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It is generally recognized that the international legal system is grounded on a fundamental principle:pacta sunt servanda—treaties must be obeyed. However, neither treaties themselves nor the geostrategic context in which treaties are embedded are static, of course. When shifts in the political landscape or domestic preferences undermine a treaty's objectives or render its terms unduly burdensome or obsolete, international law directs states to prefer re-negotiations with their treaty partners, attempting to revise the treaty. In case of achieving no effect of revision, the contracting parties even spare no efforts to exercise the exit right of treaty in order to fulfill its goal. Given the prevalent use of exit rights in international practice of treaties and the diverse design of exit right clauses, it is surprising that the research on exit rights of treaties has received so little attention in international law scholarship.
     With the symbolic adoption of the1969Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT), the historic emergence and development of treaty exit rights can be divided into three phases:the pre-drafting phase of VCLT, the drafting phase of VCLT and the post drafting phase of VCLT. In Accordance with different classification standards, treaty exit rights fall within the categories of express exit right vs. implied exit right, agreed exit right vs. exit right under general international law, unilateral exit right vs. group exit right and complete exit right vs. partial exit right.
     Essentially, treaty exit right is the emanation and prerogative of sovereignty. The sovereign attribute determines the legitimacy of treaty exit right. The treaty exit right in the practice of treaty law is analogous to the derogation right of customary international law and the rescission right of contract in domestic private law. The exercise of treaty exit rights actually reflects the pursuit of cooperation value, coordination value, justice value, safeguard value, pragmatic value and the value of adaptability to changes. While recognizing the exit rights'significance of protecting the interests of contracting parties, the overall interests of the international community as a whole should also be taken into account.
     The conditions of exercising treaty exit rights can be categorized into the substantive conditions and the procedural conditions. The substantive conditions include the mutual agreement of the contracting parties, rebus sic stantibus, other parties'material breach and impossibility of treaty performance. In the aspect of procedures, some treaties impose limitations on the time of exercising exit rights. Generally, treaties require the exiting parties to make notice of exit. However, the treaty exit rights will not take effect until a period of time elapses after the notice. There should exist a moratorium between the notice making and the entry into force of the exit rights. But the length of the moratorium and the elaboration of the reasons for treaty exit in the notice do not possess the nature of customary international law.
     The sovereign attribute of treaty exit rights determines the rights' property of relativity. The exercise of treaty exit rights should be bound by the principle of pacta sunt servanda. Moreover, the exercise of the treaty exit rights should also be restrained by the doctrine of international-community-orientation.
     Attentively, the exiting country, relative to the treaty which it exits, will become a third party to the treaty after the exit, thus no new rights and obligations within the treaty regime arise. But the obligations which have incurred within the framework of the treaty before the exit right enters into force can not be released. Moreover, either the jus cogens norms or the customary international law rules which are stipulated in the exited treaty that the exited country once participated in maintain their binding forces upon the exited country.
     In the practice of treaties, if, at any time during the moratorium, an objection is lodged by another party to the treaty, a dispute is initiated. Section4Part V of1969Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties describes the procedures which must be followed by the parties to settle the relevant disputes. The dispute settlement procedures can be divided into two stages:the first stage is the optional procedure provided in Article65paragraph3of the Convention; and the second stage is the compulsory procedure set up in Article66and the Annex of the Convention. Given the non-customary nature of the settlement mechanism in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties concerning the exit right disputes, therefore it lacks the inescapable binding force on the non-parties, hence the dispute settlement of a specific treaty's exit right is supposed to apply the dispute settlement mechanism or methods contained in the treaty itself priorly.
    ② Galligan, David M.. Wrapping Up the UNCLOS Ⅲ "Package":At Long Last the Final Clauses[J], Va. J. Int'l L.,1980, (20):347-384; Weiler, Joseph H. H.. Alternatives to Withdrawal from an International Organization:The Case of the European Economic Community[J], Israel L. Rev.,1985, (20):283.
    ① Helfer, Laurence R... Exiting Treaties[J]. Virginia Law Review,2005, (91):1579-1648.
    ② Jenks, C. Wilfred. A New World of Law? A Study of the Creative Imagination in International Law[M]. London:Longmans,1969:180.
    ①沃尔多克在其第二份报告中指出,对条约退出权问题的探讨开始于1871年《伦敦宣言》所阐述的那条有关条约约束性质的著名规则。沃氏承认,1871年宣言特别适用那一类寻求稳定和永久解决争端的条约。但同时他又认为,宣言通常也被视为给那些并未表达任何固定有效期的条约以及不含任何退出权条款的条约阐述了一条普遍规则。沃尔多克还提到,这日益增多的条约退出权条款,首先出现在技术性条约中,然后扩展至多边条约,到如今已变得非常普遍了。Waldock Ⅱ, A/CN.4/156, Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1963, vol.2, p.1-8.
    ② Bederrnan, D.. The 1871 London Declaration, rebus sic stantibus and a primitivist view of the Law of Nations[J]. AJIL.1988. (82):3.
    ③ Schwebel. On Soviet Practice[J]. American Journal of International Law,1964, (58):660.
    ①Helfer, Laurence R.. Exiting Treaties[J]. Virginia Law Review,2005, (91):1579-1648.
    ① Schindler, Dietrich. The Administration of Justice in the Swiss Federal Court in International Disputes[J]. American Journal of International Law.1921, (15):149-188.
    ① Phillimore, Walter George Frank. Three Centuries of Treaties of Peace and Their Teaching[M]. London:John Murray,1917:45.
    ①The American Journal International Law (Supplement),1935:1173.
    ① Giraud, E.. Report at the Institute of International Law[J]. YIIL (book 1),1961, (49):73.
    ② Haraszti, Gyorgy. Some Fundamental Problems of the Law of Treaties (Jozsef Decsenyi trans.) [M].Budapest:Akademiai Kiado,1973:264.
    ③ Kiss, Alexandre-Charles. Repertoire de la pratique francaise (vol. Ⅰ)[M]. Paris:Editions due Centre national de la a recherche scientifique,1962:367.
    ① Oppenheim, L.. International Law:A Treatise[M]. London:Longmans, Green & Co.,1905:549.事实上,1861年当Halleck谈到同盟条约时,他首次表达了类似的观点。但1680年Textor却表达了相反的看法。Textor, Woflgang. Law of Nations[M]. Baltimore:The Lord Baltimore Press,1680:269.
    ② Oppenheim, L.. International Law (vol.Ⅰ) [M]. London:Longmans,1954:382-383.
    ③ Oppenheim, L.. International Law:A Treatise (8th edn.)[M]. H. Lauterpacht ed.. London: Longmans,1955:843.
    ① Higgins, Pearce. A Treatise on International Law (8th edn.) [M]. Oxford:Clarendon Press, 1924:405.
    ② Stewart, Robert Burgess. Treaty Relations of the British Commonwealth of Nations[M]. London: Macmillan,1939:920.
    ① Mcnair, Arnold Duncan. The Law of Treaties[M]. Oxford:Clarendon Press,1961:493-494.
    ② Mcnair, Arnold Duncan. The Law of Treaties[M]. Oxford:Clarendon Press,1961:504.
    ④ Mcnair, Arnold Duncan. The Law of Treaties[M]. Oxford:Clarendon Press,1961:511.
    ① Brierly. Some Consideration on the Obsolescence of Treaties[J]. Transactions of the Grotius Society,1926,(Ⅱ):11 ff.
