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传统的视频编码标准如MPEG-x和H.264x系列,主要在编码器端通过使用运动估计和运动补偿等高复杂度的算法,利用视频信号的统计相关特性来实现压缩编码,使得编码器的运算复杂度是解码器的5至10倍以上,特别适用于一次编码、多次解码的应用场景,如电视广播、流媒体点播等。近年来,一些新兴的视频应用如无线视频监控和无线视频传感器网络等,对视频的编、解码结构提出了新的挑战,即编码器因运算能力和能量受限需要尽可能简单,而解码器可进行复杂的解码运算。Wyner-Ziv (WZ)视频编码是分布式视频编码的一种特定范例,它是一种基于Slepian-Wolf和Wyner-Ziv编码理论的全新的视频编码框架,通过将主要的高运算复杂度模块从编码端转移到解码端,有效地降低了编码端复杂度,而主要在解码器端利用信源之间的相关性以实现高效的压缩编码。因此,这种新的编码范例可以在编码器和解码器之间灵活地分配复杂度并能够提供内在的对信道差错的鲁棒性,被广泛应用于计算能力受限、功率受限的上行链路形式的应用场景中,具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。
     1、在WZ视频编码中,边信息的质量在很大程度上决定着系统的率失真性能。本文通过将运动补偿时域内插技术和编码端传送附加信息技术相结合,提出了一种改进的边信息生成方案,可以生成更高质量的边信息。首先在编码器端进行低复杂度的编码模式判决,将当前WZ帧的各个宏块按照一定的准则分别判决为Skip模式、Intra模式和WZ编码模式。对于采用Skip模式的编码宏块,可直接将参考帧中对应的宏块替代作为边信息帧的数据块,对于采用WZ模式的宏块,使用运动补偿时域内插技术生成边信息,而对于采用Intra模式的宏块,首先采用编码器端向解码器端传送附加信息来对其进行帧内编码,并采用运动补偿质量增强技术生成质量更高的边信息。并将改进的边信息生成算法集成到提出的WZ视频编码框架中。实验结果表明,对于视频序列运动剧烈和图像组(Group of Pictures, GOP)长度较大的情况,与DISCOVER系统相比,本文提出的方案的率失真性能增益可达2.1dB。视频内容运动越剧烈,GOP长度越大,则率失真性能改善越明显。
The conventional video coding standards, such as MPEG-x or the H.26xrecommendations, mainly depend on the encoder to exploit the correlation statistics of thesource signal to achieve compression. The encoder is typically5to10times more complexthan the decoder due to heavy computations in motion estimation and compensation. Thisasymmetry in complexity suits well application scenarios where a video signal needs to becompressed once but decoded many times, e.g. broadcast or streaming video on demand. Inrecent years, the emerging applications, such as wireless sensor network and wireless videosurveillance systems, bread new challenges to the coding structure characterized by asignificantly lower complex encoder and a higher complex video decoder.
     Wyner-Ziv (WZ) video coding is a particular case of distributed video coding, a novelvideo coding paradigm based on the Slepian-Wolf and Wyner-Ziv theorems which mainlyexploits the source correlation at the decoder and not only at the encoder as in traditionalpredictive video coding. Therefore, this new coding paradigm may provide a flexibleallocation of complexity between the encoder and the decoder and in-built channel errorrobustness. These benefits make the WZ video codec (WZVC) be used to implement various‘uplink’ video applications in resource-constrained mobile devices, therefore, research on WZvideo coding has great theoretical significance and practical value.
     Although some progresses have been made in the last few years, the rate-distortionperformance of WZ video coding is still far from the maximum performance attained withpredictive video coding. The WZ video coding compression efficiency depends critically onthe quality of the side information created at the decoder and the capability to model thecorrelation noise between the original information and its corresponding side information.The development of advanced side information creation algorithms and realistic and powerfulcorrelation noise modeling techniques is, therefore, crucial to reach practical and efficient WZvideo coding solutions. In addition, to also address application scenarios where a feedbackchannel is not available, it is necessary to develop encoder driven rate control strategies.
     In this context, this dissertation focuses on researching and analyzing several keytechnologies of WZ video coding, and the main contributions and innovation points of thethesis are listed as follows:
     1) A novel framework is proposed to generate side information at the block level in two modes. At first, low compexity coding mode decision at the encoder is performed to classifythe blocks in the WZ frame to Skip mode, Intra mode and WZ mode. For the Skip mode,substitutes the co-located block in the reference frames for side information. While the WZmode corresponds to motion compensated temporal interpolation (MCTI) technique, the Intramode corresponds to a motion compensated quality enhancement technique where a lowquality Intra block sent by the encoder is used to generate the side information by performingmotion estimation with the help of the reference frames. Finaly, the proposed algorithm isintegrated into the proposed WZ video coding framework. Experimental results demonstratethat the proposed schemes can achieve up to2.1dB improvement in rate distortion (RD)performance when compared to state-of-the-art distributed video coding, especially for highmotion video sequences and long GOP sizes.
     2) A novel pixel-domain correlation noise modeling for WZ video coding is proposed. Inorder to adapt to the video content and coding parameters, we firstly distinguish blocks intotwo cases: high quality side information creation and low quality side information creation,according to temporal and spatial correlation measures. For the high quality side informationcreation case, we model the correlation noise as Laplacian distribution while modeling theother case as Cauchy distribution. Moreover, the location and scale parameter estimation forCauchy distribution is based on quantile estimators. Experimental results show that significantRD improvements of the proposed novel correlation noise modeling are achieved especiallyfor high motion video sequences and large GOP sizes.
     3) An efficient encoder rate control strategy for a transform domain WZ video codingarchitecture is proposed. The proposed algorithm first obtains an estimate of the sideinformation at the encoder through low complexity side information creation technique, thenchooses the best coding mode in terms of the video content, and then establishes an accuraterate-distortion function model which based on Cauchy distribution to estimate the optimalWZ rate. Finally, the proposed algorithm is integrated into the WZ video coding architecture.Simulations indicate that the proposed Cauchy-based rate allocation algorithm is much moreaccurate than the Laplacian-based method. Moreover, the proposed encoder rate controlsolution achieves a RD performance similar to the decoder rate control solution.
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