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     4.通过制定基于语义的SCOM操作规则,本体语言同霍恩语句的转换,以及基于Prolog的SCOM操作流程,实现基于逻辑推理的SCOM操作。利用Amzi! Prolog工具实现SCOM操作服务。
Nowadays, HLA is the international standard of the architecture of the distributed simulation system. It has made great achievements in promoting the interoperability and the reusability of the simulation system. However, with the ever-increasing demand for simulation and the expansion of simulation scale, the simulation system has become increasingly complicated and the change of the demand has become progressively faster. Therefore, the developers are required to construct the distributed simulation system agilely, rapidly, and efficiently by taking advantage of the existing simulation resources. Nevertheless, the existing HLA architecture still has the following disadvantages:
     1. The simulation components can not be reused because of the limited description ability and poor reusability of the object model based on OMT.
     2. A great amount of simulation resources can not be used effectively because of the lack of the unified management and the effective mechanism of searching, finding and combining.
     3. Due to the limitation of technology, the communication between the majority of federates and RTI is restricted by the network and the platform, thus interoperation of the simulation system is restricted.
     4. Based on these problems, this dissertation makes a series of theoretical and technological researches on the distributed simulation system.
     The main work of this dissertation can be summarized as follows:
     1. Through the comparison between the architecture of HLA and that of SOA, a new architecture of distributed simulation system named SO-HLA is built based on HLA with SOA ideology. The new architecture retains the efficiency, the time consistency and other advantages of HLA. Meanwhile, it extends the interoperability and the reusability of the simulation components and realizes the composability of simulation components.
     2. Simulation Component Object Model (SCOM) is proposed, which describes simulation components from the interoperation patterns and the interoperation content. Moreover, the SCOM and its classification are formally defined, and the operation of SCOM is formally described, which provide the theoretical basis for searching and combining the simulation components.
     3. The conceptual system of the simulation system ontology is constructed by means of the entity-oriented systematic analysis method, and the semantic information of SCOM is increased with the help of the concepts in ontology. In this way, the description ability of SCOM is further enhanced semantically, and the reusing and combining intelligentization of simulation components is achieved.
     4. With the help of the establishment of the SCOM operation rules based on semantics, the transformation between ontology language and Horn statement, as well as the SCOM operation procedures based on Prolog, the operation of SCOM based on logical reasoning came to fruition. Meanwhile, the SCOM operating services are achieved by means of Amzi! Prolog instrument.
     5. The Service-Oriented Run-time Infrastructure SO-RTI is designed and implemented. This Run-time Infrastructure realizes the loose coupling between RTI and federates with the aid of the Web service, and extends the interoperability of the simulation application; realizes the callback service in the manner of calling the service of federate ambassador through RTI and thus ensures the temporal consistency of the federation.
     6. The restructurable simulated federation is designed and implemented. Through the mapping between SCOM and federation and federates, the automation of federation resolution as well as that of searching and combining federate are effected.
     The innovations in the dissertation can be listed as bellow:
     1. The software architecture SO-HLA of the distributed simulation system based on HLA and SOA is designed from the perspectives of concept model and software structure so as to enhance the interoperability, the reusability and the combination of the distributed simulation system.
     2. The ontology-based Simulation Component Object Model (SCOM) is proposed, which improves the ability of the object model in describing simulation components from both grammatical and semantic levels, and makes the publishing, searching, and combining of simulation components much more convenient.
     3. The rules of SCOM operations based on semantics are presented. On the basis of this, the automation of simulation federation decomposing, simulation component searching and simulation component combining is realized.The Service-oriented Run-time Infrastructure SO-RTI is designed and implemented.
     4. The Service-oriented Run-time Infrastructure SO-RTI is designed and implemented.
     The achievements of the research in this dissertation have been applied to many scientific research programs of the headquarter. The results of these applications indicate that ontology-based SCOM has greatly enhanced the ability of describing simulation components, and the logical reasoning has led to automatic decomposing, searching and combination of SCOM, and integration of the previous two has strongly supported the reuse and combination of simulation components. The construction of the service-oriented SO-RTI provides the support for constructing the distributed simulation system of WAN and the Internet and extends the operability of the simulation system. Therefore, the architecture SO-HLA of the simulation system based on HLA and SOA can construct a simulation system agilely, rapidly, and efficiently.
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