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With the development of economy and commerce among the countries in the world, the environmental problem leads to transfer nations more serious. People have been paying more attention to sustainable development. Green waves which include mainly "Green Revolution" sweep across the whole world, especially, the food safety problem is becoming the hot point. Since 1990s, the green trade which is characteristic of protecting environment is the hottest point because of the environmental problems and economic globalization. Although the agricultural products and food are the main export commodities in China, the green trade barriers are the obstacle in the international trade. To develop green trade has been an urgent affair. It is important and meaningful that how to rectify effectively the asymmetric information problems in the export of green food in China, to show the comparative advantages and to expand export of green food.
    The main aim of this paper is to analyze these serious problems which exist export of green food in China with the theory of asymmetric information, and to take advantage of the theory of asymmetric information to rectify the mistakes during the export of green food in China, and to show the comparative advantages in our country's green food and expand export of the food.
    The thinking route of this paper is: theoretic analysis (including asymmetric information's effect on export of green food in China, and the green trade barrier's
    effect on our export of green food)--analysis of problem (including analyzing the
    problems of asymmetric information existing in the export of green food)--study
    on countermeasures (including putting forward the countermeasures to rectify the problem of asymmetric information on the macroscopic and microcosmic level).
    Chapter I defines the green food and introduces briefly the developmental status in domestic and abroad. Then I assay the comparative advantages of our green food.
    Chapter II is the main theoretical part which contains analysis of effect on our export of green food from the aspects of asymmetric information and green trade barriers.
    Chapter III analyses the asymmetric information of the production segment of our country's green food.
    Chapter IV probes into the measures of resolving the asymmetric information problems on the macroscopic and microcosmic level.
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