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From the studying and application of the Marxist rent and price of land theory and the modern property right theory, based on the reviewing of the setting up and development of the present farmland institution , this paper analysed the defects of the present farmland institution and believed that the reform and innovation of the farmland system under the socialist market economy in China was not going to change the nature of the system of ownership , but to lead the rent system to the contracted system of family , delimit the power , duty and benifit among the various main body , built up the new mechanism of transform ,deployment and income distribution . At the same time
     the construction of the farmland protection and management system should be strengthened , standardized ,systemized and legistated to set up the new type farmland system which the main content of the system is the farmland contracted and rented by family
     This paper mentions the detailed path and countermeasures of the reform and innovation in the systems of farmland use and management under the socialist market ?oriented economy in China. Firstly, we must insist and perfect the present possesion system of the collective farmland to improve the efficiency of farmland allocation and use, such as delimiting its representation and content, and its forms of organization and enforcement, stimulating the possesion right of the collective farmland, improving and perfecting the forms of the contraction, standardizing the capitalized management of land resources . Secondly , in close connection with the market ?oriented economy of farmland resourses distribution , we should carry out the reform and improvement of the system of the farmland contracted by family , set up a new type of farmland utilization system?a system of farmland contracted and rented by family , geared to socialist market ?oriented ecnomy . (1) To stablize and perfect the right of use and manag
    ement of the farmland, and promote it to be commercialized. (2 )To reform and perfect the present deployment and the distribution mechanism of farmland, perfect the running mechanism of land market, and to establish the system of farmland transforming and benifit distribution so as to suit the socialist market ?oriented economy. (3) To energetically push on the cooperation of farmland and the management of agricultural industry, to combine reasonably the construction of farmland institution with agriculture modernization. (4) To delimit the property right of the unused land resourse , perfect the the type and programme of renting and the management mechanism of transforing ,build the system of unused land resource, and accelerate the effective circulation and utilization.
    In the end, to strengthen the legislation and enforcement of the laws of farmland, set up and amplify the protection mechanism of the rural land , especially the cultivated land
    build up the system of land protection and management suited to the sustaintable development of the socialist market economic , cosolidate and assure the validity and authority of the farmland institution
     Some comprehensive countermeasures are put forward as follows (1) Reforming and perfecting the rural systems to improve the esternal environment of the land contraction rights . (2) Improving the macro ?control and protection of the government to optimize the macro environment of agricultural production and management . (3) Deepening the reform of the systems of scientific research , educationand popularization to found a scientific basics for asecondleap in agriculture . (4) Adjusting and optimizing the rurale economic structure to improve the quality and benifit of agriculture and rural economy in China . (5) Strengthening the exploitation and utilization of agricultural resources in width and depth . (6) Accderating the construction of small cities and town and the development of the 2nd and 3rd industry in rural area to provide an excellent environment for the further reform and innovation of farmland institution
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