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The reflections about experiences have started from ancient Greece. At that timethe experience is still regarded as something floating in the peripheral of philosophy.The passive situation of experiences has been changed fundamentally till the era ofmodern philosophy. The appearance of British empiricism laid the cornerstone for theexperience to become the important issues in philosophical speculation. However, theBritish empiricism focuses on the statement of the disadvantages of objectivity andreality of experiences which establishes obstacles for the process of epistemologicaltheory. Therefore, the empiricism has sunk to a skepticism mystery to Hume.Pragmatism is a representative of empiricism which takes the banner of empiricismand stands in the new historical situation. It tries to make an overall critique andtransformation on the traditional empiricism including British empiricism and forms anew path of thinking and dimensions of interpretation. Dewey takes empiricism to anew highest point which has a key influence and promoting role in the restructuring ofexperience.
     Dewey’s theory of experience is empiricism in the sense of naturalism whichcombines Darwin’s theory of evolution, so it tries to use the perspective and dimensionof perennial and evolutionary to interpret the world. However, the traditional theorywhich stands against Dewey is the traditional metaphysical interpretation that theworld is absolute reality. The concept peels the world layer by layer through theabstract techniques of induction and analysis. It establishes an isolated and insulatedpanoramic map of the world from dichotomy of body and soul as well as thought andextension; the whole world has been completed and the soul’s tranquility has beenreached by rational protection. Dewey criticizes this resolutely. From his point of view,living organism is actually interacting with nature from the dimension of experience.On the one hand the interaction is the actual show of the living organism’s survival,and on the other hand it is performed by the process of experience. Therefore, Deweythinks from the change and development of an experience, it reflects the world’s changing and evolution in the process. However, the traditional experience theorytakes it as either a reflection of accidental and unimportant or takes it as a subjectivefeeling of passivity. The two views actually devoid of the realistic significance ofexperience. Therefore the views also take the understanding of world to the inherenceof unrealistic subjective interpretation. The result is that the nature is split into amutually antagonistic, static and abstract reality.
     Dewey’s transformation on the traditional philosophy obtained great innovativesignificance from the reconstruction of experience. The innovation is started based ona scientific methodology of experience. Dewey believed that experience’s reasonabilityis an operational method of solving the problem in the sense of realistic meaning. Thismethod tried to exchange for a “certainty’s seeking” by finding problems, formulatinghypotheses, making inferences and thus turns theory into practical investigation andinspection. Therefore, this approach is actually a sequential and progressive method ofexploitation which takes experimental operation as manifestation. The purpose is tohelp the people to solve the issues and problems and form satisfactory experience.
     Therefore, Dewey concerns actually the realistic topic of human being’s survivalfrom the dimension of experience. The experience is an existing process which is tieddirectly on human being’s experience and daily practice. It is throughout the survivalsand interactions of society objectively and universally; however, experience is thereflection of communication and interaction from the level of basic inner layer.Therefore, experience is actually an essential realist understanding dimension toDewey. Understanding of experiences is not finding the reasonable signpost of back topractical. In the contrary, understanding of experiences is to understand human’ssurvival, the existence of living organism and life, and also the objective status ofnature environment. In this sense, the empiricism theory is out of the category ofphilosophy. It arrives collaboration and consistency with the science of biology,psychology and physics etc. Thus philosophy becomes a science which absorbs andlearns from new scientific theoretical results and makes enrichment, adjustment andimprovement itself. It gets rid of the dogmatism pattern of the traditional philosophy’sself-interpretation and independent existing.
     Dewey indicates a possible direction and development path for philosophy from abrand new dimension of experience. However, due to his empiricism theory andconcept are established on many premises which are combined with disciplines and predicament, therefore Dewey’s empiricism has certain ambiguity from the clarity oftheoretical confirmation. And also this is a crux of criticizing by later generations. Thetraditional metaphysics finally forms a circular demonstration system which takes thestrictness as its premise and conducts abstract logical interpretation and conceptanalyzing. In contrast, Dewey’s ‘philosophical expression’ is loose and lacks of rigorand purity which is like James that he often uses daily language as philosophical terms.Therefore, the explanation method which disassociated itself from the traditional strictand elaborate system of demonstration is criticized and defamed. However, what weshould not deny is that a hope and ideal which attaches great importance to realefficiency and humanistic care are just starting from Dewey. The understanding andinterpretation of the concept of experiences achieves significant innovations andbreakthroughs. It brings immeasurable impacts of integrating many essential elementssuch as science, society and nature into philosophy and this also explains why Deweyis still being concerned till present.
    ①Saiko Naoko,The Gleam of Light:Moral Perfectionism and Education in Dewey and Emerson, NewYork:Fordham University Press,2005,p.4.
    ③Saiko Naoko,The Gleam of Light:Moral Perfectionism and Education in Dewey and Emerson, NewYork:Fordham University Press,2005,p.40.
    ②Richard Rorty,Consequences of Pragmatism,Minneapolis:The University of Minnesota,1994,p72.