    ② Ross, Alf. A Textbook of International Law[M]. London:Lawbook Exchange,1947:218; Green, N. A. Maryan. International Law:Law of Peace[M]. London:Macdonald and Evans,1973: 174; Delupis, Ingrid Detter. Essays on the Law of Treaties[M]. Engelska:Norstedt,1967:83; Elias, Taslim Olawale. The Modern Law of Treaties[M]. New York:Oceana Publications, 1974:165.
    ③ Rousseau, Charles E.. Droit international public (vol.Ⅰ) [M]. Paris:Sirey,1970:213; Satow, Ernest. A Guide to Diplomatic Practice (4th edn.) [M]. Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1957:385; Jennings, Robert. Recueil des cours(Ⅱ) [M]. Hague:Hachette,1967:565.
    ④ Kozhevnikov. International Law[M]. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1961:121; Guggenheim, Paul. Traite de droit international public (vol.Ⅰ) [M]. Paris:Librairie de l'Universite,1967: 219; Strupp, K.. Recueil des cours(Ⅰ) [M]. Hague:Hachette,1934:263; Jurisclasseur. Sources de droit international[M]. Paris:Juris-classeur,1960:47.
    ①Fitzmaurice Ⅱ, A/CN.4/107, Yearbook of the International Law Commission.1957. vol.2. p.22.
    ② Fitzmaurice Ⅱ, A/CN.4/107, Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1957, vol.2, pp 21t.
    ①Fitzmaurice Ⅳ, A/CN.4/I20, Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1959, vol.2, p. 38.
    ② Waldock Ⅱ, A/CN.4/156, Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1963, vol.2, p.39.
    ①Waldock Ⅱ, A/CN.4/156, Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1963, vol.2, p. 64-70.
    ①Waldock Ⅱ, A/CN.4/156, Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1963, vol.2, pp.63f.
    ① Waldock Ⅱ, A/CN.4/156, Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1963, vol.2, pp.64f.
    ② Giraud, E.. Report at the Institute of International Law[J]. YIIL,1961, (49):75.
    ① Waldock Ⅱ, A/CN.4/156, Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1963, vol.2, p.67.
    ④ Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1963, vol. Ⅰ, pp.2,94f.
    ⑤ Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1963, vol. Ⅰ, p.101-102
    ① Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1963, vol. Ⅰ, p.102.
    ② Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1963, vol. Ⅰ, p.104.
    ③ Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1963, vol. Ⅰ, p.99.
    ④ Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1963, vol. Ⅰ, p.106.
    ①Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1963, vol. Ⅰ, p.241.
    ①Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1966, vol.Ⅱ,p.122.
    ②Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1966, vol.Ⅱ, p.250-251.
    ① U.N. General Assembly Official Records,20th Session, Sixth Committee, p.57.
    ② U.N. General Assembly Official Records,22nd Session, Sixth Committee, pp.94-95.
    ③ U.N. Doc. A/CONF.39/1 Ⅰ, pp.335 ff.
    ①Off. Rec.,1st sess.,74th meeting of the Committee of the Whole at 336-343.
    ②Official Records, Summary Records,1st sess.and 2nd session,1969,21st meeting, p.177.
    ①最近国际法院却在Nuclear Tests案与Aegean Sea Continental Shelf案中两度对这一问题避而不谈。
    ② Jennings, Robert. Recueil des cours(Ⅱ)[M]. Hague:Hachette,1967:565.
    ①Helfer, Laurence R... Exiting Treaties[J]. Virginia Law Review,2005, (91):1579-1648.
    ② Bardonnet, D.. La Denunciation par le Gouvernement Senegalais de la Convention sur la mer territoriale... [J]. Annuaire francais de droit international,1972, (18):123 ff.
    ① Greig, D. W.. International Law (2nd edn.) [M]. London:Butterworths Law,1976:498.
    ② United Nations Note CN.89 (1976) TRE1.
    ③ Widdows, Kelvin. The Unilateral Denunciation of Treaties Containing no Denunciation Clause [J]. BYBIL,1983, (2):83-114.
    ① Bradley, Curtis A. & Mitu Gulati. Customary International Law and Withdrawal Rights in an Age of Treaties [J]. Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law,2011, (21):1-30.
    ① Corten, Olivier & Pierre Klein. The Vienna Conventions on the Law of Treaties:A Commentary[M]. New York:Oxford University Press,2011:1254.
    ② Aust, Anthony. Modern Treaty Law and Practice [M]. Cambridge:CUP,2007:290-291; Villiger, Mark E.. Commentary on the 1969 Vienna Conventions on the Law of Treaties [M]. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,2009:703.
    ③ Schwelb, Egon. The Law of Treaties and Human Rights[A]. In Reisman & Westort (eds.). Toward World Order and Human Dignity[C].1976:58-73; Weis. The Denunciation of Human Rights Treaties[J]. Humam Rights Journal,1975, (8):3-7.
    ④ McDougal, Myres. Proceedings of the American Society of International Law[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,1967:205.
    ⑤ Widdows, Kelvin. The Unilateral Denunciation of Treaties Containing no denunciation Clause [J].BYBIL,1983, (2):83-114.
    ① Christakis, Theodore. "Article 56" [A]. In Corten, Olivier & Pierre Klein (eds.). The Vienna Conventions on the Law of Treaties:A Commentary[C]. New York:Oxford University Press, 2011:1266.
    ① UN Conference on International Organizations—Dcocuments, vol.Ⅶ, Commission Ⅰ—General Provisions (doc.1160,Ⅰ/2/76).
    ② Kelsen, H.. Du droit de se retirer de l'Organisation des Nations Unies[M]. Cambridge:RGDIP, 1948:5-19.
    ① Bardonnet, D.. La Denunciation par le Gouvernement Senegalais de la Convention sur la mer territoriale... [J]. Annuaire francais de droit international,1972, (18):151.
    ② Human Rights Committee, General Comment No.26:Continuity of obligations,08/12/97, CCPR/C/21/Rev. 1/Add.8/Rev.1.
    ③ Giraud, E.. Report at the Institute of International Law[J]. YIIL, vol.49, book 1,1961:72.
    ① Feinberg, N.. Unilateral Withdrawal from an International Organization[J]. Brit. Y.B. Int'l L.1963,(39):202ff.然而,也有学者认为,在这些情形下,不存在条约退出的一般权利。(Schachter, Development of International Law through the Legal Opinions of the U.N. Secretariat[J]. Year Book,1948, (25):125.)类似的有关世界卫生组织退出问题的各种观点在国际法委员会的条款草案的一个注释中做了阐释。(General Assembly Official Records, 21st Session, Annexes, Item 86, p.19)
    ② Schachter, O.. The development of international law through the legal opinions of the United Nations Secretariat[J]. BYBIL,1948:122-127.
    ③ Ago, R.. YILC,1966, (Ⅰ):47.
    ① Christakis, Theodore. "Article 56"[A]. In Corten, Olivier & Pierre Klein (eds.). The Vienna Conventions on the Law of Treaties:A Commentary[C]. New York:Oxford University Press, 2011:1269.
    ①1968年国际法委员会在整个第56条的草拟过程中,该条第1款第2项就经过单独投票,结果表明意见分歧依然存在:56票赞成对10票反对,13票弃权。随后,整个第56条以73票对2票,4票反对的投票结果得以通过。1969年在条约法公约草案最终定稿时,澳大利亚建议,针对该条各款项部分再进行一次单独投票的提议没有被采纳,整个第56条以95票对0票,6票弃权最终获得国际法委员会的通过(Official Records, Summary Records,2nd session,1969,21st meeting, p 110, para.8)。
    ② Christakis, Theodore. "Article 56"[A]. In Corten, Olivier & Pierre Klein (eds.). The Vienna Conventions on the Law of Treaties:A Commentary[C]. New York:Oxford University Press, 2011:1271.
