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     该文从两个方面展开了研究工作:(一)以开发生防内生菌为目的,分离到一株对多种农业病原真菌有抑制作用的水稻内生细菌CHM-1 (Bacillus licheniformis CHM-1),对其分类地位、抑菌活性、内生定殖、防病效果与寄主的关系进行了研究;(二)对链霉菌AM-7161 (Streptomyces sp. AM-7161)产生的芳香聚酮类抗生素美达霉素(Medermycin)生物合成途径的糖基化现象从分子水平上进行研究。具体工作内容如下:
     (2)通过离体、活体的植物病原真菌抑制作用的测定,初步探讨了该菌株对几种植物病原真菌的抑制作用及作用机理,并进行了对玉米小斑病(Bipolaris.maydis)、水稻纹枯病(Rhizoctonia solani)活体防效测定,发现CHM-1菌株对玉米小斑病和水稻纹枯病的防治效果分别为70.22%、62.79%;
     (3)从形态学特征、生理生化反应、代谢类型、分子生物学等各个水平对CHM-1进行了分类鉴定,初步鉴定为一株解淀粉芽孢杆菌(Bacillus licheniformis CHM-1);
     (2)通过构建这7个基因的共表达系统,在宿主天蓝色链霉菌B135 (Streptomyces coelicolorB135)提供糖基受体的情况下,进行共表达系统的异源表达,或在一个通用天蓝色链霉菌细胞((Streptomyces coelicolor CH999)中进行异源表达,同时与产生糖基供体的菌株B135进行共培养(即单菌株培养或双菌株共培养),并通过LC/MS检测发酵产物,发现这7个基因的共表达可以导致聚酮糖基受体(由宿主体内积累的或共培养体系中另一个菌株提供)转化成带有糖基的结构,说明这7个基因共同参与脱氧糖胺的合成和转移过程;
Many microorganisms with biological activity against pathogenic organisms could accumulate a vast number of bioactive compounds with structural and functional diversity. Isolation of more new microbes with potential application in crop protection and clinical therapy and elucidation of biosynthetic mechanism of bioactive natural products have been of great interest.
     The present study focused on two aspects:firstly, in order to get more microbes possessing the powerful characteristics such as stability, high effect and safety to hosts when used to control fungal diseases on crops, an endophytic bacteria from the rice with strong antifungal activity was screened and identified, and its colonized action and effect on the hosts were also studied; Secondly, in order to elucidate the mechanism of C-glycosylation of an aromatic antibiotic medermycin with antibacterial and antitumor activity, the function of several medermycin biosynthetic genes related to C-glycosylation was investigated:
     1.Here, several endophytic bacterial strains were isolated from the field rotated by rice and cole for many years.Among the isolated strains, CHM-1 was found to have the highest antifungal activity. The inhibitory effect of CHM-1 and its action mechanism on several kinds of plant pathogenic fungi were investigated by in vivo and in vitro tests, and the control efficacy was also determined against Bipolaris maydis and Rhizoctonia solani in vitro. On the basis of the comprehensive taxonomic data from morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics, and 16S rDNA sequence analysis, CHM-1 was identified to be Bacillus licheniformis. In order to develop CHM-1 as a candidate for biocontrol in agriculture, the colonized action of this isolate was further probed in rice and cole by double-resistance tag. The results showed that CHM-1 has no any harm to the investigated plant hosts, and promotes strongly the growth of hosts.
     2.In the biosynthetic gene cluster of medermycin, there are six genes (med-ORF14,15,16,17, 19,20) proposed to encode glycosylsynthases and one C-glycosyltransferase-homologous gene med-ORF8,which are proposed for the glycosyl-synthesis and-transferring of a novel angolasamine during medermycin biosynthesis. A multigene coexpression system containing 7 genes as above was introduced into a streptomyces host which could offer a sugar acceptor. The LC/MS analysis on the resultant metabolites revealed that this coexpression system could covert the sugar acceptor into a glycosylated structure.Knock out and complementation experiments of med-ORF8 using PCR-Targeting RedirectTM technology indicated that med-ORF8 is an indispensable gene in the process of C-glycosylation of medermycin. But substrate specificity and enzymatic properties of Med-ORF8 remains obscured. Therefore, in order to obtain Med-ORF8 protein enough for further enzymatic characterization in vitro, several prokaryotic expression systems concerned with med-ORF8 gene were established, then an optimized system was screened to express efficiently soluble Med-ORF8 protein.
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