    ②John R. Shook and James A. Good, John Dewey’s Philosophy of Spirit,with the1897Lecture onHegel, New York:Fordham University Press,2010,preface.p.1.
    ①John Dewey,The Influence of Darwin on Philosophy: And Other Essays in Contemporary Thought,NewYork:Henry Holt and Company,p.1.
    ①John Dewey,The Influence of Darwin on Philosophy: And Other Essays in Contemporary Thought,NewYork:Henry Holt and Company,p.2.
    ①通过这种内在矛盾的指出,我们应意识到,在杜威与詹姆斯之间是存在着一定的理论差异的。从杜威对詹姆斯《心理学原理》的一个矛盾的指出,以及他对《信仰意志》等几个文本所表现出的一种批评态度来看,杜威与詹姆斯之间的分歧并不小。理查德·M·盖尔对于这种分歧专门进行了研究,在《威廉·詹姆斯与约翰·杜威:奇怪的两人》(Richard M. Gale,”William James and John Dewey:The Odd Couple”, MidwestStudies in Philosophy,Vol.28,2004,pp.149-160.)中,他指出对于与詹姆斯之间的分歧,杜威试图做出一种“弥合”或“隐藏”以此达到两者的一致。对于盖尔的这种观点,我们所能找到的证据是,杜威在多元论与一元论之间并不持有鲜明的偏向(詹姆斯主张一种多元论,其典型的列子是《多元的宇宙》的内容所表明的)。(参见,《杜威五大讲演》第177—186页)
    ③John Dewey:The Need for a Recovery Philosophy,In Classical American Philosophy:EssentialReadings and Interpretive Essays,edited by John J Stuhr,New York:Oxford UniversityPress,1987,p.339.
    ③正如Douglas.Browning所说的,我们其实是一个代理者(agent),世界本身表现为环境之流变(stream ofsituation),因此,在这种环境中我们是一个因“流变”而时刻“经受”(experiencing)的代理者。(参见Gregory Fernando Pappas,John Dewey’s Ethics:Democracy As Experience,Bloomington:IndianaUniversity Press,2008,p.24.)
    ②R.Scott Webster,”Dewey’s Democracy as the Kingdom of God on Earth”, Journal of Philosophyof Education,vol.43,No.4,2009,p.619.
    ③John Dewey, Logic:The Theory of Inquiry,New York:Henry Holt and Company,1938,p.15.
    ②John Dewey, Logic:The Theory of Inquiry,New York:Henry Holt and Company,1938,p.11.
    ②李尔奇(Frederic Lilge):杜威的教育、社会思想回顾,金冬日译,《现代外国哲学社会科学文摘》,1961年第7期,第10页。
    ②Eric Matthew Bowyer,Beyond Marx-ism and Dewey-ism:A ‘Red Pragmatism’ for the Twenty-FirstCentury, Minneapolis:The University of Minnesota,2008,pp.4-5.
    ①R.Scott Webster,”Dewey’s Democracy as the Kingdom of God on Earth”, Journal of Philosophyof Education,vol.43,No.4,2009,p.619.
    ③“类”、“联盟”(或民主共同体“democrative community”)已表明杜威所欲建立的理想的民主生活状态。而在此的另一面则是杜威所严厉批评的功利主义(utilitarianism)。杜威说,功利主义从心理学那里建立了享乐主义,在哲学这里又建立了相应的伦理基石。因此,在杜威看来,功利主义实质是民主共同体的一个潜在的“敌人”,它试图使人沦丧到一种个体的自私自利中,而在此种情况下,民主是不可能以“类”、“联盟”等形式存在的,毋宁说民主在这里其实已丢失了核心要旨。(参见Rick Tilman and TerryKnapp,”John Dewey’s Unknow Critique of Marginal Utility Doctrine: Instrumentalism, Motivation,and Values”,Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences,Vol.35,No.4,1999,p.392.)
    ②F.Thomas Burke,D.Micah Hester and Robert B.Talisse,”Dewey’s Logical Theory:New Studies andInterpretation”,Nashville:Vanderbilt University Press,2002,p.95.
    ④F.Thomas Burke,D.Micah Hester and Robert B.Talisse,”Dewey’s Logical Theory:New Studies andInterpretation”,Nashville:Vanderbilt University Press,2002,p.94.
    ①David l.Hildbrand,”Beyongd Realism and Antirealism:John Dewey and the Neopragmatists”,Nashville:Vanderbilt University,2003,p.127.
    [1]Bernstein Richard,John Dewey,New York:Washington Square Press,1966.
    [2]Boisvert Raymond.D,Dewey’s Metaphysics,New York:Fordham University Press,1988.
    [3]Burke Thomas,Dewey’s New Logic:A Reply to Russell,Chicago: University ofChicago Press,1994.
    [4]Conkin Paul.K,Puritans and Pragmatists:Eight Eminent American Thinkers,NewYork:Dodd,Mead,1968.