    ① Rudolf, W.. "Modus Vivendi" [Z]. In R. Bernhardt (ed.). Encyclopedia of Public International Law(vol.3)[M]. Amsterdam:Elsevier,1984:443.
    ② Mcnair, Arnold Duncan. The Law of Treaties[M]. Oxford:Clarendon Press,1961:511; Nolde, Baron. Droit et technique des traites de commerce [J]. RCADI,1924, (4):327.
    ③ Rudolf, W.. "Modus Vivendi" [Z]. In R. Bernhardt (ed.). Encyclopedia of Public International Law (vol.3)[M]. Amsterdam:Elsevier,1984:443.
    ④ Fitzmaurice, G. The Second Report on the Law of Treaties [J]. YILC,1957, (Ⅱ):39; Waldock, H.. The Second Report on the Law of Treaties[J]. YILC,1963, (Ⅱ):71.
    ① Leca, J.. Les techniques de revision des conventions internationales [M]. Paris:LGDJ,1961: 113.
    ② Leca, J.. Les techniques de revision des conventions internationales [M]. Paris:LGDJ,1961: 112; Widdows, Kelvin. The Unilateral Denunciation of Treaties Containing no Denunciation Clause [J]. BYBIL,1983, (2):83-114.
    ④ A Collection of All the Treaties of Peace, Alliance and Commerce between Great Britain and Other Powers (1713-1748); Mowat, Select Treaties and Documents (1815-1916); Hertslet's Commercial Treaties.
    ① Widdows, Kelvin. The Unilateral Denunciation of Treaties Containing no Denunciation Clause [J]. BYBIL,1983, (2):83-114.
    ② Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Handbook of Commercial Treaties with Foreign Powers(4th edn.) [M]. London:H. M. Stationery off.,1931:47.
    ① Widdows, Kelvin. The Unilateral Denunciation of Treaties Containing no Denunciation Clause [J].BYBIL,1983, (2):71.
    ② Widdows, Kelvin. The Unilateral Denunciation of Treaties Containing no Denunciation Clause [J].BYBIL,1983, (2):95.
    ①I.C.J. Reports,1973, pp.14-16, paras.25-29.
    ① Widdows, Kelvin. The Unilateral Denunciation of Treaties Containing no Denunciation Clause [J].BYBIL,1983, (2):96.
    ③Waldock Ⅱ, A/CN.4/156, Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1963, vol.2, pp.85f.
    ① Widdows, Kelvin. The Unilateral Denunciation of Treaties Containing no Denunciation Clause [J].BYBIL,1983, (2):98.
    ② Christakis, Theodore. "Article 56"[C]. In Corten, Olivier & Pierre Klein (eds.). Les Conventions de Vienne sur le droit des traites, Commentaire article par article (vol.Ⅲ)[A]. Brussels: Bruylant,2007:2001-2006.
    ③ P.C.I.J., Series C, No. IS, p.227.
    ① Waldock, H.. The Second Report on the Law of Treaties, YILC,1963, vol.Ⅱ, p 69.
    ② Peaslee, Amos Jenkins. International Governmental Organizations[M]. Boston:Martinus Nijhoff,1956:38.
    ③ Widdows, Kelvin. The Unilateral Denunciation of Treaties Containing no Denunciation Clause[J]. BYBIL,1983, (2):83-114.
    ④ Singh, N.. Termination of Membership of International Organizations[M]. London:Stevens & Sons,1958:80ff; Hoyt, E.. The Unanimity Rule in the Revision of Treaties[M]. Hague: Martinus Nijhoff,1959:161.
    ①Singh, N.. Termination of Membership of International Organizations[M]. London:Stevens & Sons,1958:80-81.
    ③ Schermers, H. & N. Blokker. International Institutional Law (3rd edn.) [M]. Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1995:85ff.
    ④ Feinberg, N.. Unilateral Withdrawal from an international organization[J]. BYBIL,1963, (39): 215; Widdows, Kelvin. The Unilateral Denunciation of Treaties Containing no Denunciation Clause[J]. BYBIL,1983, (2):102.
    ⑤ Feinberg, N.. Unilateral Withdrawal from an International Organization[J]. Brit. Y.B. Int'l L., 1963, (39):193.
    ② Livingstone, S.. Withdrawal from the United Nations — Indonesia[J]. International and Comparative Law Quarterly,1965, (14):637-645.
    ④在North Sea Continental Shelf案例中,国际法院法官的附带意见指出,还未成为国际公约成员方的一国不要轻易地被假定为应承担接受那些传统规则的义务,这可能是持该种解释观点的一股力量。因为人们不禁要问,如果各国有意认可退出权,那么为何这种权利却没有在条约本身得以确立呢?
    ③ Schwelb, Egon. Withdrawal from the United Nations:The Indonesian Intermezzo[J]. Am. J. Int'l L.,1967, (61):661; Schermers, H. G. International Institutional Law[M]. Hague:Sijthoff & Noodhof,1980:49.
    ③ Stein, E. & D. Carreau. Law and Peaceful Change in a Subsystem:"Withdrawal" of France from the North Atlantic Treaty[J]. American Journal of International Law,1968, (62): 577-640.
    ① Widdows, Kelvin. The Unilateral Denunciation of Treaties Containing no Denunciation Clause[J]. BYBIL,1983, (2):83-114.
    ① ICJ Reports 1980, pp 94-95, paras 47-49.
    ① Antonio Augusto Cancado Trindade. Actualite et droit international, http:www.ridi. Org/adi/200002al.htm.
    ①YILC,1963,vol,Ⅰ.698th meeting,P101:para.24.
    ① Official Records, Summary Records,2nd session,1969,20th meeting, p 109, para.86.
    ② Akehurst, M. "Treaties, Termination" [Z]. In R. Bernhardt (ed.). Encyclopedia of Public Internatioal Law (vol.3) [M]. Amsterdam:Elsevier,1984:507; Dinh, Nguyen Quoc & A. Pellet. Droit international public(7th edn) [M]. Paris:LGD,2002:307.
    ③ Christakis, Theodore. "Article 56" [A]. In Corten, Olivier & Pierre Klein (eds.). The Vienna Conventions on the Law of Treaties:A Commentary[C]. New York:Oxford University Press, 2011:1257.
    ④ Christakis, Theodore. "Article 56" [A]. In Corten, Olivier & Pierre Klein (eds.). Les Conventions de Vienne sur le droit des traites, Commentaire article par article (vol.Ⅲ)[C]. Brussels:Bruylant,2007:1961-1964.
    ① Klabbers, Jan. An Introduction to International Institutional Law[M]. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2002:95-96.
    ① Widdows, Kelvin. The Unilateral Denunciation of Treaties Containing no Denunciation Clause [J].BYBIL,1983, (2):95.
    ⑦ Bradley, Curtis A. & Mitu Gulati. Withdrawing from International Custom [J]. Yale Law Journal,2010, (120):202-265.
    ⑧ Bradley, Curtis A. & Mitu Gulati. Customary International Law and Withdrawal Rights in an Age of Treaties [J]. Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law,2010, (21):1-30.
    ① Helfer, Laurence R.. Exiting Treaties[J]. Virginia Law Review,2005, (91):1578,1582.
    ② Tobin, H.The termination of multipartite treaties[M]. New York:Columbia University Press, 1933:200.
    ③ Widdows, Kelvin. The Unilateral Denunciation of Treaties Containing no Denunciation Clause [J]. BYBIL,1983, (2):95.
