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21st century is the era of information, information technology has become an important symbol of the modern enterprise. The oil companies of domestic are to join the wave of informatization construction. After nearly a dozen years of rapid development and continuous improvement, the three largest oil group companies of China and its subordinate regions of oilfield enterprises in the information technology have achieved considerable progress, information technology continues to expand the scale, depth of informatization continued to expand, informatization level is advanced constantly in Chinese enterprises. However, the informatization development of domestic oilfield enterprises regional is uneven, some informatization of oilfield enterprises is still at an early stage (Nolan model's started and spread period), and some start into the intermediate stage (control and integration period), only the Daqing oil field, Shengli oil field, Xinjiang oil field and the rare entered an advanced stage (optimization and mature period).
     Tuha oilfield enterprise is a area level oilfield enterprise of CNPC. From in the early1990of the20th century, it has began to mass exploration development construction, informatization technology has important effect on its development produced. Especially entered21st century, Tuha oilfield enterprise informatization also into "express road", the network based facilities construction continued strengthened, the digital oilfield, and the exploration development data warehouse, and the exploration development integration platform construction continued development, the experiment data center system, and the logging remote transmission system and other professional sources database, collection and comprehensive application system construction of continuous optimization, the CNPC unity promotion projects, such as A1, A2, ERP and so on..., are positive and innovative applications. Now, Tuha oilfield informatization maturity has gradually risen to the fourth level (strategic support from IMM model), entered an advanced stage (Nolan model's optimization and mature), informatization construction achieved considerable results.
     At present, Compared with the internationally renowned petroleum company informatization, there are a large gap in Chinese oilfield enterprises generally, it mainly include informatization thought has a gap, and informatization management, and the level of application of informatization technology in general, and data acquisition and management, and interdisciplinary systems integration and comprehensive analysis research capacity, Tuha oilfield is no exception.
     In addition, compared with several leading informatization provider of oilfield enterprises in China, such as Xinjiang oilfield, there are some gaps and shortcomings in Tuha oilfield informatization construction:(1) IT strategy and business strategies are not close enough, IT strategy in enterprise strategies is not important and notable enough.(2) The company leaders at all levels of awareness of informatization insufficient, informatization "number one man" works is still not fully on the ground.(3) Informatization organizations were not enough sound, incentive mechanisms effective enough, the overall information technology is still weak.(4) The data center construction is lag, digital Tuha construction is not enough, knowledge management has just started.(5) Lack of enterprise informatization process of reorganization and reengineering, exploration and development integration informatization platform and formation of cooperative working mechanism has not been effective.
     These gaps, problems and insufficient, that have existed in the Tuha oilfield enterprise informatization, be affected by the Tuha oilfield enterprise own strategic, scale, environment, management system, working mechanism and the traditional concepts and other factors, also be controlled its informatization development strategy, the stage of the process, the level of information technology and the quality of personnel and other factors, but comprehensive researching and analysising informatization level, these problems and influence factors in Tuha oilfield will find:main factors(or questions) affecting the scientific and effective development of Tuha oilfield enterprise informatization is lack of the systematic, complete, scientific, applicable methodology(methodology system) to the oilfield enterprise informatization, and oilfield enterprise informatization model (model system) guidance and norms. Because of this, the Tuha oilfield enterprise informatization will be in the booming, at the same time there are many problems and shortcomings, there is gaps will be in the overall development of informatization with advanced domestic and foreign oil companies.
     Above gaps and insufficients in Tuha oilfield enterprise informatization, in fact, it is general exists of problem in Chinese other oilfield interprise, therefore, summary experience and insufficient in Tuha oilfield enterprise informatization construction, exploration and optimization Tuha oilfield enterprise informatization model and method, not only on Tuha oilfield Enterprise future of informatization construction has active of promoting role, and also will for Chinese other oilfield enterprise informatization provides some useful references. Thus, developping "Research on the Informatization Model and Method of Tuha Oilfield Enterprise" work is not only necessary, but also very important.
