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Based on the large number of Chinese and foreign literature and their comprehensive evaluation, the paper finds the value and significance to do further study. In the basis of existing research, this paper puts forward innovatively the e-government evaluation index system. In this system, we appraise the 18 districts or counties in Beijing so as to improve the level of Beijing’s e-government.
     Starting with the concept“harmony”, this paper gives a brief summary of harmonious society theories in Western countries. With the in-depth analysis of the content of harmony, of building a harmonious society in China, we gradually going deeper, and ultimately draw the concept of harmonious cities. Then the paper systematic analyses the dialectical relationship between the e-government and the harmonious cities.
     The key of building a harmonious city is to build a harmonious government; e-government is one of the means and bridges. To achieve the goal of building a harmonious city, the Government must be fulfilled the transition from the“government control”to“government service”and the transition from“official position”to“people-oriented”and the transition from“the powers”to“responsible government”. The three major roles in this process of transformation, e-government has been playing an important role. E-government has also promoted the reform of government institutions and administrative process reengineering, which promotes harmonious cities’construction. And the e-government itself is the inherent requirement of a harmonious city.
     The key to build a socialist harmonious is to develop e-government vigorously. Based on the analysis of e-government and the relationship between them, in response to the goal of building a harmonious city, this paper gives some advice on how to strengthen the harmonious management and improve the building of e-government.
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