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     近年来,随着乳腺癌的诊疗技术的进步以及人们自我保健意识的加强,乳腺癌患者的死亡率正逐渐下降,生活中经历过或正在经历乳腺癌的人们越来越多。肿瘤相关性疲劳(cancer related fatigue, CRF)的产生与癌症或癌症的治疗相关,并且干扰患者正常生活,极大地影响了癌症患者的生活质量。因此,如何提高这部分日益增多的人群的生活质量就变得十分重要。
     实验前,将所有雌性BALB/c小鼠置于游泳箱适应性游泳训练2天,5min/天,水温25℃±1℃。剔除游泳时间过长和过短的小鼠以及过于兴奋和过于安静的小鼠。然后,随机抽取10只小鼠作为正常对照(NS, po,20ml/kg, qd)组,剩余小鼠为待制备乳腺癌小鼠CRF模型组。将1×105cells/ml的4T1乳腺癌细胞接种于小鼠右侧腹壁第4对乳房脂肪垫区域的皮下,制备乳腺癌小鼠CRF模型。当瘤块长到50mm3~100mm3(接种后第7天)的时候,按瘤体积随机分为4组,每组10只,分别为肿瘤对照(NS, po,20ml/kg, qd)组、紫杉醇(PTX, ip,10mg/kg, q2d)组、维康颗粒(WKKL, po,6g/kg, qd)组、维康颗粒+紫杉醇(WKKL, po,6g/kg, qd; PTX, ip,10mg/kg, q2d)组。上述5组小鼠分别进行以下几个方面的实验:
     (7)维康颗粒对乳腺癌小鼠CRF血浆代谢组学的研究:应用核磁共振氢谱(1H-NMR)技术获取前面实验中小鼠血浆中的原始代谢指纹图谱信息,通过数据采集处理获得各样本数据信息,采用多元数据统计方法(PCA、PLS-DA、 OPLS-DA)模式识别等方法进行数据处理,得到5组小鼠血浆代谢概况,并进行组间两两比较。最后结合模型VIP值、归一化积分值筛选出两两组间小鼠血浆有差异的代谢物(潜在分子标志物),结合数据库和文献进行代谢物鉴定,并分析相关代谢途径变化,揭示乳腺癌小鼠CRF的发生机制、WKKL缓解乳腺癌小鼠CRF的作用机制。
     另取25只雌性BALB/c小鼠置于小鼠于游泳箱(高30cm,直径25cm)适应性游泳训练2天,5min/天,水温25℃±1℃。剔除游泳时间过长和过短的小鼠以及过于兴奋和过于安静的小鼠。按游泳时间随机分为3组,每组6只,共18只。分别为正常对照(NS, po,20ml/kg, qd)组、紫杉醇(PTX, ip,10mg/kg, q2d)组、维康颗粒+紫杉醇(WKKL, po,6g/kg, qd; PTX, ip,10mg/kg, q2d)组。上述3组小鼠分别进行以下几个方面的实验:
     (3)维康颗粒对化疗小鼠骨骼肌基因组学的研究:应用基因芯片技术获取前面实验中小鼠骨骼肌中的原始基因信息,应用Affmetrix的GCOSvl.4(genechip operating software versionl.4)对荧光信号的强度和比值进行计算和统计分析,得到各芯片的单张分析结果,对芯片进行质量控制处理。用SAM (significant analysis of microarray)分析法,总体比较PTX组与正常对照组,PTX组与WKKL+PTX组间的基因表达有无显著性差异。结合数据库和文献进行基因成分、功能、进程鉴定,并分析相关通路变化,揭示化疗相关性疲劳的发生机制、WKKL缓解化疗相关性疲劳的作用机制。
     (2)维康颗粒对荷瘤小鼠的行为学影响:①旷场实验结果:TC组、PTX组小鼠的5min内的总运动距离(PTC组=0.014、PPTX组=0.003)、外周格运动距离(PTC组=0.000、PPTX组=0.000)较NC组小鼠均显著减少。而WKKL+PTX组小鼠的外周格运动距离较TC组(P=0.006)、PTX组(P=0.044)小鼠显著增加。TC组小鼠较NC组小鼠的爬壁次数显著减少(P=0.039)、理毛次数显著减少(P=0.006)。PTX组小鼠较TC组小鼠的大便粒数显著减少(P=0.000)、爬壁次数显著减少(P=0.003)。WKKL+PTX组小鼠较TC组小鼠的大便粒数显著减少(P=0.000); WKKL+PTX组小鼠的大便粒数较PTX组增加,但是无显著意义。②悬尾实验结果:与NC组小鼠相比,TC组小鼠的不动时间有所延长,但无显著差异(P=0.308)。与TC组小鼠比较,WKKL组(P=0.004)、WKKL+PTX组(P=0.001)小鼠的不动时间显著缩短。
