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     本文针对蛋白质组中串联质谱数据搜库结果质量控制所面临的上述困难,以满足工程急需为原则,运用统计分析的方法,从数据库搜索参数优化,特征提取、优化和选择,基于随机数据库搜索的搜库结果验证等方面开展工作,研究了串联质谱数据搜库结果的质量控制问题。本文的研究目的在于,提高数据质量控制方法的灵敏度和分辨率,力图解决模型推广性和通用性等工程实践问题,为人类肝脏蛋白质组计划(Human Liver Proteome Proiect,HLPP)的数据分析提供技术支持和分析结果。本文的主要工作包括:
     (1)数据库搜索参数优化。数据库搜索是串联质谱数据搜库结果的质量控制问题的研究基础。在数据库搜索中,有一些需要用户指定的参数,其中有的参数可以决定一张图谱在数据库中的候选肽段集合,对搜库结果影响很大,例如,母离子质量误差容限和酶切参数。这些参数由仪器特性和实验的物理化学原理决定,并且与仪器运行状态、实验设计和样品复杂程度有关,不同的数据集需要根据实际情况慎重选择优化的搜库参数。目前,在蛋白质组数据分析中,很多搜库参数采用的是经验值或者仪器制造商的推荐值,缺乏根据用户数据集确定搜库参数的策略和方法。在实际数据分析中,通过试探性搜库,然后对结果进行统计分析,可以有针对性地优化搜库参数或者给出参数的确定方法。另外,已经有很多实验设计比较严密的标准数据集发表,利用这些数据集和数理统计的方法,也可以对搜库参数进行分析和优化。本文以标准蛋白质(control proteins)的数据集为分析对象,采用改变参数进行多次数据库搜索和数理统计的方法,分析了母离子质量误差容限、碎片离子质荷比误差容限、酶切方法等参数对搜库结果的影响,给出了这些参数的确定方法或者推荐值。在这些研究中,本文提出了从带有噪声的数据中估计母离子质量误差容限和碎片离子质荷比误差容限的方法;改进了高精度的傅立叶变换质谱仪的母离子质量校正公式;发现了碎片离子的质荷比误差随信号强度变化的规律,从而提出了一个根据相对信号强度确定误差容限的经验公式;分析了碎片离子质荷比误差容限对搜库分值的影响,从而给出了其确定方法;分析了漏切位点和酶切端数目对搜库结果的影响,为这2个参数的指定提供了参考。另外,本文还提出了扩大搜库误差容限,然后过滤搜库结果,利用分布拟合的方法确定统计意义上的母离子误差容限,再对全体结果进行过滤的数据处理策略。分析结果表明,这种策略可以有效提高搜库软件采用的参数的分类能力。
Proteomics aims to systematically investigate the function molecules of the life-proteins, at the global level. Because the varying range of the protein expression in a biological system may exceed 6 order of magnitude, the physical and chemical properties of them are very complex, proteomic research needs high-throughput and high sensitive experiment platforms. Biological mass spectrometry (MS) has these characters and thus become a supporting technique of proteomic researches. Because of the complexity of the sample and the complex chemical and physical mechanism of the MS experiment, MS data involves complex noises and MS data process is an open, hot and difficult problem of proteomics. Database searching serves as a popular method of the mass spectrometry data process by comparing the experiment mass spectrum with the predicted spectrum of the digested peptide in a target protein sequence database, and finding the best matches with some scores aimed to measure the match quality. A database search result (also called peptide identification) is the best match in a limited searching space, which is not necessarily correct. Because of the huge computing burden, the automatic database search software interprets the mass spectra roughly and without any effective methods to evaluate the confidence of the resulting matches. Therefore, the problem with quality control of the mass spectrometry data is notable in the fowllowing areas: (1) Integrating the MS data from the multiple laboratories and multiple platforms is a common manner in the proteomic research. Thus, a universal quality control framework is needed for the large-scale proteomic research. (2) It is difficult to set up the probability model based on the complex physical model of the MS experiment. Many models used in the data quality control of peptide identifications were obtained by observation, statistic fitting or training from the standard dataset, so that the universality of these models is doubtful and the validation of the results given by the model is tiring work in the proteomic research. (3) One reason for the complexity of MS data is that the statistical characters of the data may change with the experiment conditions, environment factors and treating samples making it very difficult to build universal algorithms for the MS data process. (4) The various chemical and physical mechanisms involved in the MS experiment leads to the existence of many sub classes in the MS data. It is difficult to model the database search problem with a one-size-fit-all algorithm. Hence, multiple parameters were used to validate the database search results. Those parameters measure the match quality between the mass spectra and peptides in different aspects. The integration and fusion of multi-source information and synthetic decision-making is needed for quality control of the peptide identifications. (5) The huge data volume in the proteomic research brings about notable computing problems.
