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Judged from chinese existing law, the concept of Commmercial Private Participation inCriminal Justice (hereafter refered to as CPPCJ) includes nothing. However, legal researchshould be guided by question rather than refrained by conception. How to add the methods torealize right and inhance human protection is a core question to which respond should makeby the chinese crimial theory. The system of Commmercial Private Participation (hereafterrefered to as CPP) is a distinguishing feature in U.S. crimial justice. The variety practice andsuccessful experience pravide us with beneficial reference. The author introduced the notionof commerce and private into study on criminal theory, and made a try to shft the perspectivefrom government to market to examine criminal justice, with the expactation to probe theprobably to problems in criminal justice in China through market.
     Apart from introduction and conclusion, this thesis consists of3parts and8chapters alltogether.
     Introduction In order to explain the topic selection of this thesis, the author firstlydrows out questions from case study. Secondly, the author points out the the wrongmethodology in the academic circle which leads them unable to solve the similar questionsdiscussed above, i.e. being limitted by the state perspective, and disregard the marketperspective, as well as failed to find the way out from outside of state organs. The study inthis thesis is a try to shft the perspective from government to market. Lastly, the authordefines the key words in this thesis such as crimanl affairs, crimanal private participation,commmercial private participation in criminal justice and so on.
     Part1is a narration, which gives a panoramic view of the the CPPCJ in U.S., andincludes chapter1, chapter2, and chapter3. Chapter1observse and studies the CPP incriminal investigation in U.S.from4aspects including the history, the relationship betweenthe Police and Pravite Detective, its function and the legal regulation to the Pravite Detectivein U.S.. Chapter2combs out the CPP in criminal coercive measure from4respects includingits history, reality, legal regulation and its function. Chapter3goes along the history venationof Private Prison, and tracks down the Private Prison in the early colonial period, and observse and studies the Private Prison between18centry and early20centry, as well asrecounts its development of the time.
     The creation and development of the CPPCJ in U.S., can be attributable to to the failureof public criminal justice system. The birth of Private Detective in U.S. was attributed tothe gap created by the police in modern times. The Commercial Bail overcomes the defectsof traditional bail, and increases the chances to get free for the arrestee when he can notprovides guarantor or afford the bail amount. The Private Prison makes the criminal justicesystem avoids the trouble of overpopulation in prison.
     Every CPPCJ in U.S. was praises and blames simultaneously from its creation. thePrivate Detective was once degradeed as "a legal anomaly, a constitutional contradiction","ahalf feudal armed forces "," at best a necessary evil, and at worst an inexcusable one".Bounty hunter was distorted as "a scurrilous life","uncontrolled threaten to civil right ".Commercial Bail was scolded as "exchange money for freedom "," discrimination againstthe poor and middle-income defendant","infringe upon the decision power of judge","causejudge corruption" and so forth. Meanwhile, the future of Private Prison was evenunpredictable because of "its guard lack of training", the scandal of "uhuman treatment withthe prisoner ", especially the conlusion made by General Accounting Office in U.S. that thereis no definite evidence that can prove the Private Prison is much more cheap than publicprison.
     Though huge barriers in its way, CPPCJ in U.S. grows valiantly and thrives regardlessof strong queried, and which constitutes a distinguishing feature of criminal justice in U.S..there are more than3000Private Detective agencies in America, and the member of PrivateDetetive(including private security) is more than1,600,000, which is3times the formalpolice member in America.The Service of Private Detective in America covers all aroundthe world, even envolved in official scandal and corruption cases. Its fuction ranges fromcriminal investigation, obtain defence evidence, as well as prevent crime. Therefore, the roleof Private Detective can't be ignored in America criminal justice. Commercial Bail exists inmost states of America, and there are about8000bailsmen all together in America. Bailindustry is quite lucrative, reportedly taking in more than$4billion annually and "netting$400million a year in profits. The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) found that in2006, commercial surety bonds were used in42%of releases for felony defendants in the75largestcounties. There were185Private Prison until July2001, and its population is285,000.6.8percent of the fedral and state prison population were imprisoned in Private Prison. It isreported by the media of America, the state of Arizona plans to held a public tender, for thePrivate Prison to bid for run9prison center. Therefore, it is a fact which cannot be disputedthat CPP has deep influence to criminal justice in U.S..
     Part2explores the foundation theory of CPPCJ, including chapter4,chapter5, andchapter6. These three chapters analyze the foundation of Political Philosophy, basis of legaltheory and economic basis respectively.
     Liberalism is the Political and Philosophical basis of CPPCJ. The long lasting liberalismand the tradition theory of weak state provide the soil for CPPCJ to grow. The Classicalliberalism flourishing in18century together with its theory of the state function as anight-watchman, constitutes ideological basis of the CPPCJ. With the decline of the Classicalliberalism from the beginning of20th century and the rise of Keynesianism in the1930s, thestate power augmented, which leads to a questioning and challenge to the CPPCJ. Then, withthe revival of New Liberalism in1970s, the industry of CPPCJ in U.S. recovered from thecrisis and revitalized. Therefor, its legality was confirmed.
     The theory of private remedy constitutes the legal basis to the CPPCJ. to examineminutely legitimacy of CPPCJ, we should return to the starting point to analyze therelationship between public relief and private relief. It shows in the long history of thedevelopnent of public relief and private relief that any gain for one must mean a loss for theother. The status of private relief in the relief system is from monopoly to being repressedand then to being respected, while the public relief from absence to repressing and then tomodestly restriction. there is not completely contradiction between private relief and publicrelief. As an effective supplementation to the public relief, the private relief functions as thetwig and extension of state power. The benign private relief is the act which being executedby persons out of the lowest self-protection when the public relief is absence or ineffective,and without hindrance to the society and can be acceptable. The nature of Private Detectiveand Commercial Bail is benign private relief. To confirm and develop the CPPCJ is a stategoverning tactic, and also a technique to realize social control through private activity.
     The most immediate theory that supporting the CPPCJ is economics of law. Theeconomics of law draws economic analysis methods into law science, which leads to manyconcept breakthrough. Ronald Coase initiated the thought to study legal right with relevanceto economic benefits. Gary Beeker applied the methods of economic analysis to all humanbehaviour. Posner set up a astronomical theoretical system of economics of law guided byefficiency. With the standard that rules should be examined by the theory of maximizingbeneficial result, the scholars of economics of law studied the Cost and Profit of all kinds ofrules, and infiltrated the economic princilpes to all rules and statutes. The widespread of thetheory of economics of law cleaned the way for the establish and sustainable development ofCPPCJ.
     Part3is about creating a system with Chinese characteristic of CPPCJ with thereference to America experiences. This part includes chapter7and chapter8, whichseparately argues the necessity of establishing the system of chinese Private Detective andCommercial Bail, and specificly conceive the new system.