     (4)维康颗粒对荷瘤小鼠的抗疲劳作用:①同一时间点各组小鼠力竭游泳时间的比较:干预前,5组小鼠的力竭游泳时间无显著差异(P=0.992)。干预第10天时,与NC组比较,荷瘤小鼠的力竭游泳时间显著减少(P<0.01);与TC组比较,NC组小鼠的力竭游泳时间显著延长(P=0.000), PTX组小鼠的力竭游泳时间显著减少(P=0.014)、而WKKL组(P=0.381)、WKKL+PTX组(P=0.717)的游泳时间与之相比无显著差异。与PTX组比较,其余4组小鼠的力竭游泳时间显著延长(P<0.05~0.01)。干预20天时,与NC组比较,荷瘤组小鼠的力竭游泳时间显著减少(P<0.01)。与TC组比较,NC组小鼠的力竭游泳时间显著延长(P=0.000),而PTX组、WKKL组、WKKL+PTX组的游泳时间无显著差异(P>0.05)。与PTX组比较,NC组、WKKL组、WKKL+PTX组小鼠的力竭游泳时间显著延长(P<0.05~0.01)。②不同时间点的同组小鼠力竭游泳时间比较:NC组小鼠与干预前比较,干预第10天(P=0.000)、干预第20天(P=0.000)的游泳时间显著延长:与干预第10天比较,干预第20天时小鼠的游泳时间显著延长(P=0.004)。TC组小鼠与干预前比较,干预第10天(P=0.015),干预第20天的游泳时间均显著下降(P=0.000);与干预第10天比较,干预第20天时小鼠的游泳能力显著下降(P=0.000)。PTX组小鼠与干预前比较,干预第10天(P=0.000)、干预第20天(P=0.000)的游泳时间均显著下降;与干预第10天比较,干预第20天时小鼠的游泳能力显著下降(P=0.000)。WKKL组小鼠与干预前比较,干预第10天小鼠的游泳能力均呈现下降的趋势(P=0.241),但无显著变化,干预第20天时小鼠的游泳能力显著下降(P=0.007);与干预第10天比较,干预第20天时小鼠的游泳能力无显著变化(P=0.638)。WKKL+PTX组小鼠与干预前比较,干预第10天(P=0.051)时小鼠的游泳能力无显著下降,干预第20天时小鼠的游泳能力显著下降(P=0.039);与干预第10天比较,干预第20天时小鼠的游泳能力无显著变化(P=0.464)。
     (1)维康颗粒对化疗小鼠的一般情况的影响:给药干预前,3组小鼠之间的精神状态、活动情况、饮食以及皮毛外观等一般情况未见有显著差别。各组小鼠均活泼好动,皮毛光洁整齐,眼睛有神,对食物敏感,逃避反应快。整个实验过程中,NC组小鼠的上述情况未有显著变化。与NC组的小鼠比较,其余2组化疗小鼠均逐渐出现毛发稀疏、聚集、不活泼、行动迟缓和进食减少等现象,但WKKL+PTX组小鼠的一般情况较PTX组要好。干预前,各组小鼠的体重无显著差别(F=0.066,P=0.936)。NC组小鼠的体重逐渐增加,干预7天时,NC组小鼠的体重较干预前显著增加(P=0.002), PTX组小鼠体重较干预前减少、WKKL+PTX组小鼠体重较干预前增加,但是无显著差异。与PTX组小鼠体重相较,NC组(P=0.001), WKKL+PTX组(P=0.002)均有显著性差异。干预14天时,NC组及WKKL+PTX组小鼠的体重较干预前显著增加(P=0.05~0.01),但较干预1周时无显著增加。PTX组小鼠的体重较干预前(P=0.009)、干预7天(P=0.008)时均显著减轻。与PTX组小鼠体重比较,NC组(P=0.000)、WKKL+PTX组(P=0.000)的小鼠体重均分别有显著差异。
     (3)维康颗粒对化疗小鼠骨骼肌基因组学的研究:对PTX组、WKKL+PTX组和正常对照组芯片中每张芯片上44171条基因的比值Ratio,根据前面所设条件进行分析,得出PTX组vs正常对照组与PTX组vs WKKL+PTX组的交集存在差异表达基因共47条。其中,PTX组表达水平上调(Ratio值大于2)的有39条,表达水平下调(Ratio值小于0.5)的有8条。①参与线粒体能量代谢的基因有Atp4a、Pla2glb、Pikfyve、Lpin2、Pld4、Ppm1h、Acot10等。其中PTX组基因Atp4a表达下调,WKKL+PTX组基因Atp4a表达上调。PTX组基因Pla2glb表达上调,而WKKL+PTX组基因Pla2glb表达下调。②参与炎症反应、体液免疫反应、细胞粘附、防御应答等与免疫功能相关的基因如S100a9、Igh-6、Ghrl等。PTX组S100a9、Igh-6呈上调趋势,Ghrl表达下调,WKKL+PTX组S100a9、Igh-6呈下调趋势,Ghrl表达上调。③两组的差异表达基因涉及到多个信号转导通路,包括VEGF signaling pathway(血管内皮细胞因子信号通路)、Fc epsilon RI signaling pathway (Fc epsilon RI信号通路)、MAPK signaling pathway(丝裂原活化蛋白激酶信号通路)、GnRH signaling pathway(促性腺激素释放激素信号通路)、Phosphatidylinositol signaling system(磷脂酰肌醇信号系统)等。