    ④ Helfer, Laurence R... Exiting Treaties[J]. Virginia Law Review,2005, (91):1593.
    ① Widdows, Kelvin. The Unilateral Denunciation of Treaties Containing no Denunciation Clause [J].BYBIL,1983, (2):95.
    ① Helfer, Laurence R.. Exiting Treaties[J]. Virginia Law Review,2005, (91):1579-1648.
    ② Aust, Anthony. Modern Treaty Law and Practice [M]. Cambridge:CUP,2007:290-291.
    ④当条约含有关于终止的规定却未含单边退出条款时,总地说来,从该条约中退出被认为是不可能的。菲茨摩里斯在其关于条约法的第二份报告中强调说“当条约明文规定在固定期限内维持效力,这就暗示了在该期限内任何缔约方都不得解约或退出,除非通过共同同意’(YILC,1957, vol.Ⅱ, p 39).沃尔多克也在其关于条约法的第二份报告中多次重复该观点(参见YILC,1963, vol. Ⅱ, p 64)。这些学说似乎在该点上未经讨论却也取得了一致意见(又比如Mcnair, Arnold Duncan. The Law of Treaties[M]. Oxford:Clarendon Press,1961: 512).
    ① Second Report on the Law of Treaties by Mr. G. G. Fitzmaurice, Special Rapporteur, UN Doc. A/CN.4/107,66.
    ② Villiger, Mark E.. Commentary on the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties[M]. Boston:Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,2010:564.
    ② Aust, Anthony. Modern Treaty Law and Practice[M]. Cambridge:CUP,2007:159-160; Laurence R. Helfer, Not Fully Committed? Reservations, Risk, and Treaty Design[J]. Yale J. Int'L L.2006, (31):367,371-372.
    ① Sykes, Alan O.. Protectionism as a "Safeguard":A Positive Analysis of the GATT "Escape Clause" with Normative Speculations[J]. U. Chi. L. Rev.,1991, (58):255,256.
    ① Schwelb, Egon. Withdrawal from the United Nations:The Indonesian IntermezzofJ]. Am. J. Int'l L.,1967, (61):661; Weiler, Joseph H. H.. Alternatives to Withdrawal from an International Organization:The Case of the European Economic Community [J]. Israel L.Rev., 1985(20):282-288; Kelvin Widdows, The Unilateral Denunciation of Treaties Containing No Denunciation Clause[J]. Brit. Y.B. Int'l L.1982, (53):83.
    ②这一立场的思想根源来自国际常设法院在1927年9月7日法国诉土耳其的“莲花号”轮船案中所作的重要论断:“法律规则对各国的约束力发源于这些国家自.己的自由意志……对各国的独立进行限制因而是不能被推定的。”Haraszti, Gyorgy. Some Fundamental Problems of the Law of Treaties [M]. Jozsef Decsenyi trans.. Budapest:Akademiai Kiado,1973:264.
    ③ Feinberg, N.. Unilateral Withdrawal from an International Organization [J]. Brit. Y.B. Int'l L.,1963, (39):189,215-217; Franck,Thomas M., Is the U.N. Charter a Constitution? [A]. In Jochen Abr. Frowein(eds.). Negotiating for Peace [C]. Berlin:Springer,2003:95-96; Weiler, Joseph H. H.. Alternatives to Withdrawal from an International Organization:The Case of the European Economic Community [J]. Israel L.Rev.,1985, (20):284-87.
    ① Brierly, J. L.. The Law of Nations:An Introduction to the International Law of Peace (6th edn.)[M]. Humphrey Waldock ed.. Oxford:Clarendon Press,1963:331; Oppenheim, L. International Law:A Treatise (8th edn.)[M]. H. Lauterpacht ed.. London:Longmans,1955: 938.
    ② Galligan, David M.. Wrapping up the UNCLOS Ⅲ "Package":At Long Last the Final Clauses [J]. Va. J, Int'l L,1980, (20):347,382; Haraszti, Gyorgy. Some Fundamental Problems of the Law of Treaties [M]. Jozsef Decsenyi trans.. Budapest:Akademiai Kiado,1973:268.
    ③ Evatt, Elizabeth. Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the ICCPR:Denunciation as an Exercise of the Right of Self-Defence? [J]. Austl. J. Hum. Rts.,1999, (5):215-217; Schwelb, Egon. Withdrawal from the United Nations:The Indonesian Intermezzo[J]. Am. J. Int'l L., 1967, (61):666-671; Widdows, Kelvin. The Unilateral Denunciation of Treaties Containing no Denunciation Clause [J]. BYBIL,1983, (2):99-102; Feinberg, N. Unilateral Withdrawal from an International Organization[J]. Brit. Y.B. Int'l L.,1963, (39):204-211.
    ④当然,其他缔约国的反应也值得一提。在上述的几个国家退出联合国教科文组织后,美国就成功地在该组织的章程中引入一个修正案,授权单边退出。Feinberg, N. Unilateral Withdrawal from an International Organization [J]. Brit. Y.B. Int'l L.,1963, (39):211.
    ④ Akehurst, Michael. Withdrawal from International Organisations[J]. Current Legal Prob.1979, (32):143,146-149; Feinberg, N. Unilateral Withdrawal from an International Organization [J]. Brit. Y.B. Int'l L.,1963, (39):205-211; Schwelb, Egon. Withdrawal from the United Nations: The Indonesian Intermezzo [J]. Am. J. Int'l L.,1967, (61):667-670.
    ④ Nincic, Djura. The Problem of Sovereignty in the Charter and in the Practice of the United Nations[M]. Leiden:Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1970:286.
    ① Mcnair, Arnold Duncan. The Law of Treaties[M]. Oxford:Clarendon Press,1961:351.
    ② Oppenheim, L.. International Law:A Treatise (8th edn.)[M]. H. Lauterpacht ed.. London: Longmans,1955:411.
    ③ Singh, N.. Termination of Membership of International Organizations[M]. London:Stevens & Sons,1958:85-86.
    ① Nincic, Djura. The Problem of Sovereignty in the Charter and in the Practice of the United Nations[M]. Leiden:Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1970:286.
    ② Overstreet, A. V.. Sovereignty in the Constitution of Some International Organizations, A Comparative Study of Certain Aspects of the League of Nations, UNRRA and the UN[D]. Cambridge:Mass.,1948.
    ③ UNCIO doc.619.
    ① Norman, George & Joel P. Trachtman. The Customary International Law Game[J]. Am. J. Int'L L.,2005, (99):541,544.
    ③ 1969 I.C.J. Rep., p.38.
    ④ Charney, Jonathan L. The Persistent Objector Rule and the Development of Customary International Law[J]. Brit. Y. B. Int'L L.,1985, (56):1.
    ⑤有学者就认为,尽管条约制度已经比较全面了,但同时存在另一种国际习惯法制度的好处之一就是国际习惯法在应对变化的条件时更容易产生演变。Kontou, Nancy. The Termination and Revision of Treaties in Light of New Customary International Law[M]. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1994:69.
    ① Guzman, Andrew T.. Saving Customary International Law[J]. Mich. J. Int'L L.,2005, (27): 115-171.
    ② Scott, Gary L. & Craig L. Carr. Multilateral Treaties and the Formation of Customary International Law[J]. Denv. J. Int'L L.& Pol'Y.,1996, (25):71; Weisburd, Arthur M.. Customary International Law:The Problem of Treaties[J]. Vand. J. Transnat'L L.,1988, (21): 1.