     Similar to U.S., there are also failures such as lack of judicial resourses, inefficiency,being inadequate with respect to right protection. Such failures create opportunity to establishand develop CPPCJ in China. Chinese Private Detective existed in a flash in1990s. After theissuance of document No.91by Ministry of Public Security in1993, which forbids setting uporganizations similar to Private Detective agency in China, the Private Detective shits itsbusiness underground, survives on the margins of society. Its legal status is cloudy, withirregulation of conduct, and great risk. Though the Private Detective may make trouble forsocial management and cause society contradiction, its positive significance should not beneglected. The failures in obtaining of evidence by police, public procurators, defensecounsels and the persons involved, arouse the demand for Private Detective. The positivesignificance of Private Detective can be summarized as follows: to make up for a deficiencyof evidence obtaining by police, to oversee the judicial organs, to help the defendant inevidence preparation, to buildup the defendant ability to gather evidence. For the purpose ofthe creation of Private Detective, there should be a conception renewing, including (1) a newunderstaning of the state power of penalty, inter alia, to soft the notion of state power ofpenalty by modestly restriction of private relief, and to discard the notion that the state should monopolize the power of penalty.
     The operation of bail system in China is undesirable, which manifests as follows,(1) therate of bail is low because of being stictly understand the applying condition t;(2) Theapplicability of bail methods is poor;(3) the defendant who gain release through bail isuncontrolled. The effect get through Commercial Bail system in U.S. shows that CommercialBail may cure the bail sysem of China from its present disease, i.e.(1) poor bail rates ban becured by large release population in Commercial Bail,(2) poor of applicability of bailmethods can be cured by market ways in Commercial Bail,(3) poor in execution of bail cqnbe cured by effective supervision to the defendant by bail bondsman in Commercial Bail.Therefore, there should establish the Commercial Bail system in China. The constuction of abail system with Chinese characteristics helps us obtain guarantor through market, whichshift the mechanism of choosing guarantor from identity to contract, as well as from gratis tomarket. There is low cost to get bail and high risk to bail jump with respect to defendant inthe new system, and it can transfer cost, spread risk with respect to judicial organ, which helpto diminish the worriness about expansion release through bail.
     The following is the basic conformation of Chinese Commercial Bail recommended inthis thesis:(1) The commercial guarantor should be permitted to provide guarantee servicefor profit in the operation of bail;(2) commercial guarantor can be an insurance company oran individual person who is approved to take the guarantee business;(3) the guarantor shouldsign contract with the warrantee, in which the warrantee with the obligation to pay the bailpremium or collateral, and promise to abide by the conditions made in the bail document, aswell as authorize the guarantor with supervising power over him, and in case of his bail jumpthe guarantor can arret him and deliver him to judicial organ;(4) the duty of the guarantor isto sign the bail document approved by judicial organ, and poses bank deposit according to thedemand of judicial organ, and to pay out the bail amount described in the bail document6months later since he receives the notice from judicial organ, when the warrantee bail jumpsand the guarantor failed to arres the guarantee within time limit;(4) after the notice to forfeitbail amount being sent to the guarantor, the executive body should issue circular orders forthe arrest of the given warrantee, and the guarantor should be entitled to arrest the givenwarrantee by himselt or his agent, and the guarantor should be exempted his guarantee duty if the warrantee was arrested by him in time limit.
     Coclusion The CPPCJ in U.S. is a controversial matter as well as a thriving one. Itscreation and development reflects the failures of public criminal justice system. The fact thatit exerts a strong influence on the criminal justice system in U.S. should not be overlooked,and which also proves the possibility that the commercial and private idea may penetratesinto criminal field. The author believes that with the deepening development of marketeconomy, deepgoing of the reform of politics, as well as innovation and breakthrough ofjudicial concept, there will be a broader prospect and bright future for the CPPCJ in China.
    12Taft v. Northern Transportation Co.,56N.H.414,416(1876).原文为“The original description of an amicus curiae wasan impartial individual, usually a lawyer, who advised the court regarding an interpretation of the law solely for the benefitof the court, and not for the benefit of any litigant.”
    13Gregg Ivers&Karen O'Connor,“Friends as Foes: The Amicus Curiae Participation and Effectiveness of the AmericanCivil Liberties Union and Americans for Effective Law Enforcement in Criminal Cases,1969-1982,”9Cornell Journal ofLaw and Public Policy,1987, P.161.
    14Christian Parenti,“'I hunt men': meet the self-ordained officers of the bail-bond industry-Cover Story,” Progressive, The,Jan.1997, p.23.
    15Ford v.Hendrick,257A.2d667(Pa. Super. Ct.1969)
    16“Double Slaying Unmasks Lax Laws for Bounty Hunters,“Seattle Times, Sept.3,1997, at A3.
    17Cohen, Thomas H. and Tracey Kyckelhahn,“Felony Defendants in Large Urban Counties,2006.” May26,2010NCJ228944http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/index.cfm?ty=pbdetail&iid=21932011-6-29
    18John A.Chamberlin,“Boungy Hunters: Can the Criminal Justice System Live Without Them?” U. Ill. L. Rev,1998,p.1175.
    19Conley, J. A. Prisons,“Production, and Profit: Reconsidering the Important of Prison Industries,” Journal of social history,14,1980, pp.257-275.
    20Powers, Edwin, Crime and Punishment in Early Massachusetts:1620-1692, Boston: Beacon Press,1966, p.214.
    21Haddad, Charles H.,“Private Prisons Don't Work': For-Profit Facilities Face a Barrage of Criticism--and OverbuildingHas Cut Into Profits and Hurt Stock Prices,”Business Week, Issue:3698, Sep.11,2000, pp.95-98.
    22Frank Morn,"The Eye That Never Sleeps": A History of the Pinkerton National Detective Agency, Indiana UniversityPress,1982.pp.19-23.
    23See James D. Horan, The Pinkertons: The Detective Dynasty That Made History, Crown,1968, pp.23-29.
    26Eric Monkkonen, Police in Urban America,1860-1920, Cambridge University Press,2004,pp.64,87.
    27William E. Burrows, Vigilante!13(1976).
    28Frank Morn,"The Eye That Never Sleeps": A History of the Pinkerton National Detective Agency, Indiana UniversityPress,1982, pp.93-94..
    29James D. Horan, The Pinkertons: The Detective Dynasty That Made History, Crown Publishers,1968, pp.98-101.
    30J. Bernard Hogg,“Public Reaction to Pinkertonism and the Labor Question,” Pa. Hist, vol.11,1944, pp.171,178-79.
    31Frank Morn,"The Eye That Never Sleeps": A History of the Pinkerton National Detective Agency, Indiana UniversityPress,1982, pp.74-77.
    3223Cong. Rec.4225(1892)(statement of Rep. Bryant)
    3323Cong. Rec.4225(1892)(statement of Rep. Simpson)
    34Robert P. Weiss,“Private Detective Agencies and Labour Discipline in the United States,1855-1946,” Hist. J,vol.29,1986, pp.93.
    3523Cong. Rec.7005-13(1892).
    36J. Bernard Hogg,“Public Reaction to Pinkertonism and the Labor Question,” Pa. Hist.,vol.11,1944, pp.180-181.
    37James D. Horan, The Pinkertons: The Detective Dynasty That Made History, Crown Publishers,1968, p.169.
    38Jerold S. Auerbach,“Labor and Liberty: The La Follette Committee and the New Deal”, The Journal of American History,Vol.51,1964, pp.97-130.
