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     随着灌水量的增加,麦田总耗水量显著增加,土壤水的消耗量显著降低,土壤供水占总耗水量的比例显著下降,不利于小麦对降水和土壤水的利用。施磷显著提高了土壤贮水的利用率, W1、W2、W3处理的总耗水量和土壤供水量P2处理显著高于P1处理。品种间的比较,SN16总耗水量和土壤供水量及其占总耗水量的比例显著大于JM20,但灌水量和降水量占总耗水量的比例低于JM20。
     JM20和SN16两品种品种在W2处理籽粒产量和水分利用效率较高,其中SN16品种总耗水量为355~387mm,耗水量的水分来源分别为:降水占42.64%~45.80%,灌水占31.45%~33.78%,土壤供水占20.42%~25.93%; JM20品种总耗水量为337~394mm,耗水量的水分来源分别为:降水占41.33%~48.26%,灌水占30.48%~35.59%,土壤供水占16.10%~28.19%。2水磷耦合对小麦磷素利用的影响
Effects of irrigation and phosphorus fertilizer application on water use efficiency andphosphorus use efficiency in wheat were studied in the field experiments which were carriedout on low phosphorus using the cultivar Jimai20(JM20) and Shannong16(SN16). Fourirrigation amounts were set with no water (W0), jointing water at60mm (W1),jointing+anthesis at60mm (W2), jointing+anthesis+filling water at60mm (W3) every time,and three phosphorus fertilizer (P2O5) rates were set with0(P0),90(P1) and180(P2)P2O5kg/ha, respectively.1. Effects coupling of irrigation and phosphorus on water consumption characteristicsand water use efficiency in winter wheat
     Under the same phosphorus rate, with increasing irrigation amount, water consumptionamount significantly increased, but the ratio of precipitation amount and soil water amount towater consumption amount reduced significantly, and also improved the proportion of soilwater consumption for total water consumption. At the base of treatment W2, more irrigationrate decreased the ratio of precipitation and soil water consumption to water consumptionamount, but significantly increased the water consumption amount.
     Compared with the P0treatment, additation of phosphorus fertilizer can improve the useof soil water, increase the proportion of soil water consumption for total water consumption.The results in this experiment also suggested that there was a significant interaction betweenirrigation rate and phosphorus rate for water use efficiency(WUEY) and irrigation water useefficiency(WUEI).
     Under the treatment W0and W1, the grain yield and water use efficiency of SN16washigher than JM20. Under the treatment W2, water consumption amount of SN16was355~387mm, the percentage of irrigation rate to water consumption amount was31.45%~33.78%, the percentage of precipitation rate to water consumption amount was42.64%~45.80%, the percentage of soil water consumption rate to water consumption amountwas20.42%~25.93%. Under the treatment W2, water consumption amount of JM20was337~394mm, the percentage of irrigation rate to water consumption amount was30.48%~35.59%, the percentage of precipitation rate to water consumption amount was41.33%~48.26%, the percentage of soil water consumption rate to water consumption amountwas16.10%~28.19%.
     Based on these results, it is concluded that treatment with phosphorus application at P2O590kg/ha or180kg/ha, irrigation at120mm could get high grain yield and water useefficiency. The treatment P1W2had the higher grain yield, water use efficiency(WUEY),while over-irrigation increased the water consumption amount, and decreased the WUEYandirrigation water use efficiency(WUEI).2. Effects coupling of irrigation and phosphorus on phosphorus uptake and phosphorususe efficiency in winter wheat
     The amount of soil available P was significantly increased with increasing P fertilizerapplications when less irrigation levels (W0, W1and W2) were applied at different wheatgrowth stages except maturity, but under W3treatment there was only a slight increase and nosignificant difference between P1and P2treatment.