    ③有学者认为,“条约,尤其是多边条约,通常被作为国际习惯法的证据使用’'.Goldsmith, Jack L. & Eric A. Posner. The Limits of International Law[M].New York:Oxford University Press,2005:23;也有学者主张,“无论是多边条约还是双边条约都被频繁作为各国实践国际习惯法的证据引用”。Baxter, R. R.. Multilateral Treaties as Evidence of Customary International Law[J]. Brit. Y. B. Int'L L.,1965-1966, (41):275.
    ① Vattel, Emmerich De.. The Law of Nations or the Principles of Natural Law Applied to the Conduct and to the Affairs of Nations and of Sovereigns[M]. Charles G. Fenwick transl.. Philadelphia:T. & J. W. Johnson& Co., Law Booksellers,1916:9.
    ② Bynkershoek, Cornelius Van. De Foro Legatorum Liber Singularis:A Monograph on the Jurisdiction over Ambassadors in Both Civil and Criminal Cases[M]. Gordon J. Laing trans.. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1946:106-107; Martens, Georg F.. A Compendium of the Law of Nations, Founded on the Treaties and Customs of the Modern Nations of Europe[M]. William Cobbett transl.. London:Cobbett and Morgan, Pall-Mall,1802:356.
    ③ Wheaton, Henry. History of the Law of Nations in Europe and America [M]. Oklahoma:Gould, Banks,1845:195-196.
    ④ Chitty, Joseph. Joseph Chitty on Vattel [M]. Philadelphia:T. & J.W. Johnson & Co.,1856:xv.
    ⑤ Baker, Sherston. First Steps in International Law[M]. Oxford:Gale, Making of Modern Law, 1899:16; Phillimore, Robert. Commentaries Upon International Law (3d ed.) [M]. Philadelphia:T. & J.W. Johnson & Co.,1879:39; Poison, Archer. Principles of the Law of Nations[M]. London:J. J. Griffin and Co.,1860:12.
    ⑥ Lang, Daniel G.. Foreign Policy in the Early Republic[M]. Baton Rouge, LA:Louisiana State University Press,1985:13-33; Fenwick, Charles G. The Authority of Vattel[J]. Am. Pol. Sci. Rev.,1913, (7):395.
    ⑦ 3 U.S. (3 Dall.) 199(1796).
    ① 11U.S.(7Cranch)116(1812).
    ② The Santissima Trinidad,20 U.S. (7 Wheat.) 283,352-54 (1822)引用Schooner Exchange案来证明这一论断,即外国船舶从一国管辖范围的豁免“是建立在公共礼让与便利原则的基础上,并产生于各国的推定同意或许可。”而且“这样的同意与许可仅从各国的一般习惯法隐含出来并且可在任何时候退出,而无需承担责任”。
    ③ "default"含有“不履行义务、违约”等意思。但作者赞成使用"Derogation View"这一术语,因为‘"derogation"准确地表示了“背离,偏离(规则,行为准则)”的含义,这更符合国际习惯法的特征。另外,对于国际社会对国际习惯法的违反(或不履行)行为,Laurence R. Helfer和Curtis A. Bradley & Mitu Gulati分别在其论文中使用了"exiting"与"withdrawing"来表示对国际习惯法的“退出”。至于上升到一种权利,作者倾向于使用“背离权”,而不是“退出权”。Helfer, Laurence R.. Exiting Custom:Analogies to Treaty Withdrawals [J]. Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law,2010, (21):65-80; Bradley, Curtis A. & Mitu Gulati. Withdrawing from International Custom [J]. Yale Law Journal,2010, (120):202-265. Helfer, Laurence R.. Exiting Custom:Analogies to Treaty Withdrawals [J]. Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law,2010, (21):65-80.
    ① Elias, O. A. & C. L. Lim. The Paradox of Consensualism in International Law[M]. Kluwer: Kluwer Law International,1998:97-98.
    ② Tunkin, G. I.. Remarks on the Juridicial Nature of Customary Norms of International Law[J].Cal. L. Rev.,1961, (49):419,428.
    ③ Schachter, Oscar. International Law in Theory and Practice[M]. Boston:Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995:10.
    ④ Norton, Patrick M.. A Law of the Future or a Law of the Past? Modern Tribunals and the Law of Expropriation[J].Am. J. Int'L L.,1991, (85):474,478.
    ⑤ Langstrom, Tarja. Transformation in Russia and International Law[M]. Boston:Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,2003:177.
    ① Estreicher, Samuel. A Post-Formation Right of Withdrawal from Customary Interntaional Law?: Some Cautionary Notes[J]. Duke J. Comp.& Int'L L.,2010, (21):57.
    ②Asylum Case (Colom. v. Peru),1950 I.C.J. Rep.266,277-78 (Nov.20).
    ③ Fisheries Case (U.K. v. Nor.),1951 I.C.J. Rep.116,131 (Dec.18).
    ④ Fitzmaurice, Gerald. General Principles and Sources of Law[J]. Brit. Y. B. Int'L L.,1953, (30): 26.
    ⑤ Waldock, Humphrey. General Course on Public International Law[J]. Rec. Des Cows.,1962 (106):1.
    ⑥Brownlie, Ian. Principle of Public International Law[M]. New York:Oxford University Press, 1966:8.
    ⑦ Lauterpacht, Hersch. International Law:Collected Papers[M]. E. Lauterpacht ed.. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1970:66.
    ⑧ International Law Association, Committee on the Formation of Customary (General) International Law. Statement of Principles Applicable to the Formation of General Customary International Law[M].2000:27. (www.ila-hq.org/pdf/customarylaw.pdf.)
    ① Kelly, J. Patrick. The Twilight of Customary International Law[J]. Va. J. Int'L L.,2000, (40):449,452; McGinnis,. John O.. The Comparative Disadvantage of Customary International Law[J]. Harv. J. L. Pub. Pol'Y.,2006, (30):7.
    ② Goldsmith, Jack L. & Eric A. Posner. The Limits of International Law[M]. New York:Oxford University Press,2005:3.
    ③ Bradley, Curtis A. & Mitu Gulati. Withdrawing from International Custom [J]. Yale Law Journal,2010 (120):202-265.
    ④ Guzman, Andrew T.. Saving Customary International Law[J]. Mich. J. Int'L L.,2005, (27): 115-171.
    ⑤ Bradley, Curtis A. & Mitu Gulati. Withdrawing from International Custom [J]. Yale Law Journal,2010 (120):202-265.
    ② Ochoa, Christiana. Disintegrating Customary International Law. Reactions to Withdrawing from International Custom[J]. Duke J. Comp.& Int'L L.,2010, (21):157-159.
    ③ U.C.C., §2-309(3) (1977).
    ④ Bradley, Curtis A. & Mitu Gulati. Customary International Law and Withdrawal Rights in an Age of Treaties [J]. Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law,2011, (21):1-30.
    ① Hirsch, Moshe. Game Theory, International Law, and Future Environmental Cooperation in the Middle East [J]. Denv. J. Int'l L.& Pol'y,1998, (27):75,78-94; Snidal, Duncan. Rational Choice and International Relations [A]. In Walter Carlsnaes (eds.) Handbook of International Relations [C]. London:SAGE Publications Ltd.,2002, pp.73-76.
    ② Kratochwil, Friedrich. Norms Versus Numbers:Multilateralism and the Rationalist and Reflexivist Approaches to Institutions—a Unilateral Plea for Communicative Rationality [A]. In John Gerard Ruggie (ed.) Multilateralism Matters:The Theory and Praxis of an Institutional Form [C]. Columbia:Columbia University Press,1993, pp.443-447.
