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The partnership enterprise, as a market player, plays an increasingly important role in the market-oriented economy. Being a market player participating in the market competition, it should always follow the rule of 'natural selection' in market. Therefore, we should build up a Market Retreating and Elimination Mechanism for them.
     For a long term before the fine amendment of Enterprise Bankruptcy Law, the bankruptcy capacity of partnership enterprises stayed unacknowledged in China. This has lead to absence of bankruptcy liquidation when the enterprise fails to clear its debt in the market competition. This acts in disfavor of the creditor. The Draft Amendments of Enterprise Bankruptcy Law states that it applies to the legal entity, partnership enterprise and copartner - a progress forward indeed. However, contrary to the draft, the final passed Enterprise Bankruptcy Law shows reversion and reduction: it only claims application to bankruptcy liquidation of organizations other than legal entities defined in other laws. And here partnership enterprises and copartners are no longer clearly included. The partnership enterprise feels that the law is ambiguous and unconfirmed on what subjects it actually applies to. The then amended Enterprise Bankruptcy Law grants partnership enterprises bankruptcy capacity, declares that the creditor's right to apply for bankruptcy legally after failure to repay its debt. However, since the partnership enterprise lacks civil legal capacity and action ability that a legal entity owns, and also the copartner is required to take unlimited joint liability, it presents particularity in bankruptcy procedures and entity status, i.e. entity of partnership enterprise to bankruptcy application, scale of bankrupted property, repayment sequence for bankrupted creditor's right, repayment sequence for partnership enterprise and copartner, all of which differ from that for the legal entity. Further still, there are only 2 articles in Enterprise Bankruptcy Law and Partnership Enterprise Law that govern bankruptcy in partnership enterprise. None guidance on actual entity and procedures is established. Hence we see problems in implementation and operation.
     From theory perspective, our previous efforts in research of bankruptcy of partnership enterprise have seen certain achievements. Nonetheless, due to the absence of real bankruptcy case of its kind, the previous research achievements were solely seen in discussion on bankruptcy capacity. In 2006, the newly amended Enterprise Bankruptcy Law and Partnership Enterprise Law have established the concept of bankruptcy of partnership enterprise, and consequently provided legislative authority for it. Therefore, in China, the focus of research should be transferred from whether the bankruptcy system should be established onto how the actual system should be established.
     This dissertation, starting from current theoretical research and established legislative system on bankruptcy of partnership enterprise, incorporating also model system and theoretical achievements of its kind from foreign countries, aims to analyze the particularity of the bankruptcy in China, and to raise some advice in the hope to assist improvement of our law system in this field.
     It falls into 4 chapters, of 35,000 words in total.
     The first chapter focuses on introducing basic characteristics of partnership enterprise, namely the copartner taking unlimited joint liability for debt of the partnership enterprise. Through argument on partnership enterprise's bankruptcy capacity, it reaches the conclusion that the bankruptcy capacity of such enterprise is an inevitable result of its independent civil entity status, of the transferred conception in bankruptcy law - from simply aiming at bankruptcy liquidation and repayment to the creditor, to the utmost retrieval of the debtor, taking both debtor, creditor and society into consideration; of the continuous development and progress of our socialistic legal system construction and market-oriented economy. Through analysis on causes for bankruptcy, to reach that the cause of bankruptcy of partnership enterprise should be the enterprise's failure to repay its debt, not the failure from both enterprise and copartner simultaneously.
     The second chapter analyzes the relation between bankruptcy of partnership enterprise and that of the copartner. After the enterprise's bankruptcy, the copartner needs to take joint liability which might lead to copartner's bankruptcy; after bankruptcy of the copartner, the possible forced execution on copartner's share in the enterprise to repay the debt might further lead to reduction of enterprise's property, change of copartner and liquidation. When in overlap of bankruptcy for both enterprise and copartner where conflicts of creditors emerge, it is applicable to adopt the dual-privilege principle - the best method to balance bankruptcy of both enterprise and copartner, and to deal with liquidation.
