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As a result of uncertainty and complicacy of competitive environment, periodically of product life cycle continuously shrink, enterprises' one-off innovative success no longer guarantee continuous profit increase. None but sustaining innovation could insure continuous competitive advantages and earn higher profit than the average. Therefore, enterprises require continuous innovation. The question is how to actualize 'continuous' innovation? How to implement process control of continuous innovation? All of those issue would be discussed as follows.
    The article is divided into three parts (contains 6 chapters) :Part one (Chapter I,II,III): mainly explain the reasons for studying enterprises' continuous innovation, the basic connotation and essential characters of enterprises' continuous innovation. And find out the differences and relations between General innovation and continuous innovation. Through retrospection, status quo analyzed, and international comparison of continuous innovative theory, deeply understanding continuous innovative theory and its realistic Meanings, conducing to more specific Studying objective. Part II(Chapter III, IV, V ):mostly research the process control theory of continuous innovation, the new development of the theory, the whole process analysis of the enterprises' continuous innovation and studying the enterprises' continuous innovative system depend on process control. Through basic element, system composing structure analyzing, explicate tactics paradigm and risk management strategies, and make some suggestions try to resolve the process control issue during the continuous innovation, designing the synthetical appraisal system of continuous innovation. Part III (Chapter VI): through demonstration studying of LANXING computer co., Ltd., further unveiling how to strengthen process control during the continuous innovative activities. At this stage, Chinese enterprises stride on the phrase
    of 'start a new undertaking' , being focus by the enterprises and academe on its continuous innovative mechanism and system building. In the face of the new circumstances, the article emphasize the enterprises' continuous innovative themes, on the basis of analyzing and borrowing overseas and domestic theories and practical experiences, the article initialed a series of innovative systems including connotation, evolvement mechanism, system structure, tactics patterns, process controlling tools, process controlling models, appraisal systems of continuous innovation and process controlling appraisal system, etc.. Nowadays, there would definitely be some strategic and practical meaning to pertinently studying the continuous innovation by Chinese enterprises which confront with such a complicated, complex situation.
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