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     随着人们生活水平的提高及生活方式的改变,2型糖尿病(type2diabetes mellitus, T2DM)的发病率在我国呈现出高速发展的趋势。据2009年流行病学数据显示,我国T2DM的发病率已达到9.7%,总患病人数9240万,跃居世界第一位。因此,探索糖尿病的发病机制一直是糖尿病领域研究的热点及重点。肠促胰岛素效应是机体调控餐后胰岛素分泌及餐后血糖的重要机制,该效应的发现使2型糖尿病在发病机制和治疗上取得了突破性的进展。胰高血糖素样肽1(glucagon-like peptide-1, GLP-1)则是肠道L细胞分泌的一种重要的肠肽激素,可通过其受体葡萄糖依赖性的促进胰岛素的分泌,并能促进胰岛p细胞增殖和抑制其凋亡。诸多研究证实,2型糖尿病患者中肠促胰岛素效应明显受损,主要表现为内源性GLP-1的产生和分泌不足,而肠道L细胞的早期损伤或凋亡可能是GLP-1分泌减少的主要原因并参与了2型糖尿病的发生和发展。
     目前研究多集中在不同药物对肠道内源性GLP-1分泌的调节作用及L细胞分泌GLP-1的可能通路方面。很少有针对肠道L细胞早期损伤及凋亡方面开展的研究,特别是糖尿病糖基化终末产物(advanced glycation end-products, AGEs)对L细胞功能的可能影响方面未见研究报道,AGEs及其受体(RAGE)通路是导致糖尿病多种组织细胞损伤的重要机制,因此,探明AGEs-RAGE是否会导致肠道L细胞的损伤以及损伤的可能机制和信号通路对于深入理解和完善2型糖尿病的发病机制有着重要意义。
     糖基化终末产物(AGEs)是长期高血糖与多种蛋白质发生糖基化作用,形成的具有毒性而不可逆的化合物,大量的不可逆的AGEs的产生和积聚是细胞损伤及糖尿病慢性进展的重要机制。AGEs与其受体RAGE (Receptor for AGE)结合可以上调炎症反应并导致组织细胞的破坏,因此AGEs被认为是一类能激活细胞并能促进氧化应激反应的前炎症介质。诸多研究发现,AGEs-RAGE通路不仅介导了多种细胞的损伤,而且导致胰岛等内分泌细胞凋亡及功能损伤,而2013年最新的研究也得出类似的研究结果:高浓度的AGEs可以明显上调胰岛细胞表面RAGE受体的表达,AGEs与其受体RAGE结合后可激活NADPH氧化酶导致细胞内活性氧产生增加,促进炎症核转录因子NF-κB表达及上调Bax/Bcl-2比例,最终导致胰岛细胞凋亡率的明显增加,利用NADPH氧化酶的抑制剂可改善AGEs诱导的胰岛细胞凋亡。由此可见,AGEs-RAGE通路通过激活NADPH氧化酶导致细胞内ROS增加,进而促进炎症核转录因子NF-κB表达以及Bax/Bcl-2比例上调,这是导致胰岛细胞凋亡及胰岛素分泌减少的一个重要机制。有意思的是,本科室其他同事已完成的脂多糖(LPS)对肠道L细胞凋亡及分泌功能影响的实验研究,发现LPS体外可通过促进NF-κB的表达和释放以及下调抗凋亡基因Bcl-2水平诱导体外培养的L细胞发生凋亡,进而减少内源性GLP-1的分泌水平,这种损伤具有时间及剂量的依赖性,而LPS和AGEs均可通过RAGE受体及其下游通路介导细胞的损伤。这表明L细胞凋亡可能是体内GLP-1分泌减少的原因之一,而RAGE起着重要的作用。
     不同浓度AGEs的影响:空白对照组,即不加入干预因素;BSA对照组;AGEs100μg/ml组; AGEs200μg/ml组;AGEs300μg/ml组,分别作用细胞24h。AGEs作用不同时间的影响:200μg/mL AGEs分别作用GLUTag细胞0、12、24、48h。
     (4) AGEs对GLUTag细胞凋亡的影响
     分组及培养条件同上,各组细胞干预结束后利用Hoechst33258荧光染色观察细胞形态学变化。Annexin V-FITC/PI染色检测细胞凋亡率。
     (5) AGEs对GLUTag细胞活性的影响
     (6) AGEs对GLUTag细胞GLP-1分泌的影响
     采用SPSS13.0进行统计分析,实验数据计量资料以均数±标准差(i±s)表示,采用单向方差分析(One-Way ANOVA)检验,两两比较采用LSD法。凋亡率采用析因设计的方差分析。P<0.050具有统计学意义。
     200μg/ml AGEs作用时间(0h)后的GLUTag细胞的细胞核呈均匀淡染;200μg/ml AGEs作用时间(12h)后的GLUTag细胞的细胞核大部分呈均匀浅染,偶见部分细胞核染色致密呈亮蓝色;200μg/ml AGEs作用时间(24h)后的GLUTag细胞的细胞质固缩,核致密浓染或裂解呈颗粒状,核染色质边集;200μg/ml AGEs作用时间(48h)后的GLUTag细胞的细胞核大面积浓染,细胞皱缩,核固缩、偏移及碎裂的细胞较作用时间为24h明显增多。
     各组细胞经药物干预24h后,100μg/ml AGEs组的凋亡细胞百分率为(15.30±2.89)%,显著高于空白对照组(6.43±1.03)%和BSA对照组(7.37±1.50)%(P=0.000);200μg/ml AGEs组的凋亡细胞百分率为(24.10±2.95)%,显著高于空白对照组和BSA对照组(P=0.000),同时亦显著高于100μg/ml AGEs组(P=0.000);300μg/ml AGEs组的凋亡细胞百分率为(35.19±3.76)%,显著高于空白对照组、BSA对照组及100μg/ml AGEs组(P=0.000),同时亦显著高于200μg/ml AGEs组(P<0.05)。
     200μg/ml AGEs作用时间(12h)后的凋亡细胞百分率为(12.61±1.94)%,显著高于阴性对照组(6.30±2.23)%(P=0.000);200μg/ml AGEs作用时间(24h)后的凋亡细胞百分率为(21.77±3.41)%,显著高于阴性对照组及作用12h组(P=0.00);200μg/ml AGEs作用时间(48h)后的凋亡细胞百分率为(29.52±4.42)%,显著高于阴性对照组及作用12h组(P=0.000),同时亦显著高于作用24h组(P<0.05)。