     To evaluate effect of WKKL alleviates CRF which caused by the tumor and the chemotherapy of paclitaxel (PTX) in breast cancer mice CRF model. Reveal the mechanism of WKKL alleviates CRF and chemotherapy related fatigue.
     1. The metabolism mechanism of WKKL alleviates CRF.
     Before the experiment, all female BALB/c mice were trained in the swimming tank (25℃±1℃) for2days (5min/day). Then, exclude the mice which the swimming time is too long or too short and too excited or too quiet. Randomly selected10mice as normal controls (NS, po,20ml/kg, qd) mice, and the rest mice were prepared for breast cancer cell inoculation.4TI breast cancer cells were inoculated in subcutaneous of the fourth pair breast fat pad region of mouse right side of the abdominal wall to prepare the mouse model of CRF. Each mouse was injected0.1ml4T1breast cancer cells (1×106cells/ml). When the tumor grows to50mm3and100mm3(about day7after inoculation), the mice were divided in to four groups (10mice/group) according to the tumor volume. The four groups are tumor control (NS, po,20ml/kg, qd) group, PTX (PTX, ip,10mg/kg, q2d) group, WKKL (WKKL, po,1.5g/kg, qd) group and WKKL+PTX (WKKL, po,1.5g/kg qd; PTX, ip,10mg/kg, q2d) group. Then the following aspects of the experiment were carried out on the5groups of mice (NC group, TC group, PTX group, WKKL group and WKKL+ PTX):
     (1) The effect of WKKL on the general situations of the tumor-bearing mice:The Weight, activity, mental state, fur appearance changes, and diet of mice in each group were observed during the experiment. The general situations of the mice was evaluated for each week.
