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     方法:研究对象:①正常牙合人群中筛选出的美貌人群②安氏Ⅱ类牙合人群。正常牙合人群的标准为:①符合正常牙合标准,磨牙关系中性,覆牙合、覆盖关系正常;②五官端正,侧貌轮廊协调均衡;③正位左右对称,面部三等分协调;④无美容整复手术及正畸治疗史、正颌治疗史;⑤开口度及开口型正常范围,无颞下颌关节疾患;⑥身体健康,牙齿发育良好。正常牙合美貌人群评价计分:对正常牙合人群侧貌剪影由专业及非专业人员构成的评价组(8人)进行评价计分;评价计分为5分:好(5分),较好(4分),一般(3分),较差(2分),差(1分)。评价方法:每幅剪影幻灯播放30秒钟,记录评价组成员每幅计分,最终所有评价组成员一致打分在3分以上者纳入美貌人群。安氏Ⅱ类牙合人群的标准为:①身体健康,无系统性疾病;②双侧磨牙为Angle Ⅱ类关系,面型为Ⅱ类骨面型③无美容整复手术及正畸治疗史、正颌治疗史。
     正常牙合美貌人群筛选:检查河北医科大学以及石家庄经济学院在校学生5500人,按照正常牙合人群的标准,最终选出100名正常牙合人群,50名男性,50名女性,汉族,不限地域。对正常牙合人群拍摄X线头颅侧位片。将透明硫酸纸置于打印出的正常牙合人群的头颅侧位片上,用4H铅笔将其软组织侧貌流畅描出,将描好的侧貌扫描(惠普HP F2488)输入至计算机中,应用Adobe PhotoshopCS5.0处理,得出一系列侧貌剪影,用于筛选美貌人群。对100幅侧貌剪影进行美学的主观评价,筛查得出美貌人群为研究对象,共56人(男26,女30)。
     颅面软组织三维立体扫描:对美貌人群应用3D CaMega人体三维扫描仪扫描面部,获取三维数据。将取得的数据输入计算机,应用CloudForm软件,进行预处理。
     颅面软组织三维立体扫描:对美貌人群及安氏Ⅱ类牙合人群应用3DCaMega人体三维扫描仪扫描面部,获取三维数据。将3D CaMega人体三维扫描仪取得的静息位以及微笑位的三维数据分别地输入计算机,应用CloudForm软件,进行预处理。
     Steiner分析法:SE男性小于女性;Ricketts分析法:下唇位置男性大于女性; Burstone分析法:下颏面垂直高度与深度比,上唇凸度,下唇凸度均男性大于女性;Holdaway分析法:鼻下点至H线距男性大于女性;其他分析法:U1-SN男性大于女性;McNamara分析法、Wylie分析法、Downs分析法、Tweed分析法、MEAW分析法:男女性别间无显著的统计学差异。
     Steiner分析法: SNB,SND,Pog-NB,U1-L1角,中国人大于日本人;ANB,L1-NB距,L1-NB角,Occlusal pl-SN角,GoGn-SN角,SE,中国人小于日本人。Ricketts分析法:面角,下颌弓角中国人大于日本人;下颌平面角,下面高角,上颌凸度,上颌第一磨牙位置,下唇位置,中国人小于日本人。Downs分析法:颌凸角,中国人小于日本人;Y轴角,中国人大于日本人。Tweed分析法:眼耳平面—下颌平面角,下中切牙—下颌平面角,中国人均大于日本人;下中切牙—眼耳平面角中国人均小于日本人。Burstone分析法:上颌凸距,下颜面咽喉角,下颏面垂直高度与深度比,垂直唇颏长度比,唇间隙,上切牙露出程度,中国人大于日本人;鼻唇角,下唇凸度,中国人小于日本人。Holdaway分析法:鼻下点至H线距,下唇至H线距离,H角,上唇凹深,颏部软组织厚,中国人大于日本人;上唇厚度,上唇紧张度,中国人小于日本人。与白种人相比:
     Y(下唇位置)=0.447X1(上中切牙突距)+0.324X2(上颌凸度)-3.253;Y (上中切牙突距)=0.107X1(L1-NB距)+0.987X2(U1-NA距)+0.610X3(ANB)-0.445X4(Pog-NB)-0.097X5(SND)-0.037X6(U1-NA角)+7.461; Y (上颌凸度)=0.386X1(NA-PA)+0.088X2(L1-NB角)-0.106X3(U1-NA距)-1.241。
     Y(H角)=1.118X1(鼻下点至H线距)-0.576X(2颏部软组织厚)+0.848X3(骨骼侧面突度)+0.443X4(上唇紧张度)+11.998;Y(骨骼侧面突度)=0.179X_1(NA-PA)-0.264X_2(NP-FH)+25.016;Y(鼻下点至H线距)=0.301X(L1-NB距)+6.133; Y (上唇紧张度)=0.158X1(U1-NA角)+0.079X2(SNB)-9.388
     高度的比较:鼻高,额突高,颜面高,唇高,上唇高,上面高,中面高,下面高,男性大于女性;全面高则男性小于女性。宽度的比较:口裂宽,上面宽,两眼外宽,两眼内宽,中面宽,下面宽,颧宽,男性大于女性。角度的比较:Sn-n-si男性大于女性;左n-Sn-mz/右n-Sn-mz男性小于女性。空间距离的比较: pg-(go-go),pg-(t-t),n-(t-t),Sn-(t-t),男性大于女性。头面部指数及比例关系的比较:颜面高/全头高,颜面高/中面宽,男性大于女性;中面宽/全面高,下面宽/颜面高,上面宽/上面高,下面宽/下面高,男性小于女性。侧貌的比较:颏沟倾角,软组织下颌平面角,男性小于女性。眼的比较:内眦宽,外眦宽,内眦宽/外眦宽,外眦鼻底角,中面高/外眦宽,外眦宽/颜面高,男性大于女性。鼻的比较:鼻长,鼻背长,鼻深,鼻宽,Sn-E,prn-(ls-pg),鼻宽/中面宽,鼻宽/口裂宽,鼻宽/鼻长,鼻宽/颜面高,均男性大于女性。耳的比较:耳屏间宽/头高,男性大于女性。唇的比较:口裂宽,唇高,上唇长,下唇长,人中长,上下唇突角,上唇颏突角,男性大于女性。下颌的比较:下颌升支高度,下颌支长度,下面宽,男性大于女性;颏沟倾角,软组织下颌平面角,男性小于女性。颧骨复合体的比较:颧骨间距,中面宽,男性大于女性。