    39S. Rep. No.76-6, pt.2, at217.
    40Clifford D. Shearing, The Relation Between Public and Private Policing, in Modern Policing, p.405-409.
    41S. Rep. No.76-6, pt.2, at216
    42Nathan Douthit,“Police Professionalism and the War Against Crime in the United States,1920s-30s, in Police Forces inHistory,” George L. Mosse ed.,1975, pp.327-333.
    43Clifford D. Shearing, The Relation Between Public and Private Policing, in Modern Policing,p.408.
    44James D. Horan, The Pinkertons: The Detective Dynasty That Made History, Crown Publishers,1968,p.165.
    46See James S. Kakalik&Sorrel Wildhorn,“The Private Police Industry: Its Nature and Extent,” Rand Report, Prpared forthe Department of Justice,1971, p.34.
    47See William C. Cunningham et al., Hallcrest Systems, Inc., Private Security Trends1970-2000,1990, pp.185,196.
    48“Bureau of Justice Statistics,”U.S. Dep't of Justice, Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics,1995.
    50Metropolitan Police是指英国的大都市警察,即指大伦敦(Greater London警察部队,而不包括伦敦城(The City〕的警察。参见薛波主编:《元照英美法词典》,法律出版社2004年版,第912页。
    51Murray Kempton,“Son of Pinkerton,” N.Y. Rev. Books, May20,1971, p.24.作者认为,马克思论证了资本主义私人财产向社会主义财产的过渡,而FBI取代平克顿私人侦探所是人类历史上印证这一论述的唯一事例。
    53Privacy Policy, at http://pages.ebay.com/help/community/png-priv.html2011-11-19。
    55United States v. Antonelli,434F.2d335,336,337(2d Cir.1970).
    56R. L. c.25, Ё88,90; chapter23, Ё1,8.
    57United States v. Boylan,898F.2d230,236(1st Cir.1990).
    58Spitzer&Andrew T. Scull,“Privatization and Capitalist Development: The Case of the Private Police,” Soc. Probs.,vol.25,no.18,1977, p.26.
    59State v. Long,700P.2d153,156(Mont.1985)
    60United States v. Leon,468U.S.897,906(1984).
    62Burdeau,256U.S. at475.
    63Burdeau,256U.S. at475,476.
    64Coolidge v. New Hampshire,403U.S.443,487(1971)
    65United States v. Janis,428U.S.433,455n.31(1976)
    66United States v. Jacobsen,466U.S.109,113(1984)
    67Lima,424A.2d at118,119,121(D.C.App.1980).
    68Smith v. Brookshire Bros.,519F.2d93,97(5th Cir.1975)
    69Lima,424A.2d at121(D.C.App.1980).
    70United States v. Antonelli,434F.2d337(2d Cir.1970).
    71United States v. Antonelli,434F.2d335,336,337(2d Cir.1970).
    72People v. Taylor,271Cal. Rptr.785,786-87(Ct. App.1990).
    73United States v. Lima,424A.2d113,118(D.C.1980)
    74Spencer v. Lee,864F.2d1376,1380(7th Cir.1989)).
    75People v. Taylor,271Cal. Rptr.790-92(Ct. App.1990).
    76Cal. Dep't of Consumer Affairs, Bureau of Collection and Investigative Services, Powers to To Arrest TrainingManual,2011.
    80April Higuera,“Homicide Ivestigation: Choosing The Right Private Ivestigator Can Help win Your Case,”31Champion,August,2007, p.40.
    81April Higuera,“Homicide Ivestigation: Choosing The Right Private Ivestigator Can Help win Your Case,”31Champion,August,2007, p.40.。
    83FBI和某些联邦执法机构是重大的例外,他们从承担日常巡逻任务。See Daniel Richman,“Federal Criminal Law,Congressional Delegation, and Enforcement Discretion,”46UCLA L. Rev.1999, p.757.
    88Burdeau,256U.S. at475.
    89See Daniel J. Solove,“Access and Aggregation: Public Records, Privacy and the Constitution,” Minn. L. Rev.vol.86,2002, pp.1137,1191.
    90Remsburg v. Docusearch,149N.H.148,152-53(2003).
    91Miller v. Blackden,2007N.H. LEXIS16(N.H., Jan.12,2007)
    93See L.1939, c.369, p.887, s.1.
    94MPs Condemn,“‘Wyatt Earp’ Tours Hunting Fugitives from U.S. Justice,”Birmingham Post, Feb.3,1998.
    95Ronald Goldfarb, Ransom: A Critique of the American Bail System, Harper&Row,1965, pp.21-22.
    96Note,“Bail: An Ancient Practice Reexamined,”Yale L.J., vol.70,1961, p.966.
    97Elsa de Haas, Antiquities of Bail: Origin and Historical Development in Criminal Cases to the Year1275, AMS Press,1966, p.16.
    98Wayne H. Thomas, Jr., Bail Reform in America, Berkeley: University of California Press,1976,p.11.
    99F.E. Devine, Commercial Bail Bonding: A Comparison of Common Law Alternatives, New York: Praeger Publishers,1991,p.3.
    100Daniel J. Freed&Patricia M. Wald,“Bail in the United States,1964,” Prepared as a working paper for the NationalConference on Bail and Criminal Justice,1964,pp.1-2.
    102John E. Cribbet&Corwin W. Johnson, Principles of the Law of Property, The Foundation Press,1989,pp.28-38.
    103F.E. Devine, Commercial Bail Bonding: A Comparison of Common Law Alternatives, New York: Praeger Publishers,1991, p.3.
    104Daniel J. Freed&Patricia M. Wald,“Bail in the United States,1964,” Prepared as a working paper for the NationalConference on Bail and Criminal Justice,1964,pp.1-2.
    105Ryan M. Porcello,“International Bounty Hunter Ride-Along: Should U.K. Thrill Seekers Be Permitted to Pay toExperience a Week in the Life of a U.S. Bounty Hunter?”Vand. J. Transnat'l L.,vol.35,2002, p.953.
    106Ronald Goldfarb, Ransom: A Critique of the American Bail System, Harper&Row,1965, p.93.
    108Note,“Bail: An Ancient Practice Reexamined,”70Yale L.J.,1961,p.967.
    109United States v. Salerno,481U.S.739,752(1987).
    110Yale Kamisar et al., Advanced Criminal Procedure, West publishing,1994,pp.27-28.
    111Jonathan Drimmer,“When Man Hunts Man: The Rights and Duties of Bounty Hunters in the American Criminal JusticeSystem,” Hous. L. Rev.,vol.33,1996, p.742.
    112Ronald Goldfarb, Ransom: A Critique of the American Bail System,1965, p.101.
    114Mary A. Toborg, Bail Bondsmen and Criminal Courts, Just. Sys. J.,vol.8,1983, p.141.
    115Christian Parenti,"I Hunt Men," Progressive, Jan.1997, at23.
    116Kevin Helliker,“Bail Bondsmen Become Bondspeople as More Women Find Crime Does Pay,” Wall St. J., Apr.17,1996, at B1.
    117Daniel J. Freed&Patricia M. Wald, Bail in the United States:1964,1964, p.25.