     100、200.300μg/ml AGEs作用GLUTag细胞24h后,OD值分别为0.8±0.05,0.66±0.05,0.4±0.06,均显著低于空白对照组(control)(1.21±0.05)和BSA对照组(200μg/ml BSA)(1.19±0.03)(P=0.000)。而且,200μg/ml AGEs组显著低于100μg/ml AGEs组(P=0.000),300μg/ml AGEs组显著低于100μg/ml AGEs组(P=0.000)及200μg/ml AGEs组(P<0.05)。
     200μg/ml AGEs作用时间(12h)后的细胞OD值为0.87±0.05,显著低于阴性对照组(作用时间Oh)(1.110±0.05)(P=0.000);200μg/ml AGEs作用时间(24h)后的细胞OD值为0.6±0.04,显著低于阴性对照组和作用12h组(P=0.000);200μg/ml AGEs作用时间(48h)后的细胞OD值为0.3±0.04,显著低于阴性对照组和作用12h组(P=0.000),同时亦显著低于作用24h组(P<0.05)。
     100、200、300μg/ml AGEs作用GLUTag细胞24h后,细胞分泌GLP-1浓度(pmol/L)分别为69.97±4.30,55.27±6.20,37.13±5.55,均显著低于空白对照组(control)(91.27±5.23)和BSA对照组(200μg/ml BSA)(86.63±6.71)(P=0.000)。而且,200μg/ml AGEs组显著低于100μg/ml AGEs组(P=0.000),300μg/ml AGEs组显著低于100μg/ml AGEs组(P=0.000)及200μg/ml AGEs组(P<0.05)。
     200μg/ml AGEs作用时间(12h)后的细胞分泌GLP-1浓度为71.10±4.75,显著低于阴性对照组(作用时间Oh)(83.97±7.28)(P=0.000);200μg/ml AGEs作用时间(24h)后的细胞分泌GLP-1浓度为55.27±6.20,显著低于阴性对照组和作用12h组(P=0.000);200μg/ml AGEs作用时间(48h)后的细胞分泌GLP-1浓度为33.93±6.01,显著低于阴性对照组和作用12h组(P=0.000),同时亦显著低于作用24h组(P<0.05)。
     探讨不同浓度AGEs对GLUTag细胞中RAGE表达的影响时按以下分组:空白对照组,即不加入干预因素;BSA对照组;AGEs100μg/ml组;AGEs200μg/ml组;AGEs300μg/ml组,分别作用细胞24h。探讨AGEs对RAGE及其下游分子信号通路的影响时按照以下分组:空白对照组;BSA对照组;AGEs200μg/ml组;AGEs+siRNA-RAGE组:即利用siRNA-RAGE转染靶细胞后加入AGEs共培养细胞。AGEs+apocynin组:即加入AGEs和600μM的apocynin (NADPH氧化酶阻断剂)培养细胞。
     (2) AGEs对GLUTag细胞中RAGE表达的影响
     传代培养GLUTag细胞(方法同第一部分),并制备AGEs-BSA,采用已确定的AGEs浓度及时间。利用RT-PCR及Western blot检测各组细胞RAGE mRNA及RAGE蛋白表达水平。
     (3) AGEs对GLUTag细胞ROS水平及NADPH氧化酶亚单位表达的影响
     分组及培养条件同上,Western blot检测细胞中NADPH氧化酶亚单位gp22phox、p47phox的磷酸化,荧光探针检测细胞内活性氧ROS的水平。
     (4) AGEs对GLUTag细胞中p53、Bax因子的影响
     (5) AGEs对GLUTag细胞中caspase-3及-9的活性
     采用SPSS13.0进行统计分析,实验数据计量资料以均数±标准差(x±s)表示,采用单向方差分析(One-Way ANOVA)检验,两两比较采用LSD法。P<0.050具有统计学意义。
     (1)不同浓度的AGEs对GLUTag细胞RAGE mRNA的影响
     100、200、300μg/ml AGEs作用GLUTag细胞24h后,RAGE mRNA表达量分别为1.45±0.13,2.14±0.010,2.45±0.32,均显著高于空白对照组(1.01±0.04)和BSA对照组(1.09±0.03)(P=0.000)。而且,200μg/ml AGEs组显著高于100μg/ml AGEs组(P=0.000),300μg/ml AGEs组显著高于AGEs组(P=0.000)及200μg/ml AGEs组(P<0.05)。
     100.200、300μg/ml AGEs作用GLUTag细胞24h后,RAGE蛋白表达水平分别为0.36±0.04,0.56±0.009,0.72±0.06,均显著高于空白对照组(0.144±0.04)和BSA对照组(0.18±0.03)(P=0.000)。而且,200μg/ml AGEs组显著高于100μg/ml AGEs组(P=0.000),300μg/ml AGEs组显著高于100μg/ml AGEs组(P=0.000)及200μg/ml AGEs组(P<0.05)。
     (3) AGEs对GLUTag细胞中NADPH氧化酶亚单位表达的影响
     各组细胞经干预24h后,200μg/ml AGEs组的gp22phox、p47phox蛋白表达水平分别为0.66±0.08,0.76±0.09,均显著高于BSA对照组(0.27±0.06,0.30±0.06)(P<0.05); AGEs+apocynin组的gp22phox、p47phox蛋白表达水平分别为0.40±±0.08,0.4±0.09,均显著高于BSA对照组(P<0.05),而且显著低于200μg/ml AGEs组(P<0.05);AGEs+siRNA-RAGE组的gp22phox、p47phox蛋白表达水平分别为0.32±0.04,0.344±0.056,均显著低于200μg/ml AGEs组(P<0.05)。