     (2) The effect of WKKL on the behavior of the tumor-bearing mice:All mice were conducted open field test at the12th day after administration. The total movement distance, the distance of peripheral lattice, the distance of central lattice, frequency of grooming, climbing frequency and stool amount of mice in the experimental tank were observed.30min after the last administration, observe the immobility time of all mice by the TS-200tail suspension test instrument.
     (3) The effect of WKKL on the survival time of tumor-bearing mice:Observe the survival time of mice of the behavior experiment without any interventions. When all mice were died, calculate the mean survival time, median survival time and the life extension rate of mice in each group.
     (4) The effect of WKKL on the anti-fatigue effects of the tumor-bearing mice: Take another of the5groups of mice. Then observe the exhaustive swimming time of all mice in the weight-loaded swimming test. A tin wire (7%of body weight) was loaded on the tail root of each mouse. The mice were tested three times (0d,10d and20d after administration).
     (5) The effect of WKKL on the tumor growth inhibition of the tumor-bearing mice:Take another of the5groups of mice. Two-dimensional measurements were taken with calipers every three days and calculate the tumor volume. After the last administration, all mice were sacrificed, collected the blood and separate the plasma, stored at-80℃for metabolomics research. Then peel the tumor tissue and weighted. And the tumor inhibitory rate was calculated.
     (6) The effect of WKKL on the organs index of the tumor-bearing mice: weighted the spleen, thymus and adrenal gland take from the previous experiment, and calculate the organs index.
     (7) The effect of WKKL on the plasma metabolomics of CRF mice model: Metabolomic finger printing was acquired by1H-NMR. Multivariate data statistic (PCA,PLS-DA,OPLS-DA) was used to pattern recognition. Then we got the5groups of mice plasma metabolic profiles. Then we compare the data group between group. Then chosen the VIP and normalized integral value filter out the differences metabolites (potential molecular markers) in plasma between groups. The endogenous metabolites were assayed by HMBD data base and other document. Then, analyze the changed metabolic pathways. At last, reveal the mechanism of CRF and how WKKL alleviates the CRF.
     2. The gene mechanism of WKKL alleviates chemotherapy related fatigue:
     Before the experiment,25female BALB/c mice were trained in the swimming tank (25℃±1℃) for2days (5min/day). Then, exclude the mice which the swimming time is too long or too short and too excited or too quiet. The mice were divided in to three groups as normal controls (NS, po,20ml/kg, qd) group, PTX (PTX, ip,10mg/kg, q2d) group, and WKKL+PTX (WKKL, po,1.5g/kg qd; PTX, ip,10mg/kg, q2d) group. Then the following aspects of the experiment were carried out on the3groups of mice:
     (1) The effect of WKKL on the general situation of the chemotherapy-bearing mice:The Weight, activity, mental state, diet, and fur appearance changes of mice in each group were observed during the experiment. The general situation of the mice was evaluated for each week.
     (2) The effect of WKKL on the anti-fatigue effects of the chemotherapy-bearing mice:Observe the exhaustive swimming time of all mice in the weight-loaded swimming test. A tin wire (7%of body weight) was loaded on the tail root of each mouse. The mice were tested three times (0d,7d and14d after administration).
     (3) The effect of WKKL on the skeletal muscle genomics of chemotherapy related fatigue mice model:Gene chip technology was acquired to obtain the original genetic information in the skeletal muscles of mice in the experiments, Affmetrix GCOSvl.4(gene chip operating software versionl.4) was used to of obtain the fluorescence signal intensity and ratio calculation and statistical analysis to get single analysis results of each chip to chip quality control process. Compare the difference of gene expression between the three groups. Analyze the related pathways, reveal the correlation of fatigue mechanism of chemotherapy, and the mechanism of WKKL alleviate chemotherapy related fatigue.