    118Arthur M. Louis,“Bail Bond Business in Crisis/Bondsmen Feeling Pinch of Fewer Arrests,” S.F. Chron., Oct.11,1993,at D1.
    119Brian A. Reaves&Jacob Perez, U.S. Dep't of Justice, Pretrial Release of Felony Defendants,1992, at11(1994).
    120Katherine T. Beddingfield et al.,20Hot Job Tracks, U.S. News&World Rep., Oct.28,1996, at96.
    121Jo Jonathan Drimmer,“When Man Hunts Man: The Rights and Duties of Bounty Hunters in the American CriminalJustice System,” Hous. L. Rev.vol.33,1996, p.732.
    122J Jonathan Drimmer,“When Man Hunts Man: The Rights and Duties of Bounty Hunters in the American CriminalJustice System,” Hous. L. Rev.vol.33,1996, p.732.
    123Timothy M. Ito,“Taking the Law into Their Own Hands,”U.S. News&World Rep., Aug.21,1995, p.54.
    124Kent Black, Bounty Hunter, Rolling Stone, Aug.22,1996, at64.
    125Scott Winokur, Bounty Hunters in the New West, S.F. Examiner, Nov.28,1995, at A17.
    126Jonathan Drimmer,“When Man Hunts Man: The Rights and Duties of Bounty Hunters in the American Criminal JusticeSystem,” Hous. L. Rev. vol.33,1996, p.734.
    127Jonathan Drimmer,“When Man Hunts Man: The Rights and Duties of Bounty Hunters in the American Criminal JusticeSystem,” HOUS. L. REV. vol.33,1996, pp.731-773.
    128赏金猎人将99.2%商业保释人监护下的被告追回,而官方保释下的个人有92%被官方执法者追回。J JonathanDrimmer,“When Man Hunts Man: The Rights and Duties of Bounty Hunters in the American Criminal Justice System,”HOUS. L. REV.vol.33,1996, p.738.
    129Taylor v. Taintor,83U.S.366,371-72(1872)
    130Nicolls v. Ingersoll,7Johns.145-156,(N.Y. Sup. Ct.1810).
    131Taylor v. Taintor,83U.S.366,371-72(1872).
    132Taylor v. Taintor,83U.S.366(1872).
    133Curtis v. Peerless Ins. Co,299F. Supp.429,435(D. Minn.1969)
    134Curtis,299F. Supp. at435; Livingston,285So.2d at927.
    135Rebecca B. Fisher,“THE HISTORY OF AMERICAN BOUNTY HUNTING AS A STUDY IN STUNTED LEGALGROWTH,” N.Y.U. Rev. L.&Soc. Change,vol.33,2009, p.199.
    136Larry Kramer, The People Themselves, Oxford University Press,2004, p.190.
    137Generally David A. Sklansky,“The Private Police,” U.C.L.A. L. Rev. vol.46,1999, pp.1165,1207.
    139Lugar v. Edmondson Oil Co.,457U.S.922,934(1982)
    140Mitchum v. Foster,407U.S.225,242(1972)
    142457U.S. at937.
    143Green v. Abony Bail Bond,316F. Supp.2d1254,1259-60(M.D. Fla.2004)
    144Jackson,810F.2d at427.
    145Jackson,810F.2d at427.
    146People v. Houle,13Cal. App.3d892,895,91Cal. Rptr.874(1970)
    147Ouzts,505F.2d at557-560.
    148Green v. Abony Bail Bond,316F. Supp.2d1254,1260(M.D. Fla.2004).
    149Green v. Abony Bail Bond,316F. Supp.2d1254,1261(M.D. Fla.2004).
    150679A.2d1017(D.C. App.1996).
    151Jim Hansen,“The Professional Bondsman: A State Action Analysis,” CLEV. ST. L. REV.vol.30,1981, pp.595,611.
    152320F. Supp.185(E.D. Pa.1970).
    153Citizens for Pre-Trial Justice v. Goldfarb,278N.W.2d653,669(Mich. Ct. App.1979)
    154ST. PETERSBURG TIMES, Feb.13,1992, at1B.
    155PLAIN DEALER, Mar.8,1995, at1B
    156See John Harmon,“Patrol Chief Says 'Jealousy' Causes Charges of Kickbacks,” ATLANTA J. AND CONST., Dec.29,1992, at3.
    157See Pamela Manson and Kris Mayes,“AzScam: Could Scandal Happen Again?; Lessons, Temptations Debated inAftermath,” ARIZONA REPUBLIC, Feb.11,1996, at A1.“AzScam”在亚利桑那州人的语言中,表达的意思是该州政治史上最肮脏的一幕。
    158“Arizona Republic,” July29,1996, at B1.
    159“Murders at Dawn: Bounty Hunters Storm the Wrong House in Phoenix, Killing Two and Spurring the Cry forSafeguards,”Time, Sept.15,1997, at91.
    160Linda Valdez,“Bounty Hunters: Threat Society or Essential Part of System?”Ariz. Republic, Sept.12,1997, at B4.
    161“Bounty Hunter Bragged He Was a Mafia Hit Man,” San Diego Union-Trib., Sept.11,1997, at A6.
    162How and Why Bounty Hunters Make a Living .
    163Ford,257A.2d at669.
    164“Establish Limits for Bounty Hunters,” ATLANTA J. AND CONST., Sept.4,1997, at A14
    165Gregory Takacs,“Tyranny on the Streets: Connecticut's Need for the Regulation of Bounty Hunters,” Quinnipiac L. Rev.vol.14,1994, p.489.
    166Jonathan Drimmer,“America's Least Wanted: We Need New Rules to Stop Abuses,” Wash. Post, Sept.21,1997, at C6.
    167U.S. Dept. of Justice, Nation's Jail and Prison Incarceration Rate Almost Doubled During Last Decade.
    168Brian A. Reaves&Jacob Perez, U.S. Dep't of Justice, Pretrial Release of Felony Defendants,1992,1994, at10.
    169Jonathan Drimmer,“When Man Hunts Man: The Rights and Duties of Bounty Hunters in the American Criminal JusticeSystem,” Hous. L. Rev.vol.33,1996,p.788.
    170Jonathan Drimmer,“When Man Hunts Man: The Rights and Duties of Bounty Hunters in the American Criminal JusticeSystem,” Hous. L. Rev. vol.33,1996, p.790.
    171Note,“Bailbondsmen and the Fugitive Accused-The Need for Formal Removal Procedures,” Yale L.J. vol.73,1964,p.1098.
    172Michigan v. Doran,439U.S.282,282(1978).
    173Matthew L. Kaufman,“An Analusis of the Power of Bail Bondsmen and Possibile Roures to Reform,” NYLSJHR,vol.15,1999, p.287.
    174N.Y. Ins. Law6804(c)
    175Gerald D. Robin,“Wanted Dead or Alive: Reining in Bounty Hunters,” Crim. Just.Vol.21,2006,p.7.