Objectives: Craniofacial deformity, maxillofacial trauma, surgicalrestoration and orthodontic treatment need to be designed according to itsstructure and function while the design should be considered from theperspective of aesthetics. At present, the overseas researchers in orthodontics,orthognathic, aesthetic medicine, plastic surgery and other disciplines made amore in-depth study of facial aesthetic evaluation, while our country relativelydid few. The aim of this study was to make esthetic evaluation in Chineseadults with well-balance profiles by Steiner analysis, Ricketts analysis, Downsanalysis, Wylie analysis, Tweed analysis, McNamara analysis, Holdawayanalysis, Burstone analysis. The three-dimensional (3D) craniofacialmeasurements were performed through3D Camega scan system. The databaseof quantitative measurement of three-dimensional craniofacial tissue ofChinese adults with well-balance profiles was established. This database wasavailable for diagnosis and therapy of craniomaxillofacial deficiency. Also, thisdatabase was attributed to Virtual Reality Orthopedic Surgery System. To findout the dynamic smile characteristics of Chinese adults with well-balanceprofiles in3D optical scanning method, which were the essential data forclinical examination, diagnosis, perspective prognosis and assessment.
     Methods: Two categories of objects included in the research: populationwith well-balance profiles group from the normal popution with the idealocclusion and Angle Ⅱpopution group. And the standards of the normalpopution are as follows:①in near ideal occlusion standard, neutral molarrelationship, normal overbite, normal overbite;②well-balance andequilibrium profile;③symmetrical face and three parts of one thirdscoordinate;④no plastic surgery and no orthodontic and orthognathictreatment history;⑤the mouth opening at the normal range, no temporomandibular disorders;⑥in goodhealth and the teeth well-developed.The population with well-balance profiles group was selected after step1byevaluating the lateral profiles of the the normal popution with the idealocclusion. Chinese lay judges evaluated each of the sujects’ profiles after step1that were projected on the screen for30seconds. Each profile was evaluatedas very pleasant (5points), pleasant (4points), average (3points), belowaverage (2points), and unpleasant (1point). The scores for each profile wererecorded and calculated. Subjects who were unanimously rated as pleasing (3or4points) by the judges were included as the sample. The standards of AngleⅡ popution are as follows:①in good health and no systemic disease;②bilateralmolar relationship with Class Ⅱ occlusion and facial skull typewith Class Ⅱ;③no plastic surgery and no orthodontic and orthognathictreatment history.Part1: The study was taken of5500subjects who were students at HebeiMedical University, the Shijiazhuang University of Economics. After step1,from5500students,50men and50women satisfied the selection criteria as theideal occlusion. After the procedure of selecting population with well-balanceprofiles, the sample included56profiles (25male,30female).