     The third chapter is to discuss procedures of bankruptcy: lodge of bankruptcy application, bankruptcy conciliation and bankruptcy manager. In China only the creditor is entitled to apply for bankruptcy of the partnership enterprise. The writer thinks that apart from the creditor, the debtor and copartner can also apply for bankruptcy in the name of the creditor, but that the copartner's creditor cannot. Another fact is that when the partnership enterprise fails to repay its debt it can apply for bankruptcy conciliation as that is not defined in our law. The writer thinks that incontestably denies the enterprise a chance of self-salvation. Therefore, we should establish bankruptcy conciliation system in China.
     The fourth chapter presents a discussion on bankruptcy entity of partnership enterprise, to analyze the characteristics of bankrupted property and creditor's right. The writer conceives that bankrupted property should only include property and proprietorship acquired from the time when the bankruptcy application is accepted until when the bankruptcy procedures finish. It should not include the copartner's private property and proprietorship. When the enterprise wishes to announces a bankruptcy application, it should notify and announce in co-effort with copartner's creditor. This is to prevent possible bankruptcy of the copartner. On sequence of liquidation, the first priority should be staff's salary and labor insurance expenditures, the second taxation, and then general creditor's right if any remains. For general creditor's right, the first priority goes to general creditor, the second limited copartner, and finally general copartner.
1 张卫平:《破产法程序导论》,北京:中国政法大学出版社,1993年版,第60页。
    2 邹海林:《破产程序和破产实体制度比较研究》,北京:法律出版社,1995年版,第45页。
    3 同上注,第26页。
    4 刘清波:《破产法新论》,台湾:东华书局,1984年版,第15页。
    5 赵万一:《商法基本问题研究》,北京:法律出版社,2002年版,第287页。
    7 陈荣宗:《破产法》,台北:三民书局,2001年版,第39页。
    8 李飞主编:《当代外国破产法》,北京:中国法制出版社,2006年版,第18页。
    11 李飞主编,前注[8],第17页。
    12 陈荣宗,前注[7],第40页。
    13 高琼:《合伙企业破产法律问题研究》,华东政法大学硕士论文,全国优秀硕博论文,2004年,第17页。
    14 邹海林,前注[2],第51页。
    15 高富平等:《合伙企业法原理与实务》,北京:中国法制出版社,1997年版,第3页。
    16 李飞主编:《中华人民共和国合伙企业法释义》,北京:法律出版社,2006年版,第3页。
    17 高富平等,前注15,第4页。18 李飞主编,前注16,第3页。
    19 《汉译世界学术名著丛书--拿破仑法典(法国民法典)》,北京:商务印书馆,1997年版,第156页。
    21 段威:“合伙企业破产诸问题探析”,王保树主编,《2006中国商法年刊合伙与合作社制度研究》,北京:北京大学出版社,2007年版,第191页。
    22 王欣新:《破产法专题研究》,北京:中国人民大学出版社,2002年版,第38页。
    24 齐树洁主编:《破产法研究》,厦门:厦门大学出版社,2005年版,第125页。
    25 王欣新,前注22,第24页。
    26 顾培东:《破产法教程》,北京:法律出版社,1994年版,第65页。
    28 韩长印:“破产原因立法比较研究”,《现代法学》,1998年第3期,第103页。
    29 陈荣宗,前注[7],第410页。
    30 陈荣宗,前注[7],第410页。
    31 王欣新,前注22,第24-25页。
    37 《英国破产法》,丁昌业译,北京:法律出版社,2003年版,第86页。
    33 李飞主编,前注[8],第700页。
    34 陈仲福:《联邦德国企业制度》,北京:中国法制出版社,1990年版,第172页。
    35 因为我国没有规定自然人破产,所以这里所谓的合伙人破产只能指法人和合伙企业作为合伙人时的破产。
    36 卞耀武主编:《日本国商法》,付黎旭、吴民译,北京:法律出版社,2000年版,第11页。
    37 刘友均:《民法侦编通分则适用》,台北:台湾正中书局,1975年版,第184页。转引自任先行、周林彬《比较商法导论》,北京:北京大学出版社,2000年版,第314页。
