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As one of finance tool with most creativity in the course of finance development in modern economic society, asset securitization appeared since 1970s’in America and develops prosperously in America capital market and in other main countries’capital market depending on its advantages in asset credit finance, structure finance and finance beyond the sheet.
     Asset securitization is a process in which banks’or other enterprises’illiquid assets that will produce steadily cash-flow in the future are converted into a kind of circulative security in capital market through an structure arrangement to isolate and restructure the risk and benefits deriving from the assets. Undoubtedly, the problem of tax revenue is an important factor that shouldn’t be ignored because tax revenue decides directly on the cost and efficiency of the structure of securitization. From the point of view of the party of provision of securitization, sponsor will actively initiate securitization only when the benefits he gets exceed the costs he pays in the course of the securitization. From the point of view of the party of requirement of securitization, products of securitization need to be attractive to investors, while overweight burden will not only reduce the benefits space but cut down investors’enthusiasm. Lack of the support of any of parties, securitization can’t get its way. Securitization achieves it’s aim at financing through a rigorous structure in which the core is SPV. Generally, since every country provides that investors will pay income tax for his securities investment, it is difficult to get access to escaping the liability of tax payment. So, it is feasible to rise the benefits of investors by reducing SPV’s tax payment.
     This paper makes systematic study on legal problems concerned tax revenue of SPV and discusses how to design the best structure of SPV to reduce the burden of tax payment and further put forward lawmaking suggestions and practical choice in accordance with effective law in our country.
     This article consists of four chapters except its preface and conclusion.
     Beginning with the basic theory of Asset securities, chapter one, through introducing the definition, characters, participants and process, makes a substantial base to expound SPV in next chapters.
     Chapter two, at first, discusses the characters, status and model of SPV and further poses legal problem concerned tax revenue of SPV and carries on a detailed comparison and study on SPV’s regulations related to tax revenue in different countries of the world.
     Chapter three analyzes and appraisals the system of tax revenue relevant to SPV in our country and put forwards lawmaking principle we should adopt toward the problem of SPV’s tax revenue.
     Chapter four discusses the legal formation of SPV in china in compliance with our country’s tax revenue regulations and legal situation.
① 中国人民银行金融市场司:《中国资产证券化:从理论走向实践》,中国金融出版社,2006 年版。
    ① 喻强:《资产证券化特殊目的载体(SPV)国际经验与我国选择》,金融与经济,2004 年第 3 期。
    ② 彭冰:《资产证券化的法律解释》,北京大学出版社,2001 年版,第 11 页。
    ① Tammar Frankel,Securitization:Structured Financing,Financial Assets Pools,and Asset-Backed Securities,Vol.1,Little,Brown and Company,1991,p6-7.
    ② John Henderson ed., Asset Securitization: Current Techniques and Emerging Market Applications,Euromoney Books 1997, p.1.
    ③ Shenker & Colletta Asset Securitization: Evolution, Current Issues and New Frontiers, Texas Law Review, Vol.69,1991, p.1374-1375.
    ④ 徐冬根:《资产证券化中的基础法律关系解析》,http://www.intereconomiclaw.com/article/default.asp?id=487, 2007 年 2 月 16 日。
    ① 李尚公、沈春晖:《资产证券化法律间题分析》,《法学研究》,2000年第4期,第20页。
    ① 王开国等编著:《资产证券化论》,上海财经大学出版社1999年版,第48页。
    ② 成之德主编:《资产证券化理论与实务全书》,中国言实出版社2000年版,第22页。
    ③ 沈沛主编:《资产证券化的国际运作》,中国金融出版社,2000 年版,第 30 页。
     ① 李尚公、沈春晖:《资产证券化的法律分析》,《法学研究》,2000 年第 4 期,第 24 页。
     ① 成之德主编:《资产证券化理论与实务全书》, 中国言实出版社,2000年版,第8页。
     ① 何小锋等著:《资产证券化:中国的模式》,北京大学出版社,2002 年版,第 262 页。
    ② 所谓“结构性融资”也称为结构金融,是指借助“资产分割”的方式,将原本资金需求者持有的金融资产与资产持有者隔离,其目的在于将该资产和资金需求者的破产风险隔离,并调整当事人的债权债务关系。
    ① 所谓“结构性融资”也称为结构金融,是指借助“资产分割”的方式,将原本资金需求者持有的金融资产与资产持有者隔离,其目的在于将该资产和资金需求者的破产风险隔离,并调整当事人的债权债务关系。
    ② 彭冰:《资产证券化的法律解释》,北京大学出版社,2001年版,第25页。
     ① 李曜:《资产证券化——基本理论与案例分析》,上海财经大学出版社, 2001 年版,第 27 页。
    ① 覃天云、李公科:《 关于资产证券化 SPV 的理论及法律适用探悉》,http://www.jcrb.com/zyw/n205/ca228571.htm,2007 年 3 月 18 日。
     ① 参见:Standard&Poor's,Structure Finance,Legal Criteria,p.39 –43页。
     ① 徐孟州:《信托法》,法律出版社,2004 年 1 月版,第 6—7 页。
     ① 楼建波,刘燕:《 论信托型资产证券化的基本法律逻辑》,北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2006 年 7 月,第 43 卷第 4 期。
    ① 彭冰:《资产证券化的法律解释》,北京大学出版社,2001 年 11 月第 1 版,第 27 页。
    ② 王开国等:《资产证券化论》,上海财经大学出版社,1999 年12 月第1版,第91-97 页。
     ① 郭玉军、甘勇:《论我国资产证券化中特殊目的机构的法律构建》,武汉大学学报( 社会科学版),2003年5月,第56 卷,第3 期。
    ① 彭冰:《资产证券化的法律解释》,北京大学出版社,2001年版,第27页。
    ② 洪艳蓉:《资产证券化法律问题研究》,北京大学出版社,2004 年版,第 130 页。
     ① 郭颖真:《资产证券化下税收问题的比较研究》,特区经济,2006 年 11 月。
     ① Donald G.Carden, Comparing FASITs with REMICs, in Frank J.Fabozzi ed., Trends in Commercial Mortgage-backed Securities,Frank J.Fabozzi Associates,1998,p217.
    ① 付同青:《资产证券化的税务问题研究》,生产力研究,2006 年第 11 期。
    ② 所谓税收中性原则是指不要使纳税人承受额外的税收负担。
     ① 史国庆:《我国资产证券化特殊目的机构的税收问题探讨》, http://www.han-art.cn/jingjixuelilun/11.html,2007年 4 月 2 日。
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    20、覃天云、李公科:《 关于资产证券化 SPV 的理论及法律适用探悉》,http://www.jcrb.com/zyw/n205/ca228571.htm,2007 年 3 月 18 日。
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    22、Donald G. Carden, Comparing FASITs with REMICs, in Frank J. Fabozzi ed., Trends in Commercial Mortgage-backed Securities, Frank J. Fabozzi Associates, 1998.
    23、Shenker & Colletta Asset Securitization: Evolution, Current Issues and New Frontiers, Texas Law Review, Vol.69, 1991.

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