     Guiding by the System Science and System Engineering, the Informatization Science and Information Engineering, the Geological Information Science and Geological Information Technique, the Metasynthetic wisdom Science and Metasynthetic Engineering, using literature(document) investigation method, description sexual research method, concept analysis method, comparison research method, system research method, analysis integrated method, abstract general method, research method, etc, along the technology route of selected topics--system Combs--status analysis--model research--methodology discussion--completed papers, this dissertation of doctor degree (following referred to this dissertation) expand its related research work.
     Through the research and discussion, this dissertation has made research key innovation achievement in the following three areas:(1) Giving a more systematic and scientific definition of innovation for oilfield enterprises informatization's related concepts, which provided an important theoretical basis for research. According to oilfield informatization characteristic patterns and research needs, drawing on the existing definitions or explanations, system and scientific analyzing oilfield enterprise informatization principal that didn't yet clearly defined, such as oilfield enterprise informatization model, oilfield enterprise informatization strategy model, oilfield enterprise informatization management model, oilfield enterprise informatization technology model and oilfield enterprise informatization methodology model, on this basis to give a more complete and clear definition of the new.(2) On Tuha oilfield enterprise informatization model for a system of classification, research and improvement, and innovation to build a system, scientific and operational model of enterprise informatization system in Tuha oilfield. Main on Tuha oilfield enterprise existing of various informatization model for has overview and classified, and according to Tuha oilfield enterprise informatization development needs, reference both at home and abroad enterprise (including oilfield enterprise) informatization model research results and awareness, on Tuha oilfield enterprise informatization model for has supplementary, and optimization and perfect, and innovation building up a relative system, and science and practical of Tuha oilfield enterprise informatization model system, consisting mainly of five models:Tuha oilfield enterprise informatization strategy model, and management model, and technology model, and implementation model and application model. And on the model of enterprise informatization system in Tuha oilfield further generalization, combinations and abstractions, innovation eventually built up a set of general reference model for oilfield enterprise informatization model system--SMEAT system, in order to better understand and use enterprise informatization model system in Tuha oilfield, and providing useful references for other oilfield enterprise informatization.(3) Mading a systematic study of the situation of methodological research and application of enterprise informatization in Tuha oilfield, and innovation to build a relatively systematic, scientific and applicable methodology of enterprise informatization system in Tuha oilfield. On the basis of systems analysis study and application status of methodology study of Tuha oilfield enterprise informatization, reference Qian Xue-Sen's scientific system and modern architectural patterns of science and technology, this dissertation innovation building a set of methodology of enterprise informatization system in Tuha oilfield, to better guide enterprises informatization in Tuha oilfield. On the methodology system of horizontal from left to right, and containing of five parts:philosophy, basic sciences and technical sciences, technologies, engineering methodologies, enterprise informatization engineering methodology and its application in oilfield areas; vertical listed on most of the major components, and proper showing of the main elements of the methodology of enterprise informatization system in Tuha oilfield and the relationship between them. After an initial analysis, the methodology system applies not only to enterprises informatization in Tuha oilfield, but would also apply to other oilfield enterprise informatization, with a certain application and value.