     The study was taken of the patients in clinic. And30men and30womensatisfied the selection criteria as classⅡ occlusion.
     Lateral cephalometric radiographs were taken for the normal poputionand Angle Ⅱ popution. After the lateral cephalograms, soft-tissue outlineswere traced on0.003mm matte acetate papers and then scanned. A softwareprogram (Adobe Photoshop, CS5.0) was used to darken and trim the scannedprofiles to obtain black soft-tissue profiles on white backgrounds to trace andprocess these profiles, which extended from glabella to the cervical point forall subjects. This step is to select the population with well-balance profiles.
     All radiographs were traced and digitized by writer and reviewed threetimes every two weeks for accurate landmark identification. Each tracing wasretrieved and digitized on the computer using the Winceph CephalometricSoftware program.
     When all the analyses were done, the results were subjected to T testusing the SPSS program (Statistical Product and Service Solutions, USA). Thelevel of significance was set at0.05. The correlational relationship incephalometric analyses was established by the SPSS program with stepwisemethod.Part2:3D Camega scanning were taken of subjects of the popution withwell-balance profiles. The3D craniofacial soft tissue images were reformattedand3D measurements were performed in Cloudform Software program. Allimages were traced and digitized by writer and reviewed three times every twoweeks for accurate landmark identification.
     When all the analyses were done, the results were subjected to T testusing the SPSS program (Statistical Product and Service Solutions, USA). Thelevel of significance was set at0.05.Part3:3D Camega scanning were taken of subjects of the popution withwell-balance profiles and the Angle Ⅱ popution. The3D craniofacial softtissue smile images were reformatted and3D smile measurements wereperformed in Cloudform Software program. All images were traced anddigitized by writer and reviewed three times every two weeks for accuratelandmark identification.
     When all the analyses were done, the results were subjected to T test usingthe SPSS program (Statistical Product and Service Solutions, USA). The levelof significance was set at0.05.
     Results:Part1:1Cephalometric analysis for Chinese adults with well-balance profiles bygender
     The male showed significantly smaller than the female in SE length(Steiner). The male showed significantly larger than the female in the items asfollows: Lower lip-E.plane (Ricketts); lower vertical height-depth ratio,upper-lip protrusion,lower-lip protrusion (Burstone); Soft tissue subnasale toH line (Holdaway); U1-SN(other).
     2Cephalometric analysis for classⅡ by gender
     The male showed significantly larger than the female in the items asfollows: T4-S,Ptm-ANS,T4-Pog (Wylie)
     3Comparation of cephalometric analysis between Chinese adults withwell-balance profiles and patients with Class Ⅱ
     The well-balance population showed significantly larger than the classⅡpopulation in the items as follows: U1to L1angle (Steiner); Facial depth(Ricketts); FMIA (Tweed); Soft tissue facial angle, Nose prominence(Holdaway); APDI (MEAW).
     The well-balance population showed significantly smaller than the classⅡpopulation in the items as follows: ANB,U1to NA length,U1to NA angle,L1to NB length,L1to NB angle,SL length,SE length (Steiner); Convexity,U1-APO disance,L1-APO disance,L1-APO degree,U6-PTV,Lowerlip-E.plane (Ricketts); Mandibular prognathism, U1prognathism, L1prognathism,EXL,ENL,LAFH (McNamara); Ptm-ANS, T4-S (Wylie); angleof convexity (Downs); IMPA (Tweed); facial convexity angle,upper-lipprotrusion, lower-lip protrusion, vertical lip-chin ratio, interlabial gap(Burstone); Soft tissue subnasale to H line,Lower lip to H line,Skeletalprofile convexity (Holdaway); ODI (MEAW).
     4Comparation of cephalometric analysis between Chinese adults and the otherethnic samples
     The Chinese showed significantly larger than Japanese in the items asfollows: SNB, SND, Pog to NB length,U1to L1angle (Steiner); Facial depth,Mandibular A (Ricketts); Y-axis (Downs); FMA,IMPA (Tweed); maxillaryprognathism,lower face-throat angle,lower vertical height-depth ratio,vertical lip-chin ratio,interlabial gap,maxillary incisor exposure (Burstone);Soft tissue subnasale to H line,Lower lip to H line,H angle,Upper lip sulcusdepth,Soft tissue chin thickness (Holdaway).
