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     第一章是导论,提出写作本论文的由来。第二章简要阐述GDSS理论和Agent技术和理论,指出Lai-lai Tung和Effrain Turban的GDSS研究模型以及基于Agent的GDSS技术构架的研究可为GIDSS的此类研究提供思路。第三章根据第二章的分析提出了GIDSS的研究模型;其次针对第一章所述的GDSS存在的问题,指出GIDSS的功能设计要支持企业管理发展的新趋势,并将GIDSS的基本功能定义为:群体智能决策、网络管理、群体协同管理、智能管理、产品设计、网络化的办公自动化。第四章将基于一般系统理论的层次模型理论拓展到群体智能决策支持系统的研究开发中。提出将GIDSS的的概念模型分为四层,应用层、任务层、功能层和物理层,并对任务层和功能层进行了详细的分析。探讨群体智能决策的求解模式、决策流程以及GIDSS生成器的层次模型。第五章提出了GIDSS生成器的系统开发的设计方案,包括总体目标的描述、系统结构与功能组成的分析以及各子系统功能设计等。第六章总结了本论文的创新点和进一步的工作进展。
Based on discussing some relative factors that influence the development of Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) and analyzing some inherent defects of GDSS, this dissertation proposes that Group Intelligent Decision Support Systems (GIDSS) is the advanced direction of GDSS in the future. Though analyzing these theories and technologies such as GDSS, Agent, and General System Theory-based Hierarchy Model approach, I study the research model, function design, hierarchy model, and generator framework design of GIDSS in the Network environments.
    Chapter one is the introduction, which demonstrates the reason that I write this paper. Chapter two expounds the GDSS theory, the agent theory and technology simply and points out that Lai-lai Tung & Effrain Turban' s GDSS research model and technical architecture of GDSS based on agents can provide the train of thoughts of GDSS study in those relative domains. In terms of the analysis of chapter one and two, chapter three proposes the research model of GIDSS and believes that GIDSS function design must support the new tendency of corporation management. Chapter four extends Hierarchy Model Theory to GIDSS research and divides the conception model of GIDSS into four layers, which are application layer, task layer, function layer and physical layer. Task layer and function layer are analyzed in detail. Chapter five designs the framework of the GIDSS generator including total target, system structure, function components and so on. Chapter six summarizes this
    dissertation' s innovation and the prospect of the future' s
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