     In addition, this dissertation summarizes research on five-point understanding:(1) The efforts of oilfield enterprises informatization methodological research and application need to intensify. Some methodologies have been applied in oilfield enterprise informatization to guide informatization construction of concrete work, many experts and scholars also did some research on the methodology of enterprise informatization and its application in oilfield exploration, but not enough systems, and not thorough enough, far from consensus, not to create synergy.(2) The informatization strategy and business strategy integrated in oilfield enterprises needed to be further strengthened. The informatization strategy and enterprise strategy of some oilfield enterprise is not coordination fusion, some informatization strategy is not full based on enterprise development target and business strategy, some no according to enterprise strategy of changes timely adjustment informatization strategy, some appears informatization strategy and enterprise strategy phase out of situation, more highlight of problem is general no real significance CIO, led to good of enterprise informatization strategy cannot real effective implementation.(3) Oilfield enterprise informatization process reengineering and restructuring efforts need to intensify. Current of informatization revolution just informatization technology of revolution, more important of is management concept and technology of revolution, oilfield enterprise only in informatization of while supporting for innovation and upgrading of enterprise process recycling, and business restructuring, and management concept and technology, and research and production, to real played informatization technology of role, to ensure oilfield enterprise informatization nature target of early achieved, currently domestic oilfield enterprise general in this area do was enough.(4) The main status of oilfield's core business subjects of exploration and development requires further highlights. Domestic oilfield enterprise should learning reference abroad oil company of informatization model (or mode), further highlight oilfield exploration development core business and main work process informatization of main status, set energy and resources first to oil and gas exploration development core business and main work process of informatization do strong, and do deep, and do fine, then balance do other business area of informatization construction, avoid full flowering, and surface prosperity, be away from informatization nature target situation of appears or continued.(5) The important role of professionals in informatization in oilfield enterprises need to be further emphasized."Informatization" is the most core of informatization technology,and non-"technology", in oilfield enterprise, the main professional technique people of exploration development is most understanding on oilfield geological informatization, is most urgent further awareness of personnel, these people who real having and using "informatization" are current informatization revolution of protagonist, led oilfield enterprise informatization of people should is main professionals,and not informatization technicians, clearly currently of situation most instead.
     Prospect oilfield enterprise informatization of future development, we full hopes and looks forward to, but must to address good following six a area of problem and challenge:(1) U network, real networking (sensing network) and cloud computing are new technologies which has began concern and application in domestic oilfield enterprise, but to real built and played important role also needs bold innovation breakthrough in technology, and management and method.(2) How to better implement the five-in-one of the visual, such as the expression, analyze, process, design and decision, how to make visualization technology full play an important role in study and decision of oilfield enterprise, remains the focus and difficulty of future informatization research and construction of oilfield enterprises.(3) Oil enterprise are now more focus on intelligent informatization technology intelligently, often ignoring the human intelligence, needs a big advocate of "intelligent man-machine cooperation", fully embodies the comprehensive advantages of human and computer.(4) The informatization technology is the most effective technologies to promote exploration and development integration objectives to achieve, but virtual reality and other key technologies in oilfield is not practical, exploration and development integration and collaborative work environment is lack of effective technology vector and method, these need to great improve.(5) The realization of real-time monitoring of production process automation and remote operation target has been the important content and objectives of modernization construction of oilfield enterprises, at present, real-time monitor more easily achieved, but real-time analysis, and real-time decision is not enough, these need whole-building.(6) On background of "integration of informatization and industrialization", the informatization technology of oilfields is fully integrated with exploration and development technology and automation technology, at the same time, it also need effective integrated with management technology and core business personnel, but it is clear that there is currently insufficient work in this area, the phenomenons of pay attention to technology and look down on management, pay attention to construction and look down on application are still existed, these need to great improve.
     Oilfield enterprise informatization is a complex system engineering, its exploration and construction process is bound to be a long process, step by step, and even repeated setbacks. This dissertation to Tuha oilfield informatization for cases, researching and discussing more in-depth and systematic on oilfield enterprise informatization model, technology method and the methodology problem, and has obtained some research results and awareness, for oilfield enterprise better to carried out informatization construction work provides some useful of reference, but these research results and awareness in this dissertation may still exist many problem and insufficient, it need to continued perfect and optimization in future of research and practice, also need to give this dissertation some valuable criticism and improvement from both Chinese and abroad of oilfield enterprise (oil company) informatization technology experts and scholars, and shared commitment to the research and exploration in this area, contribute to the cause of oilfield enterprises informatization science development.
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