    38 马强:《合伙法律制度研究》,北京:人民法院出版社,2000年版,第140页。
    39 Nathan levy JR:Bankruptcy HandbooA.little brown and comoany.1993,p.470.
    40 Crane:partnership 2nd edition,West Publish Co,1952,p512,转引自余车:“论合伙人债务的洁偿序和比例”,载于《中外法学》,1995年第5期。
    41 张玉梅:“试析合伙的破产程序”,《中山大学学报论丛》,2005年第6期,第359页。
    42 李敏华、蓝承烈:“制约合伙企业目标实现各要素的界定”,《社会科学家》,2005年第6期,第98页。
    43 王欣新:“‘郑白文'事件法律评说--兼论上市公司退出机制”,郭峰主编:《证券法律评论》,2001年第一辑,北京:法律出版社,2001年版,第195页。
    44 王欣新,前注22,第49页。
    45 李飞主编,前注[8],104页。
    46 李飞主编,前注[8],760页。
    47 本书编写组编:《<中华人民共和国企业破产法>释义及实用指南》,中国民主法制出版社,2006年版,第48页。
    48 沈达明、郑淑君:《比较破产法初论》,北京:对外贸易教育出版社,1993年版,第235页。
    49 潘琪:《美国破产法》,北京:法律出版社,1999年版,第5页。
    50 沈达明、郑淑君,前注47,第33页。
    51 沈达明、郑淑君,前注47,第234页.
    52 李飞主编,前注[8],476页。
    53 邹海林,前注[2],第75页。
    54 参见《最高人民法院关于贯彻执行(中华人民共和国企业破产法)(试行)若干问题的意见》,第7项第2款。
    56 高富平等,前注15,第213-214页
    67 孙应征主编:《破产法法律原理与实证解析》,北京:人民法院出版社,2004年版,第78页。
    58 本书编写组编,前注47,第262页。
    59 齐树洁主编,前注24,288页。
    60 齐树洁主编,前注24,288页。
    61 齐树洁主编,前注24,289页。
    62 李飞主编,前注[8],第447页。
    63 齐树洁主编,前注24,第344页。
    64 孙应征,前注57,第141页。
    65 李飞主编,前注[8],第732页。
    66 李飞主编,前注[8],第447页。
    67 李飞主编,前注[8],第714页。
    68 刘楠棋:《合伙企业破产制度研究》,对外经济贸易大学优秀硕博论文,2001年,第43-44页。根据1796年修改的美国统一有限合伙法804条。
    69 高琼,前注12,第37页。
    70 李飞主编,前注[8],第757页.
    11、王保树主编:《2006中国商法年刊合伙与合作社制度研究》,北京: 北京大学出版社,2007年版。
    34、何勤华、魏琼主编:《西方商法史》,北京:北京大学出版社,2007 年版。
    1、 John Ventura,Bankruptcy Kit,Deaborn Financial Publishing,Inc,1991.
    2、 David G.Epstein,Steve H.Nickles and James J.White:Bankruptcy,West Group,1993.
    3、 Jackson:The logic and limits of bankruptcy law,Harvard university press,1986.
    4、 Judson A.Crane and Alan R.Bromberg:Law of partnership,west publishing co.,1986.
    5、 Nathan levy JR:Bankruptcy Handbook,little brown and company,1993.
    6、 Ralph C.Anzivino:partner and Partnership bankruptcy,Wiley law publications,1987
    7、 Co-Chairman robin E.Phelan and Robert J.Rosenberg:advanced Bankruptcy Workshop,Practicing Law institute,1994.
    8、 E.R.Hardy Ivamy:Principles of the Law of Partnership,London Buttworths,1981.
    9、 Claire Moore Dickerson:Partnership Law Adviser,Practicing Law Institute,1991.

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