     (4) AGEs对GLUTag细胞内活性氧水平的影响
     各组细胞经干预24h后,200μg/ml AGEs组的荧光强度为57.58±±4.69,显著高于BSA对照组(23.16±3.47)(P<0.05);AGEs+apocynin组的荧光强度为34.97±±6.42,显著高于BSA对照组(P<0.05),而且显著低于200μg/ml AGEs组(P<0.05); AGEs+siRNA-RAGE组的荧光强度为29.444±5.27,显著低于200μg/ml AGEs组(P<0.05)。
     (5) AGEs对GLUTag细胞凋亡相关蛋白p53及Bax表达的影响
     各组细胞经干预24h后,200μg/ml AGEs组的p53蛋白表达水平为0.42±±0.05,显著低于BSA对照组(0.73±±0.05)(P<0.05),而Bax蛋白表达水平为0.66±±0.08,显著高于BSA对照组(0.27±0.08)(P<0.05);AGEs+apocynin组和AGEs+siRNA-RAGE组的p53蛋白表达水平分别为0.644±0.05,0.71±±0.06,均显著高于200μg/ml AGEs组(P<0.05),而Bax蛋白表达水平分别为0.40±0.08,0.32±0.04,均显著低于200μg/ml AGEs组(P<0.05)。
     (6) AGEs对GLUTag细胞凋亡蛋白酶caspase-3及-9活性的影响
     各组细胞经干预24h后,200μg/ml AGEs组的caspase-3及-9活性分别为1.03±0.10,1.22±0.05,均显著高于BSA对照组(0.43±0.05,0.47±0.02)(P<0.05); AGEs+apocynin组的caspase-3及-9活性分别为0.65±0.07,0.68±0.09,均显著高于BSA对照组(P<0.05),而且显著低于200μg/ml AGEs组(P<0.05);AGEs+siRNA-RAGE组的caspase-3及-9活性分别为0.55±0.08,0.57±0.07,均显著低于200μg/ml AGEs组(P<0.05)。
     随着AGEs干预浓度的升高,GLUTag细胞RAGE mRNA表达量和RAGE蛋白表达水平显著上升,提示AGEs可通过上调RAGE受体表达增强GLUTag细胞的氧化应激损伤。AGEs作用于GLUTag细胞24h后,NADPH氧化酶亚单位gp22phox、p47phox的表达增多,细胞内ROS水平升高,p53表达下调,Bax表达上调,凋亡蛋白酶caspase-3及-9的活性增加,细胞凋亡增加。提示NADPH氧化酶、ROS、p53/Bax及caspase-3及-9是AGEs-RAGE导致GLUTag细胞凋亡的主要下游通路。
     100μg/ml AGEs组,即加入100μg/ml AGEs培养细胞;
     200μg/ml AGEs组,即加入200μg/ml AGEs培养细胞;
     300μg/ml AGEs组,即加入300μg/ml AGEs培养细胞;
     各组分别进行下列处理,利用Western blot检测GLUTag细胞内p38MAPK磷酸化水平。
     (2) AGEs对GLUTag细胞中NF-κB因子的影响
     分组及培养条件同上,Western blot检测NF-κB蛋白表达的变化。
     (3) AGEs对GLUTag细胞中炎症因子的影响
     采用SPSS13.0进行统计分析,实验数据计量资料以均数±标准差(x±s)表示,采用单向方差分析(One-Way ANOVA)检验,两两比较采用LSD法。P<0.050具有统计学意义。
     (1) AGEs对GLUTag细胞中p38MAPK磷酸化水平的影响
     100.200、300μg/ml AGEs作用GLUTag细胞24h后,p-p38MAPK的相对表达量分别为0.41±0.05,0.61±0.05,0.82±0.04,均显著高于空白对照组(0.22±0.03)和BSA对照组(0.24±0.04)(P=0.000)。而且,200μg/ml AGEs组显著高于100μg/ml AGEs组(P=0.000),300μg/ml AGEs组显著高于100μg/mlAGEs组及200μg/ml AGEs组(P=0.000)。 AGEs+apocynin组的p-p38MAPK相对表达量为0.28±0.03,与200μg/ml AGEs组相比显著降低(P=0.000)。
     (2) AGEs对GLUTag细胞中NF-κB因子表达的影响
     100、200、300μg/ml AGEs作用GLUTag细胞24h后,NF-κB表达量分别为0.36±0.04,0.55±0.08,0.67±0.05,均显著高于空白对照组(0.18±0.02)和BSA对照组(0.20±±0.02)(P=0.000)。而且,200μg/ml AGEs组显著高于100μg/ml AGEs组(P=0.000),300μg/ml AGEs组显著高于100μg/ml AGEs组及200μg/ml AGEs组(P=0.000)。AGEs+apocynin组的NF-κB表达量为0.22±0.03,与200μg/ml AGEs组相比显著降低(P=0.000)。
     (3) AGEs对GLUTag细胞中炎症因子TNF-α、IL-1、IL-6表达的影响
     100、200、300μg/ml AGEs作用GLUTag细胞24h后,TNF-α的相对含量分别为27.23±±4.25,38.93±±3.62,54.47±±5.85,均显著高于空白对照组(15.30±±1.71)和BSA对照组(16.10±±2.15)(P=0.000)。而且,200μg/ml AGEs组显著高于100μg/ml AGEs组(P=0.000),300μg/ml AGEs组显著高于100μg/ml AGEs组及200μg/ml AGEs组(P=0.000). AGEs+apocynin组的TNF-a相对含量为18.40±±3.75,与200μg/ml AGEs组相比显著降低(P=0.000)。
