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     实验2在排除了词素家族大小对复合词识别影响的前提下,探讨了目标刺激呈现时间为2000ms、500ms、300ms条件下的词素频率、词频与语义透明度之间的关系,并将目标刺激呈现500ms和300ms条件下的实验结果与已有研究进行了对比。结果表明:(1)在目标刺激呈现2000ms条件下,词素频率效应在低频透明复合词识别中是抑制性的,而在不透明复合词识别中是促进性的;(2)再一次表明目标刺激呈现时间不同、忽略作为自变量的频率因素和作为无关变量的频率因素之间的交互作用是复合词识别研究存在分歧的主要原因。根据实验2a的结果,本研究推论词素频率效应的性质是由词素表征激活扩散的程度来决定的,而词素表征激活扩散的程度受到两个因素的影响:一是词素和整词语义的关联度(语义透明度)大小,识别系统依此来决定是否允许词素表征进一步激活扩散,二是词素频率和词频的高低,这决定着识别系统对词素表征激活扩散的抑制早晚。识别系统根据对词素语义和整词语义关联性大小的评估,来决定是否允许词素表征进一步激活扩散,这就意味着无论高频复合词还是低频复合词的整词语义表征都应出现得较早。已有研究表明不透明词的通达是经由整词形式进行的(王春茂,彭聃龄,2000;Sandra,1990;Marslen-Wilson et al.,1994),高频透明词是经由整词通达的,低频透明词的通达则是经由词素表征通达的(Caramazza,Laudanna&Romani,1988;田宏杰,2005),不支持低频透明词的整词语义表征出现较早的观点。因此,需要为“低频透明复合词整词语义表征出现得较早”的推论寻找有效的实验证据。(3)实验2d以语义透明逆序词为材料,采用前掩蔽启动范式,在平衡了笔画数、词素频率、词素家族大小等因素,并控制了词素启动的基础上,以高频复合词整词语义表征的激活时间为标准,验证低频复合词整词语义表征也激活较早的推论,结果发现在启动时间为43ms的条件下,高频复合词和低频复合词的整词语义表征均已经激活,只是低频词的整词语义表征激活的程度较小,仅对低频词识别的错误率产生影响。实验2d的结果支持了低频复合词整词语义表征也激活较早的推论,为词素频率效应发生机制的推论提供了实验依据。
Most models of the compound words recognition are based on the effect of frequency.The word frequency effect reflects the representation of the whole compound word and thefrequency effect of morphemes reflects the representation of morpheme. According to thetime-course of frequency effect, some researchers have different understanding for therecognition of the compound words, and constructed different theoretical models. Manyresearchers believe that the effect of word frequency facilitates to the identification of thecompound words, but there are divarications regarding the interaction among the wordfrequency, the frequency of morphemes and the family size of morphemes. We also found thatthere are some differences on methodology in existing research. On the one hand, someresearches neglected the interaction among word frequency, frequency of morphemes and thefamily size of morphemes. On the other hand, some researches neglected the influence of theduration of stimulates presented in experiments studying compound words. This study willexamine the interaction among word frequency, frequency of morphemes and the family sizeof morphemes, and discuss the recognition mechanism of Chinese compound words andfrequency effect.
     Experiment1, the purpose of which is to compare itself with the results of some previousresearches (Peng, et al,1999; Tian, et al,2009), simulated previous experiments’ conditions,using the same experiment task but different presenting duration of stimulants(2000ms,1500ms,1000ms,500ms and300ms). The results show a small facilitating effect of familysize and inhibitory effects of the morpheme frequency. The word frequency induces the effectof morphemes family size and the effect of words frequency regulates the processing of themorpheme representation. The relationship between the three factors is complex and dynamic.We also found that the family size of morphemes occurred at the earlier stage of theprocessing of compound words. The presenting duration of stimulants is an important factorinfluencing the effect of frequency and a cause for the difference in the results of the previousresearch.
     Experiment2probes into the relationship of the frequency among the frequency ofmorphemes, the word frequency and the semantic transparency. Like the former experiments,experiment2is also carried out using the lexical decision task. The results indicate that thereis an interaction effect among the frequency of morphemes, the word frequency and thesemantic transparency. The results suggest that semantic transparency and word frequencydefermine the direction of the morphemes frequency effect. In experiment2a-2c, the resultsalso validate the influence of the presenting duration of stimulants on the effect of frequencyfactors. The results of experiment2d indicate that the priming effect of word semanticrelevancy appears for43ms in both high word frequency compounds and low word frequencycompounds. It is indicated that the representation of whole word can also appear in the earlystages of the compound word recognition. The results of experiment2d support the view thatthe semantic transparency and the word frequency determine the direction of the morphemesfrequency effect in the early stage of compound words recognition.
     In experiment3, we used tracking technique with high time precision of eye movementto investigate the relationships among factors for the same experiment materials asexperiment1. The interaction between the frequency and the family size of morphemes ismarginal significant for the first fixation duretion. One of the important results is that theeffect of the family size of morphemes appears very early. Throughout the experiment, we canmake clear the relationship among word frequency, morphemes frequency and the size ofmorpheme family.
     Using the tracking technology of eye movement, the experiment4checked therelationship among the frequency of morphemes, the word frequency and semantictransparency. Like the former experiments, experiment4is also executed using the lexicaldecision task. The results indicated that (1) the frequency of morphemes reflecting morphemerepresentation influences the duration of first fixation,(2) semantic transparency and wordfrequency influence the duration of second fixation.
     Experiment5uses the tracking technology of eye movement to check the relationship among semantic transparency, word frequency and the frequency of morphemes of theChinese compound words in sentences. The results indicate that (1) semantic transparencyinfluences the duration of first fixation in the first run,(2) the frequency of morphemes,semantic transparency and the word frequency influence the duration of the second fixation.
     The results in this paper show that the effect of the family size of morpheme and theeffect of the word frequency appear earlier. Though the earlier process is very short, theinformation of the compound word is perceived very quickly and effectively. This paper alsofound that the representation of the whole compound word is in a dominant position duringthe lexical access. The important factors for compound word recognition are founded justduring the first scan of our eyes. Before precise processing of compound words, therecognition system must make a rough processing. The readers cast their first look at thecentral area of the compound word, basing on a lot of reading practice and vocabularylearning knowledge. In the first scan, the recognition system would assess the information andidentify the most important information. The recognition system will follow the clues andregulate the lexical information representation activation level, and collect the availableinformation to promote the representation activation level of whole word to assist theconfirmation of the compound words and complete the recognition of the words.
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