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红车轴草(Trifolium pratense L.)隶属于豆科(Leguminosae)车轴草属多年生草本植物,又名红三叶、红花苜蓿和三叶草等,原产欧洲、西亚,现广泛分布于世界各地。红车轴草不仅是优良的饲用牧草,而且在许多国家已经成为人们的传统食品和调味品。我国甘肃岷县于1944年引种栽培岷山红车轴草(Trifolium pratense cv.Minshan),现已大面积种植。该县位于甘南、陇中黄土高原及陇南山地接壤区,属于典型的高寒阴湿区地域,在此地发展以红车轴草为主的草地畜牧业具有优越的天然条件。本文基于提高我国红车轴草的药用价值和饲用价值,系统研究了岷山红车轴草的营养成分和所含异黄酮类包括大豆甙元、染料木素、芒柄花素和鹰嘴豆芽素A的分布和含量,并对其提取物的抑菌作用和抗氧化活性进行了初步研究,为进一步开发利用红车轴草提供资料。主要实验结果如下:
     据实地调查:岷山红车轴草根系发达,茎直立或上升,多分枝,高15-30cm;掌状复叶,具3枚小叶;头状花序、顶生,花冠红色或紫红色:荚果小,通常具1粒种子;花期8-9月,果期8-9月。岷山红车轴草种植当年一般可以刈割利用1次,种子成熟极少;第二年后每年可刈割2-3次,可连续刈割利用5-7年。岷山红车轴草株高60-110cm,鲜草产量为45-67.5 t/hm~2,最高可达90t/hm~2,鲜干比为6-7:1茎叶比接近1:1,生长第两年种子产量达150-375kg/hm~2。
Trifolium pratense L.,also called red clover,meadow clover,purple clover or cow clover,is a perennial herb and attributes to Trifolium of Leguminosae.It originally came from Europe and West Asia,and distributed in most parts of the world.T.pratense is widely used as forage plants,food and spices in many countries.T.pratense cv.Minshan was introduced in Minxian County in 1944 and cultivated in a large area.Minxian County located in the border area of Gannan,the Loess Plateau and Longnan mountainous.It is a typically alpine humid geographical area and has superior natural conditions to the development of T.pratense.In order to achieve full development and use of T. pratense cv.Minshan,this paper mainly studied the nutritional constituents,the distribution and contents of isoflavones(daidzein,genistein,formononetin and biochanin A) from different parts of T. pratense cv.Minshan.The antimicrobial effects and antioxidant activities of the extracts from different parts of T.pratense cv.Minshan were also determined.The main results were as follows:
     1.Observation of morphological traits
     T.pratense cv.Minshan has strong roots,upright or ascending stems,more branches,with a height of 15-30 cm;palmate compound leaf,a three lobular;capitulum,red or purple corolla;small pod, usually more than one seed;florescence and fructification from August to September.T.pratense cv. Minshan was mowed and used once a year.The mature seeds are very few in the first year.In the second year,it can be mowed two or three times,and continued to mow for 5 to 7 years.T.pratense cv. Minshan has a height of 60~110 cm,and the production of fresh forage is 45~67.5 t/hm~2.The highest production can achieve to 90 t/hm~2.The ratio of fresh and dry measure is 6 to 7:1,the ratio of stems and leaves is close to 1:1,and the seed yield can reach to 150~375 kg/hm~2 in the coming year.
     2.Nutrients constituents of T.pratense cv.Minshan
     According to the nutritional constituents,the contents of crude protein,crude fat,crude ash,crude fiber,microelement and amino acid of T.pratense cv.Minshan were measured.The results showed that the contents of crude protein,crude fat,crude ash and crude fiber of T.pratense cv.Minshan were 21.76%,3.25%,10.42%,28.78%,respectively;the contents of potassium in the leaf,stem and flower were 1.89%,2.62%and 2.14%,respectively;the contents of calcium in the leaf,stem and flower were 5.67%,4.88%and 5.20%,respectively.
     3.Fat-soluble components in seeds of T.pratense cv.Minshan
     The fat-soluble components in seeds of T.pratense cv.Minshan were preponderant unsaturated fatty acid,which including 6-octadecenoic acid,methyl ester(14.60%),and 9,12-octadecadienoic acid (Z,Z)- methyl ester(29.64%).Six kinds of fatty acids are identified,including three kinds of saturated fatty acids and esters which account for 9.64%of the total fatty acid contents,the three saturated fatty acids and esters were hexadecanoic acid,methyl ester(5.91%),octadecanoic acid,methyl ester(3.24%), and triacontanoic acid,methyl ester(0.49%).The three kinds of unsaturated fatty acids were 6-octadecenoic acid,methyl ester(14.60%),9,12-octadecadienoic acid(Z,Z)-methyl ester(29.64%) and oxalic acid,decyl propyl ester(0.17%) which account for 44.41%of the total fatty acid contents.
     4.Contents of isoflavone in different parts of T.pratense cv.Minshan
     HPLC was used to separate and determine four isoflavones,including biochanin A,formononetin, genistein and daidzein,from different parts of T.pratense cv.Minshan.The contents of daidzein, genistein,formononetin and biochanin A of leaves were 0.019%,0.024%,0.113%and 0.082%, respectively.The contents of isoflavones of stems and flower are lower,and only account 1/5 those of the leaves.Formononetin and biochanin A were the main percentage of isoflavone ingredients,which is about 99.8%of the four kinds of isoflavones.Isoflavone contents of red clover were much higher and about two to four times than that of the white trefoil and the soybean.
     5.Antimicrobial effect of the whole grass extract of T.pratense cv.Minshan
     The extracts of the whole grass of T.pratense cv.Minshan were subjected to a screening for their possible antimicrobial activities.The methanol(MET) extract was found to inhibit the growth of bacteria tested,including Staphylococcus aureus,Staphylococcus epidermidis,Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis and Bacilus megaterium.The petroleum ether-ethyl acetate-methanol(PEM) extract has the antimicrobial effects on Staphylococcus aureus,Staphylococcus epidermidis,Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis,Bacilus megaterium and Bacillus coagulans.We can draw the conclusion that both extracts have the obvious antimicrobial activities for common bacteria,such as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and so on.
     6.Antioxidant activities of whole grass and seed extracts of T.pratense cv.Minshan
     In DPPH·free radical-scavenging assays,MET and PEM extracts of T.pratense cv.Minshan showed strong radical scavenging activities,but they were lower than the positive control,BHT.The 50%inhibitory concentration(EC_(50)) of the fat-soluble components from seeds of T.pratense cv. Minshan was 17.97 mg/mL,which is significantly lower than the positive control,BHT.In theβ-carotene/linoleic acid system,oxidation of the linoleic acid was effectively inhibited by the fat-soluble extract with 29.9%and 32.1%of inhibition at 0.04 and 0.08 mg/mL,respectively.
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