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Pervasive computing is a computing mode which enables people to attain information services anywhere and anytime. It humanitarianly emphasizes people’s attention and their satisfaction with information service. As a booming research field, pervasive computing gets more and more attention from people, which will greatly influence the development of computers as well as information disciplines. The Ad Hoc network, one non-centre transient network comprised by a group of wireless and mobile terminal nodes, is one important new technology to realize pervasive computing, which can be swiftly set up without any information-based supporting facility at any place and any time. Thence, the Ad Hoc network is irreplaceably used in the situation like civil defense equipment, emergency rescue, where it’s too costly to set up wire network. And in the future battlefield, the Ad Hoc network will be more and more used in hi-tech weapons, military centralization, military joint operation and military operation maneuverability, etc.
     Speedy and stable routes are the basis of hi-stability, hi-destroy-proof, and hi-mobility Ad Hoc network, one of the key technologies for the research of the Ad Hoc network. The Ad Hoc network is typically characterized by bandwidth-constrained wireless links and dynamic topology, leading to frequent and unpredictable connectivity changes. So if the traditional route is applied in Ad Hoc networks, the periodic controlled information will take up too many wireless resources. Accordingly, how to create the efficient route adapting to the characteristics itself becomes one of the primary research projects of Ad Hoc networks. Besides, the Ad Hoc network usually takes batteries as its power resources, whose volume can’t be much improved in a short time for the poor technology. Hence, the prolonging of the working time of batteries becomes especially essential for the Ad Hoc network. The research on the energy saving of Ad Hoc networks becomes very important.
     This paper researches in two parts of the Ad Hoc network, including routing arithmetic and low energy consumption. The main sacrifices of the paper are as follows. Firstly, collaborations among many embedded devices become the important research areas under pervasive computing. So the new concept of multi-embedded system is put forward. Secondly, the Ad Hoc network is one of the supporting technologies of achieving pervasive computing, and an on-demand self-maintenance clustering routing protocol based on connectivity and energy awareness is addressed for the extension and energy issue of the Ad Hoc network. Thirdly, a distributed QoS routing protocol based on bandwidth constraint and energy awareness is designed for the real time multimedia services and so on. Finally, a design method of the wireless sensor network(WSN) node with the characteristics of low energy consumption and radiation frequency arousing is put forward. The important research results are as follows:
     ①The development history, situation and research highlights of pervasive computing are presented, the concept and characteristics are analyzed. Especially, the new concept of multi-embedded system and its framework are discussed. And also the representative projects of pervasive computing research are introduced.
     ②The Ad Hoc network is analyzed comprehensively, especially the distributed routing arithmetic. Combined with flat-based routing mechanism and clustering arithmetic, an on-demand self-maintenance clustering routing protocol based on connectivity and energy awareness is put forward which cited a mechanism with clustering routing key point and with flat-based on-demand routing supplementary point. The simulation results show its validity. This protocol keeps the advantages of flat-based on-demand routing, improves the scalability, and enhances the network performance.
     ③The QoS routing of Ad Hoc networks is discussed. Most present QoS routing arithmetic is sophisticated and don’t take energy constraint into consideration, while bandwidth guarantee is one of the key requirements for the real time application. So the paper addresses a distributed QoS routing protocol based on bandwidth constraint and energy awareness to hang the routing discovery and slot reservation as well as maintance together for the QoS routing demanding.
     ④From the point of communication view, WSN could be treated as a special Ad Hoc network. This paper summarizes WSN, pointing out energy consumption and real time performance is the most important problem of WSN. According to the demerit of periodical sleeping and waking mechanism in WSN, the paper brings forward a new mechanism with the characteristics of low energy consumption and radiation frequency arousing, and also analyzes the hardware structure and designation of WSN node. Performance comparison demonstrates the effect of the mechanism in WSN.
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