    177Ind. Code Ann.?27-10-3-5(3)(a)(2008)规定定罪或释放后10年可申请成为赏金猎人。
    178Colo. Rev. Stat.?12-7-102.5(6)(2007)该法规定,取得职业担保人资格条件,申请者必须提供证据证明完成了要求的教育和培训课程。这些课程应包括:关于保释制度的培训不少于8小时,其中关于刑事司法系统的课程为2小时,关于商业保释伦理的课程为2小时,关于与保释相关的法律制度的课程为4小时。
    17931Ariz. St. L.J.229,232(1999)
    180Lori J. Zeglarski,“New Jersey's Assembly Bill2566Finally Attempted to Regulate Bounty Hunters,” Seton Hall Legis.J. vol.28,2004, p.381..
    181Kathleen Bird,“Goodbye Rogue Bounty Hunters,” New Jersey Lawyer, Feb.13,2006,p.1.
    182FED. R. CRIM. P.46(e)(1).
    183See Daniel J.Freed&Patricialm,“Wald, Bail in The United States,” Institute of Governmental Studies, University ofCalifornia,1964, p.28.
    184FED. R. CRIM. P.46(e)(2).
    185United States v. Nolan,564F.2d376(10th Cir.1977).
    186See Mary A. Toberg,“Bail Bondsmen and Criminal Courts,” JUST. SYS. J.,vol.8,1983, p.143.
    188See Dum v. Elrod,542F.2d998(7th Cir.1976)
    189Conley, J. A.,“Prisons, Production, and Profit: Reconsidering the Important of Prison Industries. Journal of socialhistory,”14,1980, pp.257-275.
    190Powers, Edwin, Crime and Punishment in Early Massachusetts:1620-1692, Boston: Beacon Press,1966, p.214.
    191Semmes, Raphael, Crime and Punishment in Early Maryland, Baltimor: The Johns Hopkins University Press,1938, p.33.
    192Reichel, P. L., Corrections, Minneapolis/St. Paul: West Publishing Company,1997, p.68.
    193Shichor, D., Punishment for Profit: Private Prisons/Public Concerns, London: Sage.,1995, p.29.
    194Robert P. Weiss,“‘Repatriating’ low-wage work: The political economy of prison labor reprivatization in thepostindustrial United States,” Criminology, vol.39,2001.
    195Ryan, M. And Ward, T. Privatization and the Penal System:The American Experience and the Debate in Britain. MiltonKeynes, Philadelphia: Open Univeristy Press,1989, p.17.
    196Feeley, M. M., The Privatization of Punishment in Historical Perspective. In William T. Gormley, Jr (ed.), Privatizationand Its Alternatives, Madison, Wis.: University of Wisconsin Press,1991,pp.213-214.
    197Shichor, D., Punishment for Profit: Private Prisons/Public Concerns, London: Sage,1995,pp.34-35.
    198Shichor, D., Punishment for Profit: Private Prisons/Public Concerns, London: Sage,1995,p.35.
    199Shichor, D., Punishment for Profit: Private Prisons/Public Concerns. London: Sage,1995, p.36.
    200Lichtenstein, Alex,“Twice the Work of Free Labor: The Political Economy of Convict Labor in the New South, Londonand New York,”Verso,1996.
    201Shichor, D., Punishment for Profit: Private Prisons/Public Concerns, London: Sage,1995,p.37.
    202Austin, James and Coventry, Garry,“Emerging Issues on Privatized Prisons. Monograph of National Council on Crimeand Deliquency,” Washington, D.C.: Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice,2001p.10.
    203Shichor, D., Punishment for Profit: Private Prisons/Public Concerns, London: Sage,1995,p.38.
    204Shichor, D., Punishment for Profit: Private Prisons/Public Concerns, London: Sage,1995,pp.38-39.
    205Reichel, P. L., Corrections. Minneapolis/St. Paul: West Publishing Company,1997, p.90.
    206Mancini, Matthew J., One Dies, Get Another: Convict Leasing in the American South,1866-1928, Columbia: Universityof South California Press,1996, p.7.
    207Oshinsky, David M.,"Worse than Slavery": Parchman Farm and the Ordeal of Jim Crow Justice, New York: FreePress,1996,p.68.
    208Reed, Adolph Jr.,“Worse than Slavery,”The Nation,262,1996, p.44.
    209Shichor, D., Punishment for Profit: Private Prisons/Public Concerns, London: Sage,1995,p.35.
    210Oshinsky, David M.,"Worse than Slavery": Parchman Farm and the Ordeal of Jim Crow Justice. New York: Free Press,1996,p.68.
    211Mancini, Matthew J., One Dies, Get Another: Convict Leasing in the American South,1866-1928, Columbia: Universityof South California Press,1996, p.7.
    212Oshinsky, David M.,"Worse than Slavery": Parchman Farm and the Ordeal of Jim Crow Justice, New York: FreePress.1996,p.69.
    213资料来源:Bureau of Justice Statistics,2000,2001,2002.
    214Langan, Patrick A.,“America’s Soaring Prison Population,” Science,251,1991,pp.1568-1573.
    215Skovron, S. E., Scott, J. E. and Cullen, F.,“Prison Crowding: Public Attitudes toward Strategies of Population Control,”Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, vol.25,1988, p.151.
    216McDonald, D. C.,“The Costs of Corrections: In Search of the Bottom Line,” Research in Corrections,2,1989,pp.1-25.
    217Maguire, Kathleen and Pastore, Ann L.(eds.), Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics2000.28th edition,2001.Retrieved June2,2002, from the World Wide Web: http://www.albany.edu/sourcebook/.
    218King, R.D. and Maquire, M.,“Introduction: Contexts of Imprisonment: An International Perspective,” British Journal ofCriminology,34,1994,p.2.
    219Shichor, D., Punishment for Profit: Private Prisons/Public Concern, London: Sage,1995,pp.250,229.
    220McDonald, D. C.“Public Imprisonment by Private Means: The Re-emergence of Private Prisons and Jails in the UnitedStates, the Unite Kingdom, and Australia,” British Journal of Criminology,33:4,1994,p.37.
    221Shichor, D.(1995) Punishment for Profit: Private Prisons/Public Concerns. London: Sage, p.5.
    222Linowes, David F., Private Prisons: Pros and Cons, New York: Oxford University Press,1990,p.vii.
    223Shichor, D., Punishment for Profit: Private Prisons/Public Concerns, London: Sage,1995p.247.
    224Press,A., The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Private Prisons in the1980s. In D. C. McDonald (ed.), Private Prisons andthe Public Interest., New Brunswick and London: Rutgers University Press,1990,pp.25-26.
    225Press,A.,“The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Private Prisons in the1980s,”D. C. McDonald (ed.), Private Prisons andthe Public Interes, New Brunswick and London: Rutgers University Press,1990, pp.86-106.
    227Press,A.,“The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Private Prisons in the1980s,”D. C. McDonald (ed.), Private Prisons andthe Public Interes, New Brunswick and London: Rutgers University Press,1990, pp.37-40.
    228Mattera, Philip and Khan, Mafruza, Jail Breaks:“Economic Development Subsidies Given to Private Prison,”Good JobsFirst, a Project of the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, October2001,p.2.; Retrieved April10,2002, from theWorld Wide Web: http://www.goodjobsfirst.org/jbstudy.htm
    229Mattera, Philip and Khan, Mafruza, Jail Breaks:“Economic Development Subsidies Given to Private Prison,”Good JobsFirst, a Project of the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, October2001,p.4.; Retrieved April10,2002, from theWorld Wide Web: http://www.goodjobsfirst.org/jbstudy.htm.
