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Water is the resource of life, the more serious the environment is polluted, and the more people pay attention to the problem. Surface water in many countries is polluted by three nitrogen and aniline in different degree. River filtration systems purify surface water flowing through this system. At present, the research of the aspect is concerned by many scholars. However, purification mechanism has been not reported that river filtration system removes nitrogen and aniline, which is the basis of building item of this paper. The infiltration experiment instruments of laboratory soil column with river bed sediments or aquifer material the author used is designed and made by herself, the author regard it as Wei River filtration system, simulate and study environmental behavior and purification mechanisms of nitrogen and aniline penetrating into river filtration system. By modeling of migration and translation of nitrogen and aniline in filtration system, adopting method of combining qualitative analysis with q
    uantitative analysis, the author draws important conclusions and cognition, which is important of protecting groundwater resource, and has theory meaning and practice importance of studying the purification measure of groundwater of filtration contaminated river water.
    1. The author defines river filtration system.
    2. For researching of purification function and effect of river water contaminated by nitrogen in Wei River filtration system for the first time. The difference of mechanism and effect is great in different filtration system.
    (1)Environment behavior of ammonium-nitrogen in river filtration system includes cation exchange reaction, nitrification, denitrification, all of which have contribution to nitrogen loss. Nitrogen loss quantity caused by denitrification is the most.
    (2)The results of cation exchange and nitrification increase concentration of calcium and magnesium of output solution, add the hardness of groundwater, and bring environmental negative effect.
    (3)The factors affected on ammonification are organic content, thickness of sediments, temperature and so on. High ammonium-nitrogen concentration and hardness of groundwater result from mineralization of organic nitrogen.
    (4)Denitrification is dominant reaction of behavior of nitrate-nitrogen in soil column infiltration system. Evidence has been obtained that denitrification is great in soil column filtration system. The removal rate of nitrate-nitrogen arrives at 100 percent, but the removal efficiency is bad in sand column with aquifer material, in which denitrification is very wear.
    (5)the migration of nitrogen in river filtration system cannot result in biologic jam of interstitial.
    3. For studying of purification mechanism and effect of river water contaminated by aniline in Wei River filtration system for the first time. The difference of mechanism and effect is great in different filtration system.
    (1)The biogeochemistry reaction of aniline in river soil column filtration system is absorption and biodegradation, in which the biodegradation is major role in removing aniline actually.
    (2)It is clear aniline is degraded with nitrate as electron acceptor in soil column with Wei River bed sediments, and its bacteria degradation capability is very high. Anaerobic degradation of aniline is dominant. The experiments results have demonstrated that aniline is removed completely, its removal rate is 100 percent, and removal rate of nitrate is also 100 percent. In sand column filtration system, aniline biodegradation is very feeble; the removal rate of aniline is only 50 percent. It is aerobic biodegradation.
    (3)In reducing condition, biodegradation of aniline is incomplete under sulfate reducing condition; the purification rate is only 76 percent.
    (4)There are difference in reactive energetic of two electron acceptors. With sulfate and nitrate as electron acceptor, aniline biodegradation degree is different; the experiments have testified that biodegradation of aniline under nitrate reducing condition is superiority on sulfate electro
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