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Faced with increasingly fierce international competition and rapidly changing market environment, the race of today's firms is no longer based on the firm's own static capabilities, but based on the network or platform the firm embedded in. In order to improve technological capabilities within such context, globalization of R&D has already become an inevitable path of technological catch-up for latecomer firms from emerging economies. As a result, China's latecomer firms should utilize the chance of global resource orchestration, and lead an open catch-up mode to realize the breakthrough of innovation capability. More and more Chinese firms begin to implement R&D going-out strategy and establish global R&D system to enhance their R&D capabilities.
     The key of designing and constructing global R&D system is to deal with the fit between organizational modularity and technological modularity. The relationship between these two remains unsolved within academic domain, and the focus of the argument lies on "Mirroring hypothesis", which argues that the technology architecture tends to "mirror" the architecture of an organization, so that a corresponding design of organizational modularity and technological modularity has been an important predictor of product performance, product variety and process flexibility. However, many researchers found that lots of firms in reality would not build architectures according to the mirroring hypothesis. This paper tries to communicate with this theoretical argument. Focus on the research topic of "design rules of global R&D system architecture", this dissertation will answer the question of how organizational modularity and technological modularity could fit with each other under the R&D globalization context to realize R&D catch-up.
     Based on the literature review, this dissertation launches four sub-research designs which are systematically connected with each other. Firstly, multiple case study method is used to analyze the influence of technological gap within global R&D system architecture. Secondly, fsQCA method is introduced in to analyze the moderating mechanism of organizational identification gap on the relationship of organizational modularity, technological modularity and new product performance. In addition, in order to further discuss the effect of regional level identification factors, another fsQCA analysis is conducted. Moreover, based on those three sub-researches, a further discussion of the isomeric/isomorphic synergy between organizational modularity and technological modularity is used to show the whole picture of the design rules research of this dissertation.
     Through the in-depth analysis and discussion from the four sub-research designs, this paper mainly comes to several essential conclusions as follows:
     (1) Compared with Mirroring hypothesis, the "Asymmetric hypothesis" design rules of global R&D system architecture would be more suitable for the technological catch-up context. As technological gap existing between the latecomer firm and its target organization, including component technological gap and system technological gap, the corresponding design of organizational modularity and technological modularity may not be the optimal strategy, due to the lack of architecture capabilities of latecomer firms. An asymmetric building path of organizational architecture and technological architecture is approved to be more decent for latecomer firms.
     (2) Organizational identification gap shows a pair of difference effects on organizational modularity and technological modularity. It positively influences the relationship between organizational modularity and performance due to the sub-module isolation effect of modularity design, and negatively influences the relationship between technological modularity and performance due to the dual embeddedness of knowledge and identity into collective practice. The effects of regional institution identification gap are highly similar with the effects of organizational identification gap, and the former may tend to influence the global R&D system architecture indirectly through the latter.
     (3) The isomorphic/isomeric synergy between organizational modularity and technological modularity is the key for designing and constructing global R&D system. And the synergy modes of coherent synergy, assembling synergy, acquiring synergy, and integrating synergy are four main solutions for managing technological gaps and organizational identification gap. Furthermore, accepting, weakening, avoiding, and integrating are four kinds of organizational identity management response mechanism to safeguard the realization of synergy.
     This dissertation makes important theoretical contributions in three aspects:
     (1) Contribution to the academic research of R&D Globalization. There is relatively little research on the R&D globalization of emerging economy firms either into other emerging economies or into developed economies. And the detailed process deconstructing and mechanism analysis of latecomer firms' global R&D system architecture building are even fewer within current researches. Based on the dynamic perspective of architecture design rules, this paper discusses the problems that latecomer firms may occor and the optimal paths that latecomer firms need to choose within R&D system constructing process, and tries to make contribution to the shortcoming of R&D globalization research.
     (2) Contribution to the development of architecture theory and the contextualization of modularity research. This paper proposes that design rules according to mirroring hypothesis would not be the optimal choice for latecomer firms if considering the technological factor and identification factor within the specific context. With further discussion about the synergy mechanisms between organizational modularity and technological modularity, this paper make contribution to the classical argument of architecture theory and be helpful for the contextualization of modularity research.
     (3) Accelerating the fusion between identification research and strategic management research. This paper fully discusses the effecting mechanism of organizational identification gap on organizational modularity and technological modularity, and compares its effects with regional institution identification gap, then identifies organizational identification gap to be the most vital institutional factor within the design of global R&D system architecture. By introducing this construct directly into the mainstream research of strategic management field, this paper makes meaningful progress on the cross-field integration between organizational behavior research and strategic management research.
     In addition, this paper also has essential practical implications. Based on the perspective of modularity, this paper interprets and analyzes the complexity and dynamic of architecture design rules. The results can provide valuable references and insights for latecomer enterprises that seek to develop global R&D system and faces context-specific problems while constructing global R&D system architecture.
1 数据来自清科研究中心2010年发布的报告《中国海外并购概况》(www.zero2ipo.com.en)。
    2 本章节中迈瑞公司的基本信息摘录自迈瑞的官方网站(www.mindray.com/)和百度百科的“迈瑞”词条(http://baike.baidu.com/view/953263.htm?fr=aladdin)
    3 对于迈瑞收购Datascope的部分信息参考了网易财经2008年4月7日发布的《环球企业家》的文章《闯入者迈瑞下一个华为?》,作者沈霄戈(http://money.163.com/08/0407/20/48V3SE51002510FT.html)。
    4 迈瑞获得知识产权的具体数字摘自BusinessValue阅读网上的文章《迈瑞:非典型中国制造》,作者吴以四,2011年10月19日(http://content.businessvalue.com.cn/post/4666.html).
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