     100.200.300μg/ml AGEs作用GLUTag细胞24h后,IL-1的相对含量分别为136.50±±13.05,191.17±±12.01,287.7±±13.75,均显著高于空白对照组(50.67±4.99)和BSA对照组(55.33±6.06)(P=0.000)。而且,200μg/ml AGEs组显著高于100μg/ml AGEs组(P=0.000),300μg/ml AGEs组显著高于100μg/ml AGEs组及200μg/ml AGEs组(P=0.000)。AGEs+apocynin组的IL-1相对含量为68.17±8.72,与200μg/ml AGEs组相比显著降低(P=0.000)。
     100、200、300μg/ml AGEs作用GLUTag细胞24h后,IL-6的相对含量分别为95.93±12.29,177.93±9.26,234.27±19.74,均显著高于空白对照组(43.80±5.94)和BSA对照组(50.40±5.64)(P=0.000)。而且,200μg/ml AGEs组显著高于100μg/ml AGEs组(P=0.000),300μg/ml AGEs组显著高于100μg/ml AGEs组及200μg/ml AGEs组(P=0.000)。AGEs+apocynin组的IL-6相对含量为63.50±7.62,与200μg/ml AGEs组相比显著降低(P=0.000)。
     随着AGEs浓度的增加,GLUTag细胞内p38MAPK磷酸化水平上升,NF-κB因子活化增多及炎症因子TNF-α、IL-1、IL-6表达增多。利用apocynin抑制NADPH氧化酶,可调节AGEs诱导的GLUTag细胞内p38MAPK、NF-κB、TNF-α、 IL-1、IL-6等表达水平。本部分实验证明AGEs可至少部分通过激活p38MAPK/NF-κB炎症通路导致肠道L细胞的炎症损伤。
     With the improvement of people's living standard and the changes of life style, the morbidity of type2diabetes (T2DM) presents a tendency of rapid increasing in our country. According to the latest data in2009, the morbidity of T2DM has reached9.7%in our country, and the total number of patients was92.40million which has climbed atop the first in the world. Therefore, to explore the mechanisms of diabetes mellitus has been a hotspot and focus in the field of diabetes. The effect of incretin is an important mechanism for regulating and controlling postprandial insulin secretion and postprandial glucose, which is a breakthrough for the pathogenesis and treatment of T2DM. Glucagon-like peptide-1(GLP-1) is produced in L cells with the functions of glucose-dependent insulin secretion and improving the proliferation and apoptosis of p-cells. Many studies suggest that the effect of incretin is significantly impaired in patients with T2DM, favoring the hyposecretion of GLP-1. Therefore we propose that the early damage and apoptosis of intestinal L cells may play a central role in the hyposecretion of GLP-1and the development of T2DM.
     Present studies mostly focus on the regulating effect of different medicine in secretion of GLP-1and its possible pathway, whereas few studies aim at the early damage and apoptosis of intestinal L cells, especially the effects of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) in controlling the function of L cells. The pathway of AGEs and the receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) is an important mechanism in the damage of various histocyte with diabetes. So to explore whether AGEs-RAGE result in the damage of L cells and its mechanism plays a central role in understanding and improving the pathogenesis of T2DM.
