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It determined and analyzed the cellular contour, cellular dimension, tissue proportion, etc. of the wood transverse section by the software of multicolor image manipulation. And it determined the gray level and structure parameters of wood transverse section micrograph by spatial gray level cooccurrence matrix (GLCM). Then it researched on the feasibility of wood recognition according to the quantitative characters about micrograph, moreover, it programmed the wood recognition program based on the micrograph content of wood transverse section elementarily.
    It analyzed the 33 parameters about the micrograph of wood transverse section by the principal component and induced seven principal components. The results showed that the contribution of first seven principal components to total parameters was close to 90 percent. The first seven principal components were vessel(resin canal) morphological and dimension factor, texture intensity and period factor, tissue proportion factor, texture thickness and complexity factor, fiber (tracheid) dimension factor, fiber(tracheid) morphological factor, radial cell wall dimension of fiber(tracheid) factor, respectively. At the same time, it analyzed the correction among the parameters, and extracted 15 parameters which have significance for wood recognition from all parameters.
    It founded the computer aided wood recognition algorithm based on image manipulation according to 15 quantitative parameters. The algorithm was founded on the most similar principle. The key of the algorithm was computing the similar coefficient between the unknown sample and the samples in database. The methods of computing for similar coefficient were Discriminance of Minimal Difference of Parameters(DMDP), Discriminance of Limen of Tree Compositive Character(DLTC) and Synthetic Weight Similarity of Parameters(SWSP). The contribution of all parameters were considering as same for DMDP and DLTC, but it estimate s the similarity between parameters according to the limen for DLTC. DMDP was based on the principal component analysis for wood transverse section micrograph characters and computing the similar coefficient according to the contribution of every parameter. The recognition results of wood recognition program is not the only one. The all records in database are sorted by the similar coefficient. At th
    e same time, the micro structural characteristic, the macro structural characteristic and the image of three sections are shown in the main interface. The user can testify which is the unknown sample. Then the veracity was improved.
    According to determined and analyzed of parameters of the wood transverse section micrograph, established of the recognition algorithm and programmed of wood recognition method, the results showed that the wood recognition method was feasibility based on the image manipulation. It would offer a new technical reference means and elementary theory foundation
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