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     总结欧阳恒教授从事中医外科领域五十余年来对硬皮病的治疗体会和临床有效方药,建立相对完善的系统性硬皮病辨证论治体系,更好为临床和科研服务。同时,采用分层随机对照的方法,客观评价欧阳恒教授“以皮治皮法”治疗系统性硬皮病的疗效,同时观察以皮治皮法对皮肤硬度积分、最大齿距、最大指距、TGF-β1、β2、 IgG、IgA、IgM、 C3、C4等临床及实验室指标的影响,为以皮治皮法的临床应用提供临床及实验室依据,为临床治疗系统性硬皮病提供新的思路和方法。
     3.两组治疗前,IgG、IgA、IgM、C3、C4差值无统计学意义(P>0.05);治疗两疗程前后比较,治疗组IgG、IgM、C3水平前后变化组内比较,及对照组IgG、C4水平前后变化组内比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组治疗后,两组之间IgG、 C3水平差值比较,有统计学意义(P<0.05),说明“以皮治皮法”治疗组在改善IgG、 IgM、C3等免疫学指标有显著意义,且治疗后IgG、C3的改善明显优于积雪甙对照组;两组与正常参考值比较均有升高。
     With the teacher:
     With the division's clinical and intensive reading of classical medical books and medical case study and summary expand heir knowledge, deepen their understanding of Chinese medicine theory, the understanding and clinical use, foster a strong tradition of cultural foundation, improve traditional Chinese medicine theory level to improve the diagnosis and treatment using traditional Chinese medicine theory level, to enhance the inheritance, the instructor organize and summarize academic thinking, experience and technical expertise of academic ability. Closely with the three-year clinical study with the division of clinical practice and independent work, comprehensive and systematic order of Bing's lofty medical ethics instructor and academic thinking, clinical experience or technical expertise to improve the heirs of the academic level, research capacity, and treatment technology, for the development of Chinese heritage and efforts.
     Research Objective:
     Professor Ouyang Heng surgery in the field of medicine over50years experience on the treatment of scleroderma and clinically effective prescription to establish a relatively complete system of diagnosis and treatment of systemic sclerosis, better clinical and research services. Meanwhile, a stratified randomized method, objective evaluation of Professor Ouyang Heng "skin to skin treatment method," the efficacy of the treatment of systemic scleroderma, while observing the skin to skin treatment method for skin hardness points, maximum pitch, the maximum span, TGF-β1,β, IgG, IgA, IgM, C3, C4and other clinical and laboratory implications for the governance of the skin to skin on clinical applications of clinical and laboratory basis, to provide for the clinical treatment of systemic scleroderma new ideas and methods.
     With the teacher:
     First used to self-oriented, focused on teaching, learning, supplemented by individual counseling, including the four classical e-learning courses. Hang in Ouyang, under the guidance of Professor Liu Qingsi depth in learning, understanding and to explore the essence of classical literature, good study notes, write a learning experience. In three years, and independent clinical study with teachers working in clinical practice, good With the teacher notes, follow-up medical records, operational records, write their feelings and experiences, carefully try to figure out, carefully and understand, and inheritance as a comprehensive summary of the teacher's academic thought, which clinical diagnosis and treatment to improve their skills.
     Research methods:
     1. Clinical studies:the selection met the inclusion criteria of78patients with systemic scleroderma, Pi-Tang treatment group is divided into soft snow glycosides and the control group to observe the results after Additional constraints assessment of the severity of skin involvement, joint feature points, and other symptoms of the dynamic changes of indicators.
     2. Experimental study:After treatment, testing before and after treatment serum transforming growth factor β and immunological parameters.
     With the teacher:
     Excellent examination results of theoretical study, sufficient quantity and quality according to the State Drug Administration in accordance with the requirements of complete independence with a teacher to learn and work in clinical practice. Has been submitted to a high quality learning experience the classic experience of11, a detailed record of more than180articles with teacher notes, write their feelings and experiences36, finishing more than60copies of the clinical medical cases. With the teacher in the country during the high-quality journals published two inheritance, concluded Professor Ouyang Heng ideas and technical expertise of academic papers.
     Research Results:
     The clinical, experimental results:
     1."Skin to Skin treatment method" treatment SSc, the skin can effectively reduce the hardness points, increasing the maximum pitch, the maximum span values before and after treatment, points difference was statistically significant (P<0.05), treatment
     2. After treatment, comparing various points statistically significant difference (P<0.05), that "skin to skin treatment method" treatment group than the control group glycosides snow.(See Table5)2between the two groups before treatment, TGF-β1,β2level was no significant difference (P>0.05); before and after two courses of treatment, two groups within the TGF-β1,β2levels before and after the change in the difference statistically significant (P<0.05); two groups after treatment between the two groups TGF-β1,β2level difference was statistically significant (P<0.05), that "skin to skin treatment method" to improve the TGF-treatment group glycosides β expression in the control group is better than snow.
     3. The two groups before treatment, IgG, IgA, IgM, C3, C4no statistically significant difference (P>0.05); before and after two courses of treatment, the treatment group IgG, IgM, C3levels before and after the change in comparison group, and control group IgG, C4levels before and after the change in the group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05); two groups after treatment, between the two groups IgG, C3level difference comparison was statistically significant (P<0.05), shows "Skin to skin treatment method" in the treatment group improved IgG, IgM, C3and other immunological parameters were significant, and after treatment, IgG, C3glycosides to improve the control group was significantly better than the snow; two groups were compared with normal reference values increased.
     With the teacher:
     Three years of studying under the learning task has been successfully completed three years of efforts, and summarizes a comprehensive study, Professor Ouyang Heng's greatness is its center of ethics and academic thought:①should be out sick for the first;②Diseases of the principle of choice in practical;③Syndrome and theory, giving play to the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine;④combining syndrome differentiation with disease, to improve efficacy as a starting point. In the specific law governing the use of law to take over as class, method advocated by the color rule color to shape laws governing shape, skin to skin treatment methods, integrating scratch Italian law governing will take place, fire with fire, make reference to the "red or white surgical belongings down "said the other theoretical perspectives, and in their own independent clinical practice to use and promotion, the effect is satisfactory. Three years with a teacher to learn, benefit quite good, benefit, many feel, the teacher's professionalism, hard study, rigorous scholarship, I was moved, he became my role model and a model of lifelong learning. Coming to an end three years of studying under study, but the bumpy road of development of Chinese medicine way away, still need our colleagues to continue to be passed along, so our future study, work is still very arduous task. We should be duty-bound to grasp the opportunity to carry the heavy, strong faith, take the road of Chinese medicine, to promote the cause of the motherland and make greater contributions to medicine.
     Research conclusion:
     "Skin to Skin treatment method" treatment SSc, the skin can effectively reduce the hardness points, increasing the maximum pitch, the maximum span value in improving symptoms and signs in the control group was significantly better than the snow glycosides. Laboratory parameters that "skin to skin treatment method" in the treatment group improved expression of TGF-β is better than snow glycosides control group, in improving the IgG, IgM, C3and other immunological parameters were significant, and after treatment, IgG, C3of glycosides to improve the control group was significantly better than the snow.
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