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     本研究于2005年11—12月在齐齐哈尔、绥化和伊春地区分别采集黄鼬东北亚种(Mustela sibirica)10只(雄),18只(10雄8雌),20只(10雄10雌),通过对各地区分布的黄鼬东北亚种雌、雄个体头部、背中部、腹中部、臀部、尾部等5个部位的直针毛、绒毛进行毛长度测量、并对直针毛毛尖和毛根段无髓比例、毛直径、髓质指数、毛根直径、皮质厚度、各鳞片类型长度及所占比例等微观性状指标的形态学测定与分析,再结合其生境的主要特征进行讨论分析,得出如下结论:
Groups of one species in differents environments for enough long time, subspecies will come into being, thecharacters among the groups will be different. And the groups of one subspecies can be distributed in differentenvironments. The groups of one subspecies in different environment must have the adapting identies respectively.The variation of groups of one subspecies may samller than the variation among subspecies. Discover the differenceof one subspecies in differents environmens is the goal of this paper by measure the the hair parameters of MustelaSiberia manchurica distributed in Qiqihaer, Suihua and Yichun. regions.
     During November to December in 2005, the Mustela sibirica manchurica samples of this research werecollected in Qiqihaer (10 males), Suihua (10 males, 8 femals) and Yichun (10males, 10females) regions. Theparameters of guard hairs and vellus from head, mid back, mid belly, hip and tail region were measured by rulerand mircrometer. The results suggested:
     1: The variation of guard hair and vellus between males and female in the same regionis significant. Males are bigger than females among the length of guard hair, vellus, and theproportion of vellus and guard hair, cortex height, medulla index. And the difference in theSuihua region is bigger than Yichun region (except the proportion of vellus and guard hair).
     2: The variations of vellus length, hair diameter, medulla diameter and hair rootdiameter of males in different regions are more significant than females in different regions.Some indexes of the males in Suihua region are in the middle of the three regions. Thevariations of those indexes of females in different regions are not significant
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