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自20世纪下半叶以来,世界范围内兴起的以网络技术、信息技术为特征的科技革命引领人类社会进入了数字化时代。伴随着数字化阅读在社会生活领域的普及态势及个人数字终端设备的飞速发展,“电子课本”的时代正在到来。目前,电子课本已经引起了多国政府的高度重视,从一项研究热点、一种技术产品,逐步发展成为国家层面借以推动教育信息化发展,提高教育竞争力的利器。从传统课本到电子课本这一质的飞跃承载着人们对于技术增强学习、技术促进学习、技术赋能学习(Learning Powered by Technology)的殷切期望,电子课本正在推动着数字化时代人类阅读与学习范式的变革。
     基于对数字化学习资源及电子课本的理解,本研究在对数字化阅读与学习领域资源形态、功能特性、技术标准深入研究分析的基础之上,结合EPUB (Electronic Publication, IDPF组织的数字化阅读格式标准,简称EPUB)、DC (Dublin Core Metadata,都伯林核心元数据,简称DC)、LOM (Learning Object Metadata,学习对象元数据,简称LOM)、SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model,可共享内容对象模型,简称SCORM)、IMS-CC (IMS Common Cartridge, IMS内容统和模型或MS公共弹夹模型,简称CC)、IMS-CP (IMS Content Packaging, IMS内容包装模型,简称CP)、IMS-LD (IMS Learning Design, IMS学习设计规范,简称LD)等数字化技术标准,以电子书包系统功能模型为研究设计层面的原点,以需求分析为研究应用实践层面的原点,从资源、活动、空间三种形态视角表征了电子课本的领域特性,并由此界定了电子课本的领域三态,建构了电子课本的领域模型。
     本研究借鉴了UML (Unified Modeling Language:统一建模语言)的建模思想,通过三次抽象过程,由电子课本的领域模型过渡到系统模型。电子课本的系统模型主要包括了电子课本的信息模型和内容包装模型。从电子课本的两大研究原点到领域模型是第一次抽象过程,明确界定了电子课本的领域特性;从电子课本的领域模型到信息模型是第二次抽象过程,使用电子课本语义元素在逻辑层面表征了电子课本的内容对象与功能特性;从电子课本的信息模型到内容包装模型是第三次抽象过程,设计了电子课本的内容包装结构与元数据。电子课本信息模型是整个设计的核心,包括了内容结构模型、功能结构模型、学习地图机制以及服务框架。电子课本的内容包装设计则是一个完整的电子课本资源聚合及内容包装方案,包括了电子课本内容包装模型、内容对象包装模型、元数据模型以及内容包装DRM (Digital Rights Management,数字版权管理,以下简称DRM)扩展方案。
Since the later20th century, scientific and technical revolution characterized by internet technology and information technology has been on the rise the worldwide, which is leading human society into a digital era. Time of "e-Textbooks" is approaching, along with the rapid development of personal digital terminal equipment as well as the trend of popularization of e-Reading in our social life. At present, the e-Textbook has attracted unprecedented attention of many governments. It has developed gradually from a hot study subject and a good technical innovation into a better tool, on the national level, to promote the development of popularization of education information and to improve the competitive capability of education. This giant qualitative leap, from traditional printed books to present e-Textbooks, embodies people's great expectations of technology-enhanced learning, technology-promoted learning, and technology-powered learning. Hence, e-Textbooks are driving the change of the paradigms of human reading and learning in this digital era.
     The study first summarizes the current research comprehensively first of all. By analyzing the status quo, it sums up the current characteristics of e-Textbooks, i.e. application comes first, research lags behind, it lacks standard, and reveals the big problems in e-book application---Pluralistic understanding. The study rationalizes the related research on e-books and the e-Learning technology standards, and further analyzes the development mode of e-Learning resources from the theoretical perspective of learning objects.
     According to the understanding of e-Textbooks, this study, based on the in-depth analysis of the resources form, function features, technical standards in the domains of e-Reading and e-Learning, combined with EPUB(Electronic Publication, abbreviation EPUB), DC(Dublin Core Metadata, abbreviation DC), LOM(Learning Object Metadata, abbreviation LOM), SCORM(Sharable Content Object Reference Model, abbreviation SCORM), IMS-CC(IMS Common Cartridge, abbreviation CC), IMS-CP(IMS Content Packaging, abbreviation CP), MS-LD(IMS Learning Design, abbreviation LD) and so on, takes the functional mode of e-Bag system as origin of research on design level; takes the requirement analysis of e-Textbook as origin of research on application and practice level; characterizes the domain of e-Textbooks from three perspectives:resource, activity, and space; Thereby defines the three-states of e-Textbook domain and constructs an e-Textbook domain model.
     The three-states of e-Textbook domain can be described as resource state, activity state and microenvironment state. The resource state which reflects the structural characteristics of the e-Textbook covers such aspects as the conversion of content resources file format, the compatibility and packaging of content file, the evolution of the form of single document into the form of content objects. The activity state which reflects the characteristic of individualization of e-Textbooks brings the lightweight instructional design mechanism into e-Textbook, turning content-oriented textbooks into content based, activity-oriented e-Textbook. With the help of virtual learning tools, the microenvironment state fosters, through individualized content organization and knowledge construction process, e-Textbooks compiles to evolve from unified, standardized collections of content resources into a brand new e-Textbook form, characterized mainly by personal micro knowledge scope. The domain characteristic of e-Textbooks is specifically featured by the e-Textbook domain model which is composed of the three-state domain model of e-Textbooks, of the three-state evolution pattern, and of e-Textbook conceptual model.