    [5]David l.Hildbrand,Beyongd Realism and Antirealism:John Dewey and theNeopragmatists,Nashville:Vanderbilt University,2003.
    [6]Eric Matthew Bowyer,Beyond Marx-ism and Dewey-ism:A ‘Red Pragmatism’ forthe Twenty-First Century, Minneapolis:The University of Minnesota,2008.
    [7]Eames S.Morris,Pragmatic Naturalism:An Introduction, Carbondale: SouthernIllinois University,1977.
    [8]F.Thomas Burke,D.Micah Hester and Robert B.Talisse,Dewey’s LogicalTheory:New Studies and Interpretation,Nashville:Vanderbilt University Press,2002.
    [9]Gavin William.J,Context over Foundation:Dewey and Marx, Dordrecht,Holland:D.Reidel Publishing Company,1988.
    [10]Geiger George Raymond,John Dewey in Perspective,New York:Oxford UniversityPress,1958.
    [11]Gregory Fernando Pappas,John Dewey’s Ethics:Democracy AsExperience,Bloomington:Indiana University Press,2008.
    [12]Gouinlock James,John Dewey’s philosophy of Value,New York:Humanitities Press,1972.
    [13]Harry M.Campbell,John Dewey, New York: Twayne Publishers Inc,1971.
    [14]Hook Sidney,John Dewey:An Intellectual Portrait,New York: Prometheus Books,1995.
    [15]Keenan Barry,The Dewey Experiment in China:Educational Reform and PoliticalPower in the Early Republic,Cambridge, Mass:Harvard University Press,1977.
    [16]Richard Rorty,Consequences of Pragmatism,Minneapolis:The University ofMinnesota,1994.
    [17]John Dewey, Logic:The Theory of Inquiry,New York:Henry Holt andCompany,1938.
    [18]John Dewey,The Influence of Darwin on Philosophy: And Other Essays inContemporary Thought,New York:Henry Holt and Company,1910.
    [19]John Dewey,The Need for a Recovery Philosophy,In Classical AmericanPhilosophy:Essential Readings and Interpretive Essays,edited by John J Stuhr,NewYork:Oxford University Press,1987.
    [20] John R. Shook and James A. Good, John Dewey’s Philosophy of Spirit,with the1897Lecture on Hegel, New York:Fordham University Press,2010.
    [21]Saiko Naoko,The Gleam of Light:Moral Perfectionism and Education in Deweyand Emerson, New York:Fordham University Press,2005.
    [22]Thomas Alexander, John Dewey’s Theory of Art,Experience,and Nature:theHorizons of Feeling,Albany:University of New York Press,1987.
    [23]West Cornel,The American Evasion of Philosophy:A Genealogy of Pragmatism,Madison:University of Wisconsin Press,1989.
    [24]Zeltner Philip.M,John Dewey’s Aesthetic philosophy, Amsterdam:BR GrunerPublishing Co,1975.
    [1]Jonathan D.Moreno and R.Scott Frey,”Dewey’s Critique of Marxism”,TheSociological Quarterly,Vol.26,No.1,1985,pp.21-24.
    [2]Nel Noddings,”Thoughts on John Dewey’s ‘Ethical Principles UnderlyingEducation’”,The Elementary School Journal,Vol.98,No.5,1998,pp.480-485.
    [3]R.Scott Webster,”Dewey’s Democracy as the Kingdom of God on Earth”, Journalof Philosophy of Education,vol.43,No.4,2009,p.619.
    [4]Rick Tilman and Terry Knapp,”John Dewey’s Unknow Critique of Marginal UtilityDoctrine:Instrumentalism,Motivation,and Values”,Journal of the History of theBehavioral Sciences,Vol.35,No.4,1999,p.392.
    [5]Richard M. Gale,”William James and John Dewey:The Odd Couple”, MidwestStudies in Philosophy,Vol.28,2004,pp.149-160.
    [6]Richard S.Prawat,”Dewey,Peirce,and the Learning Paradox”,American EducationalResearch Journal,Vol.36,No.1,1999,pp.47-76.
    [7]Svend Brinkman,”Dewey’s Neglected Psychology:Rediscovering His TransactionalApproach”,Theory and Psychology,Vol.21,No.3,2011,pp.299-305.
    [8]Svend Brinkman,”Psychology as a Moral Science:Aspects of John Dewey’sPsychology”,History of the Human Sciences,Vol.17,No.1,2004,pp.1-5.
    [9]Van Meter Ames,”John Dewey as Aesthetician”,The Journal of Aesthetics and ArtCriticism,Vol.12,No.2,1953,pp.145-168.
    [10]William R. Caspary,“Judgments of Value in John Dewey's Theory ofEthics”,Educational Theory,Volume.40,Issue.2,1990,pp.155–169.
    [14]李尔奇(Frederic Lilge):杜威的教育、社会思想回顾,金冬日译,《现代外国哲学社会科学文摘》,1961年第7期。

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