     The addition of a P fertilizer and irrigation increased P accumulation amounts and thepercentage of P accumulation amounts at the different stage, as well as the proportion of Paccumulation amounts before the anthesis stage. The addition of a P fertilizer and irrigationalso increased the P production efficiency for grain and dry matter; moreover, there were verysignificant interactions between irrigation and P rate on P production efficiency for grain anddry matter. The content of P accumulation was increased accordingly by the addition of a Pfertilizer and irrigation, but overabundance of the P fertilizer and irrigation with180kg/haand180mm irrigation caused P efficiency of wheat grain to decrease.
     The contents of lecithoid-P and labile organic-P are higher than other forms of P in grain.The application of a P fertilizer and the addition of irrigation can improve the levels ofvarious forms of P and total P accumulation in winter wheat grain. The levels of labileinorganic-P, labile organic-P, lecithoid-P and total-P increased according to the increase in theamount of P applied and the addition of irrigation. There was also a very significant positivecorrelation between soil available P content and P accumulation in wheat at various growthperiods. The treatment with an irrigation application at jointing and anthesis with90~180kg/ha P fertilizer can achieve the highest lecithoid-P level in grain and a high P useefficiency in grain. Correlation analysis showed that there was a significant positivecorrelation between the different forms of P and total P content in the grain (P<0.05). Therewas also a significant positive correlation between lecithoid-P and other forms of P (P<0.05),indicating that there is a dynamic balance between lecithoid-P and other P forms; interactionsand restrictions between these forms maintain the physiological requirements of crops.
     The interaction effect analysis also showed that for the P accumulation, grain total P,grain phospholipid P and P production efficiency for dry matter, there were significantlyinteractions between irrigation and P rate (P<0.01).
     Based on these results, the treatment with phosphorus application at P2O590kg/ha, andirrigation at120mm could get high total phosphorus and different forms phosphorus in winterwheat grain. And the treatment with phosphorus application at P2O5180kg/ha, and irrigation at60mm also could get high total phosphorus and different forms phosphorus in winter wheatgrain.3. Effects of irrigation and phosphorus fertilizer on grain yield
     Under P1treatment, the total starch content and the components content of treatment W2was higher than treatment W0and W1. At the base of treatment W2, more irrigation ratedecreased the ratio of amylpectin to amylase significantly. Compared with treatment P0,phosphorus application increased the starch content, but had no significant effect on the ratioof amylpectin to amylose.There were no significantly difference between treatment P1and P2.
     The synthesis and accumulation of protein in grains were increased by P applicationduring grain filling stage, especially in the early stage. The protein content in treatment P1and P2was significantly higher than that in P0during the early grain filling. When maturing,P1treatment had the highest total protein content in both cultivars. In P1treatment, there werelittle effect on the contents of albumin and globulin, but significantly increase the contents ofgliadin and gluten. These results suggested that P1treatment had little effect on wheatnutritional quality, but could improve its processing quality. Therefore, different cultivationmanagement should be adopted according to the different quality demands of different wheattypes.
     At the base of treatment W2, more irrigation rate decreased the transformation and theamino acid from vegetative parts to grain during middle and late filling stage, and decreasedthe ratio of amylopectin to amylose significantly.
     Under the treatment P1, the total starch content and its components content of treatmentW2was higher than that of treatment W0and W1.
     The treatment W2had higher grain yield than W0and W1under the treatment P1. At thebase of treatment W2, more irrigation rate did not increase grain yield, but it decreased thewater use efficiency significantly. Phosphorus application improved the grain yieldsignificantly, but there was no significant difference between treatment P1and P2.
     Based on these results, it is concluded that the treatment with phosphorus application atP2O590kg/ha, irrigation at180mm could get high grain yield, water use efficiency and P use efficency. And the treatment with phosphorus application at P2O5180kg/ha, and irrigation at60mm also could get high grain yield and P use efficency,its water use efficiency was higherthan treatment W2P2, but its water consumption amount was lower than treatment W2P2,which has practical implications for regions with water resource shortage.
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