基于SQL Server的实验室热网监控系统的设计与实现
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    本课题根据实验室热网监控系统的功能需求分析进行系统总体设计,运用模块化原则将系统分解为三个相应的子系统:数据采集子系统,控制子系统及通讯子系统,并分别从硬件和软件上加以实现。监控系统数据采集部分的设计以工业采集板卡和智能热表数据通讯为基础构成,提高了采集系统运行效率;为了解决国外热表不开方通讯协议给分布式控制系统的设计和连接造成的困难,系统研发了热表数据通讯接口模块满足了计算机同多个热表的串行通讯的要求;基于软件工程思想开发的本热网监控程序,逻辑清楚、层次分明、易于维护和便于扩充,监控系统数据库设计时为了提高大量数据访问时系统的运行效率和安全性,采用了目前网络访问和通讯功能比较强大的SQL SERVER 数据库,通过OLE DB接口方式实现了与监控软件的连接。
The computer monitoring is a synthetic technology including Computer Autocontrol, Sensing and Transducing, and widely apply in the Industry, agriculture, Environmental Protection, and so on. To simulate the the Centralized Heat-supply System and accomplish multiple experiments for thermal source, Heating network, consumers and heating exchange station, I apply this computer monitoring technology in the development of the system of laboratory Heating network, so this paper mainly discuss how to design the monitoring system of laboratory Heating network with large sampling and monitoring position.
    According to the demand analysis and integrated design concept of the system, I apply the principle of Modular programming and divide the system into three corresponding Subsystem: Data Acquisition Subsystem, Control Subsystem, and Communication Subsystem, and implement it through hardware designing and software designing. The designing of data acquisition part based on PC-LabCard and intelligence heat meters improve the picking efficiency. To solve the problem which foreign meters does not open the communication protocol, we develop the communication interface module to solve the problem of distributed control system serial communication between computer and multiple heat meters. The monitoring program based on software engineering has distinct logic, good hierarchical division, and easy maintenance. When I design the database of the monitoring system, I use the SQL SERVER database with powerful function of accessing network to join the monitoring software by OLE DB interface.
    Based on the computer monitoring system , we can do large research work, such as the simulation of the Heat-supply System, the heating network research of parameter and optimization management, instruction of students and so on. Otherwise, the monitoring program I compile has practically valuable for the development of other similar monitored control system in HVAC engineering.
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