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As we know, any of the sciences have experienced complicated development process. As part of the social sciences, Ethnology and Anthropology are no exception. Due to changes in demand of the society in different historical periods; the object of study, research scope and methods of Ethnology and Anthropology are constantly changing, which makes them constantly enriched and become an important part of the social sciences.
     Through the joint efforts of several generations of Anthropologists over100years, Chinese Ethnology gradually formed a research system with Chinese characteristics. In this process, we have used the outstanding theories from the foreign Ethnology for reference, especially Soviet Ethnology. With the special political relations between China and the Soviet Union in1950s, Soviet Ethnology has a profound influence on the discipline, theory research and practice of Chinese Ethnology. And the influence continues today.
     After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russia became the Soviet's successor state and it not only inherited most of the territory and boundary of Soviet, but also inherited the scientific, educational and cultural aspects of the Soviet's heritage. Russian Ethnology are seeking new development path on the basis of the traditions and the achievements of the Soviet Ethnology.
     In the early1990s, the disintegration of the Soviet Union had enormous impact on all aspects of Russian society. Obviously, with the tremendous changes of the political and economic systems, the national ideology and social thought have undergone profound changes. In the new social environment, various social trends of thought arise and national problems emerge, traditional ideas and values have been overthrown, the ideology of nationalism spreads, and ethnic issues become the focus of social problems, all of which put forward new challenges and requirements for Russian Ethnology. Hence, Russian Ethnology should give top priority to the following two problems--how to meet the new social needs of Ethnology on the basis of inheriting the Soviet ethnology's traditions and achievements and how to pursue greater development of the subjects in the new political and social conditions.
     In the past20years, Russian Ethnology has experienced a process of crisis, change and development, in which the scholars actively studied many aspects of traditional Ethnology, Physical Anthropology, Sociology of Ethnicity, Ethnic Demographics, Nationalities Archaeology and Ethnic Ecology, and on this basis, they have developed many new research fields, such as Urban Anthropology, Gender Anthropology, Academic Anthropology, Medical Anthropology, Visual Anthropology and other Interdisciplinary subjects. Russian Ethnology has made remarkable achievements on the research of inter-ethnic relations, ethnic conflicts and early warning, religion, migration, social exclusion and the social tolerance. In the process of independent development of Russian Ethnology, scholars also rethought the traditions and achievements of the subjects, and discipline status, status, and practical issues in the development of the subject has been explored without interruption. Russia Ethnology gains its development and motivation in the continual process of reflection on tradition and achievements and lessons.
     Nowadays, Russian Ethnology overcomes all kinds of difficulties and obstacles gradually comes out of the "crisis" status, forms a unique development model, and has created a great deal of research achievements, which help to accumulate rich experience in the subject.
     Since1950s,"Soviet Ethnology" tradition has been formed in China. Nowadays, Chinese scholars have full of interest and attention to the development of Russian Ethnology and also carried out a lot of research work. However, from the perspective of overall, the study on the development of nearly20years of Russian Ethnology has not yet been fully developed in China. Therefore, this paper aims to comb and summarize the development of Russian Ethnology, and make analysis and evaluation on the outstanding issues of the discipline in hope of introducing basic conditions of the development of Russian Ethnology to domestic staff.
     As is known, Russian Ethnology has a long history with huge discipline system, broad scope of research and a wealth of research results. However, this paper cannot cover all the aspects of Russian Ethnology. Therefore, this paper primarily intends to undertake an in-depth discussion of hot issues and outstanding issues of Russian Ethnology, and give an objective introduction and summary on the discipline system. Specific contents are as follows.
     Chapter Ⅰ is an introduction, which focuses on writing academic significance, related research and research methods at home and abroad. At the same time, the periodization thesis involved, name of the discipline and Russian translation and uses are also explained in detail.
     Chapter Ⅱ is an overview of the development history of Russian Ethnology. According to the sequential processes of the discipline's budding, formation and development, the chapter reviews the history of Russian Ethnology. In addition, the chapter also explores the impact of Soviet Ethnology on Chinese Ethnology in three dimensions.
     Chapter Ⅲ describes the "crisis" in Russian Ethnology in the early1990s. It mainly focuses on the social background of Russian Ethnology, the proposition of "academic crisis", and the current situation of the discussion on "crisis" and disciplinary development.
     The theme of chapter Ⅳ is the historical destiny of the ethnic theory in the Soviet Union. It focuses on the formation of ethnic theory represented by Blomly in the Soviet era. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, ethnic theory was re-examined and to a large extent was completely denied. The discussion around the fate of ethnic theory in Russian Ethnological academics is through the discipline development process for nearly20years.
     Chapter Ⅴ, Chapter Ⅵ and Chapter Ⅶ give a detailed analysis and research on three prominent issues in the development of Russian Ethnology, One of which is Sergei Mikhailovich Shirokogorov who is familiar to the Chinese scholars. His academic thought has gradually gained attention of the Russian academic circle since1990s, and the evaluation on his academic thought became increasingly popular and a new upsurge called "academic research of Shirokogorov" was gradually formed. The second issue is Kumilev's ethnic biological theory. The uniqueness of the ethnic and clan source theory arouse controversy in the academic circle. Since1990s, his academic thought are applied in the social life of all aspects, especially in the political areas of some nation states. And the third issue is Tichikov's theory of civil nation put forward in1990s. The concept of civil nation has generated considerable buzz as academic thinking, and as a political philosophy, it also has a significant influence on national and social life.
