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     第三章:研究了面向产品加工性能的需求转换与精度特性识别技术,提出了复杂产品加工工艺与性能需求耦合转换方法,构建了质量屋网络分析模型(Analytic Network Process,ANP),描述了加工工艺需求、性能需求、技术特性之间耦合关系及转换算法;提出了零件切削性评价的精度特性耦合识别方法,通过零件切削过程和精度变化过程耦合动态系统的隐马尔可夫模型(Hidden Markov Model, HMM)描述,利用系统最佳状态评价和转换关系构建了精度特性识别方法,实现了面向产品总体布局设计的加工性能耦合映射过程。
     第四章:研究了产品运动精度方案设计方法,分析复杂产品传动系统误差源,提出了传动系统精度方案均衡分配方法。给出了空间运动误差矩阵,描述了传动部件误差参数与空间误差之间的映射关系。利用螺旋理论,建立了传动系统空间误差螺旋模型,形式化表达了传动系统空间误差几何意义。以制造成本、空间运动误差螺旋螺距及其大小为设计准则,构建了传动系统精度多目标分配模型。给出了基于拉格朗日乘子和梯度下降算子的改进飞支配排序遗传算法-Ⅱ(Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-Ⅱ, NSGA-Ⅱ),求解Pareto解集,并借助多准则妥协解排序(VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija Ⅰ Kompromisno Resenje,VIKOR)方法分析精度分配方案Pareto解集,实现了运动精度均衡分配。
Scheme design is an important step during the complex product design process, the technologies of multi performance fusioned layout design for complex product scheme design is put forward and studied based on the overview of the state of art of the technology. The technologies and methodologies including structural layout modeling, the process requirements conversion methodology, coupled identification of accuracy characteristic importance, accuracy trade-off allocation, structural layout combination technology and product scheme evaluation methodology are deeply studied.
     The organization of the whole thesis is as follows:
     In Chapter1, the reviews of product scheme deisgn is given. The shortage of present research for product scheme design is proposed. Then the research content and architecture of the dissertation is presented.
     In Chapter2, a general layout modeling technology for product structure performance is discussed. A novel approach based on a hierarchical product layout element relationship net and a product layout polychromatic model is presented at the aim of solving a mapping problem between product principle schemes and structural layout schemes. The hierarchical product layout element relationship net is constructed on the basis of layout modules and property relationship net; then the product layout polychromatic model and its reasoning algorithm are proposed under the mathematical representation of the hierarchical product layout element relationship net in polychromatic sets element pigmentation and unified color. Subsequently, the mapping process among product functions, movements and layout modules is formally described utilizing polychromatic sets boolean matrix reasoning rules. This representation is convenient for the storage, the management of the product structural layout design information and the subsequent design work, also supports product layout axiomatic design efficiently.
     In Chapter3, requirements conversion method and accuracy characteristics identification technology are discussed. An analysis on multi factors and uncertainty in the manufacturing equipment planning process is provided. A quality house Analytic Network Process (ANP) model is constructed to describe the coupling relationships and give the conversion method among the factors, such as customer performance requirement, customer process requirement and product engineering characteristics. Meanwhile, motivated by the coupling relationship between the product accuracy variation process and parts cutting process, an identification method is developed, which address key accuracy characteristics of complex product for parts machinability evaluation. Parts machinability Hidden Markov Model(HMM) is constructed via regarding the accuracy variation process and cutting process as a coupling system. Additionally, parts machinability evaluation model and identification method are formulated, proposed to get the optimal cutting characteristic state for coupling system. Therefore, the manufacturing performance coupling mapping for product general layout design is realized.
     In Chapter4, product motion accuracy scheme design method is discussed, and investigation of motion error analysis, volumetric error model for transmission system and accuracy allocation method for complex product during the early design stage are given. For this purpose, a transmission system volumetric error model, which is based on motion error matrix and screw theory, has been derived for mapping transmission components error parameters to the volumetric error of the machine tool. The volumetric error matrix combines motion errors along the machine tool kinematic chains. Subsequently, the volumetric error model is regarded as a volumetric error twist, which is formulated from the volumetric error matrix. Additionally, the transmission system volumetric error twist model has been used as design criteria for accuracy optimal allocation, with constraints on twist magnitude and design variable limits. Then, design optimization has been performed by using a multi objective nonlinear optimization technique to minimize the manufacturing cost and magnitude of volumetric error twist pitch. To solve this multiple objectives programming problem, this study proposes an approach integrating lagrange multiplier and gradient descent operator with Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-Ⅱ) and VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR). Modified NSGA-Ⅱ searches for an allocation scheme Pareto optimal front. VIKOR determines the best compromise solution from the Pareto set. Consequently, motion accuracy trade-off allocation is realized.
     In Chapter5, to meet requirements of intelligent design of product layout, a novel approach is put forward on the basis of analyzing product structure layout constraints. The methodology is defined as a fusion model constructed through a position graph and a performance model. The performance model is a mapping among product function requirements model, movement allocation model and simplified module structure; the product topological layout structure is described by a lower body array. A position graph is used to illustrate the relation as location, order and adjacency of product module spatial layout structure, and also to assemble the layout structure. Meanwhile, investigates multi performance evaluation indexes weight uncertainty and trade-off evaluation problem, and proposes a novel product scheme selection method, which is based on a conjoint analysis, variable weight and VIKOR method, to meet an evaluating criteria importance uncertainty and a trade-off evaluation problem at a complex product scheme design decision making stage. The trade-off selection method is developed to solve the function and cost balancing decision making, and product scheme design flexible evaluation is realized.
     In Chapter6, the application of the theories and method of numerical control (NC) machine tools structural layout modeling and layout design is studied. The case study has been proved the validity and feasibility of the proposed methods in this dissertation.
     In Chapter7, the summary for dissertation and the future research work prospects are given.
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