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     2、我们首先确定在绵羊输卵管上皮细胞中是否有SBD-1和SBD-2表达,根据已发表的SBD-1和SBD-2序列设计特异性引物,经RT-PCR鉴定及测序证明这两种基因在绵羊输卵管上皮细胞有表达。然后探讨雌激素对绵羊输卵管上皮细胞防御素的表达影响以及是否存在着时间上与剂量上的依赖关系。我们在绵羊输卵管上皮细胞中添加不同剂量(10-6M、10-7M、10-8M、10-9M、10-10 M)17β-雌二醇处理不同时间(2h、6h、12h、24h、48h),然后采用实时荧光定量RT-PCR技术检测雌激素对绵羊输卵管上皮细胞β-防御素(SBD-1,SBD-2)的表达水平。结果表明:17β-雌二醇对绵羊输卵管上皮细胞中SBD-1和SBD-2均存在着明显时间效应和剂量依赖关系,17β-雌二醇在其剂量为10-8M、处理细胞6小时后对SBD-1和SBD-2的上调幅度最大。
     3、为了进一步明确是何种信号通路介导雌激素对绵羊输卵管上皮细胞防御素(SBD-1,SBD-2)表达的影响,我们采用雌激素核受体阻断剂、膜受体途径可能信号通路阻断剂和GPR30的激动剂处理细胞,然后采用实时荧光定量RT-PCR技术检测SBD-1 mRNA和SBD-2 mRNA的表达变化水平。结果表明:①17β-雌二醇诱导绵羊输卵管上皮细胞中SBD-1和SBD-2基因表达均是由雌激素膜受体途径和雌激素核受体途径共同介导的,并且雌激素核受体途径是主效通路。②17β-雌二醇诱导绵羊输卵管上皮细胞中SBD-1基因表达是由雌激素核受体、PKA、NF-kB和PKC途径所介导的。③17β-雌二醇诱导绵羊输卵管上皮细胞中SBD-2基因表达是由雌激素核受体、NF-kB和PKC途径所介导的。
Defensins,a group of cationic antimicrobial peptides contained cysteine-rich,are the biggest component of defense system in creature and mainly exist in heterophil granlocyte and epithelial cell of mammalian.Defensins have broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity,antibacterial activity and so on,at the same time,defensin of animal also regulate the immun of mucous membrane in vivo and other antimicrobial immune activities. In addition,defensins extensively present in animal tissues and cells,and massive defensins are also distribute in female gential tract.Due to defensins participating in innate immune defense mechanism,which indicates that defensins may play essential roles in resisting microbe infection and maintaining reproductive health.The expression of defensin in epithelial cell of gential tract is regulated by certain hormone and relate closely to estrogenic hormone and progestone,which suggests that it is possible for estrogenic hormone to take part in the adjusting progress of defensin expression in epithelial cell of gential tract, but it is unknown to female hormone how to carry out adjusting.
     Nowadays there is seldom research on the relation between defensin and reproductive hormone in female gential tract of Ovis aries.Thus,the regulation effect of female hormone to the expression of defensin genes (SBD-1,SBD-2) in Uterine tubal epithelium cell and its signal path ways are studied initially in this paper.The results are listed as follows:
     1. At first,to establish stable culture system of Uterine tubal epithelium cell in Ovis aries.Obtain uterine tubal epithelium cells under germfree condition and then digest cells with 0.05% pancreatic enzyme -0.02% EDTA and centrifuge and adhere cells with different speed,which can lead to gain fair pure uterine tubal epithelium cells,and culture the original generation of uterine tubal epithelium cells,at least the cells culture processing to the second filial generation.The consequence shows that it is confirmed that the cultured cells are epithelial cell through the verification from morphological and immunohistochemical methods.Analyzing chromosomal karyotype and drawing auxodrome curve to the second filial generation cells are confirm cell growth in good condition as well as nonmutation.These cells can be taken as experimental model in future research.
     2. To determine whether SBD-1 mRNA and SBD-2 mRNA are expressed in sheep oviduct epithelial cells.We designed specific primers based on the published SBD-1 and SBD-2 sequences and then RT-PCR analysis and sequencing revealed that these two genes are expressed in sheep oviduct epithelial cells.Furthermore, to approach the effect of 17β-estradiol onβ-defensin gene expression in the ovine oviduct epithelial cells and whether there to be existed dependent relationship between time and dosage. Sheep oviduct epithelial cells were treated for increasing amounts of time(2h,6h,12h, 24h,48h)with various dose of 17β-estradiol(10-6M、10-7M、10-8M、10-9M、10-10M)and the level ofβ-defensin (SBD-1,SBD-2)gene expression in the ovine oviduct epithelial cells was detected by real-time PCR.The results showed that 17β-estradiol significantly upregulated SBD-1 mRNA and SBD-2 mRNA expression in a time and dose-dependent manner,the maximal stimulatory effect of 17β-estradiol on the expression of SBD-1 mRNA and SBD-2 mRNA were observed at the concentration of 10-8M after treatment for 6h.
     3. In order to further investigate what kinds of signaling pathway involved mediating the effect of estrogen on the expression of defensins(SBD-1,SBD-2) in sheep oviduct epithelial cells.The changes in the mRNA expression of SBD-1 and SBD-2 in sheep oviduct epithelial cells treated with estrogen nuclear receptor inhibitor and some signaling pathways inhibitors of estrogen membrane receptor and GPR30 agonist were studied by real-time PCR.The results show:①Estrogen nuclear receptor pathway and estrogen membrane receptor pathway may mediate 17β-estradiol induced SBD-1 and SBD-2 genes expression in sheep oviduct epithelial cells,and estrogen nuclear receptor pathway is the main effect.②Multiple pathways such as estrogen nuclear receptor,PKA,NF-κB and PKC may mediate 17β-estradiol induced SBD-1 gene expression in sheep oviduct epithelial cells.③Multiple pathways such as estrogen nuclear receptor, NF-κB and PKC may mediate 17β-estradiol induced SBD-2 gene expression in sheep oviduct epithelial cells.
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