    ① Jinks, Derek & David Sloss. Is the President Bound by the Geneva Conventions? [J]. Cornell L. Rev.,2004, (90):97,154-157.
    ② O'Donnell, Joshua P.. The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty Debate:Time for Some Clarification of the President's Authority to Terminate a Treaty[J]. Vand. J. Transnat'l L.,2002, (35):1601, 1625.
    ③ Snidal, Duncan. Coordination versus Prisoners'Dilemma:Implications for International Cooperation and Regimes [J]. Am. Pol. Sci. Rev.,1985, (79):923,927-928.
    ①协调博弈的命名来自一个通常的例子。一对夫妇希望共同渡过一晚,但是两者却倾向于不同的娱乐方式,比如一个想去看电影,而另一个则希望去欣赏歌剧。Hasenclever, Andreas. Theories of International Regimes [M]. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1997:47.
    ② Stein, Arthur A.. Coordination and Collaboration:Regimes in an Anarchic World [A]. In Stephen D. Krasner(ed.). International Regimes[C]. Cornell:Cornell University Press,1983, p.125.
    ③ Martin, Lisa L.. The Rational State Choice of Multilateralism[A]. In John Gerard Ruggie (ed.). Multilateralism Matters:The Theory and Praxis of an Institutional Form [C]. Columbia: Columbia University Press,1993:102.
    ① Helfer, Laurence R.. Regime Shifting:The TRIPs Agreement and New Dynamics of International Intellectual Property Lawmaking[J]. Yale J. Int'l L.,2004, (29):1,55-59.
    ① Brewster, Rachel. The Domestic Origins of International Agreements[J]. Va. J. Int'l L.,2004, (44):501,518-519.
    ③ Helfer, Laurence R... Exiting Treaties[J]. Virginia Law Review,2005, (91):1579-1648.
    ⑤若缔约方可在任何时点基于任何理由就可自由退出一种条约关系的话,他们就会显得对条约信赖不够——也即不会用更有效的方式去信赖条约关系的永久性。Swaine, Edward T. Unsigning[J]. Stan. L. Rev.,2003,(55):2074.
    ⑥ Paul Stephan一针见血地提出质问:“人们怎样才能将一国按照国际法原则声称有权从一
    ① Laurence R. Helfer认为,退出行为的合法性有两种例外情况:(1)退出明确禁止退出的条约或不含退出条款的条约;(2)退出与国际习惯法重叠的条约。(Helfer, Laurence R.. Exiting Treaties[J]. Virginia Law Review,2005, (91):1579-1648.)本文不太赞同该观点。对于第一种情形,既然条约禁止退出,而缔约方又想解除条约义务,在这种场合下,就只能违约了,并不是本文所称的退出行为。而条约不含退出条款,并不能说此类条约就不能退出,对此维也纳公约第56条有明确规定。至于第二种情形,也不能一概而论。有些条约,尽管可能会与国际习惯法重叠,但是只要此类条约含有明文退出条款,仍然是可以退出的——只是退出后仍受有关国际习惯法的约束。更何况鉴于国际习惯法的模糊性与各种学说的不统一,国际习惯法在某些情况下也是可背离的。关于这点,上文已经讨论过。
    ③ Bradley, Curtis A. & Mitu Gulati. Withdrawing from International Custom [J]. Yale Law Journal,2010, (120):202-265.
    ① Barrett, Scott. Environment and Statecraft:The Strategy of Environmental Treaty-making[M]. New York:Oxford University Press,2003:195-220.
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    ①Giraud, E.. Report at the Institute of International Law[J]. YIIL,1961, (49):75.
    ② McGinnis, John O. & Michael Rappaport. The Condorcet Case for Supermajority Rules[J]. Sup. Ct. Econ. Rev.,2008, (16):67,113.
    ①Official Records, Summary Records,1st session, pp 337-338, para.29,38.
    ②ICSID in crisis:Straight-jacket or investment protection?[EB/OL]. http://www.brettonwoodsproject.org/art-564878.2011-12-10.
    ③Gaillard, Emmanuel. Anti-Arbitration Trends in Latin America[J]. New York Law Journal,2008, (108):239-241.
    ① http://www.eluniversal.com/2008/10/16/en_pol_esp_for-the-tsj,-all-ca 16A2073343.shtml.2012-01-13
    ② Szasz, Paul C.. The Investment Disputes Convention and Latina America [J]. Va.J.Int'l L.,1971, (11):263-266.
    ③ Morales在总统就职演说中就明确表示“没错,玻利维亚需要合作伙伴,但并非我们自然资源的所有者……我们确保外国公司收回其投资的权利,还有些许盈利的权利;但我们仅仅希望我国人民能从这些资源中获益”。Pinto, Lindsay Sykes. Resolving the Bolivian Gas Crisis:Lessons from Bolivia's Brush with International Arbitration [J]. Geo. Wash. Int'l L. Rev.,2007, (39):947-951.
    ② Mcnair, Arnold Duncan. The Law of Treaties[M]. Oxford:Clarendon Press,1961:510.
    ③联合国条约部门的法律事务办公室将条约的最后条款解释为“通常出现在条约末尾且包含诸如争端解决、条约的修正与修订、缔约国名单、条约签字、批准、加入、生效、退出与终止、保留、保管机关指定以及作准文本等内容”的条款。U. N. Treaty Section, Office of Legal Affairs, Treaty Handbook, at 57, U.N. Sales No. E.02.V.2 (2001).
    ③ Second Report on the Law of Treaties by Mr. G.G. Fitzmaurice, Special Rapporteur, UN Doc A/CN.4/107,19.
    ① IYbk. I.L.C.1980:21.
    ③ Henkin, Louis. International Law:Politics and Values [M]. Boston:Martinus Nijhoff,1995:27; Janis, Mark W.. International Law(5th ed.) [M]. Kluwer:Wolters Kluwer,2008:44.
    ④S. S. Lotus (Fr. v. Turk.),1927 P. C. I. J. (ser. A) No.10, at 18 (Sept.7).
    ① Off. Rec.,1st session& 2nd session,60th meeting of the Committee of the Whole,176; Off. Rec.,2nd session,25th Plenary Meeting,108.
    Sinclair, Ian. The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties(2nd edn.)[M]. Manchester: Manchester University Press,1984:192-96; Haraszti, Gyorgy. Treaties and the Fundamental Change of Circumstances[A]. In The Hague Academy of International Law (ed.). Recuil des Cours:Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law[C]. Boston:Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1977, pp.1,16-37.
    ①33 UNTS, pp.197-223.
    ③ Vagts, Detlev F.. Book Review[J]. Am. J. Int'l L.2004, (98):614,615; Setear, John K.. An Iterative Perspective on Treaties:A Synthesis of International Relations Theory and International Law, Harv. Int'l L.J.,1996, (37):171,209-10.
    ④ Bederman, David J.. The 1871 London Declaration, Rebus Sic Stantibus and a Primitivist View of the Law of Nations[J].Am. J. Int'l L.,1988, (82):1,38.
    ⑤ Bederman教授在讨论维也纳公约第62条时解释说:维也纳公约规定的情势重大变更原则不能被作为终止或退出条约的一个理由来援引,除非主张的情况变化(1)是缔约方同意的一个重要基础……;(2)在条约磋商时不可预见;(3)彻底改变了缔约方的义务.(4) 并非是主张该原则的缔约国的违约结果;与(5)不会影响一国国界的确立。Bederman, David J.. The 1871 London Declaration, Rebus Sic Stantibus and a Primitivist View of the Law of Nations[J]. Am. J. Int'l L.,1988, (82):1,28.
