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Knowledge is the core to improve enterprise competition advantage and enhance enterprise innovation ability. In the era of knowledge economy, relying on the university or research institutes to obtain knowledge resources and expanding scope of competition has become most ideal method for the enterprise realizing marketization of scientific and technological achievements. Under the guidance of the national macro policy, the scale of the Industry-University-Research cooperation expands unceasingly, and it shows good development momentum, not only promotes the emerging industry formation, improves the efficiency of industry department, but also promotes the transformation and upgrading of small and medium-sized enterprises, and it has created huge economic benefits. Although the combination of the alliance has become the most extensive cooperation of strategy, there are still many problems in the knowledge transfer of the Industry-University-Research alliance and in the process of knowledge obtaining enterprises still face many difficulties. Therefore, research on the problem in the knowledge transfer of the Industry-University-Research alliance, and recognize and elimination of the obstructive factors to the knowledge transfer in the Industry-University-Research alliance have important theory value and realistic significance.
     At present, the research perspective of theoretical circles on the alliance knowledge transfer is from the macroscopic and microcosmic angle or internal and external angle of the general sense of enterprise cluster, strategic alliance and technology alliance, but the study of Industry-University-Research alliance is few. Based on the Industry-University-Research alliance symbiotic characteristics and operation mode as the breakthrough point, we discusse alliance knowledge transfer process for the purpose of combination with symbiosis from the theoretical perspective symbiosis, and put forward alliance knowledge transfer research framework with the relation of mutual benefit and symbiotic a governance modes.
     First of all, this paper analyzes Industry-University-Research alliance knowledge transfer process from the symbiosis theory, and discusses the alliance symbiotic characteristics, unit, mode and environment, as well as the relationship between the knowledge transfer process and symbiotic model. It is thought that the knowledge transfer process is divided into knowledge creation, knowledge sharing and knowledge absorption three stages. Second knowledge transfe process in symbiotic relationship is affected by University-Research party creation ability, sharing ability and Industry absorption ability, at the same time we establish knowledge transfer Logistic model of mutually beneficial symbiotic and find that the higher knowledge sharing rate and knowledge absorption rate are, the more enterprise achievements are. In Industry-University-Research alliance of commensalism relationship, we establish game model with Industry and University-Research party as the leading respectively, and discuss the different leading alliance party how to the influent the knowledge transfer process. Finally, according to the analysis, we propose corresponding governance modes which are symbiotic relationship contract and commensalism formal contract.
     In empirical research, Shengu-Dlut Industry-University-Research alliance and Microsoft-Chinese colleges and universities Industry-University-Research alliance as atypical cases, verify two types of mutualism and commensalism symbiotic alliance of knowledge transfer process, influence factors and governance modes. This paper argues the two kinds of alliance's practical problems and solving methods in form, knowledge transfer and governance processes, in order to verify the correctness of the theory research conclusion and rationality.
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