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Chinses economy maintains stable and rapid growth for a long time, while theregional economy presents non-balance development, and form the geographicaldistribution invloving developed areas and later developed areas, and the differenteconomic development stages determine the different development of the industrialstructure. The formulation, implementation and of regional technology strategy willnot only determine the quality of regional industrial environment and the level ofregional industrial technology, but also impact the regional industrial performance.Foremore, they can determine the cost of regional industrial production and trading,and determine the choice of region and the degree of industrial agglomeration duringthe enterprise migration process. The most important is that full development ofindustrialization, urbanization and economic societywill be infulenced in laterdeveloped areas, so undeveloped areas need more dependent on technology progressand industrial development than ever to achieve the leapfrog development of regionaleconomic society. To achieve these, the most effective way is to attract enterprises’attention, especially promot large enterprises to migrate into the region. In theprocess of migration, the regional technology strategy plays a more and moreimportant role and should be attended in theory and practice.
     In view of this, the paper makes the mechanis m of regional technology strategyacting upon enterprise migration oriented to undeveloped areas to its research core,through the systematic study on the composing dimension of regional technologystrategy and the evolution process, mechanism, decision me thod, implementingstrategy of its action on enterprise migration, it has offered the theoretical andpractical reference for local government to have a correct understanding of thestrategic role of regional technical strategy, promote the regional indust rialenvironment and regional industrial technology by the formulation and implementingof regional technology strategy, achieve to enhance regional industrial performance,attract enterprise migration, and finally realize coordinated and sustaineddevelopment of the regional economy society.
     This paper first defines the connotation and the inscape of regional technologystrategy, and reviews three related aspects to this study: impact factors of enterprisemigration, the formulation and implementation of regional technology strategy and its action on enterprise migration. Therefore, we defines the connotation of regionaltechnological strategies that strategic choices of regional technical factors progressand the strategic creation of regional technical environment progress are formulatedand implemented by the local government, which includ series contents of strategies,planning and policy that could promote the development of industrial environmentand industrial technologies. It reveals that the emphasis is the strategic choices whichcan the progress of regional technologies and the strategic creation which hascontrivution to the development of regional technical environment. the aim of thispaper is to promote the development of regional industrial e nvironment and regionalindustrial technology, to enhance regional performance and enhance more enterprisemigration and the realization of industrial agglomeration, to analyze thecharacteristics of regional technology strategy. Given the process of regio naltechnology strategical formulation and implementation, this paper divides regionaltechnology strategies into four composing dimensions: position, implementingmethods, implementing sustainability and flexibility. We deduce and establish thespatial econometric model which reveals the role of the regional technologicalstrategy on the enterprise migration, and discuss the impact of internal revenue waysand external effects ways on the enterprise migration, and estimate the relationshipbetween the regional technology strategy and the enterprise migration. According tothe view of “Formulation and implemention of the regional technology strategy→Promoting regional industrial environment and regional industrial technology→Enterprise migration” and the view of “Enterprise ready to migrate→Consideringcost factors(regional industrial performance)→Considering internal factors (regionalindustrial technology) and effect of external factors (regional industrial environment)→Enterprise migration”, this paper combines with the specific role of four dimensionof the regional technology strategy and builds the analytical framework aboutregional technology strategy acting upon enterprise migration, and explains it,.
     Based on the analys is on the evolution that regional technology strategy actsupon enterprise migration, this paper establishes the theoretical model for theevolutionary process which means the regional technology strategy acts uponenterprise migration, and describes the evolutionary process which means activeregional technology strategy acts on enterprise migration following“variation-selection-maintenance”cycle process and regional technology strategypassively affectes on enterprise migration following “maintenance-selection-variation” cycle process. Furthermore, we analyse the impactof various factors. Then the paper analyses the mechanism that regional technologystrategy acts on enterprise migration and propose research hypothesis, and establishthe theoretical model to analyse the mechanism of impact of regional technologystrategy on enterprise migration based on the analytical framework and hypothes es.
     On the basis of theoretical analysis, this paper applies the questionnaire surveymethod and structural equation model method in the empirical study of themechanis m of regional technology strategy acting on enterprise migration. Theresults showe that it is very remarkable that the regional industrial environment,regional industrial technology and regional industrial performance are importantinfluencing factors, which have a positive effect on the enterprise migration, and theeffect degrees between them are similar. The regional technology strategy has asignificant effect on regional industrial environment transition and regional industrialtechnology promotion, but has not a significant direct impact on enterprise migration.Regional technology strategy acts upon enterprise migratio n indirectly via promotingregional industrial environment transition, regional industrial technology andregional industrial performance. Based on the empirical analysis, we reveal theimpact mechanism of regional technology strategy on the enterprise migration.
     The technology roadmap is employed into technology strategy formulationdecision-making, combining with decision-making process and objectives of regionaltechnology strategy formulation, combining with the decision-making process of"overall goals-development vision-key areas and key projects, industrial targetsand key technology, industry development", and draw the third stage technologyroadmap of region technology strategy in Guangxi Beibu gulf economic zone.
     Finally, this paper takes Guangxi Beibu gulf economic zone as an example forthe imple mentation of regional technology strategy, and proposes the method that canevaluate the impact of regional technology strategy imple mentation on enterprisemigration. Based on the implementation form of regional technology strategy,sustainable and flexible constitute dimensions, we proposed the strategies which canincrease the effecting of the regional technology strategy imple ment on the enterprisemigration improving.
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