     AGEs are toxic and irreversible compounds that are formed by the glycosylation between long-term hyperglycemia and various proteins. The production and accumulation of massive irreversible AGEs is an important mechanism in cellular damage and chronic progress of diabetes. AGEs combining with RAGE can up-regulate the inflammatory response and lead to the destruction of histiocyte, so AGEs may be a pre-inflammatory mediator that can activate cells and promote the response to oxidative stress. Many studies suggest that the pathway of AGEs-RAGE not only mediates damage of various cells but also leads to apoptosis and dysfunction in islet cells. The similar results are also obtained by the latest study in2013:high concentration of AGEs can obviously up-regulate the expression of RAGE on the surface of islet cells. Moreover, the combination between AGEs and RAGE activates NADPH oxidase to increase the production of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS), then promotes the expression of nuclear factor kappa (NF-κB) and up-regulates the ratio of Bax/Bcl-2, which finally obviously increases the apoptosis rates of islet cells. Therefore, using the inhibitor of NADPH oxidase can improve the apoptosis of islet cells induced by AGEs. It follows that the pathway of AGEs-RAGE that activates NADPH oxidase to increase the production of intracellular ROS, then promotes the expression of NF-κB and up-regulates the ratio of Bax/Bcl-2is an important mechanism for the apoptosis of inlet cells and the reduced secretion of insulin. Interestingly, our colleagues conducted a study about the effect of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the apoptpsis and secretion punction of L cells, and confirmed that lipopolysaccharide (LPS) could induced the apoptpsis of L cells and reduced the secretion of GLP-1through promoting the expression of NF-κB and the downregulation of Bcl-2. This damage was a time-dependent and dose-dependent effect. Moreover, LPS, as well as AGEs, could induced the damage of cells through RAGE and its related pathway. It indicated that the apoptosis of L cells was a cause for reduction of GLP-1, and RAGE played an important role in it.
     Therefore, this program focus on L cell line (GLUTag cells), and discuss from the following aspects:1. we observe the effect of AGEs in the early damage and apoptosis of GLUTag cells and the secretion of GLP-1.2. we observe the effect of AGEs-RAGE and its related mechanism with monoclonal antibody interfering RAGE in the damage and apoptosis of GLUTag cells. The study will further explain the cause why GLP-1decrease secretion in patients with T2DM and provide new foundation to explore the new therapy in T2DM.
     Part1The effects of AGEs on the early damage and apoptosis of GLUTag and the secretion of GLP-1
     To study the effect of AGEs in the early damage and apoptosis of GLUTag cells and the secretion of GLP-1.
     (1)Preparation of AGEs-BSA in vitro
     Briefly, BSA was dissolved in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS; pH=7.4) with D-glucose, and incubated for12weeks in the dark. AGE-BSA was identified using a fluorescence spectrophotometer.
     (2)Culture of GLUTag cells
     GLUTag cells were subcultured with low glucose DMEM containing10%fetal bovine serum,100IM/ml penicillin and100IM/ml streptomycin.
     The effect of different concentration of AGEs in L cells:The blank control group was cultured with no intervention factor. The BSA control group was cultured with BSA as the positive control. The100μg/ml AGEs group was cultured with100μg/ml AGEs. The200μg/ml AGEs group was cultured with200μg/ml AGEs. The300μg/ml AGEs group was cultured with300μg/ml AGEs.
     The effect of AGEs in L cells for different times:200μg/ml AGEs incubated with cells for0,12,24,48h.
     (4) The effects of AGEs in the apoptosis of GLUTag cells
     The cells were divided into5groups as above. The morphological change of apoptosis were detected with Hoechst33258fluorescence staining.The apoptosis rate was detected with AnnexinⅤ-FITC/PI method.
     (5) The effects of AGEs in the proliferation of GLUTag cells
     The cells were divided into5groups as above. The proliferation of GLUTag cells was tested with CCK-8method.
     (6)The effects of AGEs in the secretion of GLP-1in GLUTag cells
     The cells were divided into5groups as above and the supernate of cells were collected. The secretion level of GLP-1in GLUTag cells was tested with ELISA method.
     Statistical Analysis:
     All analyses were carried out with SPSS13.0software. Data are expressed as mean±standard deviation (SD). Differences between groups were tested by one-way ANOVA followed by a LSD test. Apoptotic rate was determined by the factorial design ANOVA. Statistical significance was defined as two-sided p<0.05.
     (1)The effect of different concentration of AGEs in the morphological change of GLUTag cells
     All the groups were observed with fluorescence microscope by Hoechst33258staining after intervention for24h. The apoptotic cells in100μg/ml AGEs group showed little morphological change. The apoptotic cells in200ug/ml AGEs group and300μg/ml AGEs group showed topic morphological changes. Apoptotic cells were observed as intact round nuclei and fragmented (or condensed) nuclei.
     (2)The effect of200μg/ml AGEs in the morphological change of GLUTag cells for different time
     The apoptotic cells in12h group showed little morphological change. The apoptotic cells in24h group and48h group showed topic morphological changes were observed with Hoechst33258staining. Apoptptic cells were observed as intact round nuclei and fragmented (or condensed) nuclei.
     (3) The effect of different concentration of AGEs in the apoptosis of GLUTag cells
     The results obtained from FCM showed that the apoptotic rate in100μg/ml AGEs group was (15.30±2.89)%, which significantly higher than that of control group (6.43±1.03)%and BSA group (7.37±1.50)%(P=0.000). Apoptptic rate in200μg/ml AGEs group was (24.10±2.95)%, which significantly higher than that of control group, BSA group and100μg/ml AGEs group (P=0.000). Apoptptic rate in300μg/ml AGEs group was (35.19±3.76)%, which significantly higher than that of control group, BSA group and100μg/ml AGEs group (P=0.000), and higher than 200μg/ml AGEs group (P<0.05).