    ① Aust, Anthony. Modern Treaty Law and Practice [M]. Cambridge:CUP,2007:297-298; Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project (Hung./Slovk.),1997 I.C.J. Rep.7,61 (Sept.25).
    ② Bederrnan, D.. The 1871 London Declaration, rebus sic stantibus and a primitivist view of the Law of Nations[J]. AJIL,1988, (82):2.
    ②1966 ILC Reports,P.84.
    ③ U.N. Div. of Immunities and Treaties, Legal Dep't, Handbook of Final Clauses, at v, U.N. Doc. ST/LEG/1 (1951); U.N. Treaty Section, Office of Legal Affairs, Handbook of Final Clauses, at 1, U.N. Doc. ST/LEG/6 (1957); U.N. Office of Legal Affairs, Final Clauses of Multilateral Treaties Handbook, at 109, U.N. Sales No. E.04.V.3 (2003) at vi.; The Treaty Maker's Handbook (Hans Blix & Jirina H. Emerson eds.,1973).
    ④ Com. of Ministers, Council of Europe, Model Final Clauses for Conventions and Agreements Concluded within the Council of Europe (Feb.1980), at http://conventions.coe.int/Treaty/EN/ Treaties/Html/ClausesFinales.htm.
    ⑤ Possible Improvements in the Standard-setting Activities of the ILO, at 2,7-10, ILO Doc. GB.286/LILS/1/2 (Mar.2003), available at http://www.ilo.org/public/english/standards/relm/ gb/docs/gb286/pdf/lils-1-2.pdf.
    ① U.N. Div. of Immunities and Treaties, Legal Dep't, Handbook of Final Clauses, at v, U.N. Doc. ST/LEG/1 (1951), at 119-36; U.N. Treaty Section, Office of Legal Affairs, Handbook of Final Clauses, at 1, U.N. Doc. ST/LEG/6 (1957), at 59-73; Com. of Ministers, Council of Europe, Model Final Clauses for Conventions and Agreements Concluded within the Council of Europe (Feb.1980),at art. f; U.N. Office of Legal Affairs, Final Clauses of Multilateral Treaties Handbook, at 109, U.N. Sales No. E.04.V.3 (2003), at 109-111.
    ② Bilder, Richard B.. Managing the Risks of International Agreement[M]. Madison:University of Wisconsin Press,1981:ix-x; Raustiala, Kal. Form & Substance in International Agreements[J].Am. J. Int'l L.,2005, (99):605-609.
    ① Stephan, Paul B.. The New International Law—Legitimacy, Accountability, Authority, and Freedom in the New Global Order[J]. U. Colo. L. Rev.,1999, (70):1555,1583; Swaine, Edward T.. Unsigning[J]. Stan. L. Rev.,2003, (55):2061,2074.
    ③ Second Report on the Law of Treaties by Mr. G. G. Fitzmaurice, Special Rapporteur, UN Doc. A/CN.4/107,21-22.
    ①早在1935年,哈佛条约法研究小组就已发现“允许退出的条约一致要求退出条约的缔约方通知其退出的意图”。AJIL Suppl.1935(29):1179.
    ①Comments by Paul Reuter in(1982),Ⅰ YbK.I.L.C.153.
    ②Second Report on the Law of Treaties by Sir Humphrey Waldock,UN Doc.A/CN.4/156,89.
    ① Comments by Paul Reuter in (1980) Ⅰ Ybk. I.L.C.21.
    ②塞内加尔(Off. Rec.,1st session,60th meeting of the Committee of the Whole,349)与印度的发言(Off. Rec.,2nd session,25th Plenary Meeting,134)。
    ③ Second Report on the Law of Treaties by Mr. G.G. Fitzmaurice, Special Rapporteur, UN Doc. A/CN.4/107,31; 66.
    ④ Second Report on the Law of Treaties by Sir Humphrey Waldock, UN Doc. A/CN.4/156,89.
    ⑤沃尔多克在维也纳会议上所作的解释(Off. Rec.,1 st session,74th meeting of the Committee of the Whole,441).
    ①日本(Off. Rec.,1st session,68th meeting of the Committee of the Whole,403)与利比里亚的陈述(Off. Rec.,1st session,69th meeting of the Committee of the Whole,412).
    ② (1966) Ⅰ Ybk. I.L. C.158.
    ③ (1966) Ⅱ Ybk. I.L.C.255.
    ④瑞士国(Off. Rec.,1st session,68th meeting of the Committee of the Whole,404);德意志联邦共和国(ibid,69th meeting of the Committee of the Whole,409);英国(ibid,71st meeting of the Committee of the Whole,420);芬兰(ibid.,423)与爱尔兰的发言(ibid.,74th meeting of the Committee of the Whole,440).
    ① Cosnard, Michel. "Article 65" [A]. In Corten, O. & Klein, P. (eds). Conventions de Vienne sur le Droit des Traites-Commentaire Article par Article[C]. Brussels:Bruylant,2006, p.2378.
    ② Second Report on the Law of Treaties by Mr. G.G. Fitzmaurice, Special Rapporteur, UN Doc. A/CN.4/107,32.
    ③ Third Report on the Law of Treaties by Mr. G.G. Fitzmaurice, Special Rapporteur, UN Doc. A/CN.4/115 and Corr.1,29.
    ⑤ (1982)ⅡYbk. I.L.C.63.
    ① North Sea Continental Shelf Case (Federal Republic of Germany v The Netherlands) [1969] ICJ Rep.3 para.71.
    ②在Continental Shelf (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v Malta)一案中([1985] ICJ Rep.13 para.27),国际法院认为,1982年《联合国海洋法公约》在国际习惯法的发展方面起到了非常重要的作用,“因为该公约被压倒性多数的国家所接受”
    ③然而,这些国家中的一部分已经宣称他们视《维也纳条约法公约》——至少对于其大部分的条款——反映了国际习惯法。如布什政府时期国务卿William Rogers在1971年向美国参议院作的报告中声称“尽管仍未生效,但《维也纳条约法公约》已经普遍被承认为当今条约法与实践的权威指南”。
    ④North Sea Continental Shelf Case (Federal Republic of Germany v The Netherlands), [1969] ICJ Rep.3 para.74.
    ⑤如美国于2001年首先提出终止1972年《反弹道导弹条约》,随后俄罗斯赞同美国的退出行为。当2002年5月24日两国于莫斯科通过新的《削减战略性进攻武器条约》后,条约退出得以最终生效。Rein Mullerson.'The ABM Treaty:Changed Circumstances, Extraordinary Events, Supreme Interests and International Law'(2001) 50 I.C.L.Q.509.
    ⑥在Case Concerning the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project (Hungary v Slovakia)案中,国际法院发现匈牙利的终止条约行为提前生效了,因为终止发生在匈牙利遭受任何损失前,并且终止须在通知后六天才可生效。supra note 26 para.109.
    ⑦美国国务卿Condoleezza Rice在寄交给联合国秘书长Kofi Annan的一封信表示,美国退出《领事关系维也纳公约任择议定书》立即生效。该信写道:“此信构成美国立即退出该议定书的通知。作为该项退出的结果,美国将不再承认该项议定书所反映的国际法院管辖权”。Quigley, John.'The United States'Withdrawal From International Court of Justice Jurisdiction in Consular Cases:Reasons and Consequences'[J]. Duke J. Comp.& Int'l L., 2009, (19):263.
    ① WTO, Korea-Measures Affecting Government Procurement (1 May 2000) WT/DS163/R para. 7.120-126.