     Chapter Ⅷ describes the development status of major research and teaching institutions of Russian Ethnology. Scientific research and educational institutions are important components of the organization system of Ethnology, which play an important supporting role in the development of the discipline. In addition, the professional journal is one of the important platforms for academic exchange, which are given a detailed analysis and introduction in this chapter.
     Combining Russian scholars'personal point of view, Chapter Ⅸ explores the conditions of Russian Ethnology in the new millennium. At the same time, the development of the newly emerged research fields of Ethnology is analyzed and summarized.
     Chapter Ⅹ is the conclusion portion. The author holds that Russian Ethnology is developing forward constantly with change and innovation. Some problems and ills still exist in the development process, but the subject is along the track of healthy development as a whole. At the last part, the author raises two questions, namely, Marxism and Leninism's impact on the Ethnology of the Soviet Union and academic leaders'discipline-oriented role on the development of the discipline in hope of giving further thought in the future studies.
     Chinese Ethnology is part of the world Ethnology, so we need to put them into the world environment of Ethnology, understand the subjects in international development and changes, adopt the latest theories, methods and academic results, including the latest research results of Russian Ethnology. This paper hopes to display the overall picture of the development of Russian Ethnology by analyzing the hot problems, objectively describing and introducing the subject system and institutions of Russian Ethnology. In the meantime, the paper is also an attempt to enrich the research work on Russian Ethnology in China, inherit the Chinese "Soviet Ethnology research" tradition and fill the gap area of interdisciplinary research.
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    ② [俄]B.A.季什科夫:前引书,第89页。
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    ⑥ [苏]Ю.B.勃罗姆列伊:《谈民族学的历史传统的多重性》,《苏维埃民族学》,1989年第4期,第13页。
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    ③ 在费孝通的《人不知而不愠—缅怀史禄国老师》一文中,其出生于1889年6月2日。
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    ① 参见[俄]C.M.什罗格戈洛夫:《民族:民族与民族学现象变化的基本原则》,《远东大学东方系通讯》,第18卷第1期,上海,1923年。
    ③ [俄]E.B.列乌涅科娃,A.M.列舍托夫:前引文,第108页。
    ① 费孝通:《师承·补课·治学》,三联书店,2002年,第178页。
    ② [苏]C.M.什罗格戈洛夫:《通古斯人的心理特征》,伦敦,1935年,第1页,转引自[俄1 E.B.列乌涅科娃,A.M.列舍托夫:《谢尔盖·米哈伊洛维奇·什罗格戈洛夫》,《民族学评论》,2003年第3期,第106页。
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    ① 费孝通:《师承·补课·治学》,三联书店,2002年,第178页。
    ② 参见[苏]Г.M.瓦西列维奇:《埃文基人早期世界观.原始宗教观研究资料》,莫斯科,1959年,第163,181页。
    ③ 参见[苏]A.M.列舍托夫:《谢尔盖·米哈伊洛维奇·什罗格戈洛夫:生活与创作(诞辰100周年纪念)》,《1985—1987年苏联民族国家民族学博物馆田野调查报告提纲》,列宁格勒,1989年,第25-27页。
    ④ 参见《史禄国研讨会论文集——人类学与民族学问题》,符拉迪沃斯托克,2001年。
    ① C.M.什罗格戈洛夫:《通古斯标准语》,《边区简讯》,南萨哈林,1995年第1期,第132-162页;《民族学的学科地位及民族分类:个性、文化与社会》,2000年第4期,第126-147。
    ② 参见[俄]E.M.达尼琴科:《谈史禄国与古米廖夫民族本质观的相似点》,《人文知识》,欧姆斯克,1997年,第72—74页。
    ③ [俄]B.A.季什科夫:(20世纪俄罗斯著名民族学家与人类学家》,莫斯科,2004年第690页。
    ① [苏]Л.H.古米廖夫:《历史时期的民族地理学》,列宁格勒,1990年,第20-21,23,28-29页。
    ② [苏]Л.H.古米廖夫:前引书,第31,35,41,46,179页。
    ① [苏]Л.H.古米廖夫:《理论传记还是悼念文章》,《旗帜报》,1988年第4期,第214页。
    ② [苏]Л.H.古米廖夫:《族源与地球生物环境》,莫斯科,1989年,第71页。
    ③ [苏]Ю.B.勃罗姆列伊:《鉴于一份“纪念悼词”》,《旗帜报》,1988年第12期,第229页。
    ④ [俄]B.A.什尼列伊曼:《Л.H.古米廖夫:从“激情的张力”到“文化不兼容”》,《民族学评论》,2006年第3期,第12页。
    ① [俄]B.A.季什科夫:《20世纪俄罗斯著名民族学家与人类学家》,莫斯科,2004年,第690页。
    ② 参见[苏]Ю.B.勃罗姆列伊:《民族学当代问题》,莫斯科,1981年;《民族理论概述》,莫斯科,1983年;[俄]B.И卡兹洛夫:《民族、民族与民族主义:实质与问题》,莫斯科.1999年。
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    ④ 参见[俄]E.M.达尼琴科:《谈史禄国与古米廖夫民族本质观的相似点》,《人文知识》,欧姆斯克,1997年,第72-74页。
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