     (4) The effect of200μg/ml AGEs in the apoptpsis of GLUTag cells for different time
     The results obtained from FCM showed that the apoptotic rate in12h group was (12.61±1.94)%, which significantly higher than that of control group (6.30±2.23)%(P=0.000). Apoptptic rate in24h group was (21.77±3.41)%, which significantly higher than that of control group and12h group (P=0.000). Apoptptic rate in48h group was (29.52±4.42)%, which significantly higher than that of control group and12h group (P=0.000), and higher than24h group (P<0.05).
     (5) The effect of different concentration of AGEs in the activity of GLUTag cells
     After treatment with100,200,300μg/mL AGEs for24h, the OD value were0.86±0.05,0.66±0.05,0.46±0.06, respectively, and significantly lower than control group (1.21±0.05) and the BSA group (1.19±0.03)(P=0.000). Moreover, the OD value of200μg/mL AGEs group significantly lower than that of100μg/mL AGEs group (P=0.000). The OD value of300μg/mL AGEs group significantly lower than that of100μg/mL AGEs group (P=0.000) and200μg/mL AGEs group (P<0.05).
     (6) The effect of200μg/ml AGEs in the activity of GLUTag cells for different time
     After treatment with200μg/mL AGEs for12h, the OD value was0.87±0.05, which significantly lower than control group (Oh,1.110±0.05)(P=0.000). The OD value of24h group was0.66±0.04, which significantly lower than control group and12h group (P=0.000). The OD value of48h group was0.39±0.04, which significantly lower than control group and12h group (P=0.000), and also significantly lower than24h group (P<0.05).
     (7) The effect of different concentration of AGEs in GLP-1secretion of GLUTag cells
     After treatment with100,200,300μg/mL AGEs for24h, the concentration of GLP-1from the GLUTag cells were69.97±4.30,55.27±6.20,37.13±5.55, respectively, and significantly lower than control group (91.27±5.23) and the BSA group (86.63±6.71)(P=0.000). Moreover, the concentration of GLP-1in200μg/mL AGEs group significantly lower than that of100μg/mL AGEs group (P=0.000). The concentration of GLP-1in300μg/mL AGEs group significantly lower than that of100μg/mL AGEs group (P=0.000) and200μg/mL AGEs group (P<0.05).
     (8) The effect of200μg/ml AGEs in the GLP-1secretion of GLUTag cells for different time
     After treatment with200μg/mL AGEs for12h, the concentration of GLP-1was71.10±4.75, which significantly lower than control group (Oh,83.97±7.28)(P=0.000). The concentration of GLP-1in24h group was55.27±6.20, which significantly lower than control group and12h group (P=0.000). The concentration of GLP-1in48h group was33.93±6.01, which significantly lower than control group and12h group (P=0.000), and also significantly lower than24h group (P<0.05).
     The apoptosis of GLUTag cells became severer with both the concentration of AGEs increasing for the same aging time and the longer time of exposure to AGEs in the same does. We found for the first time that the apoptpsis of L cells were induced by AGEs in a dose, time-dependent manner and the GLP-1secretion from L cells decreased.
     Part2The effect of AGEs-RAGE and its related mechanism in the damage and apoptosis of GLUTag cells
     Section1The effect of AGEs-RAGE in the apoptosis of GLUTag cells and its related machanism
     To investigate the effect of AGEs-RAGE and its related pathway in the apoptosis of GLUTag cells induced by AGEs
     (1) Groups
     The effect of different concentration of AGEs in the expression of RAGE of GLUTag cells:The blank control group was cultured with no intervention factor. The BSA control group was cultured with BSA as the positive control. The100μg/ml AGEs group was cultured with100μg/ml AGEs. The200μg/ml AGEs group was cultured with200μg/ml AGEs. The300μg/ml AGEs group was cultured with300μg/ml AGEs. All the groups were incubated for24h. The effect of AGEs in the expression of RAGE and its related pathway:The blank control group was cultured with no intervention factor. The BSA control group was cultured with BSA as the positive control. The AGEs group was cultured with200μg/ml AGEs. The AGEs+siRNA-RAGE group was cultured with AGEs after the transfection of siRNA-RAGE. The AGEs+apocynin group was cultured with AGEs and apocynin.
     (2) The effect of AGEs in the expression of RAGE of GLUTag cells
     GLUTag cells were subcultured (the method as part1), and AGEs-BSA was prepared. The concentration and time of AGEs were adopted the identified one. The expression of RAGE mRNA was detected with RT-PCR. The expression of protein for RAGE was detected with Western blot.
     (3) The effects of AGEs in the level of ROS and the expression of NADPH oxidase in GLUTag cells
     The cells were divided into5groups as above. The expression of gp22phox and p47phox was detected with Western blot.The change of intracellular ROX was tested with fluorescent probe method.
     (4) The effects of AGEs in the expression of P53and Bax in GLUTag cells
     The cells were divided into5groups as above.The change of P53and Bax was detected with Western bolt.
     (5) The effects of AGEs in the activity of caspase-3,-9in GLUTag cells
     The cells were divided into5groups as above. The activity of caspase-3,-9was detected with ELISA method.
