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People-centered management is a people-centred and people-all the people as the main target of the management and organization of the most important resources, all management activities should be around to arouse people's enthusiasm, initiative and creativity will start. Management should respect, trust, so that everyone in the work embodies a sense of belonging, worth, beyond survival needs access to a more comprehensive development. Its meaning is respect for people-centered management is the premise of trust people on the basis of people-oriented management, the comprehensive development of people-oriented management of the core services people-oriented people in the fundamental task of management, and encourage people people-oriented management of important ways.
     "School people." The fundamental task of the school is to develop physical and mental health and the comprehensive development of human resources. Here, teachers and students are learning the subject, teachers and students in teaching have been in the development process. In schools, students should not only to the principal, to make education students according to the development of practical, effective education creation, and performance of teachers to the unique ability to innovate and the main spirit but also to education as the mainstay, " Schools rely on "it will be by teachers each person unique cognitive style arts and education, create countless rich personality to create a spirit of the people. School Management decisive significance for the management of teachers. A quality of instruction in schools, teachers play a pivotal role. Teachers are the object of the school management, but it is also the main school management to good schools all teachers must rely on the wisdom and strength of establishing "teachers as the main" management philosophy and the "democratic management" ideology. As long as the two in the education process, and put education will be a real blooming light of human nature, a genuine, good and beautiful educational outcomes. Investigation shows that if teachers really do their work, dedication dedication, simply relying on administrative orders, checks and supervision, and to quantify, such as some traditional appraisal methods, and not a panacea for all problems. To good schools all teachers must rely on the wisdom and strength of the teachers have to play the talent and mobilize the enthusiasm of teachers, school development can be infinite source of strength.
     The idea of people under the management of teachers in some schools have paid off, but there are still some problems. In this study, and on the concept of people-oriented management to explore on the basis of the right of the flag of the middle soil based on the "people of this idea" of the status quo under the management of teachers conducted a survey, some teachers through interviews, questionnaires, case analysis, that the following issues:A: (1) The teacher burnout; (2) wages not satisfactory; (3) promotion opportunities and the ability to inconsistent (4) communication difficult between cadres and effective democratic management difficult; ( 5) more than rigid school rules and regulations, flexible enough (6) too much emphasis on quantitative evaluation of teachers; (7) school-based training to achieve the desired results; (8) Preparation Group, released by activities not satisfactory (9) lack of harmony at the same time ; (10) of the overall job satisfaction is not high. In light of the above survey found the issue, the author is generally made from three aspects Solutions: (1) update the management philosophy teachers: First, to reduce the workload of the teachers; second is to adjust the working methods; Third, it is for teachers to return to the level of ordinary people; four outstanding teachers is the main position;five is Zhirenshanlin, properly utilized; six teachers as is the development of the people;B:improve its working methods, and do teacher satisfaction Schools, of the specific approach are: First, is the collective wisdom and express their opinions and play together; Second, it will enhance the treatment of secondary school teachers; Third, it is a flexible work system; four teachers evaluation should focus on process evaluation.C:to create a harmonious relationship between the division .
     While the surveyed schools still exist in many of the "people-oriented" concept runs counter to the teacher management system, but the measures taken by some schools, "people-oriented" concept is infiltration school teachers in all aspects of management, because It is characteristic of the requirements of the teaching profession, but also social progress demand. Schools "people-oriented" management will enable households to the majority of teachers work hard to master the sense of responsibility of concerned schools, the teaching and educating people as a cause, not just a means of making a living, it will become school teachers in the management of sustainable development basically the strategy.
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