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Our country is in the crucial stage of building a well-off society in an all-round way. To construct the well-off society, the key and the difficulty is the countryside. So the construction of new socialist countryside is of great significance. The new rural construction involves many aspects, and modern forestry construction is an important part of it. For many years, the forestry has made an important contribution to improve rural ecological environment.
     After 60 years’developing, with the rapid development of economy and society in China, from the overall view, China has entered the mid-term stage of industrialization when the industry finances agriculture and the city promotes the countryside. Under the traditional urban-rural dual system for many years, the urban-rural disparity is more and more large. Forestry becomes a weak industry and foresters become the vulnerable group. It is urgent to solve that how to break away from recoverable resources crisis and economic depression, how to turn the traditional forestry to the modern forestry, how to build developed conservation culture, how to increase farmers’income and how to achieve an all-round well-to-do society in the countryside as soon as possible.
     China has large territory and has 61.2 ten thousand administrative villages and 2859 counties. The difference of natural endowments is very big and district development is not balanced, so it is obviously not scientific that adopting unified forestry policies. But most forestry policies in China are unified and they should not incarnate the difference of many areas. In order to carry out classification guidance to modern forestry, it is imperative to study different forestry policy for all kinds of regions.
     Following the thinking that coordinative development of urban and rural areas and classification guidance, we regard county economy as the object of study and take per capita net income of farmers as the standard. Then all counties in China are divided to five types of regions:developed regions, relative developed regions, medium developed regions, less developed regions and undeveloped regions. By analyzing the difference of many regions, experience and lesson achieved from construction in forestry, we have developed different forestry policie fit for many types of region.
     The study is of great importance: Firstly, it is beneficial for the Chinese government to adjust timely macro-economic policy according to the difference of regions and disposal of resource scientifically. Secondly, it is beneficial for local government to adopt operational forestry policies and tailor measures to suit local conditions.
     This paper has work out allocation in forestry ecosystem, forestry industrial system and ecological culture system. In addition, we bring forward some feasible measures in finances, science and technology, talented person and so on. Here are some important conclusions.
     1. Layout of forestry ecosystem
     1)In developed regions:This region is mainly located in the coastal areas, so it should focus on the coastal shelterbelts project. 2)About relative developed regions:This region is mainly located in suburbs of large and medium-sized cities, so it should focus on forestry ecology construction of urban-rural integration. 3)About midium developed regions: This region is mainly located in midlands where major grain producing areas lie in, so it should focus on keywords forestry engineering for protection of basic farmland. 4)About less developed regions: This region is mainly located in ecological friable areas of the West and the midlands, so it should focus on National Key Forestry Programs to build strong forestry ecosystem. 5)About undeveloped regions: This region is mainly located in the old, sparse, frontier, and poor mountain areas, so it should focus on forestry engineering of the key water source area, and at the same time it should alleviate poverty and become prosperous.
     2. Layout of forestry industrial system
     1)In developed regions:This region should focus on promote forestry industrial structure and building lots of modern forestry demonstration areas. 2)About relative developed regions:This region should focus on processing industry of forest product and building forest industry cluster with local features. 3)About Midium developed regions:This region should focus on construction of commercial forest bases and building forest industrial belt. 4)About less developed regions:This region should focus on woody food industry and forest biomass energy industry. 5)About Undeveloped regions:This region should focus on ecotourism.
     3. Layout of forestry ecological culture system
     1)In developed regions:The region should focus on strengthening the research and education of ecological culture system and lay a solid foundation of forestry ecological culture system. 2)About relative developed regions:This region should focus on creative industries development for ecological culture and build brands system of forestry ecological culture. 3)About midium developed regions:This region should focus on raising the level of ecological culture industries and form industrial clusters of ecological culture with regional characteristics. 4)About less developed regions:This region should focus on strengthening the support ability of ecological culture system and build ecological culture system of new rural construction with the help of government. 5)About undeveloped regions:This region should focus on salvation and protection and exploiting scientifically to combine together. And it should form ecological culture system with ethnic flavor under supporting.
     4. Financial support to forestry
     On the whole,China should work out financial policies which focus on public finance and depend on the mutil-way social investment to support the construction of forestry. The government should increase input of public finance for forestry. Because of regional difference, the government should adopt different forestry policies. Ranking the central government's support, from higher to lower: undeveloped regions, less developed regions, medium developed regions, relative developed regions and developed regions. 1)In developed regions:According to principles of“allowing flexibility”, the central government shoule provide strong support for the first to test forestry reform. The local government should increase forestry construction significantly. 2)About relative developed regions:According to principles of“requiring less”and“allowing flexibility”, the central government shoule provide strong support for over-all forestry development in the urban and rural areas. The local government should increase forestry construction significantly and the structure of local fiscal expenditure shoud be adjusted. 3)About midium developed regions:According to principles of“requiring less”and“giving more”, the central government shoule provide support for forestry. The local government should increase forestry construction. 4)About less developed regions:According to principles of“requiring less”and“giving more”, the central government shoule provide strong support for forestry. The local government should increase forestry construction actively. A perfect system of the forestry support protection shoule be consummated. 5)About undeveloped regions:According to principles of“giving more”, coupled with anti-poverty projects, the central government shoule provide strong support for forestry. The local government should increase forestry construction. the goal of promoting the development of forestry and assisting farmers to shake off poverty will be realized.
     Innovations:Firstly, the innovation of forestry economic regionalization. Secondly, the innovation of forestry productivity layout. Thirdly, the innovation of differential regional policy of forestry.
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