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     采用荧光素酶重组及互补策略,构建能用于指示细胞凋亡的表达载体attB-ANluc(ΔDEVD) BCluc,其具体方法是:用萤火虫荧光素酶(Fluc)作为细胞内凋亡发生的报告基因,把Fluc分成单独没有活性两段N-Fluc和C-Fluc, N-Fluc和C-Fluc的N端分别连接上已知具有高亲和力的A肽和B肽,在N-Fluc和B肽间插入caspase-3的酶切位点DEVD,并在报告基因前插入噬菌体整合酶的识别位点attB。未发生细胞凋亡时,Fluc的两端被隔开,Fluc几乎没有活性;当细胞发生凋亡时激活caspase-3蛋白酶,caspase-3识别其酶切位点DEVD,切开A肽-NFluc与B肽-CFluc之间的连接,由于A肽和B肽具有高亲和力结合的特性,使得Fluc的N段和C段相互靠近而恢复其活性。
     将已构建载体通过双酶切鉴定及基因测序鉴定后,完全正确的产物大提质粒通过脂质体共转染Hepal-6细胞,阿霉素诱导后,应用活体荧光成像技术监测荧光素酶活性的变化来指示细胞内凋亡的发生,同时应用Western blot检测有活性的Caspase-3蛋白酶的表达,从而建立一种通过监测荧光素酶的活性来反映Caspase-3蛋白酶的活性的可视化的细胞模型。
     1.为了证实所建立的细胞模型能够根据荧光素酶活性变化特异性指示不同浓度药物诱导细胞凋亡的效果,指示载体转染Hepal-6细胞,转染24h后以不同浓度的阿霉素诱导细胞凋亡,48h后收集细胞并用活体荧光成像监测荧光素酶活性变化同时应用Western blot检测Caspase-3蛋白酶的活性变化。
     2.为了验证所建立的细胞模型是否能够根据荧光素酶活性变化特异性指示不同浓度凋亡抑制剂对药物诱导细胞凋亡的效果做出评价,指示载体质粒与shRNA质粒共转染Hepal-6细胞,转染24h后以一定浓度的阿霉素诱导细胞凋亡,48h后收集细胞并用活体荧光成像监测荧光素酶的活性同时应用Western blot检测Caspase-3蛋白酶的活性。
     为了建立可视化的小鼠模型,首先要对活体荧光成像的条件进行优化,建立目的基因瞬时表达小鼠模型,既快速又能准确地对Caspase-3蛋白酶药物作出评价和筛查,以及对诱导肝细胞凋亡的药物或病理模型进行评价。通过对表达载体质粒attB-ANluc-DEVD-BCluc应用水动力技术转染至小鼠肝脏,在不同荧光背景下,通过活体荧光成像技术优化最佳成像条件、Western blot监测小鼠肝脏Fluc的表达,建立Caspase-3蛋白酶指示载体瞬时表达小鼠模型。
     将含OC31整合酶识别位点attB的Caspase-3蛋白表达载体attB-ANluc-DEVD-BCluc10μg与编码OC31整合酶的质粒Pphic31φ20μg,通过水动力技术共转染至小鼠肝脏,Pphic31φ表达的整合酶识别attB-ANluc-DEVD-BCluc的attB位点,并介导质粒attB-ANluc-DEVD-BCluc与小鼠染色体上attP的同源序列(mp11、mp12)间进行位点特异性整合,将attB-ANluc-DEVD-BCluc整合入小鼠肝细胞染色体,巢式PCR对目的基因是否发生整合以及整合位点做鉴定,通过DNA电泳以及基因测序来佐证;应用活体荧光成像技术监测小鼠体内荧光素酶活性的表达,结合Western blot监测小鼠肝脏Fluc的表达以及Caspase-3蛋白酶活性的变化,建立一种通过可视化手段监测小鼠体内荧光素酶活性来反映Caspase-3蛋白酶活性的长期稳定表达小鼠模型。
     2. LPS/D-GalN诱导的爆发性肝炎模型中的应用
     第一部分在我们建立的细胞体系中经阿霉素处理后24h,细胞出现显著凋亡,阿霉素诱导荧光素酶活性的升高与细胞凋亡相关,并呈现剂量依赖效应,为了证实荧光素酶活性变化特异性依赖于Caspase-3蛋白酶活性对报告基因attB-ANluc (ΔDEVD)BCluc的切割,将上述处理后的细胞进行Western blot检测。结果显示:阿霉素药物诱导组可检测到attB-ANluc (ΔDEVD) BCluc的N端切割条带,而对照组未见attB-ANluc (ΔDEVD) BCluc的切割,并且对attB-ANluc (ΔDEVD) BCluc的切割特异性依赖于有活性的Caspase-3蛋白酶。
     2.活体荧光成像结果显示,靶向Caspase-3shRNA在24h后的抑制效果大于48h后的抑制效果,与Western blot所示结果一致。
     4.应用Western blot对有活性的Caspase-3蛋白酶进行了检测,结果与应用活体荧光成像监测到的萤光素酶活性表达具有正相关性;
     水动力转染后指示载体在小鼠肝脏特异性表达,1d后达到高峰,随后逐渐降低,10天内降至本底。通过巢式PCR对小鼠是否发生整合以及整合位点做进一步鉴定,结果显示,在生成的两个杂合位点attR和attL扩增出了大小约250bp的特异性片段,将PCR产物凝胶回收后连接T载体,进行测序,BLAST比对分析发现,表达载体和小鼠第2号染色体的mpsL1位点发生整合,整合铰链区(core area)为TTG,且有数个碱基的丢失,至此证实成功建立了Caspase-3指示载体长期稳定表达小鼠模型。
     1. ConA诱导的免疫性肝损伤模型中的应用
     2. LPS/D-GalN诱导的爆发性肝炎模型中的应用
     To establish an imaging system for evaluating the Caspase-3proteinase activity and monitoring the anti-caspase-3inhibitors by bioluminescence both in vitro and in vivo.
