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The virtual ego or the virtual characters issue of the self is the visualization of the people`s spirituality in subjective thinking interspace or in the internet virtual space and the exceeding token in practical employment,the headspring and foundation of the human being,the capability and essentiality of the people progressing and creating themselves and the people carrying through the self`s cognition,the self`s accommodation,the self`s evaluation and the self-fulfilment, the idea and grounds of argument of the virtual people. The virtual ego is the kernel content of the self. The virtual ego is where the shoe pinches in essential investigation of the people and the monocase epistemological aim. when the people want understand and know himself in deed,he has to know the virtual ego of himself firstly. For the investigation,the argumentation and the trussing of the virtual ego is the difficulties and stronghold which the philosophers,the psychologists,the sociologists and the anthropologists have always been dedicatly capturing and studying for it in history at alltimes and in all over the world,but so far ,there aren`t perfectly and satisfactory conclusion in academic research history or the firstly materials that the scholars can bring forward nicely and fully at all .
     At the present time,there are two kinds of the virtual interspaces which the people can enter into, exist,taste of experience and practice in it ,and one is the subiective thinking interspace or the idea space,the other is the internet virtual interspace in the virtual interspace. In the virtual space,there are three small subdivided internet virtual interspace in the virtual space. Firstly its name is called the world wide web space,secondly its name is called the software space and the third is called the virtual reality space. At the same time,with the corresponding of the four virtual interspace,there are four sorts of virtual ego which are the virtual ego in the subiective thinking interspace or the idea virtual ego,the virtual ego in the world wide web or internet virtual ego,the virtual ego in the software space or the software virtual ego and the virtual ego in the virtual reality or the reality virtual ego.In the subiective thinking interspace ,we can the virtual ego the second ego of the self,the shadow ego and the transcript ego of the self etc.And in the subiective thinking interspace,the virtual character of the ego are all his own overall arrangement and inspirit layout selected by himself beforetime and without reference to the virtual character are goodwill or hostility,positive or negative,active or passive,in the same time the epilogue is also the condition that the self has known and has to admit in advance.The idea virtual ego is only the virtual ego which can enter into the idea virtual interspace and parallel the praxis ego in pre-digital era or traditional society.
     The internet virtual ego is the international communication technological result which are made up of the computer technology,the internet link technology and internet applications technology etc.For these synthesized international communication technological practicing exceeding and high combination between the human being and the computer and high flexibility`s assist,the self has been existing not only in the subiective interspace but also in internet virtual interspace and fulfilling and progressing all kinds of works,but the self`s activities exist only in subjective thinking interspace or idea space not in internet virtual space in order to fabricate,empty,taste of the virtual or spiritual lifecycle before.At the same time ,the virtual ego existed in the two virtual space can enter into electronic network space through interface between the human and the computer to carry through substantiality experimentation and practice.The virtual practice in internet vitural space of the virtual ego result in a beat all dropscene for its exceeding fabricate in idea space or subjective thinking interspace and catabolizing and swallowing up the realism of the ego.The tensility and balance between the realism and the virtual of the ego is broken and that the complicated virtual characters elbow out and dim the realism of the self is confronted with the largest problem of the self. In nowaday ,the self is relapsing into the virtual dissimilation trap.
     For deliquescing the self`s virtual character abnormity and knowing the difficult problem or difficulties ,we have to probe into and hackle the academic history in the philosophy,the psychology and the culture etc,through lucubrating all sorts of problem of the self-identity,the self-regulation,the self-realization and the era development in order to find and open out the reason which the virtual ego detain in the virtual space and explore the routes that the virtual ego go back to the real life.We have also to direct the self selecting those benefit in body and mind, all the other people and the society`s virtual thinking including normal,reasonable,healthy , active and abandoning those virtual thinking including blindness,lowness,philistinism and passive, at last licking into shape those benefit in harmonious development including good body,healthy brain etc.In the end ,the virtual ego go back to realism society and make the virtual ego and the self together and achieve the unite and harmonious between human and nature ,and thisis the article`s core.
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