     Statistical Analysis:
     All analyses were carried out with SPSS13.0software. Data are expressed as mean±standard deviation (SD). Differences between groups were tested by one-way ANOVA followed by a LSD test. Statistical significance was defined as two-sided p<0.05.
     (1) The effect of different concentration of AGEs in the expression of RAGE mRNA in GLUTag cells
     After treatment with100,200,300μg/mL AGEs for24h, the expression of RAGE mRNA were1.45±0.13,2.14±0.010,2.45±0.32, respectively, and significantly higher than control group (1.01±0.04) and the BSA group (1.09±0.03)(P=0.000). Moreover, the expression of RAGE mRNA in200μg/mL AGEs group significantly higher than that of100μg/mL AGEs group (P=0.000). The expression of RAGE mRNA in300μg/mL AGEs group significantly higher than that of100μg/mL AGEs group (P=0.000) and200μg/mL AGEs group (P<0.05).
     (2) The effect of different concentration of AGEs in the protein level of RAGE in GLUTag cells
     After treatment with100,200,300μg/mL AGEs for24h, the protein level of RAGE were0.36±0.04,0.56±0.009,0.72±0.06, respectively, and significantly higher than control group (0.14±0.04) and the BSA group (0.18±0.03)(P=0.000). Moreover, the protein level of RAGE in200μg/mL AGEs group significantly higher than that of100μg/mL AGEs group (P=0.000). The protein level of RAGE in300μg/mL AGEs group significantly higher than that of100μg/mL AGEs group (P=0.000) and200μg/mL AGEs group (P<0.05).
     (3) The effect of AGEs in the expression of NADPH oxidase subunit in GLUTag cells
     Cells in groups were treated with indicated treatment for24h. The expressions of gp22phox and p47phox in200μg/mL AGEs group were0.66±0.08and0.76±0.09, which significantly higher than that of the BSA group (0.27±0.06and0.30±0.06)(P<0.05). The expressions of gp22phox and p47phox in AGEs+apocynin group were0.40±0.08and0.47±0.09, which significantly higher than that of the BSA group (P<0.05) and lower than that of the200μg/mL AGEs group (P<0.05). The expressions of gp22phox and p47phox in AGEs+siRNA-RAGE group were0.32±0.04and0.34±0.056, which significantly lower than that of the200μg/mL AGEs group (P<0.05).
     (4)The effect of AGEs in the activity of ROS in GLUTag cells
     Cells in groups were treated with indicated treatment for24h. The fluorescence intnesity of200μg/mL AGEs group was57.58±4.69, which significantly higher than that of the BSA group (23.16±3.47)(P<0.05). The fluorescence intnesity of AGEs+apocynin group was34.97±0.08, which significantly higher than that of the BSA group (P<0.05) and lower than that of the200μg/mL AGEs group (P<0.05). The fluorescence intnesity of AGEs+siRNA-RAGE group was29.44±5.27, which significantly lower than that of the200μg/mL AGEs group (P<0.05).
     (6) The effect of AGEs in the expression of p53and Bax in GLUTag cells
     Cells in groups were treated with indicated treatment for24h. The expression of p53in200μg/mL AGEs group was0.42±0.05, which significantly lower than that of the BSA group (0.73±0.05)(P<0.05), wherase the expression of Bax in this group was0.66±0.08, which significantly higher than that of the BSA group (0.27±0.08)(P<0.05). The expression of p53in AGEs+apocynin group and AGEs+siRNA-RAGE group were0.64±0.05and0.71±0.06, which significantly higher than that of the200μg/mL AGEs group (P<0.05), wherase the expression of Bax in these group were0.40±0.08and0.32±0.04, which significantly lower than that of the200μg/mL AGEs group (P<0.05).
     (7) The effect of AGEs in the activity of caspase-3and-9in GLUTag cells
     Cells in groups were treated with indicated treatment for24h. The activity of caspase-3and-9in200μg/mL AGEs group were1.03±0.10and1.22±0.05, which significantly higher than that of the BSA group (0.43±0.05and0.47±0.02)(P<0.05). The activity of caspase-3and-9in AGEs+apocynin group were0.65±0.07and0.68±0.09, which significantly higher than that of the BSA group (P<0.05) and lower than that of the200μg/mL AGEs group (P<0.05). The activity of caspase-3and-9in AGEs+siRNA-RAGE group were0.55±0.08and0.57±0.07, which significantly lower than that of the200μg/mL AGEs group (P<0.05).
     The expression of RAGE mRNA and the protein level of RAGE in GLUTag cells increased with the concentration of AGEs increasing for the same aging time, which suggested AGEs could enhance the oxidative stress of GLUTag cell via the increasing the expression of RAGE. After indicated treatment for24h, the expression of gp22phox and p47phox and the activity of ROS increased, resulting to the downregulation of p53and the upregulation of Bax, as well as increasing the activity of caspase-3and-9, which finally increased the apoptpsis of L cells. That meant that NADPH oxidase, ROS, p53/Bax and caspase-3,-9were the majoy pathway of the apoptosis in GLUTag cells induced by AGEs-RAGE.
     Section2The effect of AGEs-RAGE in the inflammation of GLUTag cells and its related machanism
     To observe the effect of AGEs on the inflammation of GLUTag cells and the pathway of p38MAPK/NF-κB
     (1) The effect of AGEs in the phosphorylation of p38MAPK in GLUTag cells
     GLUTag cells were subcultured (the method as part1), and AGEs-BSA was prepared. The time of AGEs were adopted the identified one.