    ② Sinclair, Ian. The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties(2nd edn.) [M]. Manchester: Manchester University Press,1984:10-22.
    ③ Second Report on the Law of Treaties by Sir Humphrey Waldock, UN Doc. A/CN.4/156,39-89.
    ④ Commentary to draft article 62, ILC Draft Articles on the Law of Treaties with Commentaries, Y.I.L.C. (Ⅱ) 1966:262.
    ① Case Concerning Military and Paramilitary Operations In and Against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America), Jurisdiction and Admissibility [1984] ICJ Rep.392 para.63.
    ② Case Concerning the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project (Hungary v. Slovakia) [1997] ICJ Rep.7 para.109.
    ③ Case C-162/96 Racke GmbH & Co. v. Hauptzollamt Mainz [1998] ECR 1-3655 para.59.
    ④1997年12月4日Jacobs总检察长发表的意见。Case C-162/96 Racke GmbH & Co. v. Hauptzollamt Mainz [1998] ECR I-3655 para.96.
    ① Y.I.L.C. (Ⅰ),1966:158.
    ② Chayes, Abram. An Inquiry into the Workings of Arms Control Agreements[J]. Harv. L. Rev.,1972,(85):905,957-58.如1997年《禁止使用、储存、生产和转让杀伤人员地雷及销毁此种武器的公约》第20条“期限和退出”承认“每一缔约国为行使国家主权,有权退出本公约”,但要求退出国在“退出书中应对引起退约的理由做出充分说明”。(Sept.18, 1997,2056 U.N.T.S.211.)
    ③如1972年5月26日美苏《限制反弹道导弹系统条约》(23 U.S.T.3435)第XV条认可退出权,若每一缔约国“倘断定本条约事项有关之非常事件危害其本国最高权益”,并要求向对方国通知“自己认为非常事件已危害其本国最高权益”。然而,问题是,该事件是否为“非常事件”,它们是否与“条约主题相关”,以及它们是否“已经危害该国最高权益”都唯一地取决于退出方的单方决定。Chayes, Abram. An Inquiry into the Workings of Arms Control Agreements[J]. Harv. L. Rev.,1972, (85):957-958.
    ④国际劳工组织理事会全体一致通过一项决议,要求已退出一国际劳工组织公约的国家提供‘导致其退出决定的理由指示”。Widdows, Kelvin. The Denunciation of International Labour Conventions[J]. Int'l & Comp. L.Q.,1984, (33):1052,1055.
    ① Abram Chayes解释说,单边退出武器控制条约的理由都“无一例外地被指为退出方的单边决定”。Chayes, Abram. An Inquiry into the Workings of Arms Control Agreements[J]. Harv. L. Rev.,1972, (85):905,957-58.
    ② UN Docs. S/25405; S/25515; S/RES/825(1993).
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    ① Villiger, Mark E.. Commentary on the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties[M]. Boston:Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,2009:704.
    ②1949年四个日内瓦公约都在第63条规定,退出通常在通知后一年生效。除此规定外,以《改善战地武装伤病员待遇日内瓦公约》第63条为例,该条继续规定,当退出通知是“在退出国仍卷入武装冲突时做出,退出须等到和平协议签署以及关涉本公约保护人员的释放与遣返行动终结后才可生效。”6 U.S.T. at 3152,75 U.N.T.S. at 68.
    ① Combacau, Jean. Le droit des traites[M]. Paris:PUF,1991:117.
    ② Military and Paramilitary Activities in and Against Nicaragua (Nicar. v. U.S),1984 I.C. J.63 (Nov.26).
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    ①对于臭氧层问题,国际制度采取一个主要公约与后来一系列议定书与修正书的形式反复强调其重要性。各国通过批准这些名称与效力等级不一的条约来显示遵守具体层次条约义务的决心,从而促进该项主题方面更持久的国际合作与更高的履约水平。Setear, John K., Ozone, Iteration, and International Law[J]. Va. J. Int'l L.,1999,(40):203-226.
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    ①YILC,1966, vol. Ⅱ, p 236.
    ②Fourth Report, A/CN.4/177 and Add.1 and 2, YILC,1965, vol. Ⅱ, p 65.
    ② Legality of Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons, Advisory Opinion,1996 I.C.J 226,267 (July 8) (advisory opinion); Villiger, Mark E.. Commentary on the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties[M]. Boston:Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,2009:769.
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    ②'Summary Records of the Plenary Meetings and of the Meetings of the Committee of the Whole'United Nations Conference on the Law of Treaties-First Session (Vienna 26 March-24 May 1968) UN Doc. A/CONF.39/11,472-73.
    ③ ILC Draft Articles on the Law of Treaties with Commentaries (1966) Ⅱ Ybk. I. L.C.236.
    ④ Y.I. L.C.,1963, (Ⅱ):214.
    ⑤ Second Report on the Law of Treaties by Sir Humphrey Waldock, UN Doc. A/CN.4/156,88.
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    ① Official Records, Summary Records,1st and 2nd sessions,1966, vol. I, p 103.
    ② Official Records, Summary Records,1st and 2nd sessions,1966, vol. I, p 105.
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    ① Official Records, Summary Records,1st session,1963, p.239.
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    ① Y. I. L.C.,1966, (Ⅱ):262-263.
    ② Off. Rec.,1st sess.,74th meeting of the Committee of the Whole at 441.
    ③ Gabon (Off. Rec.,1st session,68th meeting of the Committee of the Whole,405);土耳其(ibid.,69th meeting of the Committee of the Whole,412);黎巴嫩(ibid.,71 th meeting of the Committee of the Whole,418);与锡兰的意见(ibid.,419).
    ④日本(Off. Rec.,1st session,68th meeting of the Committee of the Whole,402);瑞典(ibid., 69th meeting of the Committee of the Whole,407);英国(ibid.,71th meeting of the Committee of the Whole,421)以及由中非共和国发起的十三国提议案(ibid.,68th meeting of the Committee of the Whole,405),
    ⑤美国的提案(Off. Rec,1st session,68th meeting of the Committee of the Whole,406)。
    ①如波兰(Off. Rec.,1st session,69th meeting of the Committee of the Whole,411);苏联(ibid.,412);捷克斯洛伐克(ibid.,70th meeting of the Committee of the Whole,415);保加利亚(ibid.,71st meeting of the Committee of the Whole,423);白俄罗斯(ibid.,73rd meeting of the Committee of the Whole,434);马来西亚(2nd session,24th Plenary Meeting,140);与匈牙利的声明等(ibid.,147).
    ②乌克兰(Off. Rec.,1st session,69th meeting of the Committee of the Whole,411);印度(ibid., 73rd meeting of the Committee of the Whole,435);与摩洛哥的声明(2nd session,24th Plenary Meeting,151).
    ③中非共和国(Off. Rec.,1st session,69th meeting of the Committee of the Whole,410-11);利比里亚(ibid.,412);坦桑尼亚(ibid.,72nd meeting of the Committee of the Whole,430);与肯尼亚的报告(ibid.,431-432)。
    ④ Off. Rec.,1st sess.,74th meeting of the Committee of the Whole at 402-415,418-425,429-441.
    ①Official Records,Summary Records,2nd.session,1969,21st meeting,p.193.
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    ②Off. Rec.,1st session,73rd meeting of the Committee of the Whole,438.
    ③ Fifth Report on the Law of Treaties by Sir Humphrey Waldock, Special Rapporteur, UN Doc A/CN.4/183 and Add.1-4,46-8.
    ④丹麦的评论(Off. Rec.,1st session,73rd meeting of the Committee of the Whole,433)。
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