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With the development of knowledge economy and information technology, lots of new industry and enterprises come forth constantly, such as management consultation companies, investment companies, software development companies, advertisement design companies, etc. Those widely adopt project driven organization structure, which is multi-dimensional form that has more than one power line. Synergy is the linchpin of the complexity caused by multi-dimension. However, study of traditional organization theories on multi-dimensional organization and its synergetic management is weak. According to system theories, there is an order parameter that plays a dominant as well as slaving part during the process from disorder to order. So, it is important to explore synergy management based on the order parameter.
     This paper studied synergy of the multi-dimensional organization management system, combining organization theories, synergy theories, with project management theories and performance management theories. It put forward that the common value is the order parameter of synergy for the multi-dimensional organization and studied exploringly its mechanism, established the conception model, analyzed the synergy methods based on the common value. And then, it studied the business synergy management system and performance synergy management system which supporting the multi-dimensional organization functions steadily. At the end of the paper, the relevant application study was done combined with Hebei Construction & Investment Company. The main work and innovations would be described as follows:
     (1) It presented that the multi-dimensional organization in nature is a kind of organization which has more than one power line and its basic form is matrix organization. After analyzing the characters and the application of the multi-dimensional organization, it brought forward that the multi-dimensional organization should build the management mode driven by the common value in order to strengthen its competitive ability along with its development. It analyzed the background of the common value, defined its conception which is all the members in the organization have the common belief, common value, common aim, as well as the common pattern of behavior that could provide the inexhaustible power and support for the organization to complete a small word task or to achieve visions. At last, the effectiveness of the common value was commented; six steps of formation and its constituent based on two dimensions were analyzed.
     (2) It analyzed the synergy characters of the multi-dimensional organization. The main logic of synergy was put forward according to emergence mechanism founded on construct material effect, structure effect and environment effect. It also analyzed the reason that the common value is the order parameter of synergy based on the characteristic and select principle of order parameter as well as order parameter mechanism. And then, the synergy mechanism was posted by analyzing its synergy motivity, synergy model, synergy manner, potential conflict and synergy costs.
     (3) By comparing with traditional enterprises, the synergy characters were analyzed and the synergy framework was brought out. It also designed the synergy platform of multi-dimensional organization which supported by information technology platform, based on reciprocity between the common value and organization management system, synergy functions by subsystems inside synergy, strategy synergy between different subsystems, competitive synergy and cooperative synergy between system and outside environment.
     (4) Four essential features of the multi-dimensional organization operation synergy management system were described, which are complexity, provisionality, uncertainty, demand drive. And then, synergy mechanism was analyzed and designed. Those are how to select functional departments and project groups according to construct material effect; how to cooperate between different functional departments, different project groups, functional departments and project groups according to structure effect; being a dynamic and evolutional system according to environment effect. In order to improve the synergy degree and the order of the multi-dimensional organization, the model that could evaluate its operation synergy management system was built. Costs, resources, quality and schedule were composed in this model.
     (5) Systematism, multi-dimension, dynamic were analyzed as the features of performance synergy management system of the multi-dimensional organization. Then, synergy framework was set up from different layers which are synergy between the same dimensional subsystems, synergy between different dimensional subsystems, and synergy between system and outside environment. The synergy mechanism was discussed deeply from that three layers, too. Lastly, the implements of different layers of performance synergy management system were designed concretely by the way of the balanced score card.
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