     The blank control group was cultured with no intervention factor;
     The BSA control group was cultured with BSA as the positive control;
     The100g/ml AGEs group was cultured with100μg/ml AGEs;
     The200μg/ml AGEs group was cultured with200μg/ml AGEs;
     The300μg/ml AGEs group was cultured with300μg/ml AGEs;
     The AGEs+apocynin group was cultured with AGEs and apocynin.
     All the groups were accepted the following tests. The phosphorylation of p38MAPK was detected with Western blot.
     (2) The effect of AGEs in the activity of NF-κB in GLUTag cells
     The cells were divided into6groups as above.The activity of NF-κB was detected with Western blot.
     (3) The effect of AGEs in the inflammatory factor of GLUTag cells
     The cells were divided into6groups as above. The change of inflammatory factor TNF-α、IL-1、IL-6were detected with ELISA method.
     Statistical Analysis:
     All analyses were carried out with SPSS13.0software. Data are expressed as mean±standard deviation (SD). Differences between groups were tested by one-way ANOVA followed by a LSD test. Statistical significance was defined as two-sided p<0.05.
     (1) The effect of AGEs in the phosphorylation of p38MAPK in GLUTag cells
     After treatment with100,200,300μg/mL AGEs for24h, the expression of p-p38MAPK were0.41±0.05,0.61±0.05,0.82±0.04, respectively, and significantly higher than control group (0.22±0.03) and the BSA group (0.24±0.04)(P=0.000). Moreover, the expression of p-p38MAPK in200μg/mL AGEs group significantly higher than that of100μg/mL AGEs group (P=0.000). The expression of p-p38MAPK in300μg/mL AGEs group significantly higher than that of1000μg/mL AGEs group and200μg/mL AGEs group (P=0.000). The expression of p-p38MAPK in AGEs+apocynin group was0.28±0.03, which significantly lower than that of200μg/mL AGEs group (P=0.000).
     (2) The effect of AGEs in the expression of NF-κB in GLUTag cells
     After treatment with100,200,300μg/mL AGEs for24h, the expression of NF-κB were0.36±0.04,0.55±0.08,0.67±0.05, respectively, and significantly higher than control group (0.18±0.02) and the BSA group (0.20±0.02)(P=0.000). Moreover, the expression of NF-κB in200μg/mL AGEs group significantly higher than that of100μg/mL AGEs group (P=0.000). The expression of NF-κB in300μg/mL AGEs group significantly higher than that of100μg/mL AGEs group and200μg/mL AGEs group (P=0.000). The expression of NF-κB in AGEs+apocynin group was0.22±0.03, which significantly lower than that of200μg/mL AGEs group (P=0.000).
     (3)The effect of AGEs in the inflammatory factor of GLUTag cells
     After treatment with100,200,300μg/mL AGEs for24h, the content of TNF-a were27.23±4.25,38.93±3.62,54.47±5.85, respectively, and significantly higher than control group (15.30±1.71) and the BSA group (16.10±2.15)(P=0.000). Moreover, the content of TNF-α in200μg/mL AGEs group significantly higher than that of100μg/mL AGEs group (P=0.000). The content of TNF-α in300μg/mL AGEs group significantly higher than that of100μg/mL AGEs group and200μg/mL AGEs group (P=0.000). The content of TNF-α in AGEs+apocynin group was18.40±3.75, which significantly lower than that of200μg/mL AGEs group (P=0.000).
     After treatment with100,200,300μg/mL AGEs for24h, the content of IL-1were136.50±13.05,191.17±12.01,287.7±13.75, respectively, and significantly higher than control group (50.67±4.99) and the BSA group (55.33±6.06)(P=0.000). Moreover, the content of IL-1in200μg/mL AGEs group significantly higher than that of100μg/mL AGEs group (P=0.000). The content of IL-1in300μg/mL AGEs group significantly higher than that of100μg/mL AGEs group and200μg/mL AGEs group (P=0.000). The content of IL-1in AGEs+apocynin group was68.17±8.72, which significantly lower than that of200μg/mL AGEs group (P=0.000).
     After treatment with100,200,300μg/mL AGEs for24h, the content of IL-6were95.93±12.29,177.93±9.26,234.27±19.74, respectively, and significantly higher than control group (43.80±5.94) and the BSA group (50.40±5.64)(P=0.000). Moreover, the content of IL-6in200μg/mL AGEs group significantly higher than that of100μg/mL AGEs group (P=0.000). The content of IL-6in300μg/mL AGEs group significantly higher than that of100μg/mL AGEs group and200μg/mL AGEs group (P=0.000). The content of IL-6in AGEs+apocynin group was63.50±7.62, which significantly lower than that of200μg/mL AGEs group (P=0.000).
     The phosphorylation of p38MAPK and the expression of NF-κB, TNF-α, IL-1, IL-6increased with the concentration of AGEs increasing for the same aging time. The NADPH oxidase inhibitor apocynin could regulate the expression of p38MAPK, NF-κB, TNF-α, IL-1, IL-6in GLUTag cells induced by AGEs. This part suggested that AGEs could induce the inflammatory injury of L cells through the pathway of p38MAPK/NF-κB.
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