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Building fire is a high frequency disaster. The existing bottom frames of multi-story masonry buildings take a certain proportion of existing buildings in our country.Code for seismic design of buildings (GB50011-2010) has a certain amount ofclauses for the bottom frames of multi-story masonry buildings design, so manybuildings of this structural type will still to be constructed. The fire load of thebottom frames is large for the reason that the bottom floor is commonly used asmercantile occupancy. The upper floors of the bottom frames are masonry structures,the ratio of the constant load to the total loads is larger for bottom frames, socolumns of bottom frames endure more actual load than that of bare frames, whendesigned axial compression ratios are equal for them. For the reason that sectionselection and reinforcement design of structural members are related to seismicclasses, in non-seismic fortification zone and6degree seismic fortification zone,columns of bottom frames are in high axial compressive ratio and low steel ratio stateduring their inservice time, bottom frames are the unsubstantial floors of this type ofbuildings in fire, these buildings are prone to collapse for the resistance of bottomframes is inadequate. In7and8degree seismic fortification zone, though dimensionsof structural members and reinforced steel ratios are respectively large, the safety ofthese buildings exposed to fire is necessary to be studied. Fire resistance and firesafety of the bottom frames of multi-story masonry buildings is one of the hot issuesin civil engineer. The following works are carried out:
     (1) Considering the liner expansion coefficient of masonry is5×10-6/℃, whichis only half of that of concrete,1×10-5/℃. The temperature of the top of joist is lowerthan160℃, the temperature of upper masonry is lower than that of the top of joist,and the effect of temperature on masonry decreases with the distance betweenmasonry and joist increases. In the process of fire resistance analysis of bottomframes, masonry is considered as temperature-independent material. The mechanicalmodel of load transmitting between upper masonry and joist during the bottomframes exposed to fire is one of the problems in analysis of fire resistance of thebottom frames. Hill yield criterion and Rankine yield criterion are adopted, the effectof pressure on shear strength is introduced reasonably, the anisotropic hardening and softening macro material model is put forward for elasto-plastic analysis of masonry,by means of defining different material properties in two material principal axis ofmasonry. Newton-Raphson method and implicit Euler backward return mappingalgorithm are employed to solve nonlinear equations of yield surfaces and to updatestresses. From the comparison anlysis between experiment results and calculationresults, the proposed anisotropic material model shows better performance thanisotropic material models in elasto-plastic analysis of masonry in plane stress states.The proposed anisotropic material model provides the practicability for fireresistance analysis of the bottom frames of multi-story masonry buildings, whichcontains the mechanical model of load transmitting between upper masonry and joistduring the bottom frames exposed to fire.
     (2) The key issue for the fire resistance of the bottom frames of multi-storymasonry buildings is to realize the entire process analysis of the bottom frames ofmulti-story masonry buildings exposed to fire. After the determinations of materialthermal and mechanical parameters at elevated temperatures, temperature fieldanalysis model of the bottom frames is set up based on heat conduction theory.Calculation subroutine of concrete creep, transient thermal strain and steel creep atelevated temperatures is written. Bond-slip behavior between concrete and steel baris also adopted reasonably. The fine model for mechanical behavior analysis of thebottom frames of multi-story masonry buildings exposed to fire is established basedon sequential coupling temperature and stress analysis platform in ABAQUS andconcrete plastic finite element theory. By introducing the anisotropic masonry model,the fine models can be used to analyze the entire process from fire breaking out tothe frames collapse on condition that the vertical load is invariable. The experimentalresults comparison shows that it is necessary to introduce concrete transient thermalstrain and creep, and steel creep at elevated temperatures in fire resistance analysis ofconcrete structures. The temperature field analysis model and fine mechanicalbehavior analysis model have good accuracy.
     (3) The changes of vertical stress distribution on the top of joist and load effectof bottom frames, the failure process of bottom frames are studied by parametricanalysis, using the established fine finite element models. A parametric study isconducted to investigate the effects on the entire process from fire breaking out to thebuilding collapses when the bottom floors exposed to fire due to the change in loadratio, sectional dimension, reinforcement ratio of columns and beams, and number of masonry storeys. Axial expansion deformations and flexural deflections of joistcaused by high temperature produce adverse effect on arch mechanism fortransmitting the vertical loads of masonry structures, which increases the inner forceof joist, and accelerates longitudinal reinforcement outside of the top of edge columnyield for tensile, then concrete inside of the top of edge columns yields for pressure.Concrete of the middle columns crushes after the damage of the top of outsidecolumns.
     (4) The bottom frames should be designed to satisfy to seimic design and firesafety requirements. Comparative analysis is carried out between the effect of axialcompression ratio, section dimensions and reinforcement ratio of joists and columnson fire resistance of the bottom frames, and criterion on axial compression ratio,section dimensions and reinforcement ratio of the bottom frames in current seismiccode. The result shows that the sectional dimension of columns should be lager than500mm×500mm, and longitudinal reinforcement ratio of edge column is lager than1.5%, so that the fire resistance of the bottom frames in non-seismic region is aboveto3.0h. The longitudinal reinforcement ratios should be larger than0.8%,1.0%and1.2%, so that the fire resistances of the bottom frames in seismic grade three is aboveto2.0h,2.5h and3.0h respectively. The fire resistances of the bottom fames designedwith seismic grade one and two are larger than3.0h. Based on the effect laws of keyparameters on fire resistance of the bottom frames, including axial compressive ratioof columns, sectional dimension and reinforcement ratio of columns and beams, andthickness of concrete cover, the details of fire safety design for the bottom frames tomatch different fire resistance construction degrees are put forward, such as sectionaldimension, reinforcement ratio, and thickness of concrete cover of columns andbeams, so that the fire safety design of the bottom frames is coordinate with seimicdesign.
     (5) Many damaged bottom frames can be used continuely after reinforcement, onthe basis of different damage degrees of the bottom frames after fire. Seismicreinforcement calculation is required for the damaged bottom frames of multi-storymasonry buildings after fire in earthquake fortification zones. Focus on the problemthat masonry is assume as isotropic material in force analysis of the bottom frames,and no effect of upper masonry introduced in calculating the force of joist in theprocess of the bottom frames force calculation on condition that the buildings underhorizontal load, which is treated as pure frame beam,780bottom frames are analyzedby finite element method considering the effect of upper masonry, taking the masonry as anisotropic material. The effects of stiffness ratio of beams to columnsand depth-span ratio of the joists on the force of joists, the inflection point ofcolumns and shear force distribution in bottom columns are obtained. Calculationmethod for the force of the bottom frames with the effect of brick masonry andconstructional column under horizontal load is proposed. The calculation methodprovides reasonable reference for safety evaluation of the bottom frames after fire andseismic reinforcement design of the damaged bottom frames after fire.
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