    230Austin, James and Coventry, Garry,“Emerging Issues on Privatized Prisons,” Monograph of National Council on Crimeand Deliquency. Washington, D.C.: Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice,2001,p.59.
    231Haddad, Charles H.,“Private Prisons Don't Work': For-Profit Facilities Face a Barrage of Criticism--and OverbuildingHas Cut Into Profits and Hurt Stock Prices,” Business Week,3698(Sep.11,2000),2000,pp.95-98.
    237Nicolls v. Ingersoll,7Johns.145-156,(N.Y. Sup. Ct.1810).
    238Taylor v. Taintor,83U.S.366(1872).
    239generally David A. Sklansky,“The Private Police,”46U.C.L.A. L. Rev.1999,pp.1165,1207.
    241Eric Monkkonen, Police in Urban America,1860-1920, Cambridge University Press,2004,pp.64,87.
    242J. Bernard Hogg,“Public Reaction to Pinkertonism and the Labor Question,” Pa. Hist., vol.11,1944,pp.178-79.
    243Harold Underwooe Faulkner, Amefican Economic History, New York:Harper, Brother Publication,1960,p.89.
    246Frank Morn,"The Eye That Never Sleeps": A History of the Pinkerton National Detective Agency, Indiana UniversityPress,1982,pp.74,77,100.
    24723Cong. Rec.4225(1892)(statement of Rep. Bryant)
    24823Cong. Rec.4225(1892)(statement of Rep. Simpson)
    249Clifford D. Shearing,“The Relation Between Public and Private Policing,” Modern Policing, pp.405-409.
    250Clifford D. Shearing,“The Relation Between Public and Private Policing,” Modern Policing, p.408.
    251Matthew L. Kaufman,“An Anylysis of the Powers of Bail Bondsmen and Possible Routres to Reform,”15N.Y.L. Sch. J.Hum. Rts,1999,p.287.
    255James S.Kaklik&Sorrel Wildhorn,The Private Police Idustry: Its Nature and Extent, Rand report R-870/DOJ,1971,p.17.
    257David H. Bayley&Clifford D. Shearing,“The Future of Policing,”30LAW&SOC'Y REV.1996,pp.585-587.
    258Sklansky,“Policing for Profit: Welcome to the New World of Private Security,” ECONOMIST, Apr.19,1997,p.21.
    259N.J. STAT. ANN.?45:19-10(West1995)
    260Ouzts,505F.2d at557-560.
    261Green v. Abony Bail Bond,316F. Supp.2d1254,1261(M.D. Fla.2004).
    262Gerald D. Robin,“Wanted Dead or Alive: Reining in Bounty Hunters,”21Crim. Just.2006,p.7.
    263Ind. Code Ann.?27-10-3-5(3)(a)(2008)规定定罪或释放后10年可申请成为赏金猎人。
    264Colo. Rev. Stat.?12-7-102.5(6)(2007)该法规定,取得职业担保人资格条件,申请者必须提供证据证明完成了要求的教育和培训课程。这些课程应包括:关于保释制度的培训不少于8小时,其中关于刑事司法系统的课程为2小时,关于商业保释伦理的课程为2小时,关于与保释相关的法律制度的课程为4小时。
    265Cohen, Thomas H. and Tracey Kyckelhahn,“Felony Defendants in Large Urban Counties,2006,” Bureau of JusticeStatistics, U.S.Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs. http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/index.cfm?ty=pbdetail&iid=21932011-6-29
    266“Double Slaying Unmasks Lax Laws for Bounty Hunters,”Seattle Times, Sept.3,1997, at A3.
    267Mattera, Philip and Khan, Mafruza,“Jail Breaks: Economic Development Subsidies Given to Private Prison Good JobsFirst,” a Project of the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy,2001,p.2. Retrieved April10,2002, from the World WideWeb: http://www.goodjobsfirst.org/jbstudy.htm
    277Cardeanas,“The Crime Victim in th eProsecutional Process,”Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, Juan.1986,p366.
    278William E. Burrows, Vigilante!13(1976).
    283The Real Life Dictionary of the Law,General Publishing Group,http://dictionary.law.com/
    287Merriam-Webster'sDictionaryofLaw,Merriam-Webster, Inc.,1996,http://dictionary.lp.findlaw.com/
    290The Real Life Dictionary of the Law,General Publishing Group,http://dictionary.law.com/
    318Gary S. Becker&George J. Stigler,“Law Enforcement, Malfeasance, and Compensation of Enforcers,”3J. Leg. Studies,1974,p.1.
    319Mark A. Cohen and Paul H. Rubin,“Private Enforcement of Public Policy,”3Yale J. on Reg.1985,pp.168-169.
    320See Civil Rights Act of1964,42U.S.C.2000a-3(1994); Clayton Antitrust Act,15U.S.C.15(1994); Securities Act of1933,15U.S.C.77k(e)(1994).
    321See, e.g., Clean Water Act505(b)(2),33U.S.C.1365(b)(2); Clean Air Act304(b)(2),42U.S.C.7604(b)(2).
    324See Comment, Qui Tam Actions,”The Role of the Private Citizen in Law Enforcement,”20UCLA L. Rev.,1973,pp.778,780.
    325See Cass R. Sunstein,“What's Standing After Lujan? Of Citizen Suits,‘Injuries,’ and Article III,”91Mich. L.Rev.,1992,pp.175-76.
    326See Donald H. Zeigler,“Rights Require Remedies: A New Approach to the Enforcement of Rights in the FederalCourts,”38Hastings L.J.1987,pp.671-77.
    328Barton H. Thompson, Jr.,“Innovations in Environmental Policy: The Continuing Innovation of Citizen Enforcement,” U.Ill. L. Rev.2000,p.185.
    329See Frank B. Cross,“Rethinking Environmental Citizen Suits,”8Temp. Envtl. L.&Tech. J.,1989,p.67.
    330Harold J. Krent&Ethan G. Shenkman,“Of Citizen Suits and Citizen Sunstein,”91Mich. L. Rev.1993,p.1803.
    331See Jonathan H. Adler, Stand or Deliver,” Citizen Suits, Standing, and Environmental Protection,,”12Duke Envtl. L&Pol'y F.,2001,p.49.
    332Barton H. Thompson, Jr.,“The Continuing Innovation of Citizen Enforcement,” U. Ill. L. Rev.185,2000,pp.191-92.
    333See Barry Boyer&Errol Meidinger, Privatizing Regulatory Enforcement,“A Preliminary Assessment of Citizen SuitsUnder Federal Environmental Laws,”34Buff. L. Rev.,1985,pp.833,838.
    334Richard B. Stewart&Cass R. Sunstein,“Public Programs and Private Rights,”95Harv. L. Rev.1982,p.1298.
