kd), and then 2 active peaks were obtained byglucan gel chromatographic. The purity of them were identified by urea-containingSDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis, molecular weights were 6.5KD and 2KD respectively.
     Use the ultrafiltration to collect fractions(≤3kd), 1 active peaks were obtained byglucan gel chromatographic, molecular weights was 2KD.
     In order to understand the primary structure of polypeptides, technique of pre-columnderivatization was used for amino acids analysis.
     3. Properties of peanut superfine powder and its processingtechnology
     Peanut superfine powder from cold-pressed peanut cake have more changes inproperties due to their granules were fine, therefore Peanut superfine powders have goodwhiteness and pasting property. The granules of peanut raw powder are mostly existedmore than 100 meshes, at same time, these granules are also greater than the standard flour (120 meshes), while peanut superfine powder (<140 meshes) is smaller than thelatter. Due to friction angle(56.7°) of superfine powder is great therefore peanutsuperfine powder is poor in mobility,. Analysis of the pasting property of peanutsuperfine powder shows that the gelatinizing temperature is lower than common peanutpowder, with complete gelatinization and slow retragradation. So peanut superfinepowder from cold-pressed peanut cake can be used to replace wheat flour to preparevarious foods.
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