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     了以下几方面的工作: 1.结合光致聚合物中光化学反应的基本过程及其理论函数模型,对采用不同双染料敏化的光致聚合物的透射率曲线进行拟合得到了光化学反应理论模型中的参数。在此基础上依托于实验数据,利用MATLAB实现曲线拟合并得到光致聚合物中各光化学参数的新方法。
Photopolymer materials have become the most potential candidate of digital holographic recording in recent years. The main reasons for this are the special properties of these media, such as high diffraction efficiency, ease of preparation, low noise, real-time processing and low cost. On the base of summarizing the progress of optical information storage technology, the holographic storage principle and characteristics of photopolymer, we have mainly studied the contents in this dissertation as follows:
     1. Analyzing the basic photochemical process and theoretical function model of the photopolymer. Based on the theoretical model and experimental datum, a new method is studied to obtain curve fitting and the photobleaching coefficient of the photopolymer by MATLAB.
     2. The photochemical theoretical model and the kinetics process of the photopolymer and the variations of transmission efficiency as a function of exposure time, exposure intensity, and exposure wavelength were studied respectively on the base of dual-cure photopolymerizable system.
     3. The variations of photochemical dynamic parameters—the molar absorption coefficient, photobleaching coefficient and quantum yield versus exposure intensity,and exposure wavelength were studied, and the causes of these changes are presented.
     4. The difference of holographic parameters and photobleaching kinetics of different amine photoinitiators and different TEA concentrations were studied respectively.
     5. The holographic characteristic parameters such as maximum diffraction efficiency, sensitivity and modulation index of different amine photoinitiators are calculated,and the causes of these difference were presented.
     6. Elimination of oxygen inhibition in photopolymer systems used as holographic recording materials are studied.
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