     The Chinese showed significantly smaller than Japanese in the items asfollows: ANB,L1to NB length,L1to NB angle,Occlusal pl. to SN angle,Go-Gn to SN angle,SE length (Steiner); Mandibular P,L.F.H,Convexity, U6-PTV,Lower lip-E.plane (Ricketts); angle of convexity (Downs); FMIA(Tweed); nasolabial angle, lower-lip protrusion (Burstone); Upper lipthickness,Upper lip strain measurement (Holdaway).
     The Chinese showed significantly larger than Whites in the items asfollows: U1to NA length,U1to NA angle,L1to NB length,L1to NB angle(Steiner); Mandibular A.,L1-APO disance,L1-APO degree,U6-PTV,Lowerlip-E.plane (Ricketts); Maxillary prognathism,Mandibular prognathism,L1prognathism (McNamara); angle of convexity, Y-axis (Downs); FMA,IMPA(Tweed); mandibular prognathism,lower face-throat angle,lower verticalheight-depth ratio,upper-lip protrusion,lower-lip protrusion (Burstone); Softtissue subnasale to H line,Lower lip to H line,H angle,Upper lip sulcusdepth,Soft tissue chin thickness (Holdaway); APDI (MEAW).
     The Chinese showed significantly smaller than Whites in the items asfollows: U1to L1angle,SL length,SE length (Steiner); Facial axis,Facialdepth (Ricketts); EXL,ENL,LAFH (McNamara); T4-S,T4-Pog (Wylie);FMIA (Tweed); facial convexity angle,vertical height ratio,nasolabial angle(Burstone); Soft tissue facial angle,Nose prominence,lower lip sulcus depth,Upper lip thickness,Upper lip strain measurement (Holdaway).
     5The correlational analysis in Ricketts: Y(Lower lip-E.plane)=0.447X1(U1-APO disance)+0.324X_2(Convexity)-3.253;Y(U1-APO disance)=0.107X1(L1to NB length)+0.987X_2(U1to NA length)+0.610X_3(ANB)-0.445X4(Pog to NB length)-0.097X5(SND)-0.037X_6(U1to NA angle)+7.461;Y(Convexity)=0.386X1(NA-PA)+0.088X2(L1to NBangle)-0.106X3(U1to NA length)-1.241.
     6The correlational analysis in Burstone: Y (facial convexity angle)=-0.251X1(nasolabial angle)+1.122X_2(lower-lip protrusion)-19.604;Y(nasolabial angle)=105.919-1.301X(U1to NA length);Y(lower-lipprotrusion)=0.545X_1(L1to NB length)+0.043X2(SNA)-2.645.
     7The correlational analysis in Holdaway: Y(H angle)=1.118X1(soft tissuesubnasale to H line)-0.576X_2(soft tissue chin thickness)+0.848X3(skeletalprofile convexity)+0.443X_4(upper lip strain measurement)+11.998;Y (Skeletal profile convexity)=0.179X_1(NA-PA)-0.264X_2(NP-FH)+25.016;Y(Soft tissue subnasale to H line)=0.301X (L1to NB length)+6.133;Y(Upper lip strain measurement)=0.158X1(U1to NA angle)+0.079X2(SNB)-9.388
     1The soft-tissue measurement of3D CaMega scan system for Chinese adultswell-balance profiles by gender
     The male showed significantly larger than the female in the items asfollows: n-Sn,tr-n,g-me,ls-li,Sn-sto,tr-g,g-Sn,Sn-me (Height); Ch-Ch,ft-ft,ex-ex,en-en,zy-zy,go-go,mz-mz (Width); Sn-n-si (Angle);pg-(go-go),pg-(t-t),n-(t-t),Sn-(t-t)(Distance); g-me/v-me,g-me/zy-zy(Craniofacial index); en-en, ex-ex, en-en/ex-ex, ex-Sn-ex, g-Sn/ex-ex,ex-ex/g-me (Eye); n-Sn,n-prn,Sn-prn,al-al,Sn-E,prn-(ls-pg),al-al/zy-z,al-al/Ch-Ch, al-al/n-Sn, al-al/g-me (Nose);t-t/v-me(Ear); Ch-Ch,ls-li,Sn-sto,sto-si,Sn-ls,ls-n-li,ls-n-pg (Lip); t-go,go-me,go-go (Mandible); mz-mz,zy-zy (zygomatic).