     1. The metabolism mechanism of WKKL alleviates CRF.
     (1) The effect of WKKL on the general situation of the tumor-bearing mice: Before the administration, the general mental state of mice between the5groups had no significant difference. Mice in each group were lively. All mice were sensitive to food and escape quickly. The situation of mice in the NC group keeps the same during the experiment. Compared with NC group mice, the other4groups mice's hair were gradually sparse, and they gradually inactive, move slowly and eating less. At the end of the experiment, the general situation of mice in this4groups from the poor to relatively good order were TC group, PTX group, WKKL+PTX group and WKKL group. Before administration the body weight of mice in each group had no significant difference (F=0.100,P=0.982). However, after1week administration, body weight in NC group were significantly increased compared to the previous (P<0.01), and significantly heavier than PTX(P=0.000). After2weeks administration, body weight in NC group were significantly increased compared to the beginning (P<0.01), but there had no significant increase compared with intervention1st week (P>0.05). The body weight of mice in NC group were significantly heavier than other4groups (P<0.01). The body weight of mice in TC group, WKKL group and WKKL+PTX group had no significant changes to the beginning (P>0.05), but significant changes to the1st week (P<0.05). The body weight of mice in PTX group had significant changes to the beginning and1st week (P<0.01). Compared with TC group mice, the body weight of mice in PTX group had significantly changes (P<0.01). Compared with PTX group mice, the body weight of mice in WKKL group and WKKL+PTX group had significant changes (P<0.01). After3weeks administration, the body weight of mice in each group maintain at the level of the2week.
     (2) The effect of WKKL on the behavior of the tumor-bearing mice:(a) open-field experimental results:The farthest total movement distances were the mice in NC group, and PTX group were the least (PTC=0.014、PPTX=0.003). Compared with mice in NC group, the total movement distance of mice in TC group and PTX group were significantly differences (PTC=0.000)、PPTX=0.000). The farthest distance of peripheral lattice was mice in NC group, and TC group (P=0.006) were the least. Compared with mice in NC group, the distance of peripheral lattice of TC group, PTX group and WKKL group of mice were significantly reduced, and had no significant difference in WKKL+PTX group(P>0.05). Compared with mice in TC group, the stool amount in NC group, PTX group and WKKL+PTX group were significantly decreased (P<0.05~0.01). Compared with mice in PTX group, the stool amount in NC group, TC group, WKKL Group and WKKL+PTX group were significantly increased (P<0.05~0.01). The frequencies of climbing of mice in NC group were the most, and least in WKKL group. Compared with mice in NC group, the frequencies of climbing of mice in WKKL group and WKKL+PTX group were significantly decreased (P<0.05~0.01). The mice in PTX group and WKKL+PTX group had higher frequencies of grooming than other groups, the mice in TC group had the least. Compared with mice in NC group, the frequency of grooming of mice in TC group and WKKL group were significantly decreased (P<0.05~0.01). Compared with mice in TC group, the frequency of grooming of mice in NC group, PTX group and WKKL+PTX group were significantly increased (P<0.01). Compared with mice in PTX group, the frequency of grooming of mice in TC group and WKKL group were significantly decreased (P<0.05~0.01).(b) Tail suspension test results: The immobility time of mice in TC group were longer than NC group, but there was no significant difference between the two groups (P=0.308). Compared with mice in TC group, the immobility time of mice in WKKL group (P=0.004) and WKKL+PTX group (P=0.001) were significantly shorter
     (3) The effect of WKKL on the survival time of tumor-bearing mice:Compared with mice in TC group, the median survival time and the average survival time in other3groups were significantly prolonged (P<0.05-0.01). Compared with mice in PTX group, the median survival time and the average survival time in WKKL+PTX group were significantly prolonged (P=0.039), and significantly decreased in TC group. Compared with mice in TC group, the survival time of WKKL+PTX group, WKKL group and PTX group were prolonged21.61%,13.07%and8.54%, respectively.