    335Steven D. Shermer,“The Efficiency of Private Participation in Regulating and Enforcing the Federal Pollution ControlLaws: A Model for Citizen Involvement,” J. Envtl. L.&Litig.,14,1999,pp.461,469.
    336Barton H. Thompson, Jr.,“The Continuing Innovation of Citizen Enforcement,” U. Ill. L. Rev.,2000,pp.191-92.
    337See J.R. DeShazo&Jody Freeman,“The Congressional Competition to Control Delegated Power,”81Tex. L.Rev.,2003,pp.1443,1445.
    338See Michael S. Greve,“The Private Enforcement of Environmental Law,”65Tul. L. Rev.,1990,pp.339,350.
    339Matthew D. Zinn,“Policing Environmental Regulatory Enforcement: Cooperation, Capture, and Citizen Suits,”21Stan.Envtl. L.J.,2002,p.89-91.
    340Murray Kempton, Son of Pinkerton, N.Y. Rev. Books, May20,1971,p.24.作者认为,马克思论证了资本主义私人财产向社会主义财产的过渡,而FBI取代平克顿私人侦探所是人类历史上印证这一论述的唯一事例。
    341See Pamela H. Bucy,“Private Justice,”76S. Cal. L. Rev.,2002,pp.39-40.
    348Double Slaying Unmasks Lax Laws for Bounty Hunters, Seattle Times, Sept.3,1997, at A3.
    393“Investigatory Power:The authority conferred on a governmental agency to inspect and compel disclosure of factsgermane to an investigation.” See, Bryan A. Garner, Editorinchief, Black’ s Law Dictionary,7thedition,WESTGROUP,1999,P.1189.
    400[美]Black’s Law Dictionary,West publishing co.1979年版,第178页。
    428R. L. c.25, Ё88,90; chapter23, Ё1,8.
    431N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann.?633:3-a,?633:3-a(II)(a)
    432United States v. Leon,468U.S.897,906(1984).
    441See Douglas L. Colbert,“Thirty-Five Years After Gideon: The Illusory Right to Counsel at Bail Proceedings,” U. Ill. L.Rev.1,1998,p.2.
    442Mary T. Phillips,“Research Brief No.18: Bail, Detention,&Felony Case Outcomes,” N.Y.C. Criminal Justice Agency,Inc.,5-7(Sept.2008), http://www.cjareports.org/reports/brief18.pdf
    444See, Stephanos Bibas,“Plea Bargaining Outside the Shadow of Trial,”117Harv. L. Rev.,2004,pp.2463,2468.
    448See Brian A. Reaves&Jacob Perez,“U.S. Dep't of Justice, Pretrial Release of Felony Defendants,1992,”1994, p.12.
    475“Double Slaying Unmasks Lax Laws for Bounty Hunters,” Seattle Times, Sept.3,1997, at A3.
    476See Brian A. Reaves&Jacob Perez,“U.S. Dep't of Justice, Pretrial Release of Felony Defendants,1992,”1994,p.12..
    478679A.2d1017(D.C. App.1996).
    479Murders at Dawn,“Bounty Hunters Storm the Wrong House in Phoenix, Killing Two and Spurring the Cry forSafeguards,” Time, Sept.15,1997, at91.
    480ST. PETERSBURG TIMES, Feb.13,1992, at1B.
    481See Pamela Manson and Kris Mayes,“AzScam: Could Scandal Happen Again?; Lessons, Temptations Debated inAftermath,” ARIZONA REPUBLIC, Feb.11,1996, at A1.“AzScam”在亚利桑那州人的语言中,表达的意思是该州政治史上最肮脏的一幕。
    482Ford v.Hendrick,257A.2d667(Pa. Super. Ct.1969)
    483Mary T. Phillips, Ph.D.,“Commercial Bail Bonds in New York City”,CHARACTERISTICS AND IMPLICATIONS,FINAL REPORT,2011, p.61.
    484American Bar Association (ABA), ABA Standards for Criminal Justice. Pretrial Release. Third Edition. Washington, DC:American Bar Association,2007.
    485Houy J. Joiner,“Private Police, Defending the Power of Professinal Bail Bondsmen,”32Ind. L. Rev.,1999,p.1419.
    488Pugh v. Rainwater,557F.2d1199(5th Cir.1977)
    489John A. Chamberlin,“Boungy Hunters: Can the Criminal Justice System Live Without Them?” U. Ill. L. Rev,1998,p.1175
    490See Lynn S. Branham,“A Federal Comprehensive Community-Corrections Act: Its Time Has Come,”12COOLEY L.REV.,1995,p.403.
    491Houy J. Joiner,“Private Police: Defending the Power of Professinal Bail Bondsmen,”32Ind. L. Rev.,1ppp,p.1428.
    492Forrest Dill,“Discretion, Exchange and Social Control: Bail Bondsmen in Criminal Courts,”9LAW&SOC'YREV.,1975,pp.639,653.
    493See Dum v. Elrod,542F.2d998(7th Cir.1976)
    494See Liz Dupont-Diehl,“Bail Bondsmen Fill the Gap in the Criminal Justice System,” J. INQUIRER (Manchester, Conn.),Mar.,1993,p.29.
    495FED. R. CRIM. P.46(e)(1).
    496See Daniel J.Freed&Patricialm,“Wald, Bail in The United States,” Institute of Governmental Studies, University ofCalifornia,1964, p.28.
    498See Marc Gunther, Experts on Call,“They're in the Book and They Thrive On Public Attention,” CHI. TRIB., Nov.7,1993, p.4.
    499See David D. Minier,“Bounty Hunters Currently the Target of Much Misplaced Outrage,” FRESNO BEE, Sept.28,1997,at B7.
    500See Mary A. Toberg,“Bail Bondsmen and Criminal Courts,”8JUST. SYS. J.,1983,p.143.
    501David W. Neubauer:《美国的保释制度》,岳悍惟译,陈卫东主编:《保释制度与取保候审》,北京:中国检察出版社,2003年版,第225页。
    502Forrest Dill,“Discretion, Exchange and Social Control: Bail Bondsme in Criminal Courts,”9Law&SOCYREV.,1975,pp.654-55.
    503See David D. Minier,“Bounty Hunters Currently the Target of Much Misplaced Outrage,”FRESNO BEE, Sept.28,1997,at B7.
    504American Druggist v. Bogart,707F.2d1229,1233(11th Cir.1983).
    505Marie VanNostrand,‘Crime&Justice Inst.&Nat'l Inst. of Corrs., Legal and Evidence-based Practices: Applications ofLegal Principles, Laws, and Research to the Field of Pretrial Services”, National Institute of Corrections,2007,p.1.
    506Adam Liptak,“World Spurns Bail for Profit, But It's a Pillar of U.S. Justice,”N.Y. Times, Jan.29,2008, at A1
    507John A. Chamberlin,“Bounty Hunters: Can the Criminal Justice System Live Without They?”1998U. Ill. L.Rev.,1998,p.1175.
    509See Daniel J.Freed&Patricialm,“Wald, Bail in The United States,” Institute of Governmental Studies, University ofCalifornia,1964, p.28.
