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Along with the process of more rapid development of economic globalization, Informationtechnology and knowledge, human capital competition has been increasingly prominent inregional competition among countries, as a factor of production human capital has not onlyeffected on economic growth directly, but also effected indirectly on economic growth externally,human capital has become the true source of economic growth in the era of knowledge economy.Therefore, breaking regional boundary effect, reducing area difference, stimulating regionalcoordinative development through human capital allocation and optimization become animportant research perspective. Tianjin, Beijin and Hebei formed city agglomeration with ahigher degree of modernization and industrial concentrated area in north China, which is thethird big engine for China's economic growth, following the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl RiverDelta. Over the years, the economic development in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is relativelyslow, the coordination development of regional economic lag behind, economy externaldependence is relatively small, administrative area boundary showed strong boundary effect,which becomes an obvious obstruction on the coordinated development of regional economy,contrasting with the rapid development of Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta.
     In view of this, in the context of economic globalization and market integration process isspeeding up, the inherent requirement of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei regional economicdevelopment is increasingly urgent. In the face of competitive pressures at home and abroad,Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei must expand the areas, scope, and space of cooperation, innovatecooperation mechanism, and break through the traditional institutional obstacles, to strengthenregional cooperation, integrate resources, strengthen coordinative development of industry, andpromote area comprehensive strength and competitiveness through human capital developmentand accumulation.
     The main content and innovation are as follows:
     First, construct a theoretical model. This dissertation constructs a theoretical model forempirical analysis, which is the foundation and framework. First, the model of human capital isanalyzed from the neoclassical economic growth theory and new economic growth theory. Thenthe economic convergence and the classification model are introduced in this dissertation. At thelast, the model of human capital to the economic convergence is analyzed.
     Second, making an empirical analysis for human capital and regional economic convergence. Using the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region data, this chapter makes an empiricalanalysis for the formation of human capital and the effect of human capital on regional economicconvergence. And the chapter inspects the regional convergence existence and convergent formof Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei economic, and investigates the human capital on Regional Effect ofconvergence. Research Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei regional economy by using economic convergencetheory and model. Currently, regional economic convergence study based on human capital isless, the topics try to break administrative boundary, research through the region unit divided byeconomic plate, as well as analyze regional economic convergence characteristics and the effectof two forms of human capital on regional economic convergence.
     Third, making comprehensive evaluation disposition of human capital for Establish humancapital evaluation index system for Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, comprehensive evaluate and analyzethe overall development level of human capital Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei through factor analysis.
     Fourth, make human capital and economic development relation analysis forBeijing-Tianjin-Hebei. Compare indicators of human capital for economic development toanalyze the importance of indicator.
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