     Based on the different parts of this project.
     First of all, in order to establish the in vitro system, which is the cellular-based model, using a reporter assay for imaging of Caspase-3protease activity in vitro.Taking split firefly luciferase complementation strategy, the reporter vector attB-ANluc (DEVD) BCluc was been constituted by the split N-and C-terminal fragments of luciferase, and fused to highly affinity peptides, pepA and pepB, respectively, and then inserted the Caspase-3cleavage sit of DEVD. While activating the Caspase-3proteinase, activated Caspase-3will cleave the reporter, enabling separation of ANLuc and BCLuc. Highly-affinity peptide A and peptide B lead to NLuc and CLuc complementation, and therefor restores luciferase activity.
     We cotransfected attB-ANluc (DEVD) BCluc into Hepal-6cell linage,48h later, cells were harvested and the luciferase activity was detected by bioluminescence imaging. The results proved that both exogenous and active Caspase-3protease cleaved the attB-ANluc (DEVD) BCluc reporter plasmid, which lead to an increased luciferase activity. In living animals, we cotransfected attB-ANluc (DEVD) BCluc through hydrodynamic tail vein injection and the luciferase activity was detected by bioluminescence imaging. We obtained identical results with that in cellular based model.
     Secondly, in order to establish the system in vivo, this is considered the live animal-based model.
     We tried to integrate the reporter expression cassette attB-ANLuc (DEVD) BCLuc into mouse liver chromosome and thus established a reporter mouse model that allows noninvasive detection of caspase-3activity in liver. The reporter plasmid attB-ANLuc (DEVD) BCLuc that contains fragment of attB and ANLuc (DEVD) BCLuc was codelivered with φpC31integrase plasmids specifically to mouse liver by hydrodynamic injection procedure.(?)C31integrase mediated integration of the reporter gene into mouse liver chromosome.
     Thirdly, we were thinking about how to apply for the cellular-based model and live mouse model to evaluate the different induced apoptosis conditions and scan different anti-apoptosis inhibitors. Specifically to say what we tested as follows:
     1. Under cellular-based model we tested one DEVD-targeted siRNA, one of anti-apoptosis inhibor (Z-VAD-FMK) and various concentrations of Dox to treat Hepal-6cells.
     2. Under mouse-based model we tested various liver damage conditions which can indicate the different clinicals.We used these mice to characterize in vivo activation of caspase-3upon treatment with ConA, LPS/GalN and infection with MHV; and then we tested the DEVD-targeted siRNA and one inhibor (Z-VAD-FMK).
     The first part proved that both exogenous and active Caspase-3protease cleaved the attB-ANluc (DEVD) BCluc reporter plasmid, which leads to an increase in luciferase activity, in consistent with the results from Western blot; we saw the active Caspase-3protein cleaved the fused flue protein.
     Thesecond part is through nested PCR assay, bioluminescent technique and western blot assay showed that the established mouse model can be used for monitering various liver damaged conditions and as well for screening anti-apoptosis compounds.
     The third part reached the results as follows:
     1. The result showed, the reporter assay system using split firefly luciferase complementation strategy proved useful for evaluating Caspase-3protease activity in cells level.
     2. Our data showed that liver apoptosis can be directly monitored by our mouse model through imaging the activity of luciferase; and shRNA targeting caspase-3protein and anti-apoptosis inhibitors were also been effectively evaluated.
     Our data showed that liver apoptosis could be evaluated by the activity of luciferase in vitro and in vivo model. The models we set up can be used for screening anti-apoptosis compounds targeted to liver cell apoptosis.
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