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    适培养基为MS+BAZ .0+NAAO.2;对粉香水百合鳞茎较适合增殖的培养基为MS+
    BAI .0,较适合分化的培养基为MS+BAO.5+NAAO.05;花器官(帝伯和西伯利亚)
    的较适培养基为MS+BAI .0十NAAO.2,而铁炮百合为MS+B川.0+NAAO.5。
    mg.L一,和2.5 mg.L一,。NAA有利于根的生长,不利于鳞茎的形成。糖也有助于鳞茎
Bulblets of lily of two species Lilium longiflorum ,Oriental lily and floral organs of lily of four varieties - Diber, Siberia, Lilium Longiflorum and Lilium trompeten were selected for in vitro culture .Four stages of primary research were processed, that was, establishment of clone system, multiplication of embryonal callus, rooting and bulblet formation and transplantation. The result are shown as follows:
    1. Stage of establishment of clone system
    The bulblets of two species , Lilium Longiflorum and Oriental lily, were selected as explants for in vitro culture , and compared their contamination rate and inducing differentiation rate of different position in bulblet. The results of experiments indicated that the containminion rate of inner and middle part in bulblet were in low level. When different part in a single scale were cultured in the same medium the results showed that the basal part turned out to be the easiest part for inducing, the second was the middle part, the upper part was hard to induce. Among the inducing mediums in our experiment, MS medium supplemented with 2.0mg L-1 BA and 0.2 mg L-1 NAA was the best for Lilium Longiflorum , its inducing rate was 83 percent; while MS medium supplemented with 4.0mg L-1 BA and 0.2 mg L-1 NAA was suitable for Oriental lily, the inducing rate was 75 percent.
    The floral organs of four varieties, Diber, Siberia, Lilium Longiflorum , and Lilium trompeten, were selected as explants for in vitro culture. It was founded that when they were culture in the same medium ,the inducing differentiation rate varied from varieties. Diber was the easiest variety for inducing which was followed by Siberia, Lilium Longiflorum, and Lilium trompeten. The inducing rates of different part in the same variety were also different. Their sequence, from easy to hard, was filament, floral receptable, ovary, corolla, style and anther. The explants were cultured in a series of inducing medium .The results showed that MS medium supplemented with 0.5mg L-1 BA and 0.5mg L-1 NAA and
    MS medium supplemented with l.Omg'L"1 BA and O.Smg-L"1 NAA showed a better induction character.
    When different part of bacteria and germ -free leafs were induced for embryonal callus, the basal part was the easiest to induce. MS medium supplemented with 2.0 mg.L"1 BA and 0.2mg.L"' NAA and MS medium contained l.Omg.L"1 BA and O.Zmg.L"1 NAA were suitable for basal part of leaf inducing culture.
    2. Stage of multiplication and differentiation of embryonal callus
    During the stage of embryonal callus of multiplication and differentiation ,it was found that, for Lilium Longiflorum bulblet and germ-free seeding , MS medium containing 0.2 mg.L"1 BA and 0.2 mg.L"1 NAA was the best medium; for Oriental lily, the best multiplication medium was MS supplemented with 1.0 mg.L"1 BA, and the best differentiation medium was MS supplemented with O.Smg.L"1 BA and 0.05 mg.L ' NAA; MS supplemented with l.Omg.L"1 BA and 0.2 mg.L"1 NAA were suitable for floral organs of Siberia and Diber ; and MS containing l.Omg.L"1 BAand O.Smg.L"1 NAA were fit to floral organs of Lilium Longiflorum .
    3. Stage of rooting and bulblet formation
    During the stage of rooting and bulblet formation, the result showed that the category and the concentration of hormone, the concentration of sugar and the concentration of macroelement, affected rooting and forming of bulblets. The application of PP333 benefited the bulblet formiation, the best concentration were 2.0 mg.L"1 and 2.5 mg.L"1. NAA promoted rooting but made against forming bulblet. Sucrose can help to form bulblet, the best concentration was 60g.L"1. It was favorable for rooting and bulblet formation in reducing the concentration of macroelement .1/4MS proved the best concentration.
    4.Stage of transplantation
    There were four stages in transplantation , that was sand bed prepairing , domestication, pseudoplantation and transplant soil and basin. The survival rate
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