     (4) The effect of WKKL on the anti-fatigue effects of the tumor-bearing mice:(a) Swimming time between the groups at same time points:There were no significant differences between the5groups (P=0.992) at the beginning. At10th day after administration, the swimming ability of mice in NC group were significantly longer than TC group, PTX group and WKKL+PTX group (P=0.01). Compared with mice in TC group, the swimming time in PTX group, WKKL group and WKKL+PTX group had no significant differences (P=0.05). Compared with mice in PTX group, the swimming ability of mice in NC group and WKKL group were significantly prolonged (P=0.05~0.01). At20th day after administration, the swimming ability of mice in NC group were significantly longer than other4groups (P=0.000) Compared with mice in TC group, the swimming time of mice in PTX group, WKKL group and WKKL+PTX group had no significant differences (P>0.05). Compared with mice in PTX group, the swimming ability of mice in WKKL+PTX group and WKKL group were significantly prolonged (P<0.01).(b) Swimming time at different time points of each group mice:With the intervention time increased, the swimming ability of mice in NC group showed a gradual increase trend, and a gradual decrease trend in TC group, PTX group and WKKL+PTX group. Compared with the mice in NC group at0day, the swimming ability was significantly increased at10th day and20lh day (P=0.05~0.01). Compared with the mice in TC group at0day, the swimming ability had no significantly changes at10th day (P>0.05), but was significantly decreased at20th day (P<0.01). Compared with the mice in PTX group at0day, the swimming ability was significantly decreased at10th day and20th day (P<0.01). Compared with the mice in WKKL group at0day, the swimming ability had no significantly changes at10th day (P>0.05), but was significantly decreased at20th day (P<0.05). Compared with the mice in WKKL+PTX group at0day, the swimming ability was significantly decreased at10th day and20th day (P=0.05~0.01).
     (5) The effect of WKKL on the tumor growth inhibition of the tumor-bearing mice:Compared with mice in TC group, the tumor weight in WKKL+PTX group (P=0.007) and PTX group (P=0.037) were significantly lighter. Compared with mice in TC group, the tumor volume in WKKL+PTX group were significantly smaller (P<0.05). The tumor inhibition rates of WKKL+PTX group, WKKL group and PTX group were22.24%,15.36%and16.89%, respectively.
     (6) The effect of WKKL on the organs index of the tumor-bearing mice:(a) Spleen index:Compared with mice in NC group, the spleen index in tumor bearing mice (TC group, PTX group, WKKL group and WKKL+PTX group) were significantly increased (P<0.01). Compared with mice in TC group, the spleen index in PTX group, WKKL group and WKKL+PTX group have no difference (P>0.05). Compared with mice in PTX group, the spleen index in WKKL group and WKKL+PTX group have no difference (P>0.05).(b) Thymus index:The thymus index of mice in NC group was higher than other groups, and the least was in PTX group. Compared with mice in NC group, the thymus index of mice in tumor bearing mice (TC group, PTX group, WKKL group and WKKL+PTX group) were significantly decreased (P<0.01). Compared with mice in TC group, the thymus index of mice of PTX group were significantly decreased (P=0.001). Compared with mice in PTX group, the thymus index of mice in WKKL group (P=0.010) and WKKL+PTX group (P=0.006) were significantly increased,(c) Adrenal index: Compared with mice in NC group, the adrenal index of mice in TC group and PTX group were significantly increased (P<0.01). Compared with mice in TC group, the adrenal index of mice in WKKL+PTX group were significantly decreased (P=0.037). Compared with mice in PTX group, the adrenal index of mice in WKKL group and WKKL+PTX group had no difference (P>0.05).
