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Pollution control of hazard waste is an important problem to all the countries today. Chromium slag treatment was the international environmental protection problem. Pollution problem of solid hazard waste from production of chromium salt refer two aspect: the one was old slag of donkey's years' store up, the another was keeping procreant fresh slag. In Chongqing, discharge amount of chromium slag was very large, now cumulating stack amount has excessed 440 kilotons, excepted a small portion was used, almost had straight stacked without treatment. As one of acid sedimentation harm severity area in China, acid rain pricked up harm of chromium slag to surface water, soil and ground water. There were many adult technology of reclamation of chromium slag, but technics complexed, treatment cost was too high, be restricted by local environment, and traffic cost of chromium was high. So searching an economical and feasible treatment technology of chromium slag was necessary.
    This paper aimed at pollute circumstance of chromium slag from Chongqing Minfeng Pesticide & Chemical, choose chromium slag from 60's, 80's of last century and 2005, be each represented as A, B, C. Through simulation acid rain marinate and eluviate experiment, make clear the toxicity and the harm to environment of chromium slag. And through stabilization experiment, maked clear action mechanism of different stabilizer, revealed it's stabilized effect, realized the affect of different additive and medicament to stabilization effect, analyzed the feasibility of this treat chromium slag together and screened out preferred plan. Offer an economical and handy treatment method to chromium slag.
    The results showed: Cr (VI) concentration of A, B, C was 1.37, 1.19, 1.73mg/L, total Cr concentration was 4.68, 4.86, 4.71 mg/L. Theoretically total Cr concentration decreasing follow accumulate time's rise, but due to technical improvement, making total Cr concentration of A was little than B, C. Acid rain marinate and eluviate made lixiviate concentration of Cr increase follow decrease of pH. Effect of acid rain marinate to chromium slag represented C>A>B, as the same as
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