     This paper is intended to address these problems in the database search result validation, and focuses on the optimization of some database search parameters, extraction and selection of the features for the classification of correct and random peptide identifications, and some algorithms and schemes for the evaluation of peptide identifications based on the randomized database searching. The main work includes: (1) The optimization of some database search parameters. Database search is the base of the quality control of peptide identifications. Many parameters need to be specified by the user before database searching. Some of database search parameters can restrict the candidate peptides of a mass spectrum and affect the database search results greatly. These parameters rely on the character of the instrument and the physical and chemical theory of the experiment, and can be affected by the work status of the instrument, the experiment protocol and the complexity of the sample. In many researches, these parameters are selected as the recommended values provided by the instrument manufacturer or references. Statistical conclusions are lacking about their optimized values, which should be based on the experiment data of the user. Actually, many the database search parameters can be estimated form the results of the exploring database search. On the other hand, many reference datasets with strict experiment design have been published, which can be used to analyze and optimize the database search parameters. In this paper, the influence (on the database results) of mass error of parent ions, m/z error of the fragment ions and the enzyme specificity were investigated using the reference datasets and statistical methods. A robust method was proposed to estimate the mass error tolerance of the parent ions and the m/z error tolerance of fragment ions from the data with noise. An improved recalibration law was proposed for the high accuracy Fourier-transform mass spectrometry based on the observation that the mass error increases with the retention time. The m/z error of the fragment ions was found to decrease with the signal intensity of the ions, and an empirical formula is provided to determine the m/z error tolerance according to the signal intensity. The distribution of the number of miss-cleavage sites of the correct peptide identification and the distribution of the number of peptide identifications with different tryptic terminals is also analyzed. Based on the work in this section, we proposed a database search strategy that enlarges the actual database search parent mass error tolerance at first and than filters the results based on the statistical parent mass error tolerance. This strategy was applied to a control dataset and the results showed that it could improve the discriminant power of the database scores.
     (2) Feature extraction and selection of the quality control of database search results. The quality control of database search results is a typical pattern classification problem. Feature extraction and selection is the essential work of pattern classification. This paper summarized the parameters of the quality control of database search results, which include the database scores, the basic character of the mass spectrum and peptide and the empirical parameters proposed in different literatures. And then, this paper introduced the generation of theoretic MS/MS spectrum and the measurement of the discriminant power of these features. In this research, the discriminant powers of some features were optimized based on the background knowledges and exploring data analysis. Meanwhile, some practice problems about the application of peptide retention time to the validation of peptide identifications were discussed and settled. A set of features proposed in different literatures were summarized and defined. Finally, based on the background knowledge and the clustering analysis, correlation analysis was performed on these features and the basic rules were provided for the feature selection of different methods of database search result validation, which will be used in this paper.
     (3) The work on the validation of peptide identifications based on the randomized database searching. Currently, the randomized searching based methods can provide a universal framework for the quality control of MS data with different samples, different platforms, different experiment conditions and different database search softwares. However, many practical problems with the randomized database searching based methods are not adequately solved and the evaluation research on the performance of the randomized database searching based methods is still primary. This paper proposed a method for the construction of randomized database, which could avoid the share peptide problem. Then, four methods were proposed to validate the database search results: linear discriminant function based method, ln(Xcorr) and (ΔCn)~(1/2) margin distribution fitting based method, the multivariate nonparametric density estimation based method and the Bayesian nonparametric model based method. These efforts aimed to provide some solutions for the discriminant functions and the feature fusion in the randomized database searching based methods, and thus improve the sensitivity of the database search result validation. The linear discriminant function based method was easy to use and had been applied to the Human Liver Proteome Project (HLPP). ln(Xcorr) and (ΔCn)~(1/2) margin distribution fitting based method got almost the same results with the linear discriminant function based method. The other two methods used more features and the sensitivity of them is improved a lot. These methods were evaluated using the control datasets and real sample datasets and were proved to be more sensitive than traditional randomized database searching based methods. In addition, the false positive rate estimation was proved accurate enough on the control dataset. On the other hand, we compared the performance of the randomized database searching based method with PeptideProphet and found that the randomized database searching based method could get better performance on datasets from different instruments and laboratories. The generalization performance of the randomized database searching method was improved.
     In a word, this paper revealed a series of problems of the quality control of tandem mass spectrometry data by applying the statistical analysis to the huge datasets in proteomic research, which had varying statistics and contained complex noise inherently. Consequently, a systematic research on the optimization of some database search parameters, extracting and selecting of the features for the classification of correct and random peptide identifications, and some algorithms and schemes for the evaluation of peptide identifications based on the randomized database searching was provided. The methods proposed in this paper can largely improve the sensitivity of the validation of peptide identifications and overcome the variation of the datasets, which were based on the multi-source feature fusion and feasible nonparametric technique. The methods proposed in this paper have been applied in the HLPP.
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