     This study draws on the experience of UML (Unified Modeling Language) modeling concept, and experiencee three times abstraction processes, thus derives research on the e-Textbook system model from the e-Textbook domain model. The e-Textbook system model is made up of information model and e-Textbook content packaging model. The first abstraction process in this study is the evolution from two major research origins to the e-Textbook domain model, which clearly defines the domain characteristic of e-Textbooks. The second abstraction process is the transition of research from the e-Textbook domain model to the information model which characterizes by using semantic element to represent the content objects and functional features on logic level The third abstract process is the improvement on the research from the e-Textbook information model to the content packaging model, in which the content packing structure and metadata is designed. The e-Textbook information model is the core of the whole design, and it consists of content structure model, function structure model, learning map mechanism, and service frame. The e-Textbook content packaging design is a total solution to e-Textbook resource aggregation and content packaging, and it comprises e-Textbook content packaging model, content object packaging model, metadata model, and content packaging DRM (Digital Rights Management, abbreviation DRM) extension Solution.
     On the basis of the e-Textbook domain model, information model and content packaging model, this study not only designs but developes the e-Textbook demos of the lessons of English and Science of Nature, e-Textbook reader, learning map of Nature e-Textbook, and the e-Textbook system architecture and programming. In the e-Textbook modeling and prototype, this research verifies the feasibility of the e-Textbook model based on the design and development of a prototype of the English, Natural Science e-Textbooks.
     This study defines the domain characteristic of the e-Textbook, probes its evolution pattern, and constructs its system model. The study also designs a structured and individualized e-Textbook with features of lightweight learning design and personal micro knowledge scope, and to prompt demonstrative application of e-Textbooks and the development of products and formulation of related standards.
     The e-Textbook doesn't gaine its popularity now. However, it is on the threshold of a breakthrough into the mainstream. The best way to predict the future is to invent it. The study aims at the process to creating future. At present, the e-Textbook demo is still under study in the laboratory, so it neither supports a large-scaled pilot experiment, nor promotes the industrial development. Nevertheless, the study believes that in the near future, e-Textbooks will enable children to throw away their heavy school bags, and to enjoy the convenience and individualized learning services brought about by digital Learning with relatively high cost performance. Nevertheless, the e-textbooks will bring about great changes in education and learning methods.
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    * “知识是一套关于世界的事实和解决问题的程序,学校教育的目标是将这些事实和程序传授到学生头脑中。判定学校教育成功的方式是测试学生掌握了多少事实和程序。”这种学校教育模式被佩帕特(Seymour Papert)称之为教育中的“授受主义”(instructionism),并认为这种教育适合为20世纪初的工业化社会培养人才,而不适合于现在这个技术上更为复杂的、经济上竞争更为激烈的知识经济时代。引自:冯锐,《基于案例推理的经验学习》上海,华东师范大学出版社,2011(12):3。
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    177 NMC, & EDUCAUSE. (2004). The horizon report 2004 edition. Time-to-Adoption Horizon:One Year or Less Electronic Learning Objects:4-7.
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    * 《学习对象——网络教学技术的新理念》一文中将Component Display Theoiy—CDT翻译为:构件显示理论,本文中将CDT翻译为:成分显示理论。184 Merrill, M. D. (1983). Component display theory. Instructional-design theories and models:An overview of their current status,1.
    * 《学习对象——网络教学技术的新理念》一文中将Instructional Transaction Theory—ITT翻译为:教学事务理论,本文中将ITT翻译为:教学处方理论。
    185 Merrill, M.D., Li, Z., & Jones, M.K. (1991). Instructional transaction theory. Educational Technology,31(6), 7-12.
    * 《学习对象——网络教学技术的新理念》一文中将Elaboration Theory—ET翻译为:细化理论,本文中将ET翻译为:精致化理论。
    186 Reigeluth, C. (1992). Elaborating the elaboration theory. Educational Technology Research & Development, 40(3),80-86.
    187 University of South Alabama. (2001), Cognitive Flexibility Theory. Retrieved December 27,2012 from http://www.southalabama.edu/oll/mobile/theory_workbook/cognitive_flexibility_theory.htm.
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    284 Koper, R. (2001). Modelling units of study froma pedagogical perspective the pedagogical metamodel behind EML,2001. Educational Expertise Technology Centre, Open University of the Netherlands.
    285 Botturi, L., Derntl, M., Boot, E., & Figl, K. (2006). A classification framework for educational modeling languages in instructional design. In 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2006), Kerkrade (The Netherlands) (pp.1216-1220).
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    289 IDPF. (2011). EPUB Open Container Format(OCF) 3.0. Retrieved November 19,2012 from http://idpf.org/epub/30/spec/epub30-ocf.html.
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    292 IMS.(2010). imscc_profilevlp2-Implementation. Retrieved March22,2012 from http://www.imsglobal.org/cc/ccv1p2/imscc_profilev1p2-Implementation.html.
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    296 IMS. (2002). IMS Learning Resource Meta-data Best Practices and Imp lementation Guide. IMS Global Retrieved March 12,2012 from Learning Consortium.Inc. http://www.imsglobal.org/metadata/.
    297 IEEE. (2002). IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee(LTSC) Final 1484.12.1 LOM Draft Standard Document. Retrieved November 22,2013 from http://ltsc.ieee.org/wgl2/20020612-Final-LOM-Draft.html.
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    305 Marlin Developer Community.(2011). Marlin-EPUB Extension Specification V1.0. (08).
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    *ombibox API:允许扩展程序将内容与浏览器的搜索与地址栏组合(Omnibox)集成。
    *infobars API:允许扩展程序将信息显示在标签页以上的位置,使用HTML语言来编写,可以编写交互的信息显示栏。
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