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报春花属(Primula. L)植物在全世界约有500种,我国分布有300余种,绝大部分种类具有较高的观赏价值,可以作为露地或盆栽花卉。国外已育出了大量的园艺品种,其主要亲本大都源于我国。目前我国的报春资源基本处于野生状态,栽培和育种研究得较少。本研究是在2001年课题组研究的基础上,又先后两次进行了云南野生报春资源的调查,共调查到13个野生种,重点引种栽培了滇北球花报春(P. denticulata ssp.sinodenticulata)、桔红灯台报春(P. bulleyana)、霞红灯台报春(P. beesiana)和粉背灯台报春(P. pulverulenta)四种观赏价值高,海拔分布相对较低的报春花属植物。近3年来主要进行了以下三方面的研究:1)野生报春的温室栽培技术和生物学特性即形态特性、繁殖特性和光合特性的研究;2)因报春原产地海拔较高,耐热栽培是引种栽培的关键,进行了四种报春的耐热性研究;3)在引种栽培的基础上,为报春的进一步的育种,进行了杂交育种试验及部分报春种类的亲缘关系AFLP分析。主要研究结果如下:
     2.生物学特性研究结果表明:四种报春的生态适应性与其叶片和根系解剖结构具有较强相关性,叶片栅栏组织和海绵组织分化不明显,根系皮层薄壁细胞排列疏松,说明报春生长要求一定的空气和土壤湿度,花粉粒的形状可以作为亲缘关系远近的依据,为杂交育种提供参考,花粉粒的大小、及柱头乳突的长短,进一步说明报春为异花授粉植物;滇北球花报春、桔红灯台报春、霞红灯台报春在20-25℃时有较高的萌发率,在0-500 mg/L的范围内,赤霉素处理浓度越大,种子的萌发率越高。光照促进3种报春种子的萌发,赤霉素处理能替代种子萌发对光的需求;四种报春光合速率日变化在春季呈单峰曲线,夏季呈双峰曲线,春季的光合速率明显高于夏季,滇北球花报春春季光饱和点低于夏季,而其它三种变化趋势相同,四种报春春季光补偿点、CO2饱和点、CO2补偿点均低于夏季,在一定范围内,光合作用速率随温度的升高而增加,四种报春光合最适温度在23.5-25.1℃之间,光合的冷限温度在6.3-9.1℃之间,光合的热限温度在38.7-41.4℃之间。
There are about 500 species in genus Primula in the world, of which approximately 300 species distribute in China, and most of them are famous alpine perennials with beautiful flowers and can be cultivated as garden plants and pot flowers. A lot of perfect horticultural varieties have been relased abroad, and most of their central parents came from China. But up to now our precious germplasm resources are still leaved in wild without sufficient researches on the breeding and horticultural culture. Base on the work of 2001 research team, two investigation on the wild Primula. was made in Yunnan successively, and 13 species were introduced to Beijing. P. denticulata ssp.sinodenticulata, P. bulleyana, P. beesiana, and P. pulverulenta with high value of enjoy and distributed growing in relatively lower altitude were studied deeply In the recent three years our work mostly concentrated on 3 aspects: 1) study on the cultivation technology in greenhouse, the biological characters, and the photosynthesis characteristics; 2) research on the heat-resistant ability of the 4 species of Primula; 3) test of cross–breeding and the AFLP analysis on some species of Primula. The results are indicated as follows:
     1. The technology system was founded on P. denticulata ssp.sinodenticulata, P. bulleyana, P. beesiana, and P. pulverulenta including the propagation, environment control, prevention and cure of the plant diseases and insect pests. Under this technology system we can get perfect pot flower of Primula.
     2. The results of biological characters research showed that, the ecological adaptability of the four Primula species have high relativity with the anatomic structure of the leaves and the root system. There are no obvious differentiation of the spongy and palisade tissues, and the parenchyma cell are arranged loosely, this means that the high humidity of the soil and the atmosphere are needed by the Primula species. The different sizes of pollen and stigma papillae ulteriorly showed that the Primula species are Cross- pollination plants. The best temperature for seed germination is 20-25℃. Ranging between 0 and 500 mg/L, high concentration of GA is beneficial to germination, and light can also
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