     The male showed significantly smaller than the female in the items asfollows: tr-me (Height); left (n-Sn-mz)/right(n-Sn-mz)(Angle); zy-zy/tr-me,go-go/g-me, ft-ft/tr-g, go-go/Sn-me (Craniofacial index);(pg-si)-FH,(me-go)-FH (Profile)(Mandible).
     2Comparison of the soft-tissue measurement between3D CaMega and CTsystem by gender
     The CaMega showed significantly larger than CT for the male in the itemsas follows: tr-me,Sn-sto,g-Sn,Sn-me (Height); Ch-Ch (Width); Sn-me/g-me(Craniofacial index); ex-Sn-ex,ex-ex/zy-zy (Eye); Sn-prn,Sn-E,prn-(ls-pg)(Nose); Ch-Ch,Sn-sto (Lip).
     The CaMega showed significantly smaller than CT for the male in theitems as follows: eu-eu (Width); go-go/zy-zy,zy-zy/g-Sn,go-go/Sn-me(Craniofacial index); t-t (Ear); go-go/zy-zy (Mandible)(zygomatic).
     The CaMega showed significantly larger than CT for the female in theitems as follows: tr-n,g-me,tr-g,g-Sn,Sn-me (Height);(n-pg)-FH,t-pg-t (Angle); Sn-me/g-me (Craniofacial index);(n-pg)-FH(Profile); ex-Sn-ex,ex-ex/g-me (Eye); Sn-E,prn-(ls-pg),al-al/zy-zy (Nose); t-t (Ear); t-pg-t(Mandible).
     The CaMega showed significantly smaller than CT for the female in theitems as follows: tr-me (Height); eu-eu(Width); g-n-prn (Angle)(Profile);zy-zy/tr-me,go-go/g-me,go-go/zy-zy,zy-zy/g-Sn,go-go/Sn-me (Craniofacialindex); g-n-prn, al-al/g-me (Nose); go-go/zy-zy (Mandible)(zygomatic).
     1Smile measurements in Chinese adults with well-balance profile by gender:the male showed significantly larger than the female in the items asfollows:al-al(rest), al-al(smile), Sn-Ust(rest), Sn-Ust(smile), Chl-Chr(rest),pg-n (smile)-pg-n (rest),Li-Lll(smile).
     2Smile measurements in patients with class Ⅱ by gender:
     The male showed significantly larger than the female in the items asfollows: al-al(rest), al-al(smile), Sn-Ust(rest), Sn-Ust(smile), Chl-Chr(rest)Li-Lll(smile); the male showed significantly smaller than the female in(Chl-Ust)+(Chl-Lst)/(Chr-Ust)+(Chr-Lst).
     3Comparation of smile measurement between Chinese adults withwell-balance profiles and patients with Class Ⅱ:
     The well-balance population showed significantly larger than the classⅡpopulation for the male in the items as follows: al-al(rest), al-al(smile),(Chl-Ust)+(Chl-Lst)/(Chr-Ust)+(Chr-Lst).
     The well-balance population showed significantly smaller than the classⅡpopulation for the male in the items as follows: Sn-Ust (smile)-Sn-Ust (rest),Cp-(L1-R1), Li-Ull(smile), Cp-(L1-R1)/Lst-(Llab-Rlab).
     The well-balance population showed significantly larger than the classⅡpopulation for the female in the items as follows: al-al(rest),al-al(smile).
     The well-balance population showed significantly smaller than the classⅡpopulation for the female in the items as follows: Chl-Chr(rest), Cp-(L1-R1),Ulgm-Ull(smile).
     1Cephalometric norms in Chinese adults with well-balance profile of hannationality were estab-lished. Evaluate the esthetic characteristics ofsoft-tissue profile in Chinese adults with well-balance face. Find out thecorrelational relationship in cephalometric cephalometric measurments andregression relationship of between the relevant hard and soft tissue.
     23D craniofacial norms in Chinese adults with well-balance profile of hannationality were established. Find out the esthetic characteristics of soft-tissueprofile in Chinese adults with well-balance face with modern view.
     33D smile indexes in Chinese adults with well-balance profile of hannationality were estab-lished. Find out the esthetic characteristics of dynamicsmile in Chinese adults with well-balance face with modern view.
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