    510纽约的布朗克斯区辩护组织设立的一个循环使用的保释基金,对符合条件的顾客免费提供保释金。当被保释被告完全出庭,保释金得到返回,重新充实基金,因此基金循环使用。参见Robin Steinberg&Zoe Towns,“The BronxFreedom Fund: A Model Bail Fund, Cornerstone” Nat'l Legal Aid&Defender Ass'n, Washington, D.C.) Jan.-Apr.2009,p.21.
    513See Daniel J.Freed&Patricialm,“Wald, Bail in The United States,” Institute of Governmental Studies, University ofCalifornia,1964, p.31.
    523N.Y. Ins. Law?6801(a)(1)
    524Miranda,2009WL2170254, at8
    525Ric Simmons,“Private Criminal Justice,” Wake Forest L. Rev., Vol.42,2007,p.911.
    132Reichel, P. L., Corrections, Minneapolis/St. Paul: West Publishing Company,1997.
    133Powers, Edwin,Crime and Punishment in Early Massachusetts, Boston: Beacon Press,1966.
    134Semmes, Raphael, Crime and Punishment in Early Maryland, Baltimor: The Johns HopkinsUniversity Press,1938.
    135Ryan, M. And Ward, T., Privatization and the Penal System:The American Experience and theDebate in Britain, Milton Keynes; Philadelphia: Open Univeristy Press,1938.
    136William T. Gormley, Jr (ed.), Privatization and Its Alternatives. Madison, Wis.: University ofWisconsin Press.
    137Mancini, Matthew J.,One Dies, Get Another: Convict Leasing in the American South,Columbia:University of South California Press,1996.
    138Oshinsky, David M."Worse than Slavery": Parchman Farm and the Ordeal of Jim Crow Justice.New York: Free Press,1996.
    139Linowes, David F., Privatization: Toward More Effective Government, Urbana and Chicago:University of Illinois Press,1988.
    140Logan, C.H., Private Prisons: Pros and Cons, New York: Oxford University Press,1990.
    141Press,A., The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Private Prisons in the1980s. In D. C. McDonald(ed.), Private Prisons and the Public Interest. New Brunswick and London: Rutgers University Press,1990.
    142Powers, Edwin,Crime and Punishment in Early Massachusetts,Boston: Beacon Press,1966.
    143Semmes, Raphael, Crime and Punishment in Early Maryland, Baltimor: The Johns HopkinsUniversity Press,1938.
    144Frank Morn,"The Eye That Never Sleeps": A History of the Pinkerton National Detective Agency,Indiana University Press,1982.
    145Robert M. Bloom,Mark S. Brodin, Criminal Procedure: the constitution and the police, NewYork: Aspen Publisher,2006.
    146Larry Kramer, The People Themselves, Oxford University Press,2004.
    147James S. Kakalik, Sorrel Wildhorn, The private police: security and danger, Crane Russak,1977.
    148John M.Keynes,The End of Laissez-Faire?, Prometheus Books,2004.
    149Yale Kamisar et al., Advanced Criminal Procedure, West publishing,1994.
    150F.E. Devine, Commercial Bail Bonding: A Comparison of Common Law Alternatives, New York:Praeger Publishers,1991.
    151Eric Monkkonen, Police in Urban America,1860-1920, Cambridge University Press,2004.
    152Elsa de Haas, Antiquities of Bail: Origin and Historical Development in Criminal Cases to theYear1275, AMS Press,1966.
    153John E. Cribbet&Corwin W. Johnson, Principles of the Law of Property, The Foundation Press,1989.
    154James D. Horan, The Pinkertons: The Detective Dynasty That Made History, Crown Publishers,1968.
    155Randy E. Barnett and Johu Hagel, In Acessing the Crimimal: Restiution,Retribution, and TheLegal Process, Cambridge, MA:Ballinger,1997.
    156Barry Boyer&Errol Meidinger,“Privatizing Regulatory Enforcement: A Preliminary Assessmentof Citizen Suits Under Federal Environmental Laws,”34Buff. L. Rev.,1985.
    157Brian A. Reaves&Jacob Perez,“U.S. Dep't of Justice, Pretrial Release of Felony Defendants,1992”,Nov.1994,NCJ-1488118.
    158Clifford D. Shearing, The Relation Between Public and Private Policing, in Modern Policing,”Modern Policing,Vol.15,1992.
    159Conley, J. A.“Prisons, Production, and Profit: Reconsidering the Important of PrisonIndustries.” Journal of social history, vol.14,1980.
    160Cardeanas,juan.“The Crime Victim in th eProsecutional Process,” Harvard Journal of Law andPublic Policy.,1986.s
    161Comment,“Qui Tam Actions: The Role of the Private Citizen in Law Enforcement,” UCLA L.Rev.,vol.20,1973.
    162Cass R. Sunstein,“What's Standing After Lujan? Of Citizen Suits,"Injuries," and Article III,”Mich. L. Rev.,vol.91,1992.
    163Megan Oswald,“Private employers or Private Investigators? A Comment on Negligently HiringApplicants With Criminal Records in Ohio,” U. Cin. L. Rev., vol.72,2004.
    164Cohen, Thomas H. and Tracey Kyckelhahn,“State Court Processing Statistics,2006; FelonyDefendants in Large Urban Counties,2006,” Office of Justice Programs May2010, NCJ228944,http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/index.cfm?ty=pbdetail&iid=2193.
    165Christian Parenti,“I Hunt Men,” Progressive, Jan.1997.
    166Donald H. Zeigler,“Rights Require Remedies: A New Approach to the Enforcement of Rights inthe Federal Courts,” Hastings L.J.,vol.38,1987s.
    167Douglas L. Colbert,“Thirty-Five Years After Gideon: The Illusory Right to Counsel at BailProceedings,” U. Ill. L. Rev.,1998.
    168David A. Sklansky,“The Private Police,” U.C.L.A. L. Rev.,vol.46,1999.
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    287S. Rep. No.76-6, pt.2.
    288Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Dep't of Justice, Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics–1995
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    293ST. PETERSBURG TIMES, Feb.13,1992.
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    296N.Y. Ins. Law6804(c)
    297Ind. Code Ann.?27-10-3-5(3)(a)(2008)
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    307Colo. Rev. Stat.?12-7-102.5(6)(2007)
    308William E. Burrows, Vigilante!13(1976).
    309Merriam-Webster'sDictionaryofLaw,Merriam-Webster, Inc.,1996, http://dictionary. lp. findlaw. com/
    310Civil Rights Act of1964,42U.S.C.2000a-3(1994);
    311Clayton Antitrust Act,15U.S.C.15(1994);
    312Securities Act of1933,15U.S.C.77k(e)(1994).
    313Clean Water Act505(b)(2),33U.S.C.1365(b)(2);
    314Clean Air Act304(b)(2),42U.S.C.7604(b)(2).
    315679A.2d1017(D.C. App.1996).
    316ST. PETERSBURG TIMES, Feb.13,1992.
    317FED. R. CRIM. P.46(e)(1).
    318N.Y. Ins. Law?6801(a)(1)
    320R. L. c.25, Ё88,90; chapter23, Ё1,8.
    321Double Slaying Unmasks Lax Laws for Bounty Hunters, Seattle Times, Sept.3,1997.

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