     (7) The effect of WKKL on the plasma metabolomics of CRF mice model:(a) The5groups1H-NMR-based plasma analysis of CRF mice:The samples of5groups were divided by the PLS-DA model, and calculated2principal components,(b) Compare between NC group and TC group:The PCA and PLS-DA model can divided the samples of NC group and TC group. And the OPLS-DA model was divided better. Then, found16significant metabolites by the load scatter plot, S-plot, VIP value and normalized integral value (P<0.05-0.01). Compared with mice in NC group, the levels of Lactic acid, glycerol phosphate, spermine, leucine, alanine, glucose-6-phosphoric acid,3-hydroxy butyric acid were increased in TC group, and the levels of Choline, inositol phosphate, coenzyme A, octanoyl glycine,3-hydroxy isovaleric acid, acid, methyl malonic acid, aspartic acid were decreased in TC group,(c) Compare between TC group and PTX group:The PCA and PLS-DA model were divided the samples of TC group and PTX group. And the OPLS-DA model was divided better. Then, found13significant metabolites by the load scatter plot, S-plot, VIP value and normalized integral value (P<0.05-0.01). Compared with mice in TC group, the levels of citrulline were increased in PTX group, and the levels of Choline, inositol phosphate, citric acid, glycerol phosphate, linoleic acid, glutamine, coenzyme A, aspartic acid, serine, cysteine, erythrose were decreased in PTX group,(d) Compare between TC group and WKKL group:The PCA and PLS-DA model can divided the samples of TC group and WKKL group. And the OPLS-DA model was divided better. Then, found1significant metabolites by the load scatter plot, S-plot, VIP value and normalized integral value (P<0.05-0.01). Compared with mice in TC group, the level of glycerol3-phosphate was increased in WKKL group,(e) Compare between TC group and WKKL+PTX group:The PCA and PLS-DA model were divided the samples of TC group and WKKL+PTX group. And the OPLS-DA model was divided better. Then, found17significant metabolites by the load scatter plot, S-plot, VIP value and normalized integral value (P<0.05-0.01). Compared with mice in TC group, the levels of Propionyl glycine, citrulline, isoleucine, octanoyl glycine,2-hydroxy butyric acid were increased in WKKL+PTX group, and the levels of Inositol, dihydroxy acetone, phosphoric acid, choline, spermine,3-hydroxy butyric acid and malonic acid, aspartic acid, serine, L-valine, pyruvic acid, succinic acid and aldehyde, amino caproic acid, beta alanine were decreased in WKKL+PTX group.(f) Compare between PTX group and WKKL+PTX group:The PCA and PLS-DA model were divided the samples of PTX group and WKKL+PTX group. And the OPLS-DA model was divided better. Then, found5significant metabolites by the load scatter plot, S-plot, VIP value and normalized integral value (P<0.05-0.01). Compared with mice in PTX group, the levels of Nervonic acid, coenzyme A, phosphoenolpyruvate, inositol and erythrose were increased in WKKL+PTX group,(g) Compare between WKKL group and WKKL+PTX group:The PCA and PLS-DA model were divided the samples of PTX group and WKKL+PTX group, but here are still some overlap between the two groups. And the OPLS-DA model was divided better. Then, found12significant metabolites by the load scatter plot, S-plot, VIP value and normalized integral value (P<0.05-0.01). Compared with mice in WKKL group, the levels of Propionyl glycine, citrulline, glycerophosphate,2-hydroxy butyric acid, octanoyl glycine, isoleucine, corticosterone, folic acid, ferulic acid, hydrogen, phenylalanine, alanine were increased the levels of Choline phosphatein was decreased in WKKL+PTX group.
     2. The gene mechanism of WKKL alleviates chemotherapy related fatigue:
     (1) The effect of WKKL on the general situation of the chemotherapy-bearing mice:Before the administration, the general mental state, activity, diet, and fur appearance of mice between the3groups had no significant difference. Mice in each group were lively. Their fur was bright, clean and tidy. Their eyes were bright. All mice were sensitive to food and escape quickly. The situation of mice in the NC group keeps the same during the experiment. Compared with NC group mice, the other2groups mice's hair were gradually sparse, and they gradually inactive, move slowly and eating less. At the end of the experiment, the general situation of mice in this2groups from the poor to relatively good order were PTX group, WKKL+PTX group. Before administration the body weight of mice in each group had no significant difference (F=0.066, P=0.936). However, after1week administration, body weight in NC group were significantly increased compared to the previous (P=0.002) After2weeks administration, body weight in NC (P=0.001) and WKKL+PTX group (P=0.002) were significantly increased compared to the beginning, but there had no significant increase compared with intervention1st week (P>0.05). Compared with PTX group mice, the body weight of mice in NC group (P=0.000) and WKKL+PTX group (P=0.000) had significant changes.
