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     通过研究得出:研究区岩浆岩岩性变化从中酸性到中基性,其中主量元素参数(如TiO2/Al2O3)和稀土元素参数(如(La/Yb)N, Ce/Ce*与Eu/Eu*)也随着岩浆的演化呈现不同的特征,说明岩浆岩在演化过程中的地球化学作用的差异性;对比研究了受岩浆岩影响与未受岩浆岩影响的煤层中的稀土元素地球化学特征,得出了未受岩浆影响的煤层中,稀土元素含量呈正态分布,大多数的值介于70-170μg/g,但煤层顶板和夹矸的稀土元素含量显著增高,分别为712和718μg/g;3、4-1和4-2煤层中受到岩浆岩影响的煤样中的稀土元素含量的平均值分别为81、104和142μg/g,具有一定的差异性;研究发现了构造对煤层中的稀土元素有重要的控制作用,同时还发现稀土元素地球化学参数与煤层厚度存在统计学上显著线性回归关系。
Huainan Coalfield is the most important coal production base of East China. The abundant development of intrusive rocks in the coalfield constitutes a threat to safety mining. At normal coal-forming conditions, the concentration, distribution pattern of rare earth elements (REE) in coals are rather stable, however, at some areas where intrusive rocks were identified, the concentration, distribution pattern of coals REE could be more complicated. Therefore, we collected202samples including4intrusive rocks,196coal samples of10minable coal seams and2carbonaceous rocks after full investigation of the coal bearing sequences. The precision instruments such XRF, ICP-AES, ICP-MS, XRDand polarized-light microscope were used to fully investigate the physical characteristics and chemical compositions of coals and rocks and their relationship with REE.
     The results show that the intrusive rocks along coal bearing sequences upward correspondsa transition from acidic granite, intermediate diorite to basic gabbro.Major elements index (e.g. TiO2/Al2O3) and geochemistry parameters of REE like (La/Yb)N, Ce/Ce*and Eu/Eu*also show systematic variation with the evolution of intrusive magma, suggesting different geochemistry of intrusive rocks with the evolution of intrusive magma. The concentration of REE in coal samples that not affected by intrusive fluids fitted well into the normal distribution, and most of values are at between70and170μg/g; However, the REE concentration in coal roof and gangue was significantly higher, up to712and718μg/g, respectively; The intrusive coals seams of3,4-1and4-2had an average value of81,104and142μg/g, respectively, showing certain difference as compared to the normal deposited coals. The tectonic setting influenced largely the coals REE concentration in the upper coal-bearing sequences, and the geochemistry parameters of REE have significant correlations with the thickness of coal seams.
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