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Five Shu Point are five specific points of the twelve regular channels which are named Jing-well, Xing-spring, Shu-stream, Jing-river, He-sea and sit below the elbow or knee. At first, that Five Shu Point are used ancient and nowaday clinic. Second, it is also introduced that how I choose Five Shu Point in clinic treatment.
    As the yang-qi goes upward in spring and summer. Qi of the body runs along the superficial layer of the body. So shallow needling is recommended. As the yang-qi goes downward in autumn and winter, deep needling is recommended. Muscles on the areas of Jing-well and Xing-spring points are superficial and thin and Jing-river and He-sea points are deep and thick. Therefore, select Jing-well and Xing-spring points in spring and summer and Jing-river and He-sea points in autumn and winter.
    The Five Shu Point may also be according to their therapeutic properties. For examples, the Jing-well point are selected for fullness in the epigastrium; the Xing-spring point for febrile diseases; the Shu-stream point for heavy sensation of the body and painful joints; the Jing-river point for cough and asthma due to pathogenic cold and heat; and the He-sea point for diarrhea due to perversive flow of qi. The Five Shu Point can be used to treat diseases according to the relations of the five zang-organs, Five Shu Point and Five Elements. For instantce, the Liver Channel relates to wood. The excess syndrome of the Liver Channel can be treated by reducing Xingjian (Liv 2) because Xingjian (Liv 2) attributes to fire. This is the principle of “reducing the son for excess syndrome ”; the deficiency syndrome of the Liver Channel can be treated by reinforcing Ququan (Liv 8) because this point attributes to water. This is the principle of “reinforcing the mother for deficiency syndrome ”.This method is known as reinforcing mother and reducing son of channel and point.
    When using the Five Shu Point in clinic, I also select Jing-well point for headache, aphonia, summering stroke, profuse menstruation; Xing-spring point for smellless, redness and pain of the eye, schizophrenia; Shu-stream point for sciatica, swell of the axilla and of the hemiplegia; Jing-river point for toothache, menstruation diseases; He-sea point for fu-organs diseases; the method is known as reinforcing mother and reducing son of channel and point for cough and asthma, hypertension, spontaneous sweating and night sweating.
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