     (2) The effect of WKKL on the anti-fatigue effects of the chemotherapy-bearing mice:(a) Swimming time between the groups at same time points:There were no significant differences between the3groups (P=0.992) at the beginning. At7th day after administration, the swimming ability of mice in NC group were significantly longer than PTX group(P=0.000) and WKKL+PTX group(P=0.001). Compared with mice in PTX group, the swimming ability of mice in NC group (P=0.000) and WKKL+PTX group (P=0.007) were significantly prolonged. At14th day after administration, the swimming ability of mice in NC group were significantly longer than other2groups (P=0.01). Compared with mice in PTX group, the swimming ability of mice in WKKL+PTX group and NC group were significantly prolonged (P <0.01).(b) Swimming time at different time points of each group mice:With the intervention time increased, the swimming ability of mice in NC group showed a gradual increase trend, and a gradual decrease trend in PTX group and a volatility trend in WKKL+PTX group. Compared with the mice in NC group at0day, the swimming ability was significantly increased at14th day (P=0.026). Compared with the mice in PTX group at0day, the swimming ability was significantly decreased at14th day (P=0.002)
     (3)The effect of WKKL on gene mechanism:There were47different genes between PTX and WKKL+PTX group.39were up-regulated, and8were down-regulated. Atp4a, Pla2g1b, Pikfyve, Lpin2, Pld4, Ppm1h, Acot10, etc. participated in the mitochondrial energy metabolism. S100a9, Igh-6, Ghrl, etc. participated in in the inflammatory response, humoral immune response, cell adhesion, defense response. There were involved in multiple signal transduction pathways, including VEGF signaling pathway, Fc epsilon RI signaling pathwaysignaling pathway and MAPK signaling pathway GnRH signaling pathway and Phosphatidylinositol signaling system, etc.
     (1) The mouse inoculation with4TI breast cancer cells at the breast fat pad region of the right side of the abdominal wall subcutaneous exist CRF. The degrees of CRF were related to the tumor growth. The occurrence of CRF might related to the disturbance of the metabolic pathways of tricarboxylic acid cycle, fatty acid metabolism, β-alanyl acid metabolism, amino acid metabolism, gluconeogenesis, pyruvate metabolism,glucose alanine cycle, mitochondrial electron transport chain and malate-aspartate shuttle.
     (2) PTX can aggravated CRF, and the degrees of CRF were aggravated according to the chemotherapy period prolonged. The mechanism of PTX aggravated CRF might related to the disturbance of the metabolic pathways of Pyruvate metabolism, tricarboxylic acid cycle, metabolism of amino acid metabolism, and spermine and spermine, metabolism of fatty acid metabolism, Lipid metabolism, glycerol phosphate shuttle, synthesis of phospholipids, mitochondrial electron transport chain.
     (3) WKKL can improve the general situation of the tumor-bearing mice, prolong the survival time. WKKL can't alleviate CRF. Thoes effect of WKKL might related to the function of regulated the metabolic pathways of inositol metabolism, glycerol lipid metabolism, glycerol phosphate shuttle and mitochondrial electron transport chain.
     (4) The combination therapy of WKKL and PTX can significantly alleviate CRF which caused by the breast cancer and the chemotherapy of PTX. The effect of alleviate CRF of the combination therapy of WKKL and PTX was better than only use WKKL. The mechanism of combination therapy of WKKL and PTX alleviate CRF might related to the function of regulated the metabolic pathways of The Krebs cycle, metabolism of fatty acid metabolism, propionic acid, pyruvate metabolism, spermine and spermine metabolism, amino acid metabolism, sugar, glucose and alanine cycle dysplasia, pyruvate metabolism, muscle metabolism of alcohol, glycerol phosphate shuttle, mitochondrial electron transport chain, malic acid-aspartate shuttle, the synthesis of phospholipids.
     (5) WKKL can improve the fatigue of the chemotherapy-bearing mice, The mechanism of WKKL alleviate chemotherapy related fatigue might related to the genes expression of energy metabolism, immune function, signal transduction pathways.
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